Chereads / Hero of the Dark / Chapter 7 - Naruto

Chapter 7 - Naruto

WARNING!!!!!: This contains religious items based upon The Darkness' lore and story as well as DC's own things on those matters along with some other items as well. I am NOT insulting any religion or subject with what I do here or explain as Naruto shares his story with the League later on. This is FICTION and not FACT and should not be considered to be, nor is it me pushing a religion or insulting one.




Los Angeles

The two Javelins entered the city limits going slow as they needed a heading for them to go and Megan wasn't getting anywhere with trying to contact Kage. "So how do you purpose we find any of them in the city? I mean I could run through it all, but…" Flash stated since it could take just as long or longer.

"Don't worry, he'll find us or he'll draw attention to himself." Megan stated knowing Naruto wasn't one to stay quiet for long.

"You seem to know him quite a bit." Green Arrow commented over the coms.

"Well, I did live with him for two weeks leading up to the Imperium attack." Megan commented offhandedly making a few glance at her.

"What can you tell us about him?" Diana asked since she felt that his powers seemed familiar to her and the fact he knew her mother only made her curiosity grow.

"He's strong, passionate, intelligent, skilled in a multitude of areas outside of his powers, and has a multitude of powers and abilities that he hasn't shown in his work yet. He was training me in hand to hand combat and some new ways to use my powers when fighting. He was doing the same for Starfire and Blackfire." Megan stated knowing not to mention Cindy or Mercy as they had no part of Naruto's more violent work in the city.

"Anything else?" Hawkgirl asked in interest.

"He's old, older than any of us. I don't know his exact age, just that he's been around a very long time." Megan stated surprising a few of them as they didn't think Kage was that old.

However, before anyone could say anything else, an explosion went off in the distance and the supers could hear the screams of pain along with a lot of gunfire. "Oh, there he is." Megan stated casually as the two Javelins headed for the smoke cloud rising into the sky.

Arriving and landing on two nearby buildings, the newly formed League saw a training facility of some kind with hundreds of gunmen scattered around with bandanas over their heads as well as a police formation around the building and waiting. Quite a few of the gunmen were dead and still others were running around the glass covered halls or firing at something out of sight. However, a few were suddenly impaled with black spears made of ice before a wall of ice suddenly launched forward and smashed several of them into the wall crushing them.

Stepping out of a room was Killer Frost wearing a strapless deep icy blue leotard with black highlights that showed off her tight ass and DD cup breasts. On her feet were knee high heeled black boots with a deep icy blue tribal pattern through them. Her hands were in forearm fingerless gloves that were black with the icy blue tribal pattern through them as well. Around her neck was a deep icy blue choker with a black gem in the front and she had a tiara on her head that was the same color scheme.

Frost then flicked her fingers causing a storm of ice spears to form and launch at the gunmen skewering and shredding them as Frost kept going intending to kill the rest. However, Superman, Supergirl, Green Lantern, and Diana came down in front of her making her sigh, "What do you want? I got a job to do." Frost asked in annoyance since her targets were getting away.

"A job we won't let you finish." Superman stated and Frost sighed in annoyance.

"I don't know how Kage puts up with you people." Frost stated before ice encased her form before she shattered surprising them before Superman turned to see her killing more of the gunmen. However, when he tried to go after her, he found his feet had been frozen to the ground and worked to get them free since the ice was stronger than he remembered.

Frost merely waved as she turned a corner and created an ice wall to block them even further while she kept killing the gunmen she found and making more walls of ice.

Entering a room toward the center of the facility, Frost smirked seeing her target: Mrs. Timbol, the "Head of H.R" for Shai-Gen corporation. Frost didn't waste any time and just severed her head with a blade of ice and fired ice spears at more of the gunmen.

However, she had to duck as Superman charged her and she hit him down with a concentrated blast of ice before he fired his heat vision to counter her ice forcing a stalemate. Frost broke the stalemate by blasting his legs with her other hand forcing him back as she turned and blasted the last few gunmen attempting to run for it.

Superman tried to charge again, but Powergirl got in his way and quickly grabbed and got him out of the area. When they landed, Superman saw the others that went in with him and looked at Powergirl in anger and confusion, "What the hell Karen?!?!" Superman stated as he looked at his alternate cousin and Karen narrowed his eyes before smacking him upside the head.

"Had you four waited, you would have found out like we did from Batman and Megan that Frost was here under Kage's orders and that he and anyone working with him have been deputized by the mayor and Governor! Those cops were forming a perimeter to stop anyone from escaping and to capture those Frost left alive while Frost took out the leader of the facility, who happens to be high up in the food chain of a powerful and dangerous cartel! You were interfering in a police operation by attacking her! If I hadn't stopped you, you could have been arrested for interfering in a police matter!" Powergirl stated angrily making the group look shocked. "Did you honestly think Kage didn't know about her being here?!? This is HIS city!" Powergirl stated pissed that they almost blew all the foundation they had for the League because they acted first rather than thinking it through.

"Why would they do that?!?" GL asked in surprise causing Powergirl to sigh.

"Because people are fed up and tired." Powergirl stated making them frown in confusion, "You guys need to understand that there are a LOT of people who are fed up with living in fear. I did some research and the three major gangs have accounted for over 68% of the death rates in LA and are the major factors in the mortality rate of the police here. Everyone not associated with them is tired of them being around and are willing to take steps to stop them." Powergirl stated actually happy that people were stepping up and saying enough with criminals essentially pushing everyone around. On Krypton, criminals were dealt with swiftly and brutally as necessary.

Powergirl then huffed and took a breath, "Now c'mon, Frost is supposed to take us to where she's going to meet up with Kage and the others." Powergirl stated flying over to where Frost had just landed from the facility while the cops went inside to round up anyone captured.

"Y'all ready to play nice now?" Frost asked crossing her arms in front of her pronounced tits. Seeing Powergirl nod, Frost returned it and broke into icy mist before taking to the air, "Follow me." She stated before turning back to mist as Batman and the other non-flying heroes got in the two Javelins to follow her while Ice was curious to how she was doing what she was since her powers weren't like that last time they had faced each other or when the Imperium had attacked.

Was Kage helping her like he said he would when they fought in LA? If so, could he help her advance her skills and powers like that?

Fire was of the same mindset as her best friend and partner since admittedly the two hadn't truly trained and pushed the capabilities of their powers beyond their current capabilities. They honestly never had a reason to push and try to go beyond their limits nor had anyone pushed them to a degree it seemed necessary.

The two broke from their thoughts as Frost landed by the industrial area and saw that Kage, Starfire, Blackfire, and Raven were there already. They then saw Frost say something causing Kage to nod before the others arrived and Kage turned to look at them. "What can I do for you lot?" Naruto asked as he gazed at them having just killed a large force from all three cartels that were trying to take/keep the territory that Naruto freed.

Starfire and Blackfire had destroyed a few of their convoys causing a disruption in their chain of supplies, workforces, arms, and vehicles. Frost was sent after Timbol both because the police wanted to raid the place and strike back against Shai-Gen and because it would be a good field test for Frost after the couple weeks of training.

Naruto turned his attention back to the present as Lantern spoke, "We decided to form that group you mentioned to the news channels, the Justice League, we wondered if you'd like to join." Lantern stated and Naruto merely looked at them before snorting.

"No." Naruto stated as they looked at him in surprise or in curiosity.

"What? Why?" Flash asked since he thought Kage would join on account of him naming their group.

"Ask blue boy." Frost stated with a frown as she crossed her arms and everyone looked to Superman.

"What?" Superman asked honestly confused and Naruto snorted again.

"Do you think I'm an idiot, Superman? I know the reason you want me to join is because then I'd technically have to go along with the group decision, so if you convinced them to decide I shouldn't be killing anyone, then I'd have to obey and if I didn't you could kick me out of the league and then use that excuse to denounce me if necessary. So, you can go fuck yourself, because I only obey one person in the cosmos, and he's perfectly fine with me killing everyone that I do." Naruto stated knowing full well that Clark wanted him to obey and go along with the group's decision so if the group said no killing than Naruto would have to comply with the group.

Superman frowned while a few of the group glared at him since they could use his help. "So no, I'm not joining anyone or thing. When you get your asses into trouble, I'll bail you out, and I may even help you train, but that's all. I'm not joining an organization that's going to limit my job." Naruto stated making a few frown while Batman merely looked at him.

"Could you at least tell us about yourself? Or why it is that you do what you do? Or even those winged creatures that attacked when we were gathered together? The Laguna I believe you called them." Diana asked since she wanted to know more about this strange man and his history.

Naruto was silent a moment before sighing, "Fine, besides it's about time my allies here knew about me as well." Naruto stated as he knew the girls should learn some more about him. "See you on the tower." Naruto stated making them quirk an eyebrow before he and his four allies disappeared in a swirl of darkness making the others blink before they went back to the Javelins to head for the Watchtower while wondering how he knew about it.


Sure enough, when the League got out of the Javelins they saw Kage and the others waiting for them before they walked to the conference room where they sat down on one side, Kage in the middle with Raven and Blackfire on the left and Starfire and Frost on the right. The League then went around and took their seats each wondering who would start.

Unknown to them, there was a Darkling hiding in the shadows transmitting the conversation back to Naruto's home so Cindy and Mercy could see and hear everything as well.

Finally, Batman spoke up, "I guess I'll start." Batman stated as he placed his elbows on the table and folded his hands in front of his face, "I've read every record that my father kept about you, every myth associated with you, and even some conspiracy theories that have some connection to you. However, none of these things ever mentioned who it was that you served or how long you've been around, so I suppose I'll start there." Batman stated making the others, besides Naruto, quirk an eyebrow in interest.

