Taking a long relaxing breath and preparing for awkward silence and maybe some questions on why I know so much.
"There awakening....there awakening because of you" I slowly said, trying not to put it all out at once. He turned his eyes to my leg, I stared down at it. The infection was gone mostly, "How are you healed." His voice is low and serious.
It was my turn to break this tension, a serious wolf is not much of a talkable wolf, "Let just say it is one of my perks" I said while doing a cheeky smile.
He just let out hmm, then went silent waiting for me to continue on with my main task. " They awakened because you're the first unnatural that they seen….well be."
"Unnatural?" Greyson replied almost nonchalantly, but replied all the same.
"Yes" Was all I could muster up to say.
The conversation went well for the most part, a few minutes of chit chat until we were both ready for me to dive deeper into the awakening.
Slowly I began the full explanation of the awakening, "The awakening is when their true selves come alive." I explained chuckling when Greyson's face turned into a purplex state. "It's like when a shifter first shifts when they awake their natural forms." Choosing my words carefully.
"Before that..they were basically human. You get right?"
All I got was a slow head nod from the cautious boy. Not knowing if the boy was nodding out of understandment or he just wanted to leave.
Either way he needs to know what's happening to these kids, so maybe if this ever happens again he knows what to do. "Not many people know about this or how to help about these situations, but if you want to leave I won't stop you." I stated simply.
He took a glance towards the twins one the spare mattresses, no..he was looking at Bryan with a mixture of sadness, fear and awe for the boy that laid unconscious before him. Then he turned to Jasmine but there was more fear than anything else.
"What do you see?" My words went before my mind.
"I see…I see what they are, and what they shall do."