Hello there reader, I am surprised that you are want to here more of my story. It's kinda flattering in a way, anyways where were we? ah yes your journey in hell.
As you stepped into the portal, you as hit with a massive heat wave like never before. Though you expected something like this, you never thought it would reach this high before. But no matter with you 3 week training arc you can manage the heat just fine, maybe those hours spent in the steam room help alot.
Walking around you noticed hell is not as scary as it was made to be, it seems more boring then anything. Seeing the same lava, rocks, and some demons here and there but not much at all. Plus the demons were male, and that's not was you are looking for. "How long is this place? There is nothing here but rocks and lava." You just repeate- urM um you find yourself wondering in a somewhat populated place that has buildings.
You walk around looking at the shape of the some town, and find some eyes staring at you. I mean it makes sense where in the fucking world would you find someone willing to go into hell? anyways.. you spot a building that resembles that of a strip club....Like the sign isn't a dead giveaway. You walking inside, and met with a very lewd smell.
"Hmmm, Maybe I might some here." You say as you venture inside. Inside, the building look like it doubled in size cause it looked nothing like it was outside. As you walk and follow the smell you find a demon on the floor, feeling abit worried about the demon you shake it a little. It wakes up and sits up. "Huh? what? what happend?" the demon says it turns and spots you. You say "Sorry for waking you up, but you were on the floor."
Looking at the face of the demon, it seems its a female! And pretty cute one too "Oh I am?" she looks around and confirms her location. "Apparently I am.." She gets off the floor and turns to you. "Thank you for you assistance, good day." She starts to walk off sluggishly and tired "WAIT!." You say, you can't let this chance escape from your grasp!
She stops walking turns to you, you start to say your line that you came up with. "Sorry I forget to mention how cold it is in here, why don't we stop for a cup of joe or two?" All of a sudden you here a fanfare play off in the distance. "Hmmm, well I do desperately need coffee if it is on you then I don't mind going." You turn around and do your victory pose before turning back to face her.
"Though I can't help but feel you are here for more than one reason other then taking me out on a date." You tell her about you goal to have a demon harem, and she agrees to become part of it.
The catch is that if you don't make her coffee.
She will break your fingers