Naruto was silent a long moment before sighing, "This isn't some short story that can be covered in five minutes and be done. It will take time and you will have to listen to it all." Naruto stated causing them to nod. "To answer your questions, you have to first understand how I came to exist and what led me to being what I am today. To get straight to the point, I'm not human, alien, demon, or angel. However, I have been cleaning up this planet for longer than all of you have been alive, combined." Naruto stated making a few raise their eyebrows in surprise.

"How old could you possibly be?" Hawkgirl asked incredulously and Naruto tilted his head.

"The mortals I was around were what you call Neanderthals nowadays." Naruto stated making all those that had been on Earth a while widen their eyes in shock.

"SAY WHAT?!?!" Flash exclaimed for the group and Naruto nodded.

"Yes, though contrary to what you people think, they were far from unintelligent and were highly skilled and advanced compared to you Humans." Naruto stated while they just stared at him in shock. "Starfire, Blackfire, Megan, J'onn, to put it in perspective, Neanderthals were estimated to be alive some 40,000 years ago. Though that was really the end of their time on Earth, I've been around close to 50,000 years." Naruto stated making them widen their eyes in surprise. "I was born to a, believed at the time, couple named Minato Namikaze and Kora Uzumaki." Naruto started only for Batman to look at him.

"Uzumaki?" Batman asked and Superman narrowed his eyes before Naruto nodded.

"Yes, no doubt you're referring to Menma Uzumaki in your thoughts right now. Hate to disappoint you, but I'm not him merely his very distant ancestor." Naruto stated as he glanced at the two heroes. "Anyway, supposedly my parents died the night I was born sealing the strongest demon of the time, the Kyubi no Kitsune, into my body so it couldn't rampage and destroy the village they had called home for almost 3 decades and survived long enough to name me Naruto Uzumaki. My father did this by supposedly summoning the death god Shinigami to seal the beast away, and yes, the Shinto gods do in fact exist. However, my mother begged Shinigami to plant something else within me, something that would ensure I crushed anyone that dared try to harm or use me and to grant that wish he had to ask Yami, who agreed." Naruto stated and Batman raised an eyebrow while the others were surprised that the Shinto gods actually existed.

"You keep using the word 'supposedly' like what you were told wasn't the truth." Batman stated and Naruto nodded.

"Because it wasn't. Minato and Kora never existed. They were shells, personas, identities, appearances created for two people to walk among the living and mortal, though they never once suspected that they'd fall in love and later find out that it was with each other. Then when they connected the dots that I was their child, that just sent them in a frenzy knowing they had to protect me from a LOT of outside influence and enemies." Naruto stated making them frown before Batman widened his eyes.

"Oh my god." Batman stated as he connected the dots making many look at him. "Shinigami and Yami, they were your father and mother." Batman declared making everyone widen their eyes as Naruto nodded.

"Correct." Naruto stated making them gawk at him.

"S-so you're a god?!?" Diana asked in shock since she knew of the other pantheons but never encountered one of them before.

"Partly, yes." Naruto stated as if it was no big deal to him.

Batman narrowed his eyes a bit before a look of realization came to his face, "Your parents had your godhood suppressed from each of them to ensure you didn't draw too much attention while young. In a sense, they made you mortal with the powers of a god waiting to be unlocked." Batman analyzed since that was the most logical solution.

"Correct, but I'm more than a half breed. The thing my mother wanted placed inside me was the primordial entity known simply as, the Darkness." Naruto stated as his form rippled slightly and his Harvesters came out making a few of the heroes jump back.

"What the fuck?!?" Flash exclaimed as he looked at the two serpent like creatures that radiated evil and pain.

"They're called Harvesters. Through them I consume dark essence which is a mystical matter that grows inside a person the more dark and evil things they think, do, or become and I eat their hearts to grow even stronger." Naruto stated as he pulled them back into his body.

"Okay, but WHAT is IT?" Fire asked since he hadn't actually answered the question yet.

"In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. That's how the Bible starts, then skip to where God decrees for there to be light, which means there was nothing but Darkness and God before God started his creation. The Darkness is the entity born of the… crueler part of the darkness that existed beside God in the beginning." Naruto stated causing a few to frown.

"Wait, you said the Shinto gods exist, but now you're saying God exists?" Superman asked and Naruto nodded.

"Yes, the whole 'Thou shall have no other gods before me' 'I am greater than all other gods' and so on and so forth, it's not metaphorical. All those gods mentioned in myths, legends, and the Bible itself all existed at some point and time and now many of them are dead and by my hands at that." Naruto stated shocking several of them.

"So the rumors are true." Zatanna stated making many turn to her, "When you destroyed the Babylonian empire and the Persian empire, you killed their gods too." Zatanna stated surprising the other Earth natives.

"Correct, I also killed the gods of the Philistines and all the others tribes that tried to destroy Israel during the different warring periods. I killed most of the Egyptian, the Norse, Aztec, and several others. Only ones that never suffered a death at my hands were the Greeks and that was because Zeus was smart enough to be scared of me." Naruto stated as he shrugged uncaringly.

"But, if God has always existed, doesn't that mean he made the other gods?" GL asked and Naruto nodded, "Why?" GL asked since it didn't make much sense.

"When Adam and Eve committed the first sin, it gave man a greater option to choose. If God was the only deity there was, there would be him and the Devil to pick from. So the Devil dared God to make more options to show that most of Humanity would take any and every other god over Him and God accepted the bet and did so, but He outsmarted the Devil in making rules. If any of the gods crossed certain lines, God would wipe them out, humiliate them, or crush them as He pleased depending on the offense. There was also the fact that each god had a paradise that their followers could go to when they died, but the price would be that when the end war came, both the gods and their followers would be immediately sent to Hell, no exceptions no pardons. There were some other rules, but they're not important to the moment." Naruto stated as a few of the Humans sat back trying to process this.

"Why would God accept a bet or dare like that?" Green Arrow asked.

"Ever hear of a man named Job?" Naruto asked making Green Arrow nod. "Basically, a way to show the Devil that he is wrong about Humanity as a whole. Though the Greeks bent the laws to ensure they always had followers." Naruto stated as he looked to Diana, who widened her eyes at seeing where he was going with this.

"Themyscira." Diana stated making Naruto nod.

"Yes, they created a cover story as a way to ensure that Olympus always had followers no matter how many years passed." Naruto stated knowing Zeus had used that loophole before Naruto himself closed it up tight or there would be hundreds of Themysciras in the world to keep worshipping Olympus.

"Anyway, with me being born with The Darkness and the strongest demon in the world at that time, it meant I was destined to become a force to be reckoned with, but Humans, demons, and angelic beings alike wanted to kill me because of it with the latter two smelling my divine blood. I was shunned, beaten, hated, and treated as less than dirt by the villagers and I killed the people who did the beatings as time went on even though the leader of the village kept preaching at me to forgive and move past whatever the villagers did to me as they would eventually move past their grief and anger." Naruto stated making them look at him in shock.

"Why would he want you to essentially be the village's punching bag?" Raven asked and Naruto snorted.

"Because the bastard was a devoted servant to Kami, who wanted me to be a loving and peaceful individual like Jesus since I was a Child of Prophecy and he wanted control of me." Naruto stated with annoyance in his voice.

"Child of Prophecy?" GL asked and Naruto nodded before Batman cut in.

"Hang on, you also said that your people were the Neanderthals that we've come to know, but they served Kami and the Shinto gods, so how does that work?" Batman asked and Flash hummed.

"This isn't the prime universe, is it?" Flash asked and Naruto nodded.

"No, it's not." Naruto stated making the others look at the two in confusion, "There is a multiverse, thousands upon millions of incarnations of planet Earth and the cosmos. The very first universe ever created was Universe Prime, which has already been sealed off from the rest of the Multiverse because the Book of Revelations from the Bible has already taken place there, thus no outside influence can be put in there and every other universe that has Revelations occur joins it outside the bounds of the multiverse." Naruto explained making them nod. "However, the gods and the like are remade each universe by God himself and when Revelations comes they are cast down with their followers as is their duty, if they haven't been destroyed by God already that is. God does this to show the fact that everything we do comes down to choice on what we decide to do in life, gods and mortals. In every universe there are several constants, almost all of which are from the Bible, but there is ONE constant outside of the majority of Biblical occurrences and gods and that is there is always a warrior named Naruto in the universe." Naruto stated making them frown in confusion.

"Friend Kage, why does there have to be a Naruto in every universe?" Starfire asked and Naruto hummed as he sat back before pulling out a pipe and taking a drag from it.

"Back in Universe Prime, a man was born that was… perfect in a sense. He served and loved God greater than any other individual in history except for Jesus himself. He was quite literally as close to Jesus as you could get while being Human and when Revelations came he decided to stay and face off against the Devil preaching and spreading the truth about God and Jesus and then he was struck down by the followers and still he asked God to forgive them and not let them be condemned. God was touched by the selfless and forgiving nature of the man even though he knew fully well that he was such a person despite the options before him to turn away. So God granted him whatever desire he wanted and he simply asked to be able to go out and fight the good fight in every universe God created. God agreed and took his soul before casting it over the multiverse making sure that some form of him was in every universe even if the form of him would end up in Hell for his decisions and actions. Then other gods started taking an interest and influencing him or his environment, giving him greater roles in history and events to the point he was an essential figure in the world and thus would be there to shape it no matter what. The man was the original Naruto." Naruto stated surprising them all, "Later on, God even took it a step further and made it so Narutos that died, if they so wished, would be sent to a place in the multiverse of their own making where other Narutos could gather and they could even shape their own universes. When the Narutos died they'd go back to their place in the multiverse where they could go out again and again and any loyal soldiers or lovers they had could go with them. The only law they had to follow was that at some point, Judaism and Christianity had to be introduced along with Jesus being born and fulfilling his role. Beyond that one law, they could do whatever they pleased no matter how divine or sinful they were in the universes." Naruto explained shocking them all.

