Chereads / Royal Flames / Chapter 12 - Chapter 12( The Salvatores)

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12( The Salvatores)

"And they lived happily ever after." Blaise said quietly. She looked down to find Clarissa wide-eyed.

'Well, that didn't get you to sleep.' Blaise said.

'I'm not sleepy.' Clarissa replied.

Blaise closed the book and tugged her in.

"Mother, why did you and Aunt Evie fight today?" Clarissa asked.

'Honey...I thought you were asleep then.' Blaise said.

'I was until Aunt Evie's voice woke me. So why did you two fight?' Clarissa asked.

"We just had a misunderstanding, love." Blaise told her.

"So will you two be okay?" Clarissa asked.

Blaise looked down at her. She held such innocence in her blue eyes. Blaise wished she was as little and as innocent as her. But Heather was right. Innocence was never a trait on her. Earlier, all she wanted to do was leave the Runen manor and never come back. She was unwanted and displaced. Her new family didn't trust her. They'd kept confined because they thought she had the worse intentions.

She would've thought the worst if he hadn't shown up. For the first time, he spoke to her, alone and told her there were better sides to this family.

"And I thought you were the paranoid one." Blaise told Heath as they sat in the garden.

"So they say but in the heat of the moment, none of them stop to think about the consequences. This family stops at nothing to protect each other even when we hurt one another by doing so. You should know, selfishness is a dominant trait but deep down there's love. You just have to be patient as you learn to adapt. And as for Damien, trust me, he likes you more than any of us do." Heath assured her.

Blaise wiped her tears and smiled at him.

"Thank you, Heath. I needed that." Blaise said.

"You can always talk to me, Vivian. Anytime you want to, I'll be here for you." Heath said with a smile.

Blaise turned to Clarissa with a smile.

"We will be, honey."She told her.

She pulled the covers over her and whispered good night.


Blaise turned sharply.

"What is it honey?" she asked.

"I want you to sleep by my side tonight." Clarissa said.

Blaise smiled. She was still getting used to being a mother but so far she loved it.

"I have something to do at the moment, honey. But, close your eyes and count up to one hundred and I will be here." Blaise said.

"Promise?" Clarissa asked.

"I promise." She kissed her forehead.

She watched as Clarissa closed her eyes and began counting from one. Blaise quickly stepped out and closed the door behind her. Thunder began rambling giving a sign of a heavy downpour. Blaise wrapped her overcoat around her.

She headed for the stairs. The manor was as quiet as it was every night. She walked to a stop and knocked on the door.

There was no response from within. She knocked again to receive no answer. She turned the knob and the door creaked open.

"Heather." Blaise called out.

She looked around the well-light room to find no sign of her. She almost turned to leave but found a piece of shredded cloth on the floor leading to the balcony. She walked towards the balcony to find Heather standing at the banister. She stood in a red nightdress with an empty wine bottle in hand.

"Heather…I thought you weren't around." Blaise said.

Heather ignored her.

"Claire was someone you told me about in confidence. I was so wrong to use that against you. I overstepped and for that, I apologize." Blaise said.

Heather remained quiet without saying a word.

"Trust me when I say this, my intentions towards this family are pure. I would never hurt any of you." Blaise said.

'I...I guess that would be all. Good night.' Blaise said.

She turned to leave but stopped when she felt hands embrace her.

"I spoke out of turn too, Vivian. You are not a monster… well at least not with that face." Heather said.

Blaise turned with a smile.

"I tend to say very stupid things when I get furious. " Heather told her.

"It's fine, I understand. I'm just glad we could leave this behind us." Blaise said.

Heather chuckled.

"It's just the two of us now and we gals have to stick together, right?." She asked.

'Right.' Blaise smiled.

"Not a word about this to anyone," Heather warned her in a deadly tone.

Blaise zipped her lips imaginarily. They both burst into laughter.

"I'm certain, I am not the only one you need to reconcile with," Heather said.

Sudden shivers ran down Blaise's spine at the very thought. She had to speak with Keith.

"He's scary, isn't he?" Heather interrupted her thoughts.

Blaise nodded her head.

"But he's a sensible man. He will listen to you." Heather told her.

Blaise nodded.

"Good night Heather and thank you," Blaise told her before stepping out.

