Chereads / Naruto Shippuden: Pilgrimage / Chapter 4 - Ninja tools

Chapter 4 - Ninja tools

while in his room Kansatsu looked at his arms feeling something there finding two scrolls wrapped around his forearms.

slightly touching the scrolls there would be a puff of smoke and a pistol shaped object with a folded up sheet of paper attached to it he would pick up the object, the paper, unfold it and read it.

"Well idiot

what you're currently holding is what I had in mind, the dominator. I know that what you are thinking of right now is what the hell is this, the only thing that it has that's gun like about this is the trigger and it's shaped which is also a bit of. Well buckle your britches as this is made specifically for you and your messed up chakra as this let's call it ninja tool would need more than one person who isn't you to operate so count yourself lucky.

Now about the modes which you can choose from are extreme piercing, blunt force and hollow point which have standard, tactical and silenced versions all being available in full auto, three round burst and semi-auto. now all these combinations have their own chakra requirements as firing a silenced tactical extreme piercing round will require a lot of chakra which is why the default is the piercing semi-auto on standard.

master this one before moving on to the rifle and try not to get yourself killed.

Yours hatefully.


P.S. I'm take a nap which will last a while so you're mostly on your own."

After reading the letter Kansatsu put it looked out the window and aimed at a nearby wall with the dominator focusing his chakra into it. The dominator would start to glow in a faint blue colour as it's barrel started to get a bit longer after sometime as he was starting to tire out from focusing his chakra into it.

Feeling that the dominator was ready to fire Kansatsu grabbed on to it with both hands preparing himself for the insane recoil and pulled the trigger releasing a thunderous bang that caused everyone who heard it to freeze up including Kansatsu himself. He look at the damage he caused in shock seeing that not only did the bullet go through the wall, it went through the entire building as well as a few inches into the ground creating a perfectly circular series of holes where you can look through a house.

Kansatsu's hands were shaking as he looked at the dominator which lost it's blue glow and has returned to it's normal shape, " well this thing nearly tired me out with that one shot so we will most likely using suppressed tactical hollow points which should need way less chakra than what ever that it."

Kansatsu would return the dominator and activate the other scroll, a sniper rifle would appear with the word elliminator carved on it and by seeing it was enough for him as he would shake his head and put it back still slightly afraid of the dominator which felt like it could kill pretty much anyone with a single simple click."Well this certainly has it's own set of advantages and disadvantages as who would let me charge it up to one hit kill them which means that it'll be for something along the lines of assassinations when combined with suppression."

"Well with the big day team Kakashi will be having tomorrow I'll have to sleep early to wake-up early as well so I can ambush Iruka and the Hokage at their tea party as this will be my only chance so with even my waking route planned out so my overall success is guaranteed."

Kansatsu slept peacefully for the first time in a long while as everything was going in his favor as he already knew and believed in what Kakashi was going to teach the three so he just needed to get accepted into the group even as a auxiliary team mate as long as he would travel with them on missions.

Kansatsu woke up at a ungodly hour as that day had hardly even started he took a bath ate his breakfast and started to head were team Kakashi was going to have their first exercise as a single unit while using the word unit is a bit of a stretch he knew that they were going to pass in the end so the was nothing to worry about.

walking towards the training ground he froze for a second as a black cat crossed his path followed by him saying with a shrug, "look like I'm taking the long way." After saying those words he took a sharp turn walking in the opposite direction to the training grounds.

Taking the travelers route he went around greeting everyone who he met with a smile which caught some people who knew him by surprise as this was off character for him as he was following a strict schedule for the past few years which in all honesty made them feel bad for him.

Those few who knew him felt bad for Kansatsu as no one even knows his name and those who do don't know that he is a Uchiha which caused him to always practice trying to be remembered as at least someone with vast potential causing him to be a bit detached from his humanity as he thought a head for almost everything.

To them Naruto stealing the scroll of seals was a big deal but he just explained what was actually happening with little to no care about anyone involved responding with, "what happened was going to happen regardless of anyone's interception as it was destined to be it'll be."

with everything that happened he was someone who was physically there but was never there mentally and emotionally which might be what caused him to have such a weak presence and the reason why he was always forgotten. with all of that he wasn't realizing that he was pushing the world away and isolating himself even though he was surrounded by people who care about him.

with his journey complete he arrived about a hour before everyone he would set up targets across the place then pull out the dominator, set it to silenced tactical hollow point rounds. practicing with his dominator and senbon, the senbon were more effective than the dominator at the beginning as the damage they did was nearly equal.

the dominator did more damage, was slower than the senbon which did less damage but was extremely fast. After he look is shots standing still he decided to try while moving so he imagined that he was surrounded by shadow clones and the targets were real people.

Kansatsu stated by placing his dominant right foot forward holding holding the sword he took from his brother in the wrath stance while holding the dominator with his left hand. He would start what looked like a elegant dance as he moved back and forth in half circular patterns pivoting with whichever foot became his leading foot after a few steps, his blade moving through the air while occasionally shooting at the targets with pinpoint accuracy as in his mind he was in a battle that involved hundreds of clones were his life was on the line.

Kansatsu would start to feel himself run out of chakra after firing more than a thousand times as each shot was faster than the last as the time difference of the two was almost non-existent well at least while it was in this configuration as they hardly made a sound when exiting the barrel most of the noise came from the impact of the bullet and the target.

after sometime practicing with the dominator he cleaned up the mess he made, put it away and started to train with the senbon as Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura would arrive at any time for their training and he didn't want the dominator to be the main focus when he was mentioned in a conversation.