"That citadel…in the heart of the Speed Force." Flash stated making Naruto nod.

"Yes, the Citadel of Narutos. The place where every Naruto goes when they've fully passed on from their universe. It is in the Speed Force as one of the first Naruto's to create a universe created the Speed Force and it stretched across the multiverse except for the places that God himself cut off from it." Naruto stated surprising Flash. "Don't be so surprised, there are millions of universes out there and each one has a Naruto that is different than the previous. One is Bruce Wayne's brother and takes his place because Bruce died the night his parents did, only Martha Wayne survived and eventually became Naruto's lover." Naruto stated surprising Batman as Naruto continued. "Another three are the brother of Barry Allan and Thawne killed Barry making it so Naruto had to become the Flash, they then each got a different life as one Naruto got to keep the family he made while the other two lost them to Thawne when he blew up Star Labs. One then became a brutal protector of Earth that killed any villain that broke a three strike rule that the Government agreed with before he was sent to an alternate universe where Barry never died so he joined the team and started teaching Barry the more advanced methods of the Speed Force. The third though became disenfranchised with being a hero and instead killed all the threats on Earth and then left for the Speed Force, only for two assholes to send him to a prison dimension because they were afraid he'd go dark if they didn't." Naruto stated surprising Flash. "Still others are the son of J'onn J'onzz, the betrothed to M'gann M'orzz, brother of Cal-El, son of Cal-El, brother of Kara Zor-El, husband to Kara Zor-El, son of Hippolyta of Themyscira, son of Hera, son of Zeus and Amaterasu, son of Odin, brother of John Stewart, betrothed and beloved of Shayera Haul, Elder brother of Oliver Queen, Eldest child and heir to the throne of Tamaran, Mentor of magic to Zatanna, partner and teacher to Killer Frost, the original founder of the Justice League, elder brother to Alexandra Luthor, and on and on it goes." Naruto stated making them stare at him in shock.

"Anyway, back to me personally, time passed as all things do and I fell in love with my best friend Sakura Haruno, who loved me back and we went on adventures with the rest of our ninja team and training our various skills." Naruto stated before GL spoke up.

"Wait, ninjas?" GL asked and Naruto nodded.

"Yes, my homelands were a mixture of Asian culture with Japan being the predominant… or rather I guess you could say that we were our culture and the Asian cultures stemmed from us. Anyway, when I came into existence the world was the equivalent to Japan's Warring State Period and the Meiji Era, but far more advanced since we had trains, zeppelins, electricity, lightbulbs, cameras, radios, TVs, laptops, steam ships, hot air balloons, and more." Naruto stated shocking them, "We had these things from civilians trying to play keep up with Ninja since those that became Ninja had access to what we called Chakra, a life energy that people had. It's different from what people nowadays call it." Naruto explained making them frown in confusion.

"How did some have it greater than others?" Diana asked and Naruto shrugged.

"It really boiled down to the amount of chakra you have and how much you pushed yourself to unlock it. It wasn't even a natural part of the our bodies until an alien came to the planet and set off a chain of events that caused her son to gift chakra to the people, while naively believing they would only do good with it." Naruto stated making them all raise their eyebrows in confusion, "Basically, an alien came to Earth, planted a tree that was filled with energy, ate from said tree, gave birth to two sons, went psychotic, sons defeated her and sealed her away, then eldest son stayed on Earth and helped the people before gifting them chakra, then when he was dying, he split his mother's power into 9 parts and they became the Biju, the tailed beasts. Kyubi was the 9 Tailed Fox of that group for the record." Naruto stated as he took a puff from his pipe while the others processed this.

"Moving on. Sakura knew exactly what I was, both deity, demon, and Darkness user. The second item came in the form of the Darkness assimilating Kyubi into my body to strengthen me and make me more acceptable to it thus making it stronger in the process since if I died then it had to go back to hell until another host was born, but it didn't know that it was getting assimilated too turning me into The Darkness itself, which happened thanks to God deciding to throw me a bone. When it happened, Sakura actually embraced it with me indulging herself in sex, food, money, and other things with me including fucking other women." Naruto stated casually making a few blush.

"Was that necessary? Also why would she be all right with you cheating on her?" Superman asked and Naruto snorted.

"Superman, I was the embodiment of Darkness as in I am the embodiment of lust, greed, wrath, gluttony, sloth, envy, pride, and sinful nature itself. My powers grow the more sin and dark deeds I partake in as well as what I fed on and Sakura decided if she was going to be with me then she was all in and thus she indulged with me becoming her own embodiment of sin and darkness as our intimacy marked and fed her. Of course, this also meant we did things that by many standards were morally wrong such as raping her mother and turning her into our slave when the bitch tried to have us both killed just for being in our relationship." Naruto stated shocking them both in what he was and in what they did and why.

"Wow, and I thought I knew people with family drama." Blackfire stated since she wasn't that much better than this mother he was talking about. She may have hated her sister, but she wouldn't have killed someone she loved to spite her.

"Mm, of course after enslaving her that only made my hunger grow so I began venting my more sinful nature and we took on more women, some becoming my servants willingly, some becoming secondary wives for me to love and bed, and some being slaves that were put there as punishment. It varied in many degrees since a few just wanted wild and lustful sex." Naruto stated remembering his time with the women of his life well. "Anyway, eventually it got to the point that I had crushed every threat in the world and had even tamed the alien woman that came to Earth, but that's when shit started getting bad REAL bad." Naruto stated as he frowned.

"I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Kami showed up again." Frost stated since that was the only thing she could think of for why it would suddenly go bad.

"Yes, you see Kami was the biggest Fanboy of God that ever existed hence him taking the Japanese version of God for his name. As such, he wanted more and more power so he could become as close to God as he possibly could, which was why he wanted the light version of the Darkness, the Angelus, for himself. However, God made it a rule that no god he created could hold or become the Angelus so it was out of his reach and as such he was jealous of me and wanted me under his thumb to learn some secrets because of the side effects of me being the Darkness." Naruto stated making them frown in interest and confusion.

"Side effects?" Supergirl asked and Naruto nodded.

"Becoming the Darkness means that I am connected to every other incarnation of the Darkness across the Multiverse including one version that actually challenged God to a fight and was on even footing with him for a while before it got beaten rather soundly and was imprisoned. Kami wanted to use me as his personal soldier and warrior because if I pledged allegiance to him, then he could access the other universes through me and learn more secrets meant only for God, the Angelus, Darkness, and the Darkness to know. Maybe even a way to circumvent God's law about Kami never getting to possess the Angelus." Naruto stated as he took another puff of smoke.

"I'm going to take a stab at it and say you turned him down." Powergirl stated and Naruto nodded.

"God and Jesus Christ are the only two people that a Naruto Uzumaki will ever truly submit to in life. Kami was neither of them. So, I told him to go fuck himself because I wasn't serving him and then I beat his ass when he tried to force me to submit. He forgot the fact that being the Darkness itself made me nearly unbeatable to anyone, then add in my godhood and demonic powers plus all the power I gained in chakra through killing and devouring hearts, and just like that I was fourth most powerful entity in the multiverse behind God, Jesus, and Darkness itself with none of the other Narutos being able to hold a candle compared to me." Naruto stated and they all frowned.

"I take it he didn't take losing that well." Ice stated and Naruto shook his head.

"No, he couldn't beat me and he couldn't do anything to force me to serve, so he went with a third option: Bring the Angelus into play to fight me into submission or death since the Darkness and Angelus despise the each other and in other universes have been at war with each other all over the Earth. He chose the… purest female in the world at the time, a girl I knew named Hinata Hyuga, her only flaw was her feelings towards me." Naruto stated and Hawkgirl asked a question.

"Why a female?" Hawkgirl asked and Naruto snorted.

"Because the Darkness and Angelus are sexist. The Darkness only wants male hosts and the Angelus only wants female hosts, just further showing that they were polar opposites." Naruto stated causing her to nod. "Anyway, Hinata was madly if not fanatically in love with me, but she never showed me support or even outright admitted she loved me till she was learning that she couldn't have me. I was an object, a thing to possess and aspire to be, but I had and wanted nothing to do with her. She would just blush at me and then glare at any girl that got close to me even going so far as to accuse them of blackmailing or controlling me to be with me. Essentially, if she couldn't have me then no one could, should, or would have me especially since she'd never consider sharing me. It even extended to my children since she thought only she was deserving of giving me any children. She took it even further because she got it in her head that it was my lovers that made me rebuke Kami and if they were killed then I would realize Kami was the god I should be loyal to. She wanted me to be pure and loving while never once indulging in any kind of sinful nature despite the fact that was who I was when I became the darkness." Naruto stated with his hand twitching remembering the bitch.

"Yikes, and I thought some of my fans were bad." Flash stated and Naruto grunted.

"So what happened?" Megan asked and Naruto sighed.

