I Reincarnated in Lorien Legacies(I am number four.)

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Basic Information


The Loric are the sentient species from the planet Lorien. Loric closely resembles humans, to the point that humans cannot tell the difference between a Loric and a human. Unlike the Mogadorians they do not possess distinct features that would make them stand out amongst ordinary humans. There are two different types of people within the Loric species, the Garde and Cêpan.



Garde are the Loric who obtain Legacies. They are known as the defenders of Lorien. Garde possess superhuman strength, speed, endurance and durability plus an assortment of other superhuman abilities. Legacies are special abilities like elemental manipulation, invisibility, underwater breathing, shape-shifting....etc


Cêpan are the Loric who do not obtain Legacies, however they possess other skills such as enhanced intelligence. They are responsible for running the planet while Garde are responsible for defense. Each Garde is assigned a Mentor Cêpan at birth to help them train and develop their Legacies.

The Elders

The Elders of Lorien are powerful Loric beings containing every known Legacy between them. These Loric live far longer than average Loric people and the titles are passed on every ten's of thousands of years to those that Lorien recognizes as strong of heart.

There were originally ten elders of Lorien, but the number was reduced to nine after the Secret Wars. The Ten chosen Garde were chosen by the planet to be the next generation of Elders, taking on their predecessors' Legacies. They are expected to be more powerful than the previous generation.


Pittacus Lore has mastered 74 Legacies, though it is unknown whether that includes all Legacies,we are not clear if that is all there is.So Legacies can be roughly grouped into four categories, based on the mental, material, or physical effects they have, or combinations of the three.

Legacy groups


Mind -Animal Telepathy, Hallucinations, Insect Control, Persuasion, Precognition, Sensior, Technopathy, Telepathy, Manipulation of Time, Knowledge Sharing, Receptive Omnilingualism, Echolocation, Manipulation of Matter.

Matter- Animation, Earthquake Generation, Energy Blasts, Force Fields, Healing, Kinetic Detonation, Loralite Call, Lumen, Elecomun, Sturma, Fire manipulation, Glacen, Light Manipulation, Plant Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Temperature Manipulation, Metal Manipulation, Object Duplication.

Physical- Aeternus, Antigravity, Air Vanishing, Charm Casting, Density Alteration, Dreynen, Duplication, Enhancement,Electric Touch, Externa, Impenetrable Skin, Invisibility, Light Spectrum Vision, Night Vision, Quill Protrusion, Rapid Regeneration, Shapeshifting, Sonic Flight, Stone Gaze, Super Hearing, Super Speed, Super Strength, Tactile Consciousness Transfer, Teleportation, Underwater Breathing.

Combined- Legacy Transference, Telekinesis, Ximic, Reflexion.


Mogadorians are one of three known intelligent beings in the galaxy. There are two types: Vatborn basically those grown in Vats thanks to Setrákus Ra's genetic engineering and Trueborn who ate born of true Mogadorian Heritage.The Mogadorians are very genocidal, having wiped out most of Lorien.

After the destruction of their own planet, women became less able to conceive children, and when they do, they are likely to die in childbirth. It is therefore considered a very proud thing to have natural-born children. To solve this, the Mogadorian leader Setrákus Ra and his scientists create a way to grow Mogadorians in vats. The vatborn Mogs are born ready for battle, fully grown and possessing the perfect characteristics of a good soldier as well as an increased blood lust.