She headed up the stairs to her room to find it empty. She wondered where Keith was. She yearned to speak with him. Even though her heart raced at the thought, she couldn't wait the night. The rain poured down heavily outside. It was accompanied by strong winds, thunder, and lighting.

This wasn't the right time to talk, she thought. But she was already at his study and there was no time to back down now. She held the handles to the double doors but froze instantly. There was a strange sound coming from within. She wasn't sure what it was but they sounded like moans.

She pushed the doors open instantly. Her eyes went wide with shock. Before her was Keith and another woman. His arms were wrapped around her body and his mouth in the nape of her neck. The woman wore a revealing red dress. Her blonde hair had Keith's hand running through it. She moaned and giggled at his touch.

Keith looked up to find Blaise gaping at them. She trembled from where she stood. Her emerald eyes were welled up with tears ready to fall. She turned away without a word and walked out.

"Was that her?" the woman asked.

Keith pulled away from her suddenly annoyed.

"Get out." He pulled a handkerchief from the drawer and dubbed his lips.

Camille Salvatore sat up with a frown.

"My Lord, you can't possibly be…"

"I said get out, Camille!" Keith yelled.

Camille stepped down from the desk instantly. She liked it when he was with her but his anger was not something she could face. She pulled on her coat and headed towards the back door.

Keith stood at the window quietly in his thoughts. He couldn't help back think about Blaise. The look in her eyes when she saw him. The sound of her heart thudding loud in her chest. Up until now, he'd never given a thought about how she felt. His mind went back to the kiss they shared. He stopped himself from thinking about it for a while now.

Why on earth did she come here? Why did she have to see that? He never really cared about people knowing Camille was his mistress. He'd been with Camille even before he'd married Blaise. Blaise didn't mean anything to him but why couldn't he shake off the uneasiness within.

"I can give you the answer to all your questions but you won't like them?" Keith turned to find Ares.

She was wrapped in a black cloth. Her black hair was wet from the rain.

"Keep your answers to yourself, Ares." Keith sat back in his chair.

"What are you going to do now?" Ares asked.

Keith looked up at her indifferently.

"Nothing. She was bound to find out sooner or later." He said.

"You saw the look in her…"

"I don't care, Ares. Go bloody bother someone else." Keith said.

Ares transformed into a black cat and leaped out of the study. She climbed up the stairs to Clarissa's room. She peeked through the door to find Blaise in bed with Clarissa. She was shedding silent tears.

"Mother…is that you?" Clarissa asked in a sleepy tone.

Blaise pulled her into her arms and kissed her head.

"I told you I will come. didn't I?" Blaise whispered.

Clarissa wrapped her little hands around her.

"I love you, mommy." Clarissa whispered.

A tear fell from Blaise's eye.

"I love you too, honey." She whispered.

Blaise wondered why she was crying. Keith was a King. He could have any woman he wanted. It wasn't like he'd shown any sign of commitment to her. She was just a trophy wife nothing else. She knew her place now. She wished she never saw them together. She could still hear the sound of the woman's moans and giggles. She remembered the bored look in Keith's eyes when he looked at her. He looked like she'd interrupted something important. She imagined him going back to whatever he was doing the instant she left. She was such a fool to hope even after what happened this afternoon. She thought about their kiss. It meant something to her, hell it meant everything to her. She couldn't believe how deep she'd fallen for him. It hurt her but she realized it too late. She was in too deep only to understand, she was nothing to him. She was never anything to him.

Keith glanced at Blaise for the fifth time. They arrived at the Salvatores an hour ago. They were invited by Lord Salvatore for brunch the day before. He rode with both her and Clarissa the way here. She didn't say a word throughout the ride. And it wasn't like her to sit in utter silence. Keith listened as Lord Salvatore spoke about something related to new stock prices. Klaus indulged him and Keith only nodded his head and sipped his glass of wine. Klaus noticed how distracted his brother was. He looked in the same direction as he. It was Vivian he was looking at.

"Pardon me, but I heard you two own large stocks overseas." Lord Salvatore said.

"We do. My brother can tell you all about it." Klaus nudged his brother.

"My Lord Valerian…" Lord Salvatore called him.

Keith turned to him with an irritated look.

"Eh…Perhaps I will go check with the Lady to see how preparations are going." Lord Salvatore excused himself.