"She targeted Sakura and my other wives and my children. If not for the fact Sakura was bound to me and feeding on the Dark Essence right alongside me, she could have killed them all. I arrived and we fought with her losing badly since while she had the Angelus, she had rushed off to do what she wanted without gaining full control and boosting her power by doing holy acts. As such, she lost and in an act of defiance, she called on Kami for help and he appeared boosting her power and I fought them both before I spat in Kami's face by tearing the Angelus out of Hinata and taking it inside my body before killing the bitch. As you can guess, the bastard was pissed and lashed out and I suffered." Naruto stated sadly at the end.

"Oh no." Powergirl stated already seeing where this was headed along with a few of the others.

"Kami killed my entire family, obliterated their souls from existence by trapping them in a purgatory dimension that only he could access. However, God decided that Kami had to be punished so he changed the rules of Light and Dark. You see, the Angelus and the Darkness can't coexist in the same body and they would have broken free if God hadn't intervened and changed the rules. He separated light and dark at the beginning of creation, but now he'd let the two combine again within my body forever robbing Kami of what he wanted most. My power skyrocketed as a result, but before I could kill the bastard permanently, he went to his own personal realm since the majority of the Shinto Pantheon finally grew some balls and turned on him having enough of what he was doing. But the damage was done, I denounced Yami and Shinigami along with the other cowards that waited til God decided to step in to do something about Kami. Then I declared war on the bastard and began killing every follower and destroying every holy place and place of power he possessed. This continued until God informed me the current inhabitants of Earth's time had passed and then came one of several extinction level events while I decided to tour the universe until a form of intelligent life was on Earth again." Naruto stated making many look at him in sympathy.

"Why did God wipe out the world's current inhabitants?" Raven asked and Naruto snorted a bit.

"He was slowly building up Earth to be livable for Humans, at each stage he lets life forms exist until he's ready for the next stages. The dinosaurs are one example." Naruto stated and the others frowned.

"I thought God made all of creation in six days and then rested on the seventh?" Flash asked and Naruto chuckled.

"He did, but ask yourself this question: What is a day to God?" Naruto asked making a few frown in thought, "Humanity decided a day was 24 hours, but what was a day before Humanity decided that? Just how long to a mortal is one day for God himself? What does God classify as a day? The Bible doesn't say that God made everything in 144 hours, just 6 days and a day to rest, nowhere does it say it was humanity's definition of a day." Naruto stated making them nod "The disciple Paul was close when he said a day with God is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day." Naruto added offhandedly as he took another puff of smoke.

"So what happened then?" J'onn asked as he and the others felt enraptured by Naruto's story.

"I explored different planets acting on different occurrences as I liked since God had promised me that I would have my loved ones back, I just had to keep doing my job as the Angelus and the Darkness." Naruto stated as the others raised an eyebrow.

"Your job?" GL asked and Naruto nodded.

"Yes. Being both of those things meant I had to keep the light and darkness of the universe in a balance. I can do good works, but that also means I have to let other dark things occur or take the darkness into myself and further bolster myself through it. The nuclear bombings of World War 2 had to happen because my friend Lucifer accidentally let Humanity figure out how to make nuclear weapons and that wasn't due to happen until the 1960s, so the bombings happened to make up for the deaths that were supposed to happen." Naruto stated before Arsenal cut in.

"Wait, you're friends with the Devil?" Arsenal asked making a few look at Naruto in shock before he chuckled softly.

"No, I'm friends with Lucifer." Naruto stated and the Earth natives looked at him in confusion.

"And the difference is?" Green Arrow asked and Naruto smirked.

"The Devil is the one locked in Hell while Lucifer is merely the gatekeeper and lord of the first ring of Hell." Naruto stated making them look at him in confusion. "Dante had it partially right when he said Hell had 9 rings. However, what he and some of the authors of the Bible got wrong is that there's a devil/ruler of each circle fulfilling a role they must play in each ring. Satan, Samael, Lucifer, the devil, etc etc. all names for the different rulers while the REAL Devil, the one who betrayed God, is caged up at the very center of Hell waiting for Revelations to occur. He can make his presence known on Earth but he can't truly walk it until Revelations. Because I am the embodiment of darkness and light, I can go to Heaven and Hell as I please which is how I met Lucifer as he wanted a vacation for a while so I took over the first circle for a while and then made him go back when he triggered Humanity learning how to make nuclear weapons. If the lord of the ring isn't there, then all denizens in there or that go to that ring can do whatever they want without consequences. In the case of the first ring, it involves the gates of Hell itself, so with no chief authority to keep command and control, then demons, the tortured souls, and any souls that would be entering Hell can escape back to the mortal plain and end up causing untold amounts of chaos and destruction." Naruto stated making many nod slowly.

"And what would happen if someone were to kill you?" Superman asked making many glare, "Hey! You can't tell me none of you wondered since he's the embodiment of darkness, meaning pain, suffering, and everything we fight against. I'm just wondering because it can't be so simple as he dies and everything is perfectly fine." Superman stated making a few bite their tongues since they did wonder about it.

"I'm not offended, he's not the first and certainly not the last that will ask." Naruto stated before he turned to Superman, "To answer your question, Superman, if I die then this Universe will cease to exist." Naruto stated shocking them all.

"What?!?!? Why?!?!" Arsenal stated and Zatanna groaned.

"He just finished explaining that he's the embodiment of Darkness AND Light. You can't kill one without killing the other because he embodies both!" Zatanna shouted making Arsenal flinch back.

"Correct. God is the only one that can kill either or both sides of me without universal destruction as a result. If there is no darkness or no light, balance of the universe will be upset and chaos ensues before ultimately it ends with destruction. When Revelations is fully fulfilled, Jesus and God will kill the Darkness inside me and I'll just be the Angelus because all native Darkness will be locked inside of Hell never to get out again while the living Darkness will simply exist alongside God." Naruto explained as he took another puff of smoke.

"Alright, but what are the Laguna? You never explained them." Green Arrow asked and Naruto snorted.

"Kami's attempts at making Angels. Practically mindless except for their obedience to Kami and the order that they are to kill anything even remotely dark or demonic that isn't fully Human. God effectively made all of Kami's orders null and void, but they don't care. They still pick fights with me and I killed legions of them during my time ruining Kami's followers. I simply kill them and use them to empower my Angelus half. Plus, their weapons and Halos are worth quite a bit on the demonic market." Naruto stated as he banished his pipe and Batman frowned.

"Why have you been using the Darkness only? I can't find any records about you using the Angelus." Batman asked and Naruto chuckled.

"I don't do a lot of public stuff with the Angelus. Healing some people here, destroying a disease there, a couple of times that someone claimed an angel saved or healed them were from them seeing me as I healed them. If I made it so widely known that angelic entities can heal and such, people would flock to churches to praise God in hopes such entities would help them or it would reignite faiths. However, that's not always good since it doesn't take faith to believe in something you see and know is true." Naruto stated making Batman nod before Naruto produced 7 black marbles and rolled them to Green Arrow, J'onn, Batman, Superman, Supergirl, Powergirl, and Flash.

"And these are?" Green Arrow asked in curiosity as he picked up his marble.

"A gift to you seven, simply crush the marble when you're alone to receive it. Nothing will be done to you, I swear, but you will maybe get a better understanding of some things about me and even some closure. Although, I'd ask Flash not to use his without his mentor, his mentor's lover, and his father's lover present as it's a bit of a gift for them too. Same for you, Arrow, open yours with your sister." Naruto stated making them frown in curiosity. "You can take them or leave them, I personally don't care, but when the others mention what it was they received when using the marbles, you will wish you had used yours." Naruto stated before he stood causing the women that came with him to stand as well, "With that, my friends, I will say ado and goodbye." Naruto stated as he turned to leave.

"A question for you, Kage." J'onn asked and Naruto paused and glanced back at him. "I was able to sense your desire to absorb more darkness and send more souls to the afterlife, why is that?" J'onn asked and Naruto sighed.

"Yami and Shinigami reached out recently, they claim that by feeding their powers more, given Yami is connected to darkness and Shinigami is connected to death, that they'll be able to return my family to me. Normally, I'd just beat them to an inch of their lives and leave them to recover, but God assures me that they aren't lying so I am doing the work even more." Naruto stated surprising them all, "So, to be blunt, any of you get in my way, I will put you in the hospital. I'm not asking you to kill, I'm not asking you to witness the deaths, I'm not even asking that you be in the same city, state, or country, but the deaths will happen no matter what you try to do. Whether by my hands or by God's, they will die and nothing you do will change it. I'm warning you of this because out of every Naruto to ever exist, I'm the strongest and most powerful and there is no one in existence that is more powerful than me except for God, Jesus, and Darkness." Naruto stated before he and the girls left in a pool of Darkness.

The League members merely sat silently as they all processed all of what they were told with Batman contemplating the marble.

He'd have to use it when he got the chance.


Naruto and company arrived home only for Naruto to get glomped in a hug by Cindy, who was quickly joined by the others causing him to chuckle as he dismissed his mask and gear. "It's all right guys, the pain numbs after a few millennia, but never goes away." Naruto stated kissing each of their heads.

"Boss, you know you can count on us to help, right? We aren't going anywhere." Cindy stated making the others nod since even if he got his loved ones back they weren't going to just ditch him or be forced away.

"Yes, I'm aware, and it's not going to mean you'll be forced away when they return. I'm still focusing on what I need to do now in addition to getting them back." Naruto stated making them nod.

"Is that why you won't have sex with us?" Starfire asked since it was no secret that she and the others were interested in being intimate.

The girls all deadpanned at her since she was a bit blunt but they couldn't fault her on the curiosity.

