Chapter 6 - Megumi Fushiguro

A year quickly passed by and there was only one year left before I started attending jujutsu tech.

One year before cannon began.

And to be fair I had become pretty over powered the only person that was probably stronger than me at this point was Gojo.

Apart from that Kiyoko had gotten used to her crutches as it turns out she still had a chance to walk and I made sure to be there whenever I could.

Helping her study

Bringing her school material

While also Continuing my training with Gojo.

"Domain expansion" I said looking over towards a still calm Gojo.

"Inertia" I said my hands still stationed in a style similar to Gojo when he used his domain expansion and within seconds a blackish purple aura surrounded the both of us.

"so is this you're domain expansion" he said looking over towards me finally removing the blind fold that usually covered his eyes. "it's a work in progress" I quickly replied finally freeing myself of the handsigns.

"I have complete control over this world whether I make you weightless or make you be under 20x the normal gravity but I feel like I could Improve on a couple things" I explained looking over towards Gojo. He put his hands to his chin before responding. "well it's Completely up to you" he said gathering his thoughts on my domain expansion

"as long as the foundation to you're domain is solid I don't think I have a problem with it" Gojo said as I released my domain.

"by the way" he said garnering my attention once more. "I'll be going over to see one of you're class mates for next year wanna tag along?" the white haired man asked.

"isn't that you're job I can just meet them next year" I quickly responded not wanting to see who the character was this early. "come onnnnn" Gojo said wrapping his arms around my shoulder. "it'll be fun~" Gojo said trying his best to convince me.

"Nah..." I quickly replied attempting to get away from the current situation. "you're no fun" he pouted crossing his arms and looking away. "you're one to talk how are you nearly thirty looking like that and still single" I responded turning my head to him.

It must've hit hard cause he completely silenced himself.

"you still have to follow me there's no telling when you might be attacked" Gojo said diverting the situation away from his love life. "you think those things from last year would be strong enough" I questioned looking up towards him.

"no, but the person behind it may want to see it through personally. You and I are the only ones within the Gojo clan to have the 'six eyes' in a long long time" he said putting back his blind fold.

"you're abilities are probably taking their time to manifest unlike me who was forced into a tough situation which sped mine up you'res should be coming soon" he explained.

"yea you have a point" I said sighing as I gave in to his orders.


The door to the house opened as a young boy of similar aged to me opened the door. He sported Messy black hair, a blue Nike hoodie and black sweat pants. "hey there!" Gojo said enthusiastically the boy didn't respond looking over to me who was embarrassed at Gojos behaviour.

"come in" was all the boy said in response.

We entered the house and it was pretty empty pictures of the boy with his sister and mother but no father.

"Fushiguro-kun this Is Akito" Gojo said with excitement pointing out that I was there with him. "he's going to be in you're class!" Gojo said telling loudly as usual.

Fushiguro sneezed in response wiping his nose before looking back at us, his lips pursed for a moment before he spoke. "is that really important?" he asked quickly killing Gojos excitement.

"w-well I thought since the both of you were so similar you would..." the man trailed off twiddling his thumbs awkwardly.

"nice to meet you Fushiguro-san" I quickly said ignoring Gojos antics as I shook his hands. The boy accepted "likewise".

"so... What do you do in you're free time?" I asked looking over at him as I examined the house. "not much" he responded.

Was he left all alone to take care of himself?

"so why do you want to be a Jujutsu sorcerer?" I asked looking towards him despite already knowing the answer I simply wanted to get rid of the awkward mood that hung over our heads. "that's none of you're concern" he responded sneezing once again.

"a cold?" I asked. "nah" he quickly responded.

"so what do you do around here" I questioned once more. The boy looked back at me then back at Gojo who was still twiddling his thumbs.

"none of your business" he repeated once again. "why are you even here Gojo?" Fushiguro asked once more.

Gojo quickly remembered the task he was asked to do.

"were testing you two to see if you're ready to enter Jujutsu tech" he quickly explained. "you'll be teaming up to take down curses in Tokyo" Gojo stated with a grin.

"Tokyo curses are stronger correct?" Fushiguro asked his attention now on Gojo. "what's the rank of the curses?" I questioned looking to him.

"grade 2 and grade one spirits" Gojo said the smile on his face growing even wider than before. He was clearly excited to show me off and I wasn't about to let him down.

"Grade ones!?" Fushiguro yelled out in surprise. "you expecting grade 3s and 4s?" Gojo said walking over towards us.

"if you can't even do this then don't bother coming to jujutsu tech" Gojo said calmly looking at the two of us. "according to this several neighbourhoods around shinjuku have had complaints of not only people coming home with life threatening injuries but going missing as well" he stated as he read through the paper.

