Chereads / Royal Flames / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11(The two sides of the Runen Street)

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11(The two sides of the Runen Street)

"A prophecy to be fulfilled from choices you make. A choice you've made before in the same pattern. Death, the Lovers, and the Hangman. Mark this day Vivian, you should remember when the time comes." The Sherman told her.

"When? What time?" Blaise asked.

"When the moon turns to blood, while it embraces the flames of the sun and when it's light is too thin to shine." The Sherman stood to her feet.

Blaise sat staring through the carriage window. For the first time in a month, she thought back at the night before her untimely death.

'when the moon turns to blood, while it embraces the flames of the sun. When its light is too thin to shine.' She thought.

The first part of it made sense. Since she'd already died before but the second part made no sense. At least not to her.

She remembered the cluelessness in Freya's eyes when she told her about this. Freya was the Sherman who read her fate. Yet, the real Freya had no idea whatsoever. She wondered what the prophecy meant. Why was she even here? In a world she barely understood. What did all this mean? Maybe her answers were all concealed here. She knew she was here for a reason but she was yet to know what…

"Vivian? Vivian?" Heather waved for attention.

Blaise turned to her distracted. Clarissa sat next to her patting her pup.

"Did you hear half of what I said?" Heather asked.

"Sorry, I drifted off. What were you saying?" Blaise asked.

Heather sighed.

"How convenient, I've been blabbering for the past fifteen minutes and you were who knows where," Heather said.

"Aunt Evie was talking about how annoying my uncles are," Clarissa said.

"And mostly about how all men suppress we women. They see us as nothing but frivolous beings, supplements. Needed only for appearances, fitting for society." Heather said.

"Men have always had this unquestionable superiority over women ever since the dawn of time. But trust me when I say this, there will come a time when us women, will be seen as equals to men." Blaise said.

Heather smiled.

"I hope I live to see that day. However, it's a bloody bugger we will never be taken seriously because we lack huge balls swinging between our thighs." She said.

"Heather," Blaise threw her a stern looked.

Signaling her they were in the company of a child.

"Don't bother, Vivian. My niece knows her Aunt Evie always speaks the truth. Put this at the back of your mind sunshine, you will always be in control when you grip the balls to this world. Lose your grip and you will be done for good." Heather said with a smirk.

'Balls? What balls?' Clarissa asked.

"Ignore her, honey," Blaise told Clarissa. Heather chuckled.

The royal carriage moved to a stop upon reaching its distinction.

"Looks like we are here," Heather said with a sigh.

Two coachmen opened the door. Heather stepped out first and Blaise followed.

'This is Runen street.' Heather told her.

Blaise looked around. It was a cold morning. She watched as Clarissa was brought out by the two coachmen.

Darlene and Eva stepped out of the second carriage. They quickly walked to Blaise's side. Darlene took hold of the wheelchair. Eva walked next to her. They were both dressed neatly with gold bands on their arms. They walked with their eyes to the ground.

Blaise looked around the street. Few people were walking on their side of the streets. With carriages and horsemen going to and fro across the road.

She noticed how the people on their part of the street were dressed elegantly. They respectfully paved the way and bowed when they passed.

Several people stepped out of their shops to greet them.

"Good morning your majesties." They greeted.

Both Heather and Blaise nodded. While people on this side of the street greeted and moved their merry way, people on the other side of the street across the road, were on their knees. They all wore bands on their arms just like Darlene and Eve. They ranged in different colors. Red, green, blue, and white. It didn't take her long to realize they were all humans.

Four horsemen rode towards them. They were dressed in blue and black uniforms. The leader of the four walked towards them. He had a golden rank on his breast pouch.

"Your majesties the…"

"The Lord sent you here didn't he?" Heather asked.

"Yes, my Lady." The royal guard replied.

"Fine, let's go." Heather entered the nearest shop and Blaise followed.

"You two stay back. Stuart, take the Princess." The head guard ordered.

Darlene and Eve stepped aside with a bow while the guard took the princess inside.

Blaise walked back to the door and noticed Darlene and Eve outside.

"They are with me. Let them in." Blaise said.

"Pardon me my lady but the lesser…"

"Let them in." Blaise ordered.

The head guard bowed and paved way for them.

"Thank you, my lady." Both Darlene and Eve bowed.

As they entered, a group of workers had gathered around with smiles.

