Chereads / The Gluttonous Hero / Chapter 18 - Tensions Brewed in Absence

Chapter 18 - Tensions Brewed in Absence

The royal guards standing outside of the throne room, turn their head's, freezing immediately at the silent pressure from their Captain Raphael, and the Arch-mage Leto. "Where is his Majesty," Raphael calls out through the corridor.

The two guards jump in their skin, "He is currently in the throne room, He's in the middle of a discussion with the Mini- Wait you can't just...Barge in..."

Raphael slam's the throne room door's open, "Pardon the Intrusion your majesty," Raphael say's quickly, lowering his head briefly. "I've urgent news to report."

King Jacob turns from the minister, holding a hand up when the minister starts to speak, "Give us the room for a moment, Minister of Finance."

"As you will your majesty," The minister stands and leaves to a tea room adjacent to the throne room.

"Now, Raphael, Raise your head. What is the meaning of this?" King Jacob asks beckoning them forward.

Lito waves his hand, the throne room doors closing behind them as they stand at the base of the stairs, "It is Ezekiel, per Saint Rani's information, he left with Elaine to make a spirit contract yesterday evening. Considering how powerful his spirit energy is, if he lead the transference then it is highly likely they're at a high tier spirit realm. Considering they normally spend but a few hour's gone, then it is safe to assume they've entered a spirit realm in which time works differently than our own."

Raphael nod's, "Additionally sir, I've asked Johnathan's ranger corps to scour the city and all of the area's he frequents in the case he is simply taking a break today."

"Shit," King Jacob mutter's, his fingers tapping the arm of the throne in a continuous drone. "And what of Elaine?"

"That was the first place I looked, both her maids and student's reported not having seen her since yesterday's lessons. They claim that she sent them off before her and Ezekiel went." Raphael responds quickly.

"As of right now, Leto, your conjecture on the matter seems to be correct. As Ezekiel's presence the past few months has been astounding with both his grown, research, and his relations. This will be impossible to keep hidden away. Inform his companions before they hear of this on their own. We must ensure that nobody tries to twist the truth with them, to weaken their loyalties to us." The arm of King Jacob's throne creaks as his knuckles turn white. "From now on, Any spirit contracting that is to occur will have representatives from the ranger's, royal guard, and mages association's traveling with them. I will draft the directive up myself, now go and inform Ms. Isabella and Sir Isaac immediately." The king waves a hand, dismissing them both.

In the main hall of the Villa, Leto, Raphael, Zandria, and Isaac sit. Isabella and the other's on a sofa as they look at the three representative's expectantly. "So what's all this about?" Becca asks impatiently.

Leto and Raphael exchange a glance, "Right," Leto steps forward, a troubled look on his face. "From our finding's Ezekiel may not return from his spirit pact for the next few days. When traveling spirit realms there are chances of finding places where the flow of time is different. Yesterday Evening he went with Elaine to create a spirit contract, and has yet to return. Neither Zandria, nor myself, or Saint Rani have seen him. They were last seen when Elaine dismissed her students from class."

Noah rests his chin on his interlocked hands, his elbows resting on his thighs, "In other word's your letting us know he may not return for a few day's but we should not worry. I assume you wished to be the ones to let us know so we don't make any assumptions or act on our own?"

"Correct," Raphael steps forward, "It is not our intention to mislead you, however we had to tell you no matter how little information we have. If someone else were to tell you and twist the facts that would cause needless friction." Raphael places a hand to his chest, "Please rest assured, we are doing everything in our power to investigate, and gather all of the facts that we can. Considering each of you have tremendous amounts of spirit energy due to crossing the boundaries between worlds, it is likely that none of our current members have the skill, or reserve of energy needed to attempt a search for them."

"So basically, we just wait here, and try to train in case we're needed." Isaac says gruffly, sitting back on the couch.

"Although it pains me to say it, Yes," Raphael pauses, "Except we cannot risk any of you on this endeavor. You will be notified as soon as they make a return. Please forgive us for not keeping closer tabs on what training was planned." Raphael bows his head down.


Saint Rani sit's where Leto had left her, leaning over her book with unfocused eyes as her min whirls in concern. After what she'd done doubts and self blame whirl in her heart. What if this is because of me? Did I push him to do something more dangerous when I asked him to expose his true disposition?

Time ticked by, second after second, minute after minute, before long hour's and most of the day had passed by. At some point slim gently arms wrapped around her, pulling her into a soft chest. "He'll be fine, Rani." A woman's voice mutter's as fingers run through her hair.