Naruto merely laughed, "No, it's more for your own safety at the moment than anything else." Naruto stated making them frown in confusion, "Girls, I'm the literal embodiment of lust and desire, I'm horny 24/7 and have unlimited stamina. I have plenty of sex friends across the world, but I haven't fully given into my lust and desire since I lost my family. Even when I occasionally fuck a goddess, I don't go all out as they just aren't prepared to handle me at that degree." Naruto stated as the women merely looked at him and kept looking at his crotch with drool and blushes on their faces causing him to laugh. "I promise, as soon as I have one of them back to help handle my pent up desires, I will give you each some intimate time. Just hang on for a while longer, okay?" Naruto stated then asked making them nod reluctantly, but Naruto couldn't risk letting his desires out on normal beings… well… normal when compared to him at least.

"So… how many more people do we have to kill?" Blackfire asked with a grin making the others look at her, "What? The more we kill the faster Yami and Shinigami get their power back and the faster he gets his family back, meaning the faster we get fucked." Blackfire stated making Naruto laugh as the girls all looked thoughtful.

"Easy there, girls, yes more deaths means they get power back faster, but no reason to go too fast. Some of those assholes do have to be alive for a little while longer as they serve a purpose in God's design and I can't fuck that up. Trust me, if I could, I would be out all day long killing and destroying the people that deserve it, but I can't kill too many too fast or it throws off the balance because I have to counter my good with some bad too." Naruto stated making them sigh in defeat causing him to chuckle. "Now, come on, let's just relax since Talia and Ra's should have the League assembled soon and I need to take control before cleaning house of the assholes in the organization." Naruto stated and they all nodded with him having to make some clones as they all wanted to cuddle.

For a couple badass bitches with some that could snap you in half, they were awfully cuddly and clingy, not that Naruto minded since his past lovers were the same way.


Bruce sat in the study of his home just looking at the marble contemplating on if he should use it or not. Alfred had been all for it stating that if it was a gift from Kage then it was something Bruce should definitely use. Bruce had thanked him for the input but wanted to be alone to think on this.

He was still conflicted on Kage's methods, sure he couldn't deny the results but that line was always something he tried to stay as far away from as possible and being allied with someone who crossed that line as naturally as breathing just didn't sit well with him. Granted he had skirted the line at times when he let an enemy die instead of saving them, but still.

Finally, he sighed and grabbed the marble before he crushed it in his hand causing two wisps of darkness to come out and move in front of him before they grew to the size of people. Bruce watched while ready to fight if necessary before he looked on in shock as the smoke took the forms of two people he knew very well, "It can't be." Bruce stated as he looked at the two people he loved most.

Thomas and Martha Wayne. Looking exactly as they did when they died save for some clothing being different.

The two stumbled slightly before looking around and then looked at Bruce, which caused their eyes to widen before they settled and smiled at him, "Bruce." Thomas stated with a proud smile.

"Sweetheart, you've grown so big." Martha stated as Bruce looked at them in shock and came around the desk.

"M-mom? Dad?" Bruce asked and the two nodded before Bruce touched them and felt skin against his skin as tears leaked from his eyes.

"It's us sweetheart." Martha stated as she hugged Bruce, who quickly returned it and clutched his mother tight while Thomas merely put his hand on his shoulder smiling at him.

"How?" Bruce asked and the two smiled before Martha brought Bruce over to the love seat and sat down with Thomas sitting on a chair next to them.

"Kage. The marble he gave you was a means to bring us here to talk with you." Martha stated with a smile as Bruce nodded.

"So you both really were allies of his back then." Bruce asked and Thomas and Martha nodded.

"Yes sweetie, our family and his descendants have been friends and allies for generations. We were hesitant at first because of his methods, but he showed us things, things that made even us want to see the people dead." Martha stated as Bruce looked at her in confusion and Thomas sighed.

"Son, Kage is literal sin and darkness given form. What that means, is that he can literally see every sin and dark thing you've ever done, thought of doing, or felt in your life. He sees all the sins from the subject's perspective and as such essentially experiences the dark deeds and thoughts for himself. It's why he's able to be so quick and precise on who he destroys, he literally know every dark thing they've done in their lives from their own perspective. He can also share those experiences, feeling the sadistic glee of a serial killer, rapist, pedophile, or anything is enough to make you want to slit their throats yourself. Your mother and I were given one experience from two people he was going to kill and we never questioned his methods afterwards." Thomas stated making Bruce widen his eyes as Martha nodded.

"Yes, feeling yourself in the position of a rapist or killer puts things in perspective very quickly and we wanted you to possibly live in a city without such people running around." Martha stated as Bruce nodded slowly.

"Then, why did he let you die? If he knows these things then he had to know what was going to happen to you two." Bruce asked in confusion and the two nodded.

"He allowed it, because it was necessary." Thomas stated making Bruce frown.

"Necessary?" Bruce asked and Thomas nodded.

"If we didn't die, you would never have become Batman, you never would have gained the various skills and capabilities you have. You've never would have taken in those children as your wards and trained them how to fight the good fight. Kage showed us the different timelines possible if we were to survive as he would let us if we wanted but we had to accept the consequences that came from it, each one ended badly for us all, so we decided to spare you the greater pain by letting you gain strength to become the man you are." Thomas stated making Bruce widen his eyes in shock as Martha squeezed his hands.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but the pain of our deaths was the least painful and evil thing that could happen from the choices we were faced with. Each version where one or both of us survived only made things worse not just for you, but all of Gotham. The various criminals and villains you fight would have still arisen, there would have been no one to stop them until Kage returned to Gotham, and the city would have been better off being burned to the ground like Ra's al Ghul wanted to do from the start. In fact, there was one possibility where you get fed up with Gotham and take the company and anyone you cared about to another city and let Ra's do what he wanted with it." Martha stated since she wanted him to understand that they did it for his and the greater good, even if it didn't seem like it.

"I see." Bruce stated as he could think of dozens of scenarios where Gotham would have suffered if he hadn't intervened as Batman.

"I know you're never going to kill anyone son, I respect and admire you for that conviction, but what Kage told you was true, even if you stopped him from killing someone he targeted, they'd still be dead or punished even if not by his hands." Thomas stated since he didn't want his son fighting Kage and being on the receiving end of his wrath.

Bruce nodded before Martha squeezed his hands again. "Enough of all that, we only have so much time before we have to go, so we should catch up." Martha stated as Bruce looked at her in surprise and she smiled sadly. "I'm sorry sweetie, we aren't here permanently, Kage has to do more work before he could actually bring us back." Martha stated as Bruce looked at her in confusion.

"I thought you served your purpose when I became Batman?" Bruce asked and they nodded.

"We did, but Kage is still limited to rules set by God himself. We can come back, but Kage had to provide a counter to us coming back since nothing dead can come back without something being put in its place." Thomas stated and Bruce nodded slowly.

"Equivalent exchange." Bruce stated and they nodded.

"Exactly, right now he's bending the rules by letting us talk to you as well as those other six to talk to their loved ones that were friends with him before they perished. However, we can come back, if we want to and if Kage has done enough to allow it. Before you ask, Kage's family are an exception as they tied to Kage spiritually and physically so they have a tether to this plain." Thomas stated and Bruce looked at them.

"Do you want to come back?" Bruce asked and they smiled.

"Of course we do, but we don't want to rush it either. It's not as simple as snapping his fingers and we come back, it will take time and it will take deaths of others who's time has ended, but we will come back, if you'll have us back." Martha stated and Bruce nodded.

"Of course I want you to come back." Bruce stated as they smiled at him.

"Good, but enough serious business, we have hours to talk and catch up, so let's do that." Thomas stated as Bruce nodded with a smile. "So, what's this I hear about you not pursuing Rachel for a relationship?" Thomas asked and Bruce was now starting to regret getting into this conversation.

"Well… I… uh…" Bruce stammered as Martha and Thomas laughed happy that they could still break that tough exterior their son had built up.

It was going to be such fun talking with him.

Of course, they weren't the only ones having such heartfelt talks.


Oliver and Thea were having a happy reunion with their father Robert Queen, who happily hugged them and talked to them telling them of his own encounters with Kage, which is what caused Malcom to come up with the plan they all had for the city before Robert and Moira began to turn against it since Malcom took it to a level that Ra's al Ghul wouldn't have taken it to. Robert also explained that Kage was going to have his connections help get Moira out of prison and that they could talk more in depth with her about Kage since Robert mainly wanted to catch up with his children and give them some important details and information.

He told him about Kage's descendants helping build Queen Consolidated and they kept the company going should things go south for them. Robert also had to apologize to Oliver since he knew the yacht would go down, but stopping it or keeping Oliver and Sarah from going would have made things much worse. Slade falling to Billy Wintergreen, Starling City losing a protector, Oliver losing that drive to becoming stronger, smarter, better, and other things that ultimately would have led to Malcom succeeding in destroying the city and then carrying out other plans as the Lance family would be wiped out even with Quentin Lance being friends with Kage.

All in all, it was better that Oliver suffer and survive on the island than continue the road he was on in Starling City and Oliver agreed as he hated his old self and hated the mask he had to wear in public to keep people from suspecting him.

The trio then proceeded to talk and fully bond and catch up for the remainder of the time.


Barry Allen, his wife Iris West, his brother-in-law and protégé Wally West, and Cecile Horton were all shocked as Joe West, Nora Allen, and Henry Allen appeared from Wally's marble and the reunion was a happy affair even with the knowledge it was limited for now. The three told them how they were friends of Kage and how he met them and offered them alternatives to their fates, but the consequences were too great.

