Chereads / Rise Of A Forgotten / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 Alone And Forgotten

Rise Of A Forgotten

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 Alone And Forgotten

As I stare out of my massive palace with my many servants and land under my, Sora Harideens rule. My enemies to afraid to even come out of there holes they hide in and everything I wanted below me. I look back to how is all started and reminisce about my journey to get here, closing my eyes it all comes back to me in this trip down memory lane.


My parents, used to love me before last year on my ninth birthday. I was four feet and 10 inches tall making me a little taller for my age at nine.

I always was stronger than the other kids from the main and branch families which was a good sign for having a higher grade physique.

Turning nine is when you check your physique and affinities and start embarking on the path of the Aspirant. We are called Aspirants because we all aspire to become gods.

When we come of age and we get our talent and physique checked.

I only got a C- on my physique and just a low level fire manipulation talent. That would have been amazing for a normal family, but not for a large and strong clan like mine, not for the son of that clan master of one of the biggest clans in the Griffin kingdom.

The physique is graded from D, C, B, and A. Though there were S and X grade physiques in the era of the gods. The gods granted these two physiques to there representatives they liked.

The difference between one minor rank like C- and C is large. C grade is almost twice as strong as C-, the difference between major grades like D+ and C- is like comparing a race horse to a puppy.

Talents on the other hand are your element affinity. Affinity will tell how strong your fire or water you wield will be.

This world is governed by the elemental laws that create this world and affinity grade will judge how much power you can manipulate or bend to your will to follow whatever action you want is too.

The more power you are forcibly manipulating the more push back you will feel both from the world to return to its natural form and upon our own bodies and mind. Greater affinity equates to easier time and greater amount of power you can wield.

They go from rank one or manipulation, and rank two or control. There is a third rank lord, but that was also in the age of gods. Most are in the first rank, manipulation. With some geniuses in the second rank, but they are few and far between in the whole continent with maybe a only a couple at most.

There is also low, medium and high in each rank, I had the the lowest rank of rank one which cemented me as the same as a peasant in the slums in the eyes of my clan with even many of the normal branch children above me in talent or physique.

In there disappointment they distanced themselves away from me just like my friends and clan members, and far faster then they should they all gradually over the past year forgotten about me.

Until I am now getting kicked out for trespassing, the guards stop me from trying to get back in. They keep asking why some child is trying to sneak into the clan headquarters and go back to my parents, when that's what I'm trying to do.

I know these guards, they saw me many times with my mom and dad before. I played with them before.

Looking into there eyes I see no familiarity in them, even pretending to not know me and looking with disdain at me is better. But all they see is a complete stranger when they look at me.

So why have they completely forgot about me, I talked to them and they used to treat me nicely. But they don't even recognize me anymore.

Like they have never met me before. Why? With no place to stay and no food or water I tried to steal some from a street stall next to the clan headquarters selling fruit.

The stall owner is fast asleep and the usually busy street is empty with no one around. This is weird but perhaps its just slow in the city at this time. I quietly walk over and reach to grab a pear, but the moment my hand grasps one the stall owner seems to have teleported right behind me and grabs hold of me.

This is not the speed a stall owner can have, this is equal to my clans elite troops. Even worse some city guards come barreling over to our side when no one was in site a second ago. Everything is happening to fast and I'm struggling catch up as the owner is talking to the guards and handing me to them.

I have resigned myself to spending a night in the youth jail, they drag me down the street quickly and turn a corner at the end of the block, but instead of taking me to city youth jail as was supposed to happen.

They gave me to these two men with around 30 other kids and put us all in to a cage wagon and road out of the city. There were a dozen guards in leather armor and this fat man ordering them around and relaxing in another far more comfortable carriage in front.

I asked the other kids whats happening why they didn't put us into jail like they are supposed too and who these people are. They told me we were sold to slave traders. I couldn't understand how they are aloud to do this to children, the city has a law against this.

Do everyone only care about what benefits them. Are the laws and honor of nobles I grew up learning all lies.