Keith glanced back at Blaise. She stood talking to Heather and Edina Salvatore, the eldest of the Salvatore children. She looked beautiful in the pale blue gown she wore. Her red hair was braided in a loose chignon.

"Is it just me or you are staring too much." Klaus said.

He stood next to him with a smirk on his face.

Keith glanced sideways at his brother.

"You remember those nightly expeditions I usually go on?" Klaus asked.

Keith ignored him.

"Oh, I know you recall. Unfortunately, the rain ruined it last night. So I came home in a foul mood, hungry beyond compare. But as I entered the manor, all wet and frustrated beyond…"

"Bloody hell, shut up already, Klaus." Keith said with a sigh.

Klaus chuckled.

"Oh take heart brother, I'm yet to get to the good part. So as I entered the manor, there came an emotional Vivian walking past me. I stopped her and like the gentleman, I was asked her what was wrong. At first, I thought she was still hung up on you calling her a wildling. Which by the way, was uncalled for, that's no way to talk to a lady. But let's not change the subject shall we?" Klaus said.

Enjoying every bit of his brother's irritation.

"Vivian lied. She told me everything was fine. She has dignity you see. She didn't want the last of it to disappear after whatever she saw. So I let her go. But not long did I notice a lovely blonde slip out of your study. The same study Vivian had just fled from. So as clever as I am, I connected the dots, and voila! You were caught." Klaus laughed.

"You are enjoying this, aren't you?" Keith asked.

"Oh, I am, brother. Have you never heard of the saying, do not put all your eggs in one basket?" Klaus asked.

"I don't care about some bloody basket, Klaus," Keith said.

"I know you don't. But Vivian seeing you with that viper, Camille, did something didn't it?" Klaus asked.

Keith ignored him.

"Speaking of the viper." Klaus said looking ahead.

Camille Salvatore joined in next to her sister.

"If I were you, I wouldn't let my wife and my mistress in the same room. Either way, it's your call, brother. Looks like I need another glass from all this wisdom I've shared." Klaus said before walking away.

Keith turned back to look at Blaise. He wondered why he couldn't look away. He hated this feeling. He turned away and headed towards Klaus's direction. He didn't care, no matter what his talkative brother said.

Blaise stood with Heather and Edina Salvatore. She was the eldest daughter of Henderson and Sarah Salvatore. She was beautiful and intelligent. While other women spoke of new apparel and expensive jewelry. She spoke of history, science, and craft. Blaise could tell Heather was bored from the look on her face. But she was interested in this conversation.

"I'll go help myself with another glass, you lasses go on with whatever you are talking about." Heather said when she couldn't take it anymore.

Blaise and Edina giggled.

"Truth be told, Heather has never stood with me this long. I think it's her fondness towards you that kept her here." Edina said.

"It's a good thing, isn't it?" Blaise asked.

"Well, I bet to differ…" a voice interrupted them.

A beautiful blonde haired woman stepped in next to Edina. She stood at the same height as Blaise. Her blonde hair was swooped to her right shoulder exposing the side of her neck. She had almond shape olive eyes and a perfect face to match. She wore a lovely black dress that exposed more than enough cleavage. Blaise recognized her instantly. Even, though she was too occupied with Keith last night, she recognized her and her daunting voice. This was her, the woman Keith was with the night before.

"My Lady Valerian, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I believe we met under poor circumstances, earlier. Camille Salvatore at your humble service." Camille bowed lowly.

Blaise couldn't believe it. She had no shame.

"You two have met?" Edina asked.

"Yes, we have but under poor circumstances, as she referred to." Blaise said.

'After I'd shamelessly caught her with my husband.' She'd rather said. But she held that thought to herself. She would appear the fool instead if she brought it up.

"My ladies, Brunch is served." A maid approached them.

"Shall we?" Camille gestured towards the dining hall with a smirk.

"Why don't you take the lead, Lady Vivian. We will be right after you." Edina said.

Blaise smiled and took the lead.

Edina glared at her sister.

"What are you doing?" she grabbed her sister's arm.

"What the bloody hell do you mean? I was only introducing myself to the Lady properly." Camille said.

"As if I believe that. You should be ashamed of yourself Camille, to even show your face after what happened last night." Edina whispered.

