Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

While Alex took Hilde and Number One to the quin Jet and was ready to leave as he made sure to leave a pretty nice gift for the Mogs.

For many of the Mogadorians on the plane, this is their first action since the First Great Expansion. Some of them spend the flight reminiscing about the last time they fought, bragging about their many kills. Others, the older ones, stay quiet, completely focused on the mission.

Adam suketh replied, "I doubt it.". We're along for this mission simply because he was the General's son and Ivan was his ward.Both were too young to be of any real use to the strike team, but not too young to watch the execution of this Loric insurgent from a distance.Adam's father wanted them to learn from it. As our instructors always tell us, the combat simulations we run in battle preparedness class—where we do get to shoot guns—are no substitution for the real thing. Everything next happens in a blur. When we landed as Adam saw the Garde and her Cêpan. As instructed, Ivan and Adam were watching with the General as the Mogadorian warriors go into battle. For Adam was slightly repulsed since it was not at all like the battles described in the Great Book. Two dozen Mogadorians against an old woman and a teenage girl as both of them were soon killed but Adam had a gut feeling something terrible was going to happen and it was proven as one of the Mogs tried to take the girl's body only to find a grenade attached to her as he yelled"Grenade." But it was too late as the explosion pretty much destroyed all of the Mogadorian vatborns and even some of the true borns as Adam, Ivan, and his father were all caught in the blast but were able to survive because of the pilot's action.Adam was knocked out from the blast and he blacked out.

Alex let the quin jet in autopilot as he went to check on One who was exhausted from using her legacy first time as she was next to her cepan who was unconscious as he asked"My name is Alexander Stark and I presume you have some questions?"

Number One was surprised and questioned, "Alexander Stark the owner of Stark industries."Alex smiled and nodded Number one knew she had seen him somewhere before as One who studied Alex asked"How do you have powers?I am sure humans don't have them."Alex nodded and replied"True normal humans don't have them, but I don't have the answer to what I am or how I got these powers. But I call myself evolved human or EVOs for short."

One snorted hearing that as she questioned"How did you know about us?"Alex sighed and answered, "I will explain when your guardian is awakened."One nodded as they soon reached my base where Arthur was waiting as he see an unconscious person with me he stoically asked"Young master,I presume these are one of our resident aliens you spoke about."

Number One was alarmed hearing this as Alex calmed her down"Don't worry Arthur is very trustworthy."Number One once again questioned, "How did you know about us?"Alex shrugged and replied, "Ohh well, I hacked into the pentagon when I was 12 years old and to my surprise,I found the US govt had made a deal with Mogodorians in return for helping them capture you the govt will get weapons, Iridium and other. They really fooled the Govt by saying how you guys are fugitives."

Number One felt tears in her eyes and she muttered"They found us because of me."Alex hesitantly nodded as he couldn't lie about it as he spoke"You can't blame yourself now you have a chance to correct."

Number One nodded she wiped her tears as she watched Hilde who was brought by Arthur to the Medical bed as Number was surprised seeing how advanced the tech was as she was sure Earth did not have the tech of this level as she asked"Where did you get this advanced tech from?"

Alex not taking an eye from the monitor replied"I built it."Number one was shocked as Alex looking at Hilde's reading said"Well it seems your guardian is healthy both mentally and physically."

Hilde soon woke up she was alert as she quickly surveyed her surroundings and seeing Number One was okay she quickly went to her and checked her for injuries and asked"You are not hurt are you? and Where are we?"Number One soon explained everything as Hilde studied Alex as she said"Why help us? and what made you believe we are not fugitives like the Mogodorians told your govt?"

Alex smiled and explained, "Well you see I was able to hack into their base and was able to get every little piece of information about Mogodorian and Loric."Hilde was shocked as she couldn't believe a human could hack into a Mogs base as their technology was pretty much on the same level as Lorien's as she asked in disbelief, "You were able to hack into a Mogadorian base."

Alex nodded and continued"Yes,I have the ability to control technology with my mind.So it was fairly easy for me to bypass their shields."Hilde knew Loric sometimes had children with humans and somewhere pretty well-known like Genghis Khan,Einstein...etc.Hilde guessed Alex was a descendant of Loric as she asked"Were you able to locate any other members."

Alec sighed and sighed and said"Well it did take a while but I was able to locate a few of them,but some of them seemed to be very good with keeping off grid."