"...Irene?" Rani asks, her exhausted eyes meet hers, "It's my fault, I asked him to do something, but I had no right to." Tears slowly spill over her eye lids. "What'll I do if my friend get's hurt because I pushed him too far?" She sobs, her hands gripping Irene's blouse, as tears and snot leak onto it.

"Did he say that you made him angry? Did he say he'd leave and never come back because of you, Rani?" Irene asks in a soothing voice, her fingers sliding through Rani's long silver hair.

Rani looks up at Irene, sniffling, "Well, no... I suppose he didn't."

"You're the only one he told, what he'd be doing yesterday, aren't you?" Irene smiles softly, as she wipes the tears from Rani's cheeks. "Do you think he'd tell you his plans, if he was angry with you prying?"

Rani nod's, then her eyebrows twitch slightly, "Before he left, he said he'd tell me when he was ready... about what we'd been discussing..." she mutters softly.

"Well, then why are you sitting here despairing? Shouldn't you be waiting hopefully for the good news? He has shown amazing amounts of improvement in the short amount of time he's been here. He's advance our mana core's with the incorporation of Mana circuit's, explored countless spirit plains with his classmates. Ezekiel even spar's with the royal guard, I mean sure he loses most of the time, but he continues to hold them at bay. Each day he makes progress, and show's astounding determination." Irene brushes Rani's hair from her face, and behind her ears. "I don't think he's one to give up, no matter how tough the challenge."

Rani takes a deep breath, sitting up. "You're right, I shouldn't be here moping. I shall trust in my companion, these book are boring to read alone, after all."

Irene starts giggling lightly, "You just miss him bumping into your shoulder and calling you miss~" Irene teases with a bright smile on her face. "I'm glad your back to yourself, Rani. You should go rest."

Rani's jaw hangs open for a second, "Irene! I never said anything about that." Her cheeks tinge red with embarrassment. Coupled with her puffy red eyes, her face looks like a ripe tomato, eliciting more laughter from Irene.

"I shall retire to my room, seeing as your feeling better, Rani. Master Leto told me you were stewing in here, so be sure to thank him when you get the chance." Irene stand's straightening out her dress, "Goodnight Rani, Don't stay up too long thinking about Zeeeke" She singsong's and waves as she leaves the room.

Rani huffs, "Whatever," she busies herself with putting her books back on the shelves, before heading to her room.


After the kingdom's representative's leave, Isaac follow's Isabella to the garden. "Are you alright?" Isaac asks sitting beside her on a bench.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Isabella turns to look sharply at Isaac, "It's not as though he's concerned with how we feel, otherwise he would've told us about his plans."

"Bell..." Isaac leans against the back of the bench, his head tilting back to look at the stars. "If he told us, it might cause us undue worries. We've both been to a few of Elaine's teaching session's, you remember how much she stressed it could be dangerous depending which realm we travel to. Why do you always assume that he doesn't care about us?"

"Do you remember our birthday, when you left me and him at the mall to go on a date?" Isabella asks, looking at her clasped hands resting in her lap.

"You mean the day you confessed to him and got turned down? Yes I know, he said he viewed you as a sister, and not as a lover." Isaac turns his gaze from the stars to his sister, "Is that really why you think he doesn't care?"

"Of course it is! What else would I mean? I poured my heart out because he never realized what I was trying to do, for a year. Then he tells me I'm like a sister and that's why he can't date me?" Isabella's voice comes out course with emotion.

"Bella, listen to me." Isaac sit's up placing a hand on her shoulder, meeting her gaze. "You're being real fucking petty right now. He's the one whose always been there to help us, weather it be when our cousin died, or when I needed consoling for my breakup. Every birthday, every holiday, he was there when even our parents couldn't leave work to spend time with us. He changed schools just to be with his friends, and sacrificed a better school for what he wanted to do. Through broken bones, hospital visit's, death's. Shit he was there for something as small as final exam's, which you benefitted the most from. I'm not going to continue to coddle you, especially not when you spit on all the kindness and caring he's shown." Isaac pauses, as his sister's eyes start to spill tears. "Not once has he asked for our help, yet he's always been there." He brushes a hand through her hair, hugging her as she sobs'. "I'm sorry for being so mean, but you can't expect me to say nothing when you spit on Ezekiel's kindness because of your own denial."