Patricia watched Lied walk away. She had no idea what had gotten to him at the moment. He had been following her around for some time, actually, she was following him at first. She shrugged it off and walked to the entrance to the Maigikn Headquarters.
Unlike the Kruffswegen Headquarters, the Maigikn Headquarters had open doors for visitors. People were able to enter the lobby, and depending on their situation, they could even travel around to certain parts of the Headquarters. Patricia walked into the building.
It was relatively early in the morning, and not too many people were around. Patricia entered and made her way to the receptionist desk. The lady at the receptionist desk had bags under her eyes as she looked at Patricia, obviously tired.
"How may I help you?" The receptionist asked.
"Ah, yes, I would like to apply to become a member of Maigikn," Patricia said.