Joe apologized to Barry for how he acted after Nora's death, but it served to push Barry into finding out what happened that night and thus led to him becoming the Flash and was why Henry kept pushing him to focus on school and forget about him. They wanted to tell him, God did they want to, but couldn't risk the timeline getting worse than what it already could be.

Barry understood having seen what happens when you try to change the timeline and the repercussions are NOT something you want to experience.

The rest of their time limit was spent talking and bonding with each other and telling them some stories about how they met Kage.


J'onn and Megan were shocked to see J'onn's wife M'yri'ah, his daughter K'hym, and Megan's mother and J'onn's sister Cay'an. Naturally, such a thing caused them to immediately hug and cry in happiness as their family returned the hug in eagerness as they had their psychic bond form with them, though the three new women had to tell them the bond would be broken when their time was up.

The five talked and allowed J'onn and Megan to heal some of the holes in their hearts from the loss of their people and told them what they knew of Kage with Cay'an telling her daughter how proud she was of her as well as some training regimens to try.


Kara got to see her parents, aunts, and uncle Jor-El and talked with them about anything and everything, which included her growing need for Kage, which her mother and aunts understood as they had been intimate with Kage repeated times and assured her they never bore a child of his blood. They held nothing back in talking with her, though they spared their husbands the specific details of their sexual escapades while also revealing to Kara that they each married for influence and the betterment of Krypton over love, which is why the women slept with Kage for pleasure and their husbands to get an heir to both of their houses.

Kara understood since it made sense as Jor and Lara were the two leading individuals in their areas so by marrying they cemented their power base and could control things in the political world to better Krypton. Same with her parents being influential members of the science guild and her aunt Astra having authority in the military branch with her husband before said husband was put down for treason. Regardless, having political, scientific, and military influence on their side meant her family had a LOT of say in matters for Krypton.

Karen was arguably the most impactful as Naruto had given her the presence of her sisters, lover, and the children she loved as if they were her own. They each talked with her and removed the guilt and shame she felt while they all encouraged her to be happy in this universe since Kage couldn't bring them back as they belonged to another universe, thus they were beyond his jurisdiction to bring back.

Karen understood and spent some time talking and letting the wound in her heart heal knowing that her loved ones were in the beyond and happy and were looking for her to be happy too.

Clark… well… Clark was emotional too given that his birth parents were there though both his parents slapped him over the head for being stupid for attacking Kage even when he knew the man was beyond him. Of course, this was followed up by hugs as they told him they were proud of him standing by his convictions, but he shouldn't force those convictions onto others. They even showed that he was hypocritical in his stance since any aliens he fought he fought like he would kill them and had tried to kill the likes of Darkseid and Brainiac, but the moment they were Human, he restrained himself no matter the risk.

The two had then talked to him about their friendship and relationship with Kage, which surprised Clark to no end since he could never see marrying for power or influence, but his parents needed more authority to stop the actions that were destroying Krypton and to do that they needed influence in the major areas which is why their family married to gain influence even if no love was involved.

Planet and people before self was their motto.

Of course, Clark finding out that his mother was in love and swore herself to Kage except for giving birth to Clark kinda put a damper on his mood. However, Jor and Lara both told him how things were done on Krypton and any territory they had and quite frankly Kage was nicer than they were as he gave some individuals a chance at redemption where as on Krypton they were just executed for their crimes or sent to the Phantom Zone with no chance of parole.

The two knew they were in for the long haul to knock some sense into their thickheaded son since if he kept pushing, he was going to get pushed back by Kage and he would never be the same afterwards.

They may have to request from the others that they come back first when the opportunity arose to have more time to knock sense into him before he did something REALLY stupid.


Naruto without his mask and gear stood within one of the League bases that was in LA as the literal army of trained assassins stood around him with Ra's, Talia, Nyssa al Ghul, Lady Sheva, Cheshire, Malcom Merlyn, and Ubu. They were all gathered here to witness and partake in the transition of leadership from Ra's to Naruto. There were a few bitter parties given that their ultimate goal was to replace Ra's and lead the League into new heights, however most were content as they knew that Naruto was the one who originally built the League in the first place and then tasked Ra's to lead it as part of something that needed to be done.

Hence why Ra's now removed his cloak and armor until he was shirtless and approached Naruto before dropping to his knees before him, "Ra's al Ghul, centuries ago I tasked you with an important mission. Have you done the mission you were tasked and volunteered for?" Naruto asked already knowing the answer as Ra's nodded.

"Yes, sensei. I have taken in the corrupting influence of the Lazarus Pits. I have taken in the darkness and evil of all the criminals and scum that I have destroyed. I have even consumed the darkness born from the League's actions in different areas and those that joined." Ra's stated and many of the League members were wondering what he was talking about.

"And you have done the other task I set for you and Talia recently?" Naruto asked and Ra's nodded.

"I have, sensei, to the letter." Ra's stated and Naruto nodded before he raised a hand and snapped his fingers causing several of the members of the League to turn and start cutting down their comrades with Darklings coming out of nowhere and helping while Talia, Nyssa, Cheshire, and Lady Sheva all stabbed Ubu repeatedly with knives while Darklings jumped and began stabbing and beating Malcom to death.

The whole time Naruto merely stood and looked at Ra's who had his head down in submission and reverence, both of them ignoring the screams of pain and sounds of slaughter echoing all throughout the room. They both knew what was happening, Naruto was cleaning house of the members that had managed to slip past Ra's and Talia's notice because Ubu and Malcom were helping them to build up their power base to pull a coup against Ra's and take control of the League and make it in their image.

"Then, my student, it's time I fulfill my promise to you." Naruto stated as Ra's looked up and smiled with tears running down his face. "For centuries, you have suffered and bled to take the pain, sins, darkness and anguish of all those you encountered while draining the darkness and power of the Lazarus Pits, you became the Sin Eater that I wished to be created and now I shall take all that you have consumed and let you pass on to the afterlife." Naruto stated as his Harvesters came out and Ra's merely smiled in gratitude before the Harvesters roared and began tearing into him, consuming his entire body.

Ra's grit his teeth and tensed his muscles, but he would not scream, he would not be weak in front of his teacher and master. He would endure as he had for centuries draining the poison and toxin that was sin and darkness into his body from millions of people and thousands of locations turning his body into a living prison for the darkness he faced. He would endure the pain knowing that he had fulfilled his purpose and served his master faithfully and that rest and peace was what awaited him when it was over.

A Harvester chomping his head off ended the pain he had faced for centuries and he knew no more of his mortal plight.

Naruto sighed in pleasure and sadness at killing his longtime friend and student and absorbing all the dark essence he had taken in. It hurt him to make the man suffer to such a degree as taking in so much dark essence and sin into himself by becoming a Sin Eater. A Sin Eater was a creature that could absolve sins by literally taking the stain and darkness of the sin from your soul and consuming it and taking it inside themselves, but Ra's was a human turned into a pseudo Sin Eater rather than being a true one thus he was constantly in unbearable pain that only increased the more he consumed. It was the price he had to pay to be of full use to Naruto as the leader of the League of Shadows and Assassins, the position he volunteered for those centuries ago when Naruto wanted a second purpose of the league to be fulfilled.

Essentially, Ra's pulled a Jesus for the League in that he took in all the sins and darkness of the truly loyal and devoted members of the League, the ones that truly believed in building a better future by bringing down the corrupt and dark of the world. Ra's took in all their of pain, darkness, sin, and dark thoughts into himself keeping them pure and capable of serving the League when the time came for Naruto to take command again. It was why he lashed out at times or seemed crazed, such pain and darkness had side effects and impact on your health.

You add in the Lazarus Pits being pools of pure chaos and darkness thanks to the magics involved with the carious chemicals and you got a man who suffered more than any other being in history besides Naruto himself.

However, he never once complained.

Never once asked Naruto to replace him with someone else.

Never asked Naruto to take the pain away.

Nothing except each time Naruto made an appearance in the world, he would send Talia to ask Naruto if it was time for him to be killed and Naruto to retake the League. He endured each time Naruto said no and patiently and obediently complied to wait until the time came.

Of course, he had to play the part of the aging and tired leader that was looking for a successor and admittedly, Bruce was an ideal choice and if he could convince the man to kill him then Ra's would have simply come back and continued taking in the darkness and sin with Bruce leading the League with Talia's help until Naruto was ready to take over permanently.

But now, he was free. He was able to be at peace knowing he fulfilled his life long mission for his best friend and teacher. He could pass on knowing that his daughters were safe and happy with the man they loved most.

A death that many man could want.

As the Harvesters finished consuming Ra's entirely, Naruto allowed a tear to fall for his student and friend before he looked around seeing the traitors dead and butchered in various ways with Ubu having been stabbed repeatedly until there was barely anything recognizable. Flicking his fingers, the corpses that his Darklings weren't eating were suddenly covered in black fire and burned from existence.

Naruto then turned to the remaining members, who all knelt before him, not at all bothered by the blood staining their weapons and clothes. "From now on, there will be no more ends justify the means. We will be brutal, efficient, and precise with as little civilian casualty as possible. I will be drilling into you all different methods of assassination, espionage, and infiltration from the subtle to the obvious. You will kill only those I green light you to kill and you will follow all my orders to the letter or you will be punished severely, do you understand?" Naruto stated making it clear that how he ran the League was different from how they had been doing things.

"Yes master!" They chorused and Naruto nodded knowing he'd need warriors and assassins as time came since while he could handle things himself, he wasn't going to be coddling the Human race and make sure at least some of them were competent to help themselves over needing to be guided like a 2 year old.