This is not how its suppose to be, I don't understand this world anymore its the opposite of what I learned. Everything I was taught about this world is a lie. There is no honor, there is no righteousness and love of the citizens and fellow man.

There is no patriotic spirit and love of our country, I have seen children of commoners and they loved them even if they didn't have any talent or power. Yet for the nobles, anyone of lower value are cast aside.

The clan just forgot me even after a year even as I lived with them and ate food and walked around them.

I didn't have anything to eat and was forced to steal like these other children, but no one cared about that and only punished us because they are trying to live.

As I am lost in my thoughts and what awaited me in the future, we are already a ways away from the city and there is lush forest around us with the road going around the Misty forest. A famous forest that all go in get lost and never escape.

A primal forest that is always covered in a thick mist.

We from burning soul city the name of where we come from is located next to this forest, the city acts as a Barrier against the forest for the rest of the kingdom.

The heavy white mist permanently obscuring and flowing about making you barely able to even make out the faint outlines of the forest behind it.

I am just staring at the forest blankly, not focusing on anything when a RRAAAAAAWWWWWRRRRRRR bellows out of the forest followed by a large beast running out straight at us.

The monster is an ancient wind cougar, an animal more than two meters tall and a little more than four meters long with ridiculously strong physique and wind affinity.

It has four eyes instead of the two eyes from its non ancient blood counterparts.

This thing will need several squads of tier 3 Aspirants with a tier 4 leading to kill it. There is only Tier 2 Aspirants guarding this caravan.

Its rare for anything to come out of the misty forest. This forest is the oldest forest in the world with beasts with ancient blood that makes even the weakest beasts equal to rank 2 aspirants.

And any beasts that come out of the misty forest, are not the weakest beasts there. Its predators that come out every once in a while for a quick feast before returning.

"Defensive formation shields up archers behinds us and start shooting!"

Yells the head guard is they are scrambling to form there formation just as the wind leopard bares down on them.

The slightly obese slaver trader grabs the reigns of the carriage he is in and whips the oxen to start running while the mercenary guards have the beasts attention, typical "leaving the guards to die so I can live" action.

What else would you expect from a slaver.

But I am still stuck in a cage watching the battle as I am awaiting the beast to finish with the guards and come eat me next.

An earthen wall raises up to impede the beast charge at them, but it bulldozes through it like it wasn't there at all.

Spears though were waiting for him yet the beast ignored these futile attempts as a coat of wind covering the leopard shreds the spears into pieces, it waves its claws, the wind forming into crescent blades that speed faster than the mercenaries can move cleaving through six of them dicing into chunks.

Arrows covered in lighting, frost or wind shoot at its legs, but the beast is so fast its already at another side of the formation, the mercenaries in that part of the formation with there experience were prepared.

The ground softened up like quicksand letting the leopard sink into the ground while two fire balls are shooting at it, when the leopard called up its wind to protect itself the guard captain used its own wind talent that seems to bee at medium level to hamper and slow down its gathering speed, it only hampered it for a second or two, but that was long enough.


The fireballs lands right in the beasts neck and face, the mercenaries cheer and gain this hopeful look like they might live to see another day, yet when the smoke clears there is only some minor damage to it.

With some new bald spots on itself, the look in its eyes change and it starts growling when it never made another sound after that first howl. It was pissed and it seems its getting serious now.

"GGRRRRRR RRAAWWRR" massive wind turbulence is gathered and unleashed at everything around it. Crescent wind slashes unleashes on all of the mercenaries, they use all there power to defend, but they are still butchered in the end.

It was at that time that one of the wind blades cut through our carriage killing two of the other kids and giving me a way to escape. 

The beast starts chasing the last of the mercenaries that started fleeing.

I knew I only have one chance to live, I cant run that far before the beast would hunt me down, not unless I head into the once place that might let me escape from this terrifying creature. 

So I started running as fast as my little legs can carry me, right into the Misty forest.

The ever flowing mist of the forest soon obscuring me in its clutches.