Chereads / Scarlet: From Beyond Death / Chapter 47 - Episode 47

Chapter 47 - Episode 47

Scarlet had made her way to a back room which had a ladder leading up into a small, slender tower. Gripping onto the cold metal, she slowly began climbing. With each rung she put beneath her, she could feel a kind of resolve filling up and settling in the pit of her stomach.

The images of all the experiments she'd seen below fleetingly passed through her mind until the only thing she could see were the faces of all the scientists. The ones who were responsible for her mutations were only a few of the many who'd carried out horrible acts on others.

And it wasn't as if these scientists were working on their own. Many of their experiments required them to partner with the military and arms sector. Beyond that, there were whole committees that had managed the funding for their experiments. And someone, above all of them, gave their approval or perhaps even ordered them.

This was no longer about just one lab and a handful of scientists. The evidence on that drive had shown that this had been going on for several generations in one form or another. And it would continue to happen. Somewhere in her heart, Scarlet felt that this was true even if everyone currently in power were done away with. Because people who were just as depraved and inhuman were simply waiting to seize power.

Pulling herself onto the small platform at the top of the tower, she peered out the grate. Her jade eyes then settled on Heaven's Spire, the ever-lofty section of Lygredd Grand reserved for the most elite of people. Scarlet's eyes narrowed.

'Heaven's Spire… I wonder if the person who came up with that name was trying to be ironic.'

The wheels in her head began to turn as she continued to stare up at Heaven's Spire with a calculating glint in her eyes. She knew what her target was now and the kinds of things they were capable of. And this time, bullets would not be enough to stop her.


When Scarlet finally returned, she found the two men going over various data, including a map of Heaven's Spire and the surrounding area. They both turned their heads to look at her upon hearing her approach.

"Feeling better?" Helfeirch asked.

Scarlet gave a nod. "Yes." Her eyes settled on the map. "Looks like you all decided to get a jump on things."

"When preparing for a hunt, it's always best to familiarize yourself with the terrain," Helfeirch stated.

"Yeah. We figured that it would be wise to start researching," Flinch added.

Scarlet couldn't help but smile. It was a smile laced with mischievousness, born from a plotting mind. "Well then, let's get to work."

The three spent hours going back and forth between the data on the drive, the map of Lygredd Grand as a whole, and any other possible useful data that Flinch could find. If Scarlet's last job taught her anything, it was that getting in and out of Heaven's Spire alive and unseen was near impossible. And that was four years ago.

She could see how they had made security measures even more extensive since then. And she couldn't shake the feeling that very likely was in response to her near success in that job.

"Hey, Flinch, did you ever finish those spy bots you were working on before?" Scarlet then asked.

"Not completely. I worked out what I need to do; the problem is getting the material I need. It's too expensive to buy and was considered too risky to steal by my current contact."

Scarlet drummed her fingers on the table, the same smile from before spreading across her face. "Is that so?"

"Well, no one could really fill the shoes of the phantom," Flinch admitted with a half smile.

"Good to know. So, tell me. Where is the material at?"

Flinch's eyes drifted to the map. "There are two locations that I've been able to confirm. One is in a warehouse in Heaven's Spire," he said as he pointed at the map. "And the other… is currently possessed by an old enemy." Flinch paused as he looked up at Scarlet. "Creshner."

Scarlet couldn't help giving a small amused laugh. Creshner was the big boss that had had a hit out on her and the phantom the longest. It was his nephew she'd shot in both hands and the leg the day she stepped up to help Flinch. And after the two of them had escaped, she made his businesses a frequent target. She never did anything too big, just enough to be a thorn in his side.

"And as much as I'd like to say that he hasn't grown in power since you've been gone… I can't," Flinch continued. "You were the only one who would target him. So once you were gone, things became a lot easier for him.

Scarlet took in a deep breath. "I guess it's time I arrange a visit with him then. I'm sure he's missed me keeping his blood pressure high."