Finally, you found yourself with your first demon waifu! But to have a harem you going to need more than one, so you continue your journey.
"Well since you where here, do you know your way in this place?" you ask, she nods and says "Yes I do, sadly." She frowns tiredly, no wonder she needs coffee her eye bags are really noticeable. "If you're looking for some more demon girls I know another one that is here" she says, Your head shot up with a sparkle in your eye.
She shudders a bit and proceeds to talk, "If you're going to have a harem, might as well take the most lustful one here." "Follow me." She starts to walk off and you follow behind her "Also I didn't get your name." You say, "Its pandermonica." She says.
You follow her towards a room where the smell from before is stronger then ever. "He isn't this a strip club?" You ask, cause you want to be sure where you are. "Yes it is, it may look small from outside but that's just a mask." she says tiredly. As you look inside, the room is very dark with the only source of light, the neon lights.
You look around and there are a bunch of demons, pandermonica leads you through the crowd as you see drunk and high demons both left and right. "Try not to get into any trouble, demons can be....excited." she says, as you get through without trying to cause a scene.
"Wait here, she might be in her room." and walks off in the back. Being left alone you look at the attention grabber that is causing all the demons to be rowdy. A female demon that is lustfully dance on the pole makes you feel really horny, but with you're life training of masturbating to girls you learn to control your ding dong and not let it get stiffen up.
As you resist the charms of the female demon, she starts to get even more lewd with her motions. Even taking of her panties and bra, but you stay strong and act cool.
All of a sudden you fell like you were stabbed in the back, it hurt like hell, but your pain tolerance was higher then any human. You turn around to spot the culprit and see a mad demon looking at you. "HUh? how the hell?! that knife is a hell blade!" He stands back warry of your strength, you pull the knife out and put it in your pocket. "HEY THATS MINE!." The mad demon comes charging at you at high speeds with a fist in hand.
Thinking your way of how to end this fight, you pull the demon forward using the speed that he gain, against himself and pull a fist of your own hitting him in the gut. Forcing him to spit out blood and fall on the floor, unconscious. With the fight that happend, you have gain quite a crowd.
The female demon that was dancing on the pole, started to walk towards you. As she gets closer, you notice a very distinctive feature that she has, her eyes are shaped like a heart. "Hey big boy." she says "I see that your a pretty strong for a human." she stares lustfully at you. Thinking the time is right you mention her about the harem you are creating and would like her to join. "Ooohhh, a demon harem? you are bound to get killed! I must see this." Well there goes your self esteem, but you shake it off as you are happy that you manage to get another demon girl.
Pandermonica shows up and looks at the demon on the floor "Do you get into a scrap?" You nod your head and her eyes go a bit wide. "That's interesting, your not like any human if you can go toe to toe with a regular demon." Then she turns to the lustful demon girl that was standing in front of you. "Oh, you manage to find Modeus that saves me time and effort." She yawns
Now with two demon girls you just need a few more to complete your journey.
So onwards until next chapter!
Ps. Modeus wants have sex after you finish your goal, which gives you determination