I'm not gonna lie this part is not so much of a shit show as I started to become a human being and I but I still made stupid decisions and I was still fucking up but I was only human. Aren't we all but I'm gonna tell you this is when I started meeting so I'm actually good fucking people around my life other than my damn parents. First was Kim A family relief worker that I worked with who is very nice to me but didn't like swearing I don't fucking blame her I don't like fucking swearing either and I fucking swear and she took me a lot of places for shopping for books like Dollarama and other cheap places like dollar tree and I was able to discover new box. My favourite book that I found was objection by Nancy Grace but it was kind of fucked up because there is some torture shit in it as well because it was legal stuff there was talk of torture as well I wish I didn't really fucking appreciate but it was still a good fucking book. Kim also got me into air plants were trying fell in love with this is one Markle and hairy became husband and wife and I named one air plant Markel the other sparkle sprinkle and Tinker Bell I had for air plants and I would sing to them even though I was a pity singer at the time and I would also play my city music for them so they could grow they were very happy air plants and I was very happy with them until my father decided to have a piss and one of their pots. That was the only time I actually got upset with my father and called him a fucking pervert for pissing on my air plants poor things were traumatized had PTSD and shrivelled up and I never saw the lakes of them again but I try and try again and get air plants and to actually grow them again and I gave them the same names with the same damn thing keeps happening him passing the the cup. I actually got very fed up and I already confronted him once and for all and say listen don't piss in my air plants are killing them. I learned about air plants that they are from the Hi altitude deserts and mountains of south and central America which I have seen in my life but not in a high altitude so I never really saw an air plant until I saw Kim and she was a very good person. I'm still interested in our plans because of her. So it was this isn't always a shit show book then I'm gonna tell you there's still some lessons I'm going to learn. Like the truth can be too much for some people like I want on vampire freaks told everyone about my past which was that I was tortured by terrorists As a baby on vampire freaks.com and ended up being harassed for it for a year sometimes the past should be dressed the past and fuck it I don't mention it in your social media that's what it would be a good idea because some people will call you a chronic liar or other shit when you're not. I don't know how many times I had to report someone on vampire freaks because of their retarded behaviour towards me and my past. So I got fed up with that side and went on a goth wire and had better reception there and space hey and have better reception there. I still keep what I said they're being actually the actual truth a secret excepting less someone asks about my past that I say listen you won't believe this but it's Bu t da da da. For example. Then when it came hell crow disappeared into the Catholic school system which I still rich reheated I ended up going into a time of morning not dress for my air plants they kept dying at my father's hand but also for cam her self because I thought I lost her to the enemy. I then found another worker to work with her name was Shawna she taught me how to do Reiki and tarot and oracle readings, as well as the white stone is where it's like what type of crystal is what type and what is used for for example I have a rainbow crystal that helps me with my PTSD I always look up a new crystal whenever I find a ring on Amazon with a rare crystal and I actually go and look it up because of her. I actually know my crystals pretty well from crystal quartz to tigers I crystals chords is like the wild card of crystals worth it can help you with everything tigers I can help you with being courageous and helpful and brave amethyst is very good and calming and can help you with nightmares I always wear an amethyst ring not because it's my birthstone but also to help with my nightmares and night terrors that I have due to my PTSD. There's other different stones out there like him lapis Lupe is very good for PTSD as well my car is good for PTSD and he has a funny fucking story. I was getting a stone for my PTSD Shawna always love the fact that I knew what stone I needed in the moment and I picked up the Mika and the guy said that was good for PTSD I said OK I'll take it I had him over to my car and then he felt my hand and said I had a fairy energy and fairy DNA something there's not very much provable on ancestry.com or 23 and me so I was very interested and he said as a gift from me to you I gave you the spark and it was a book on fairies and it turns out if you're a nerd which I'm a big fucking nerd let me Telya and like fantasy and horror and Syfy and stuff Like magic the gathering or other RPG games then you're most likely going to be a fairy I have been playing at the time a lot of RPG games and I've been reading a lot of books and I've been very careful about the environment still lamb and that's how I was detected as a fairy and I don't mean that because I was gay I meant that because I actually do have the anti-DM me the fairy so I have fairy energy and fairy DNA says the psychic we became fast friends he would give me stones whenever I felt the need for a new stone or a book on Buddhism or Islam. And he even recommended to me some jewellery which was pretty good we became fast friends and I was hoping that I was going to find him on Facebook one time and tell him hey listen to you remember me. But that is in now talking about the past right now. Shawna did a lot of good for me she taught me about different chakras and also how to make a chakra bracelet bracelet and how to wear it and also the fact that I can help improve your mood. I always try to find a chakra bracelet when I can or make one just so I don't get ugly in the morning to this day and I made chocolate bracelets for everyone else in my group home as well little bit more about the group home later on. So I learned a lot about Buddhism and shamanism Islam from China and other spiritual
Soon I was starting to really get on the ball was finding out what my past lives were. One was imam Shamil A wig or a princess and also a mass or a warrior and also I was in the dream time of Australia and I was also a shaman and you eat Ramen and Canada before anyone else that I know came to Canada I also I'm still learning more different heritage is of my spirituality and I also found out that I was the one that made the first dream catcher ever in the Ojibwe and was able to foretell the 9/11 attacks before it even happened 10,000 years ago. Oh they're so learned from being with Shawna but then we had a falling out a very bad falling out because I was LGBTQ and she wasn't. She believed in the fucked up shit like the caramel sutra and the tantra watch involves male and female only heterosexual so I was braided for the app but I still keep her ideas other ideas or spirituality in me just because we had a difference doesn't mean that I can't still learn from her and learn for myself spiritually.
Then when I decided she was done for and we had a falling out because of orientation I started doing something stupid really fucking stupid and girls pay attention to the next fucking chapter. This is what the post and not watch a post online. Get the hint.