"Ashamed? I have nothing to be ashamed of. The Lord would have married me if that witch didn't show up. Although I must confess, I am jealous for she is more beautiful than the rumors tell." Camille said with a frown.

"Behave yourself, Camille, the Lord is a married man now. This is the first time in the presence of his wife, don't create a scene." Edina warned her sister.

Camille pulled away from her sister's clutch.

"When have I ever misbehaved?" Camille smiled.

"What are you two squabbling about? The Lord and his family are already seated." Their mother, Sarah Salvatore approached them.

"Coming mother dearest." Camille said sweetly.

Edina followed after her with a small smile.

At the dining table, The Valerians sat at the right end and the Salvatores sat at the left side. Keith and Henderson sat at the ends of the table respectively. As they sat for the first course of the meal, Sarah Salvatore tried to engage Blaise.

"So my Lady Valerian, I hear you were into catering back in Eldovania." Sarah asked.

Blaise sipped water from her glass slowly. She had no idea, what she spoke of but she played along.

"Not entirely but I could make one or two pies." Blaise said with a smile.

Camille chuckled softly.

"Camille." Edina glared at her sister.

"What? It's funny." Camille mumbled.

"I'm sorry Miss Salvatore but do you find what I said amusing?" Blaise asked in a calm tone.

Klaus and Heather exchanged knowing glances.

"Pardon her, my Lady. Camille has a character of speaking out of turn." Lord Salvatore apologized.

"As a matter of fact, I do find it amusing." Camille said abruptly.

"Camille..." Her mother hissed.

Camille ignored her mother.

"With all due respect, isn't baking a maids chore or princesses are practically maids in Eldovania?" Camille asked.

Blaise tried hard not to show her irritation.

"I'm sorry you see it that way, but learning something for yourself is different from serving people. You see apart from baking, I learned a whole lot of skills. Back in Eldovania, a princess is taught how to behave in society, to serve, and acquire more than one skill in various fields of talent. That makes you not only a befitting queen but an ideal woman. However, I don't think you would understand that since you even tend to speak out of turn for a lady of your status." Blaise said with a smile.

She sipped a little wine and dubbed her lips graciously.

Camille's turned red with fury. She refrained from saying anything else.

Lord Salvatore cleared his throat.

"Lady Valerian, I hope you find the meal to your liking?" Lord Salvatore asked.

"It was splendid, Lord Salvatore, thank you." Blaise replied with a smile.

"I am glad you like it. It took forever to find the perfect recipe." Lady Sarah said.

"Your efforts are appreciated, my lady," Blaise replied.

Lady Sarah smiled with a pleasing look.

"So Lady Edina, I hear you joined the Daily Herald," Heath said.

"I did, it took a lot of effort though," Edina said.

"I believe you will be a renowned journalist. I read your piece from the Mirror last month, it was very insightful." Klaus commended her.

"Thank you, my Lord," Edina said.

"My daughter will become very famous someday, she's a very hardworking lass you see." Lord Salvatore said.

"I do my best, father," Edina said.

The rest of the meal went through gracefully. The Salvatores indulged Blaise with various topics. Heath and Heather indulged in the conversations as well. Klaus cracked jokes that sent everyone laughing. In all, dining with the Salvatores was very delightful. The only people who didn't speak at the table were Damien and Camille. Keith spoke up once in a while and smiled at most of his brother's jokes. Blaise tried to avoid his gaze throughout the meal.

"It was an honor having you, Lady Valerian." Sarah Salvatore said.

"I thank you for having me." Blaise smiled.

"I hope someday I can host you at my home." Blaise said.

"That would be wonderful my Lady." Sarah Salvatore said.

"And if it's not a bother you can come by sometime for tea, there I can read your incredible articles," Blaise told Edina.

"I would love nothing more, my Lady." Edina bowed.

"I will take my leave now." Blaise waved them.

She headed towards her carriage. Keith stood with Heather and Klaus.

"I'm riding with Heather," Blaise said without looking at Keith.

Heather glanced at Klaus. Klaus winked at her. Blaise headed towards Heather's carriage.

Keith grabbed Blaise's arm abruptly.

"Get in the carriage, Vivian." Keith ordered quietly.