The Royal Hem was the largest dressmaking shop in all of the four kingdoms. Royal families from all four kingdoms came here for befitting clothes. The owner, Madame De Martel was very acquainted with the Valerians in particular. She was a vampire brought to Valeria by Lady Evangeline several years ago. She was able to expand due to her ties with the Valerian family. She usually went along with her apprentices to the Valerian manor. Visits were mostly scheduled, but on unexpected visits like this, she had to do her best to please.

"Your majesties, you are welcome to the Royal Hem." Madame De Martel stepped forward.

Blaise and Heather were immediately offered seats.

"I see you've expanded, Madame Martel," Heather said.

Madame De Martel was in her mid-fifties. Her hair was all grey yet her skin showed no sign of age. She was elegant and beautiful all the same.

"Thanks to your family's graces, my lady." Madame Martel bowed.

Her employees bowed lowly as well.

"I believe you know why we are here? I know arrangements said otherwise but I changed my mind. Either way, let's go on shall we?" Heather said.

Madame Martel clapped her hands and her workers dispersed to work.

Two employees served them with hot blood tea. The head guard stopped them. He poured a cup and sipped it. He paved way for them after a minute.

"You can't be too cautious." Heather said.

Blaise politely declined the tea and stood up to look around. She looked through the beautiful clothes. They were made with unique fabrics and sown carefully and precisely.

"Has any of these caught your eye?" Madame Martel asked.

Blaise turned to her with a smile.

"I couldn't choose. Every one of your dresses is lovely." Blaise said.

"Thank you, Lady Valerian. I have a special collection made only for you. Please be patient as my apprentices fetch them. For now, I will take your measurements." Madame Martel pulled the tape around her neck.

Hours later, Blaise stood at the window staring across the street. Madame De Martel and her apprentices had sprawled out several clothes. Beautiful clothes she'd tried on already. They were still adding more to the collection. Heather busied herself looking through a few choices and Clarissa was busy with her puppy, Cory.

"Have you chosen a dress for the ball already?" Heather asked Blaise.


Blaise turned towards her distracted.

"Flown off into bloody paradise again?" Heather asked.

Blaise sighed.

"Sorry. I was just observing the people across the street." Blaise said.

"Petty lot, aren't they?" Heather said.

"I will say otherwise. It's unfair how humans here face such cruelty." Blaise said.

"Oh love, you do not want to go into that. And what do you mean by humans here? The last time I checked Ronovia was the last of that lot." Heather said.

"I…Nothing…Ignore that? What were you saying about the ball?" Blaise asked.

Heather looked at her closely.

"You've forgotten about the Royal masquerade that's in two days?" Heather asked.

"In my defense, I have a lot on my plate. I would ask why throw a ball in the middle of a crisis, but, I guess that will only add to the many questions I have about the Valerians." Blaise said.

"The Royal Masquerade is one of the many cultures passed on from the first generation of vampires. The first Valerian, Runen, threw a ball one evening and invited enemies all around four kingdoms. He knew he was very well sorted after so, he ordered vampires along with every guest to wear a mask. Runen Valerian was vicious you see, but he was somewhat a peacemaker. We can all agree that was a wild idea. To have all your enemies under one roof. One would call it an outrageous display of complacence and arrogance. But, Runen thought otherwise. He was ingenious and thoughtful, celebrating a one on one night for a whole year wouldn't hurt. They could all go back to being enemies the next day." Heather said.

"He was a great man then," Blaise said.

"Oh, he was that and more, love. Runen was like a god of his time. Sadly, that one perfectly designed night didn't go as planned. It ended in a blood bath, courtesy of the witches." Heather said.

"I know, I've heard enough stories about Phoenera…"

"Vivian." Heather hissed.

Several workers cast sideways glances. The vampires were terrified of the history of Phoenera. She was a flaming goddess and a symbol of salvation the witches worshipped. But to the vampires, she was a nightmare and a curse. The very mention of her brought about ages of affliction long forgotten.

Blaise quickly read the warning in Heather's eyes.

If the very mention of Phoenera who was long dead could stir such unrest then the worse was to happen if news of her power, the same power as Phoenera's came out. Keith was right, keeping her powers a secret was the safest solution.

Madame De Martel cleared her throat interrupting them.

"Pardon me, your majesties. The lady's dress is ready." Madam de Martel said.

Two men carried in a large black rectangular box. It had the Valerian symbol on it. The symbol of a golden lion with a crown of thorns.

