The clinic was busy. There were people everywhere. On one side of the lobby there were many different types of people. Old people, younger old people, people with dirty clothes and unkempt hair, and people with a very clean cut appearance. There was a man no older than Alistair sitting at the far end of the room rocking and mumbling to himself. A woman who looked to be in her forties was sitting in a chair closest to the reception desk. She was very pristine, and had a scowl contorting her face.
The side of the building they were on was very clean, sleek, and modern. Light and dark colors contrasted each other in a way pleasing to the eye. The other side of the large reception room was very different. It was very bright and colorful. Toys and coloring books were everywhere. It was clearly meant for children and the people seated there clearly reflected it.
Mothers cradled small children looking haggard and worn out. A father was glaring and speaking aggressively to a young man who looked like he couldn't care less about whatever his father was telling him.
Alistair brought Nexus over by a TV the was playing and sat down in one of the chairs, while Carter went to the reception desk to fill out forms. Nexus kneeled at a small, short table and leaned her elbows on the tabletop. She settled her chin onto her hands and observed another you girl who was arguing with her mom.
The other girl couldn't be more than two or three years older than she was. She had short chestnut hair, equally dark eyes, and sepia colored skin, like she was always outside. Her eyes were hard and fiery as she glared at the people Nexus assumed to be her parents.
"I don't want to be here!"
"Ontari, you have gotten into over a dozen fights in the last month, you steal constantly, and let's not even mention how horribly you treat your mother and I. You have serious problems young lady and you need help. Your starting therapy."
"I didn't start those fights, and nothing I stole cost more than five bucks, I don't get whats the big deal!"
"You might not have thrown the first punch, but you purposely antagonize and provoked each and every one of those other children just so they would fight you. You might think no one noticed, but you didn't get away with that little tactic."
Ontari's mouth open and closed repeatedly, unable to come up with a reply now that her tactic had been outed.
"Mom! Tell him I don't need therapy." She pleaded, tears forming in her eyes.
Nexus sneered at her blatant attempt at manipulating her mom. Personally Nexus hated crying, in general, but especially when trying to manipulating somebody. She felt it made you look stupid.
"Honey, what you're doing isn't right, and if you keep up like this it might lead you down a dark path."
"Oh shut up Susan. You're not helpful." she growled, her eyes drying up instantly.
"How dare you speak to your mother like that! You-"
Nexus tuned out the rest of the conversation growing bored of it. She already could guess how it would play out so it no longer interested her. She turned her attention to the TV and waited for her turn to see the Psychiatrist.