Blaise glanced down at his arm. For the first time in the day, she looked up at him.

"I can always ride with you brother…" Klaus said.

"No. It's fine." Blaise mumbled.

Keith let go and paved the way for her.

"Trouble in paradise, brother." Heather said tauntingly.

"Oh a whole lot of trouble, let's go, Evie." Klaus said.

Keith ignored them and entered the carriage. Blaise sat at the right corner staring outside the window. He usually sat opposite her every time they rode together. Today he took a seat next to her.

The carriage immediately took off back to the Runen manor.

Keith could feel Blaise tense up. She was awfully quiet just like before.

"Camille Salvatore is my mistress. She's always been even before I married you." Keith started.

Blaise sat quietly staring outside.

"You weren't meant to see that…"

"Please do not humiliate me more than I already am," Blaise said abruptly.

"I know my place, you don't have to explain further. Camille is your bloody mistress?... Fine. I don't bloody care." She added.

She realized she should have stopped talking from when she said she knew her place. She looked up to find Keith smiling.

"You don't mean that. Do you?" He asked smugly.

Blaise frowned at the arrogant look on his handsome face. She looked away from him.

"Just leave me be." She mumbled.

Suddenly, the carriage hit a bump. Blaise fell forward only to be pulled back by Keith. She landed close to him with her hands on his chest. Keith stared down at her. His hands were wrapped around his waist. And their breath fanned each other's senses.

"Apologies my Lord, the wheel got stuck. But it's all sorted out now." The coachman said through the small window.

"Carry on Albert," Keith ordered. His eyes were glued on Blaise all this while.

"Let go of me," Blaise mumbled in a shaky tone.

Being this close to him did things to her. Her heart raced in her chest and her body throbbed. He ran his right finger up her arm and to her neck.

A low moan slipped her lips instantly. She shut her mouth to her surprise. Her body betrayed her just at his slight touch. Keith smiled at this.

She looked up into his eyes. His golden orbs held her captive. There was something in his eyes she'd never seen before. His hand traced her jaw up to her lips. Blaise tried to fight him off but the way he touched her made her lose her very sanity.

"Let go of me…please." Blaise whispered.

Keith on the other had no plans to let her go. It was something in the way she begged him to let her go. The way she shivered in his arms. The way her breath was rather unstable at his every touch. The way her lips trembled, begging to be kissed.

"Let…me go." She repeated.

Her words fell on deaf ears. He cupped her face and took her lips eagerly. Blaise tried resisting him but all her efforts were rendered futile when he touched her neck. A moan slipped her lips and she solely surrendered in his arms. He dominated her mouth and explored her depth with his tongue. Blaise tried to meet him with the same intensity but he overpowered her every time. Keith slowly loosened his grip and she quickly pulled away. She tugged herself to the corner in hopes to disappear from his sight.

Her breath was ragged and her eyes were welled up with tears.

"By now you already know my shameful truth." She said with a sad smile.

Keith leaned closer to reach for her.

"P…please don't come any closer." Her voice trembled as she spoke.

Keith ignored her and moved to her side.

"What do you want from me?" she yelled at him.

He stopped to stare at her. His face was expressionless as always. She couldn't make out what he was thinking but she was very aware of what she was feeling. She was hurting inside.

" Haven't you teased me enough? Why do you raise my hopes and crush them when you please? You just said outright Camille is your mistress as if it was nothing. Seeing you with her crushed me, that should tell you it means something to me. You mean something to me." She confessed.

Keith's eyes turned cold.

"I know you know that but you don't even care. But you kissing me only fills me with false hope. It's better if y…you just leave me alone. Pretend I don't exist just like when we first met." Blaise said.

The carriage moved to a stop at the Runen manor. She dashed out through the door. She couldn't stand to be anywhere close to him.

Keith stepped out of the carriage to go after her. A hand grabbed his arm from behind.

"There are a million reasons why going after her is a bad idea," Klaus told him.

"I think you've done enough for one day, brother." Heath said.

"I will go talk to her." Heather walked past them into the manor.

Keith pulled away from Klaus's hold.

'She's a good woman. You should treat her better.' Heath told him.

Keith turned away without a word.

"He's going to ruin everything, won't he?" Heath asked.

"Have some faith in our brother, Heath. He will get there.' Klaus said.