Chapter 9 - Chapter 8

Alex knew for fact both Adam's sister Kelly and his mother Susannah could be converted as both of them are different from Mogadorians in general.In the original timeline, kelly hated Adam for defeating the Mogadorian and joining the Loric.It mostly occurred because she didn't know the particular facts about Setrakus Ra and the same can be said for Susannah who interestingly has lost her grandfather to Setrakus Ra as he was a member of the Mogadorian council who was trying to bring the condition of the planet to everyone's attention. Alex linked Adam, Kelly, and Susannah's mind such that whenever they sleep they will be dragged into Adam's mind.

While Adam soon explained the situation,lets just say young kelly and Susannah were shocked was an understatement. Kelly was curious while Susannah was cautious of Alex as Susannah asked"So my son here tells me you have evidence of our leader Setrakus Ra being a fraud?"

Alex nodded as he showed and explained the same things to Susannah and Kelly while both were angry at Setrakus Ra for not only destroying their world. But also cheating them as Alex added"Ms.Susannah both your father and grandfather both died either at the hands of Setrakus Ra or by his orders."

Susannah was shocked as she questioned, "How is my father and grandfather's death related to Setrakus Ra?"Alex sighed and answered"Well your Grandfather Markus was a council member and chief scientist of Mogodore he found that someone was messing with the core of the planet and cause Mogadore's destruction. He tried to bring it in front of the council but was unable to as Setrakus Ra found him first."

Susannah couldn't find any words to describe her hate for Setrakus Ra as she was very close with her Grandfather and hearing the fact he was killed by the very leader she thought was the savior of her world was a huge blow for her as she asked"What about my father Aemon?"

Alex looked at her with sadness and replied, "Your father Aemon was killed by your husband on the orders of Setrakus Ra."Sunnah shook her head in denial and said"No that is not possible my husband was my father's right hand he would not betray my father."Alex pitied her as he replied"No.he was Setrakus Ra's spy. In return for killing your father, he was granted the position of general by Setrakus Ra himself. Also, Ivanick Shu-Ra is not his ward but is actually his real son."

This time Kelly questioned, "Why?"Alex sighed and answered"Because your father values bloodline the most he knew Setrakus Ra is not happy with your Grandfather Aemon or your great Grandfather Markus,so he knew if in the future either Susannah or Adam or you find the truth about your leader. Andrakus knew you would rebel just like your maternal grandparents so to make sure his bloodline continued he had an affair and Ivan was born."

Susannah gritted her teeth and muttered, "I should have doubted him when he insisted on taking Ivanik as his ward."

Alex was soon snapped out of his thoughts by Hilde's voice"How did you find Number two and her Cepan Conrad?"Alex not looking away from the screen replied"Well I spotted number two and her Cepan Conrad is one of the security cameras in the libraries it won't be long before the Mogs catch the wind of this. We will have to get them out of there."

Hilde nodded as she looked at Freya and said"Freya you stay here, both Alex and I will go get them."Freya didn't like that one bit and replied"Come one this is what you trained me for?"Hilde calmly explained, "Freya you must understand we are trying to bring number two and her Cepan without the Mogadorian's noticing."

Freya was adamant about coming as Hilde hesitantly allowed seeing she needed experience from an actual fight against a Mogadorian. While we soon made it to Conrad's location. Alex told Hilde how the Mogadorians are searching suspicious activity and certain Loric-related keywords. Before heading out to track Conrad Hoyle, my father wants to get the lay of the land.

Alex was with Hilde who was subtly looking in the direction of Conrad as Alex said"Hilde,I will loop the Mogadorian security footage. It will give you 10 mins both Freya and I will go protect number two."

Hilde nodded as Alex took Freya with him to It takes me ten minutes to get to the quiet backstreet where the building was as we both knocked on the Garde safe house was right under our noses. If we had waited, Conrad and Hilde to come to us. Alex could easily hear startled movement inside the apartment, a TV being muted, and then silence.

Freya knocked again, gentler this time as muffled footsteps pad closer to the other side of the door, but the girl says nothing.As Freya whispered, "Open the door, You're in danger." Seeing no response Freya tried again"Your Cêpan sent me, You need to get out of here."

After a lengthy pause, and then a small voice answers. "How do I know you're telling the truth?"Good question, but Alex and Freya didn't have time for this. By now Conrad Hoyle has probably been either rescued by Hilde or overcome by Mogadorian strike team.

Freya took the lead and spoke"I remember the night they came,There were nine of us and our Cêpans, all running panicked. We saw a Garde fight off a piken. I don't think he survived. Then they pushed us onto the ship and …"Freya looked sad as she recounted her life as we soon heard half a dozen deadbolt locks are unlatched, and the apartment door swings open.

Her alias is Maggie Hoyle. From what little both Alex and Freya saw of Conrad Hoyle, both were expecting Maggie to be a mini militant in training. Instead, she is the polar opposite of her Cêpan. Maggie can't be more than twelve years old; and she's small for her age, mousey, with a mane of reddish-brown curls hanging on either side of a pair of thick glasses. The only sign of Hoyle's influence is the small handgun she's holding when we both walk-in, Maggie looks relieved to set the gun down as she asked,"Which number are you?"

Alex internally grimaced as he knew the whole number thing is problematic, before he could speak Freya cut in"I am number one."Alex groaned as he saw Maggie was once again on her guard pointing her gun at both of us as she said"No, number one is dead. I have the scar to prove it."

Alex glared at Freya who looked guilty as she explained"I am number one, both my Cepan and I were saved by my Alex."Alex knew it wasn't helping as he quickly knocked Maggie out and grabbed her before falling as Freya with disbelief asked"What are you doing?"

Alex sighed and replied, "She was too nervous and scared, we can't let her fire the weapon and hurt us in the process."Alex then pointed towards the laptop and said"She also in fear tried to contact the other Garde through the net."

Freya knew the net was fully monitored by the Mogs she quickly nodded and soon both Conrad and Hilde came both looked banged up as Conrad was the first one to speak"Where is Maggie?"Freya quickly explained the situation as both Conrad and Hilde nodded as Conrad muttered"It seems I went too easy on her."

Alex also after learning about the Loric Charms had found a way to deactivate the charms and sending the signal of her death as Alex was sure this would have made sure the other Garde move from their place. Conrad also got maggie's Loric chest nd his weapons.As Alex could easily hear multiple people approaching the house as he said in an urgent tone"The Mogs are coming,I will make them think that they killed you guys."

Conrad who was now carrying Maggie was confused as Hilde grabbed his hand and While Freya grabbed Alex's hand as they teleported back to their place and Alex told Hilde to explain everything to both Conrad and Maggie.While he returned to make the Mogs belive they got Maggie.