"you're job is too find the cause and get rid of it!" Gojo ended.

I looked over at Fushiguro and he looked back at me. I raised my hand looking over at Gojo. "you promised to take me to Kiyoko she's waiting for me right now you know" I reminded him to which he awkwardly laughed.

"thatll have to wait unfortunately" he said quickly disappearing before we could question him any further. I turned to Fushiguro who looked back at me. "so...." I began sighing when I realised starting a conversation was useless to him if I wasn't someone like Itadori.

"you needed to meet with someone" Megumi said starting the conversation instead which came as a shock if I was being honest. He ran around his room as he began to get his things ready. "ill deal with it" he said taking a glance at me.

"no, it'll be quicker if the both of us go" I said yawning. "you've already been training" Megumi quickly took notice off.

"yeah I guess so" I responded looking back at him. "so where do we start" he asked finally gathering his items.

"you're asking me?" I quickly questioned after all he should be just as experienced as me. "you were trained by Gojo Satoru and are a personal relative" Megumi rationalised.

"you were trained by him too" I quickly responded in defense.

"um...." he seemed hard to be trying to remember something finally giving up. "what's you're name?" he calmly asked.

"Akito Gojo" I said. "call me Akito, calling me Gojo-San doesn't really feel right" I quickly explained megumi looked at me his hands to his chin. "you do look a lot like him..." he said slowly trailing off.

"I'm his nephew" I quickly corrected. Megumi seemed unfazed at the information quickly getting the both of us back on track. "so what should we do?" Fushiguro questioned I only sighed sitting down in one of the chairs that was stationed in the room.

"we'll make our way to shinjuku, getting and building up information. It would be best using things like urban legends in the area and confirming if they're real or not" I suggested basing things off of what I had done with Gojo, Fushiguro agreed with my reasoning.

"we'll have to deal with this quickly strong spirits will be attracted to a first grade spirit" Megumi said hands to his chin. "my clan dealt with sensing curses... If there's even a tiny bit of cursed energy I'll find it" I quickly added to which Fushiguro nodded.

"let's get a train to Shinjuku" I suggested but Megumi was already on it having already purchasing two bus tickets. "I have the tickets on my phone" he quickly explained.

"let's get this over with" he said walking past me.


Both Akito and Fushiguro arrived in a suburban area within Shinjuku after having a 33 minute long train ride from saitama to Shinjuku.

They immediately began their investigation questioning locals on any strange things that may have occurred.

"nothinggg..." Akito groaned as he drank from the orange juice box he had in hand. Fushiguro examined the area in hopes of at least finding a clue as to what was occurring. "for Gojos relative you're pretty useless" Fushiguro immediately stated getting the blue eyed boys attention.

"wellll... We haven't exactly met anyone affected by this cursed spirit and... You haven't even seen me fight yet" he shot back but Fushiguro paid no attention and as soon as those words were uttered something quickly grabbed the reinarnators attention.

"hold on Fushiguro" he said grabbing the young jujutsu sorcerer. "look" he said pointing towards a woman just standing a couple metres ahead of them.

"what about her?" the boy questioned his jet-black eyes scrutinising the young girl but couldn't quite find what was wrong as his partner had suggested there was. "residual cursed energies allover her and she matches the report we've gotten from both the pages Gojo left on what we were dealing with and the victims family that this had occurred to plus she seems pretty similar to what we've heard from the people we've questioned" Akito quickly explained Fushiguro quickly caught on recalling the families physical descriptions that were affected.

Brown hair brown eyes fair features and a pink hairclip.

"let's ask her" Akito quickly said marching over towards the girl. His words were inaudible to Fushiguro but he quickly returned.

"theres a store just 3 km from here apparently she and her friends were messing around but something unexplainable happened" he said hinting at the cursed spirit being there. "so we track it from there" Fushiguro concluded.

"if it's still there as long as its within a 2km I'll know where the cursed spirit is" Akito explained, Fushiguro finally elicited a reaction at this leaving Akito quite satisfied. "also... There's a cursed spirit that's about to appear just 50m to our left it's second grade at best" the young Gojo quickly explained. Fushiguro looked in disbelief.

"that's impossible" he said in denial.

"why don't you go see for yourself, it'll appear in 20 seconds" Akito said with a smirk. The young jujutsu sorcerer ran off to the area and returned a shocked expression on his face.

"you finished it pretty quickly" Akito said to which Fushiguro only looked in awe at the young boy.

"just... "

"what the hell are you?"