Things would get easier once he started to gather some old friends and allies back to him and getting his family and confidants back.

Now he just had to get the ground work and foundation going especially since his company opened tomorrow. With Frost, Cindy, and Mercy there to help get things moving in the right direction and get the ball rolling with Star, Blackfire, and Raven helping get some points across.

It was time to be mister personality again.


Naruto sighed as he stood in front of his new building and looking "presentable" in a suit and tie with his hair combed back and now a fiery red while Frost, now looking like a normal person, was standing in a business suit, blue of course, and matching heels and the same with Cindy and Mercy. Cindy's was yellow with pink and Mercy was straight business attire that she normally wore. Starfire and Blackfire were in their usual attire with a bit of added padding and Raven was near them in her usual attire. Beside them was a Mr. Phoenix Wright of the Wright Anything Agency, who's family was an ally of his for quite a few generations and now would be assimilating into his company to head up the legal department.

Today was opening day for Whirlpool Industries after all and he needed what key figures he had ready to make an appearance.

In front of them was a large quantity of reporters and news crews counting some from out of state. All of them were filming and ready to ask questions or take photos of him. Internally he sighed since was by far one of the most annoying things to do as a human, but long term it was helpful.

Walking up to the podium that had several microphones on it, he took a breath before he started speaking. "Good day to you all, my name is Menma Uzumaki and I'm sure a few of you have already done some digging due to my actions with Mr. Wright's Agency and my small interview with miss Lana Lang. I'm going to save you the PR spiel that many of you heard before so as to not waste our time." Naruto stated surprising some with how blunt he was being, but it was different to say the least. "I am only going to state the facts and what my intentions are. I have built this company not to be some cash cow that I can use to take advantage of this city or the people in it, hence why I am announcing that my company is not concerned with profit but with progression." Naruto continued making many murmur and wonder how you could keep a company open like this without thought for profit.

Naruto raised his hand to quiet everyone down so he could continue. "Our primary goals here are small yet not so easily obtainable: improve the lives of the people of this planet and to provide help and aid to any and all aliens and metahumans." Naruto stated garnering more attention as he motioned to Starfire and Blackfire, "You may recognize these two women from the reports concerning the recent invasion as well aiding a good friend of mine that goes by the name Kage, the new hero in the city. They are not of this planet and they didn't come here willingly, but I am offering them sanctuary with my company in hopes we can expand Humanity's knowledge and build relations with other worlds." Naruto stated as the two princesses waved and Naruto motioned to Frost as everyone looked at him in shock that he knew Kage, "This woman is named Crystal Frost, she is more widely known as the criminal Killer Frost." He continued shocking everyone watching. "What many of you don't know is that she became a criminal because the lab she was working for turned her into a metahuman and then refused to help find a way to turn her back and with no help, she was forced to get her own funding but everywhere she went she was told that they couldn't help her or they lied and didn't try to cure her but replicate her powers. All the heroes of the world say she is a criminal, but she is a victim as much as anyone else! It took her and I 4 days to get her powers under her control enough that she can now appear as an ordinary person and with continued research we can remove her powers if she so wishes it." Naruto stated passionately as he saw he was capturing his audience.

"I am sick and tired of seeing these so called great humanitarians, heroes, and men of the people leave people like miss Frost behind because it's easier that way. Bruce Wayne while considered a great humanitarian has done nothing to try and help the people of Arkham or Black Gate that did not choose this life, it was forced upon them. Kage and Mr. Wright have done more good for the members that could be saved than all the so called doctors of Arkham. As such, I now make this statement: To any and all metahumans and aliens out there in need of help, come here, come to LA and I will do my best to help you. I ask nothing of you other than if your talents can aid in any of our projects that you lend a hand. Homes will be provided along with food and we will help you to either master your abilities, remove them from you, or simply provide shelter and people to talk to until you're ready to face the world." Naruto stated catching the interest of several individuals, "However." Naruto continued drawing attention back, "I will warn you that Kage will be keeping an eye on anyone that comes here for our help should they wish to grow their powers and then turn to a life of crime. As such, my company will release any and all information we gather on our guests including their powers and weaknesses to ensure their life of crime is short lived." Naruto stated making a few people nod in respect for that.

"My company shall also be working to help any and all those in need as we've already built several buildings to house combat veterans and homeless people till they can find a job, whether with my company or someone else doesn't matter and have donated a large sum of money to Metropolis and the other areas hit by the recent invasion. I am merely trying to help and change the world for the better and I ask other to help me do it. It is for that reason that I've requested the inmates or Arkham Asylum that were cured or spared by Kage to be relinquished into my company's custody so I can further help them and give them jobs that suit their talents." Naruto stated as he took a breath while everyone processed that information. "I will now take this time to answer a few questions and then a tour will be held here. And please, be calm about it." Naruto stated as many hands rose up causing him to sigh. "Any questions that aren't about Kage? I am not going to discuss that subject, today is about my company not who I know or associate with." Naruto stated making a few lower their hands before Naruto pointed to a reporter.

"Mr. Uzumaki, who are those other three women up there with you?" The reporter asked and Naruto nodded.

"The blonde is miss Cindy Aurum, she and her grandfather ran a mechanic shop in town before the local cartels attacked trying to capture her as she is an expert mechanic. Kage saved her and then I helped her hide until he removed the interested parties from the equation. Now she is leading my mechanical and engineering division. The brunette is miss Mercy Graves, she used to be the bodyguard and chauffeur for Lex Luthor before he left her for dead and I offered her a place with my company. She is my head of security and personal guard as well as secretary for the time being. The last girl is named Rachel Roth, she goes by the hero name Raven and is a sorceress, she is also one of the people who have come to me for help in mastering her powers and as such she's also leading my mystics, magic, and occult division." Naruto stated before pointing to another reporter.

"Sir, I don't mean to sound rude, but magic doesn't exist." The reporter stated and Naruto smirked before thumbing behind him.

"Just like how aliens and super powers don't exist, right?" Naruto asked and the reporter blinked before laughing nervously.

"Point taken sir." The reporter stated causing some others to laugh as Naruto pointed to another reporter.

"Mr. Uzumaki, how can you plan to keep your company open if profit isn't being planned? Surely you know that some projects are costly and can bankrupt your company." A reporter stated and Naruto nodded.

"Indeed, I do know that. However, my family has amassed a sizeable fortune over the centuries because we invest in companies, have the devil's luck with gambling, and place money into future investments that pay off in the long run. One such investment is the fact I own 8% of the shares of Wayne Industries and get a stipend from it and I also own 10% of the shares of Queen Consolidated. As such, I have wealth stashed up that I could run this company for centuries without going bankrupt." Naruto stated surprising them as he kept answering questions before finally having enough and starting the tour.


Naruto sighed as he sat back on the couch having been bored and agitated throughout the course of the day, nothing with the company just entertaining the reporters and them causing an annoyance since they kept trying to slide in questions about Kage. Naruto stomped those questions out fast and quick with the threat of having the more pushy reporters removed from the tour if they wouldn't drop it. A couple of fools thought he was bluffing only for the security he had to escort them from the premises and wouldn't let them back in, which made the others realize the threat was more a promise and he would keep it.

The girls were all of the same, though not as bad since when the tour started, he had sent the others off to their areas leaving him to man the tour singlehandedly and save them some of the stress and aggravation.

Besides the annoyance and aggravation, it had been a good opening day and those he had so far were doing their job thoroughly and correctly over getting results immediately. Naruto wanted a better reputation than both Lexcorp and Wayne Industries, so he was going to ensure that nothing was put out by his company without being checked, rechecked, and checked again to ensure the item was safe and secure for people. His connection to the multiverse would help with that since he could create things from different universes for here to better the planet and people while also boosting his company and persona even higher which made doing the former activity easier and let him get more things done.

It was also what he planned to do for the League of Shadows as he could help them learn various assassination and stealth arts that he knew and had learned from browsing the multiverse.

Naruto broke from his musings as he sensed a presence in his home and frowned as he stood up catching the others' attention, "Come out Yami, I know you're here." Naruto stated before giggling was heard and Yami appeared from the shadows of the room.

"Just have to ruin my fun, don't you Naruto-kun?" Yami stated with a smile while noting the women giving her disapproving looks or glares, not that she was surprised since she was angry at herself as well for letting Kami get away with all that shit. She'd be disappointed in them if they weren't giving her some dirty looks.

"What do you want?" Naruto asked as he stared at his mother with no expression.

Yami merely smiled, "Delivering on our part of the bargain." Yami stated as Naruto widened his eyes slightly. "You absorbing Ra's got my power up quite a bit and delivering his long overdue soul improved Shini-kun's enough that we were able to breach the purgatory enough to get one of them back." Yami stated with a smile as she turned and looked at the shadows before a figure stepped out causing some tears to go down Naruto's face.

Said person was a woman standing about 5'10" with cream skin, bubblegum pink hair, a red with black accents strapless corset that pushed up her D cup breasts and showed she didn't wear a bra, form fitting black pants that almost looked like tights or leggings that hugged her bubble butt, red heeled sandals, black fingerless gloves with her left ring finger having an onyx band with a blood ruby on it, red painted pouty lips, and red painted nails with the fingernails looking sharpened. Her eyes were a pure emerald color that contrasted against Naruto's sapphire eyes. Two other noticeable things were the black and blood red diamond on her forehead and the black choker around her neck that had a red spiral on it.

Said woman smiled lovingly and happily at Naruto with tears of her own, "Naruto-ku-MPH." She started speaking before Naruto was on her in a flash kissing her lovingly and passionately and she was quick to return it.