"Would you like to open it?" Madam Martel asked.

Blaise touched the box. The box held such magnificence. She wondered what the dress will be.

"I will like to surprise myself." Blaise smiled.

Madam Martel nodded.

"It will be packed in your carriage then, along with this whole collection." She added.

Blaise checked her pocket watch and it was already three at noon. She was already exhausted from all the shopping. Not long after they'd left the Royal Hem, they went on to the Rivendell's. The royal shoemaking house. Blaise tried on millions of shoes. She lost count after she'd tried on the thirtieth pair.

After the Rivendell's they went for lunch at the Royal clubhouse. Heather introduced Blaise to a bunch of elite women, who talked on and on about how pleased they were to finally meet her. Heather warned her about them though.

Nasty snakes masked with expensive clothes and jewelry, she described them.

After three long exhausting hours of smiling and indulging in idle chat, Blaise finally stood at the carriage with Clarissa fast asleep in her chair. Heather said the last of her goodbyes and walked to her side.

"Oh, I thought that would never end." Heather sighed.

Blaise chuckled.

"You seemed to be enjoying your…" Blaise was interrupted by a loud cry.

"What was that?" Blaise asked.

She walked past the carriage and looked across the street.

There was a teenage girl on her knees. Her clothes were tattered and bloody from the whips she was receiving from her master. She was chained along with several slaves who stood watch. They had the same terror in their eyes as they watched one of their own suffering.

"Why on earth is no one stopping him?" Blaise asked.

"Leave it be, love. Let's go." Heather told her.

Blaise stood rooted to the spot listening to the girl's cries. She clenched her fists in anger.

"If anyone won't I will." Blaise ventured across the street.

"Vivian! Follow her." Heather ordered the guards.

"Hey, you there. Stop hitting her!" Blaise yelled.

People on both sides of the street stopped to watch.

The master ignored Blaise and kept hitting the slave.

He swung his hand high ready to land a strong lash on the girl. The blow didn't land as intended for his lash was held midway by Blaise.

"I said STOP!" Blaise yelled. Her eyes sparkled with flames.

"Vivian." Heather suddenly grabbed her arm from behind.

Blaise looked at Heather and her eyes quickly cleared.

The captor quickly went on his knees and bowed his head.

"My lady Valerian, are you alright?" the head guard asked.

Blaise looked down at the whip in her right hand. It was a good thing she wore her gloves.

"Yes." She replied.

The guards quickly grabbed the captor and arrested him. He didn't resist as they took him. He only cast a terrified glance at Blaise before he was taken away. Heather noticed the look from the man.

Blaise bent down to the girl.

"Are you okay?" Blaise asked.

The girl looked up at her. Her eyes were bloodshot from all the crying. She quickly bowed to the ground.

"Thank you, my Lady." She cried.

"It's fine now. He won't hurt you anymore." Blaise stroked her face.

She noticed she was still trembling from the cold. She pulled off her coat and wrapped it around her.

They looked up at her with surprise.

'That will keep you from the cold.' Blaise said with a smile.

The girl fell to her knees.

'Thank you, my Lady.' She said.

"Vivian, we need to go. You've attracted more than enough attention." Heather told her.

Blaise looked around to find a crowd staring at her. Crowds on both sides of the streets. The slaves looked to her with gratitude for saving one of their own. But she was greeted with hostile looks from across the street.

Blaise stood to her feet.

"Free all of them." She suddenly ordered.

"Yes, my Lady." The head guard bowed.

The ten slaves were immediately freed of their restrains. They all bowed in gratitude to her.

Blaise turned back to the girl. She fetched a small white pouch from her pocket and handed it to her.

'You should get a hot bath and some food. Take care of yourself, will you?' Blaise told her.

The girl nodded quickly.

Blaise turned to Heather and they walked back to the carriage without a word.

"That is not how things work here, Vivian!" Blaise burst through the main doors with a furious Heather behind her.

"What did you expect me to do? Stand there and watch that ruthless man kill that poor girl?" Blaise yelled back.

"Yes, just like the rest of us. This isn't Eldovania, Vivian. There is a chain of command. The vampires are at the top and humans at the bottom. The quicker you get that into your head the better it will be for all of us." Heather yelled.

"Well, I am sorry if I can't be as insensitive as you. Humans live and breathe like all of us. They are like the rest of us." Blaise said.

"My kind is nothing compared to those trivial beings. Humans should be thanking us for letting them breathe after what they've done." Heather snapped.

