*_🍞Our Daily Bread🍞 02-12-2021_*
*Celebrating Diversity*
By: *Lisa M. Samra*
_At the 2019 graduation ceremony at a local high school, 608 students prepared to receive their diplomas. The principal began by asking students to stand when he read the name of the country where they were born: Afghanistan, Bolivia, Bosnia . . . . The principal kept going until he'd named sixty countries and every student was standing and cheering together. Sixty countries; one high school._
_The beauty of unity amid diversity was a powerful image that celebrated something near to God's heart—people living together in unity._
_We read an encouragement for unity among God's people in Psalm 133, a psalm of ascent—a song sung as people entered Jerusalem for annual celebrations. The psalm reminded the people of the benefits of living harmoniously (v. 1) despite differences that could cause division. In vivid imagery, unity is described as refreshing dew (v. 3) and oil—used to anoint priests (Exodus 29:7)—"running down" the head, beard, and clothing of a priest (v. 2). Together, these images point to the reality that in unity God's blessings flow so lavishly they can't be contained._
_For believers in Jesus, despite differences such as ethnicity, nationality, or age, there's a deeper unity in the Spirit (Ephesians 4:3). When we stand together and celebrate that common bond as Jesus leads us, we can embrace our God-given differences and celebrate the source of true unity._
```Reflect & Pray```
_When have you experienced the goodness of unity in Christ? How has it brought blessing?_
*_Heavenly Father, help me do my part to live in unity with all of God's people._*
*Our Daily Bread*