Yami merely smiled at the scene happy to see her first daughter in-law back, though she did twitch a bit as her jaw hurt since said in-law had slugged both her and Shinigami when she saw them. Again, it was understandable, but both of them had forgotten what pain had felt like so it wasn't exactly nice to remember.

Naruto and the woman separated a minute later both smiling and leaning their foreheads against the other. "Hello to you too." The woman giggled slightly causing Naruto to smile.

He missed her laugh and the sound of her voice.

"Words can't describe, Sakura-koi." Naruto stated as the now named Sakura nodded still smiling serenely at him while the mortal women near them widened their eyes.

"No, no they really can't, but then, our bond was never based on words." Sakura states as she pecked his lips and hugged him close with both feeling their bond building back up every second.

Yami merely smiled before she nodded to herself. "Well, my work here is done for now, I'll be back as soon as I can." Yami stated knowing she would only be coming around if she had someone to bring.

However, when she turned to leave, she froze at Naruto speaking, "Mother." Naruto stated causing Yami to freeze as it was the first time he had ever called her that. "I don't know if I'll ever fully forgive you or father for your actions those millennia ago, but I do thank you for this and what you're doing now." Naruto stated as he stroked Sakura's hair and she listened to his heart beat.

Yami merely stood there with a smile as tears streamed down her face, "Y-you're welcome, son." Yami sniffed as her heart sang in joy at being able to call him that after so long.

After Kami's actions, Naruto had disowned her and Shinigami as his parents and threatened to kill them if they ever called him their son in his presence, even beat their asses when Yami tried to when he first gave the ultimatum.

To be able to do that after so long, it made her happy beyond words.

Yami merely wiped her eyes before leaving since she knew she wouldn't be getting anything else, but that was fine. She had survived millennia of her son hating and despising her, she could live with knowing he was at least grateful towards her.

After Yami left, Naruto kissed Sakura's forehead right over the diamond there causing her to sigh in bliss since not only did she miss his presence and touch, but she also missed him fueling her like he did. She could consume dark essence and hearts to grow stronger, but she loved it more when he gave it to her directly since it was a euphoric and blissful experience that was only surpassed by him fucking her.

Naruto then turned towards the other females in the room, "I think some introductions are needed." Naruto stated as one hand slid down Sakura's back to her ass and gave it a squeeze making her smile as she nodded.

Sakura then turned and eyed each woman intently and they each shivered since it felt like a predator eyeing a piece of meat. Had they been focusing; they would have recalled that Naruto mentioned he and Sakura had fucked multiple women together and she loved fucking them as much as Naruto did.

In other words, Sakura was inspecting her new sex toys.

"Hmm, not that impressive now, but a little training and feeding off you should fix that quickly." Sakura stated as her eyes changed to blood red and she licked her lips seductively causing the women to shudder as they could guess what said training would involve.

"Yes well, to be fair they're starting out with more than you did when we started our fun." Naruto teased making Sakura pout at him.

"I only just came back and my husband has already resorted to teasing, so mean." Sakura stated dramatically causing Naruto to chuckle as he kissed her cheek causing her to smile. "But, you're right, shouldn't be too much time before their assets improve, though me and my sisters will no doubt still be much bigger." Sakura stated causing Naruto to chuckle.

"Um, excuse me, but I'm pretty sure my breasts are bigger than yours." Blackfire stated hesitantly since she didn't want to offend the woman.

Her response came in the form of both Naruto and Sakura laughing causing the women to frown in confusion. "Oh, honey, I'm much more endowed than a simple set of D cup tits. I've been indulging and feeding on Naruto's lust for decades until I died and my body reflects that consumption." Sakura stated with a flirtatious smile that instantly made Blackfire blush and feel horny. "I just use magic and seals to keep my body in a more… manageable form since it's hard to fight with your large tits bouncing around every which way, especially if you get smacked in the face by them." Sakura stated as she trailed her finger up her body and pulled her corset away from her a bit letting them see her tits expand to fill the new gap as she did.

"Oh." Blackfire stated while trying not to stare at the tit flesh being exposed.

Naruto merely chuckled before spanking Sakura cause her to sigh in pleasure, "Stop teasing, love, you'll make her a mess before she's mentally prepared for it." Naruto stated making Sakura pout again but she nodded.

"Fine." She groaned as Blackfire seemed to calm down a bit.

"W-what was that?!?" Blackfire asked as she tried to calm down more.

Sakura merely smirked, "Well, Naruto is the embodiment of lust and I've been indulging in it along with the rest of his dark desires and dark essence. Doing that enough comes with some little benefits such as I can make anyone lustful or horny through my body and presence." Sakura stated surprising them and she giggled, "Mmhmm, but it's nowhere near what Naruto can do. I just fed off of it, but he IS lust and desire, hence why so many lust, desire, and sex demons readily call him their king as they can't come close to competing with him." Sakura stated as she licked his cheek while clinging to his side while the women all blushed and drooled a bit.

Sakura merely laughed having forgotten what fun it was to tease and play with women with her husband. "Don't be so eager ladies, once he fucks you, he'll own you. You won't want another male so long as you live and even women will only tide you over for so long." Sakura stated knowing that Naruto's lust and desire weren't something you could just turn away from.

"Enough, pet, no need to get them so worked up when it's unnecessary." Naruto stated with a bit of amusement and Sakura smiled flirtatiously since he only called her 'pet' when it was time for her to be an obedient little slut of a wife.

"Oh all right, not like I can fully enjoy the fun right now anyway." Sakura stated with a serene smile and she kissed Naruto's cheek again.

"What do you mean?" Cindy asked and Sakura smiled.

"I only just came back to life, honey, I haven't fed or experienced being alive in millennia so I'm nowhere near a physical condition to have Naruto claim my body again. Hence why I was teasing so much since I was feeding on the lust you generated along with Naruto-kun's so I could get back to shape faster. If I keep teasing my doting and dominating husband, his lust and desires leak out more letting me feed and grow stronger, meaning I can have my stud fuck me much sooner." Sakura stated as she ran her hands over his muscled torso and kissed his cheek again.

"Enough of that, how about I cook dinner and you lot get to know each other?" Naruto asked and the girls all smiled, though Sakura was more predatory and lustful since she'd start training these girls soon enough.

Naruto merely went to the kitchen and started prepping everything for stir fry since it was Sakura's favorite dish and knew she'd eat plenty to get her strength back up and sate her gluttony side for now. It had been a while since he made this dish since he didn't care to make it often since the incident, but he did occasionally.

He paused in his cooking as his personal cell phone rang and raised an eyebrow since it was unlisted and only a rare few had access to it. "Hello?" Naruto asked as he answered it before a male voice spoke.

(Hello father). The voice stated making Naruto raise an eyebrow while smiling.

"Hello Klaus, been a while, what's wrong?" Naruto asked one of his eldest children that wasn't from the people of his age.

(I found the Doppelgänger and the moon stone, but there's a problem with a pair of vampires and a witch that are close to her). The now named Klaus replied and Naruto frowned.

"And the problem is? You can easily handle them." Naruto asked since he had trained Klaus to be lethal and brutal when necessary.

(It's Stefan and Damon in the way as well as a Bennet Witch, plus it's in Mystic Falls). Klaus stated making Naruto stop dead as he was silent. (I don't want to fight them, especially since they are probably wrapped up in the curse, but I also want to be free and I have a little more than a week to do it and Mystic Falls would allow the witch to amp up her power to dangerous levels). Klaus clarified wanting to be clear to his father that he didn't want to hurt them and that he wasn't asking for permission.

"I see." Naruto stated as he thought things over.

(What would you like me to do?) Klaus asked knowing that his father was very particular about some people being killed.

"Call a sit down with them, the heads of the council, any other parties that are involved in this mess, and have your siblings there. And I mean ALL of them, if they give you any shit just tell them that I want them there and to behave." Naruto stated knowing that it was time to have a major sit down about some things.

(All right, though I may need to persuade some parties since they won't want to just meet peacefully). Klaus stated since he didn't have nearly as much charisma as his father did.

"Do what you have to do, name drop me for the majority of you have to, but I want none them crippled or maimed." Naruto stated getting confirmation from Klaus, "Good, who is the Doppelgänger this time anyway?" Naruto asked since he could just look through his connection to magic, but this was easier.

(Elena Gilbert). Klaus stated making Naruto frown at the name.

"When you speak to the council, tell Liz to bring Jenna with them as she'll need to be there too." Naruto stated knowing it would help smooth some things.

(Will do, when can I expect you?) Klaus asked knowing not to question how the Humans pertained to the meeting or how his father knew them.

"Not sure, I'll be there before the moon, but I'll be bringing someone with me that can help with some things." Naruto stated since he knew Klaus and his other children and their mothers always wanted to meet Sakura and his other loves. It would be a nice surprise for him and the others.

(All right, see you soon.) Klaus stated and Naruto smiled.

"Bye son." Naruto stated with a smile as he hung up before he resumed cooking knowing Sakura knew what was happening from their bond forming to former strength and knew she was excited to meet the people he knew in Mystic Falls and dish out some punishment to others. There would definitely be some bloodshed in Mystic Falls, but only on the people that deserved it and a few that could be punished through other methods would be and Sakura would enjoy every moment of it. Sakura's only disappointment was that she'd have to wait a little longer to tease and train the new girls.

Ah well, the things they sacrifice for family and love.

For today, they relax as he'd cook and let the girls talk and then he'd get ready to head out to Mystic Falls and leave a clone here to handle his public duties and appearances.