"Ughh…" King Jearr groaned as he came back to consciousness. He had been arguing with those evil beings, and suddenly, everything went black.
"Wake up, sunshine. We have business to attend to." Mikax's voice broke through his fog like a truck.
When King Jearr opened his eyes, he was not surprised to find himself lying on the floor in the throne room with Mikax lazily lounging on the throne itself. Looking around, he saw that the court seemed to have been summoned, King Jearr's sons included.
"What is the meaning of this? Are you all traitors? You do not come running when he summons you!" King Jearr let loose his anger as he forced himself to his feet.
"They came because your daughter and I asked them to, nicely." Caleb Quintas stepped forward. " Your rule as of late has been nothing short of corrupt and has caused this once great kingdom hardships."