Heath and Damon walked into the hallway to find out what the squabble was about.

"Well look at that? Weren't you the one who was madly in love with a human five decades ago?" Blaise barked.

She regretted the words the very instant they flew from her lips.

Heather stood rooted to the spot filled with rage.

"Oh, you disappoint me, Vivian. I now see you for who you are, you are no different from your people." Heather shouted.

Blaise sighed.

"Heather I didn't mean…"

"I am not mad because you freed some bloody slaves. You almost lost it just because some man was mistreating another slave. That man saw the fire in your eyes, Vivian. Unlike you, we value this family. All our efforts to protect you will be futile if you go about showing people the very thing we try so hard to conceal. But how will you understand, deep down I've always known you were not some innocent lass brought into this family. You are a monster and all you want is the jeopardize this family. Oh, I am so glad you were confined here away from your family. Who knows the hideous plans they'd crafted in those bloody letters. Who knows, you will be worse than the rest of us if you are freed from your pathetic cage…"

"Heather that's enough!" Keith yelled from up the stairs.

Heather panted furiously. Her grey eyes were bloodshot with her fangs protruding. Suddenly, she shredded her gown as she transformed into a large grey wolf. She ran out of the manor quickly.

Heath chased after her.

Blaise stood alone in the hall with Damien staring at her. Heather's words kept ringing I'm her head. She unconsciously looked up to find Damien staring at her.

"You don't belong here. The earlier you realize it the better." He said.

Damien walked away with this leaving Blaise to herself.

"Vivian, my study now," Keith said sternly.

Blaise stood quietly in Keith's study staring at her gloved hands. Her mind was clouded with Heather's words. She was a monster. No different from the rest of them maybe even worse.

"What happened out there?" Keith asked.

Blaise looked up with a frown. She was suddenly infuriated by his voice. He lied to her.

"You received my letters," Blaise said furiously.

"I did." Keith retorted indifferently.

"Then why did you lie about it? Are you so paranoid to the extent even my letters pose a threat to you?" Blaise asked.

"You are not a threat," Keith said.

"Then tell me why I didn't know I was caged…"

"Everything I've done so far is to protect this family. You are unstable and inexperienced. I only took the needed precautions to keep you under control." Keith said.

Blaise stood rooted at the spot repeating his words in her head. He stood at his desk with an indifferent look. His words somehow got to her.

"You speak as if I were some animal who needs to be tamed. You speak as if I asked for this power." Blaise yelled.

"I do not care how you got this power. You are no different from a bloody wildling. You are dangerous and unpredictable. Yet for some reason, I do not see you as a threat. But bear this in mind, I wouldn't blink to kill you the instant you even attempt to be one. I am the head of this family and make all the decisions. And if I decide you don't get your bloody letters then you don't get them." Keith said.

Tears gathered in Blaise's eyes. His words hurt more than Heather's. He called her a wildling. A willing, he was willing to slaughter the instant he felt like it. And all this time she thought he was beginning to…

'So...So when you said, I had you. Was that also a precaution?' She asked.

Keith frowned.

'Take it any way you want it. We are done here.' He said coldly.

Blaise couldn't bring herself to think of it. She had created an illusion all this while. She had deceived herself into thinking he somehow liked her. She thought she meant something to him. If not nothing, she thought the kiss they shared meant something. Or his kind words to her meant something. But it was all clear now. In his eyes, she was a monster who needed to be controlled. Her eyes welled with tears. She wiped them quickly.

She turned away and walked out of the study. All she could think of now were Damien's words.

She deceived herself from the very beginning. She didn't belong here. No matter how she tried to, she didn't fit in. She bumped into someone on her way. She looked up to find Nicholas staring down at her. Next to him was his elder brother, Torment.

"Vivian are you…"

"Excuse me." Blaise walked past them quickly.

Nicholas turned to follow her but Torment stopped him.

"Don't let me give you a million reasons why following her is a bad idea." Torment told him.

Nicholas looked in the direction Blaise left. He could hear her whimpers from where he stood.

"Come along, brother." Torment told him.

They both turned towards the direction of Keith's study. Nicholas could think of nothing else but listen to Blaise's cries. Here he was again in a matter beyond him. He didn't want to get involved. Yet, Keith never cared altogether.

"I will be back." Nicholas turned away from his brother.

"Oh bloody hell." Torment muttered.