Chereads / Infinitum Crystals [1] - The Magic Duel / Chapter 15 - Chapter 1.15 - Rider - Magic Duel, We are Ready!

Chapter 15 - Chapter 1.15 - Rider - Magic Duel, We are Ready!

Both Kaym and I were struggling trying to get out of the electrical wire. The water was about to reach us. I was about to experience one of the most shocking attack yet. Fortunate for us, Lore changed his stance to Absorb Mode where it can absorb and release back any type of danger. He jumped and absorbed all of the water that was about to reach us.

Lore then changed to Chase Mode and cut out all of the wire that were wrapping us all around. If it wasn't for Lore, both Kaym and I may just get toasted for good. Airi seems annoyed at us for escaping that brilliant plan of his. We had to think of something that we could do to reach him.

"Rider, I think I should help out as well." Lore suggested.

I responded to him, "Sure. As long as we have a plan."

"Alright, listen up. Airi is outnumbered by us but since he have Magnet on him, we have to find that blind spot where he can't attack us. So, I want you guys to distract him while I try to find the moment where I can engage." Lore suggested his plans to us.

"It might work." Kaym says.

"Very well, then. Let's go, guys!" I said to the others as I threw my blade into the air.

As my blade were thrown up in the air, I ran towards Airi and at the same time I transformed my costume with a simple gesture.

"Type 5, Ace of Deck!" I shouted.

A holographic big ace of spades appear right before me. I ran through it and absorbed the card into me, changing my Sengoku Armor to The Ace of Deck armour. My blade also transformed around the same time as well. Then, I caught my blade that finally went down to me. Airi threw mixed junks all over me. I deflected all of it with my blade.

"Enough game, Airi. Time to get serious! Queen of Hearts!"

I revealed a Queen of Hearts card from my belt and cut it with my blade. This time, I destroyed the mixed junks that Airi threw at me. Yes. It made my blade a lot sharper than before. It is as if I can cut through diamonds.

"Tch, how annoying." said Airi as he continues to throw the mixed junks.

He then pulled a car toward me. The car went straight toward me fast. I had to think fast. I cut the car in half as it went right around me. It was insane. I almost got hit by a car. Meanwhile, Kaym's aura suddenly turned even more red than originally it was. I think he charged up his Devil Trigger to Level 2. He unleashes a ray of light toward Airi. Airi blocks it by shielding himself behind rows of car that exploded on impact from the ray.

Clouds of smoke were everywhere. An opening for me. I cut my Ace of Spades card and ran fast toward Airi. I swung my blade to him. But each time I ran over him with my extreme speed, he deflected my blade with a pile of combined metal. Kaym launches to the air and tried to pounce on Airi but Airi bounces away from safety as he made his body and the pile of trash under him to have the same magnetic properties. In other words it was as if the magnet symbol N & N or S & S meet each other.

"When will this end?" Kaym said.

"How irritating." Demi, the voices from Kaym's arm whispered to both of us.

I asked Demi, "What's the matter?"

Demi then replies, "You have to be unpredictable if you want to hit him."

"You know, that is a great idea. And I know just the thing! Kaym let's crush him!" I agreed on Demi's suggestion.

I cut a Joker card from my deck. I threw my blade at Airi who dodges it easily. But what he didn't expect was me charging toward him. At the same time, Kaym was also charging at him with his Devil Charge. Airi jumps away and that was the moment where victory was very close.

"Now!" I ordered Lore.

Lore appeared right above Airi and pounces on him. It made him and Lore went down together with the gravity while at the same time we charged and jumped toward them and crushed Airi. Airi was crushed by our three way onslaught. It was like a magnet. The reason why Airi couldn't escape from Lore was because Airi didn't change Lore magnetic properties before the battle. Thus, surprising him and disabling him from doing anything. When he couldn't do anything, we seize the opportunity to finish him by crushing him. We crashed down together to the ground as we finally beaten Airi.

A few moments later we found ourselves walking back to our home. Even though Airi was crushed by the three of us just now, he was still able to walk after that. But we had to walk slowly of course, we don't want anything bad happen to our teammate.

"Never expected you guys would do that."Airi said as he tried to walk carefully.

I laughed and said, "We almost broke your arm."

"I guess, mission was a success, correct?" Lore asked me.

"Well of course!" Kaym answered.

Airi laughed a little and told us, "I got it. I got it. I'm joining the duel with you guys don't worry. So, White is our leader huh? I knew it would be him. I love seeing you guys work together to beat me just now. I hope White can show us how capable he is as a leader."

"He will be a great leader." Lore said.

Kaym suddenly asked us, "Why were you guys fighting again?"

Airi replied, "Oh that? We were just fighting over the fact that we lost one round in Elematrix. It was Rider's fault though. He didn't have quick reaction to handle the enemy in the frontline."

I decided to stand firm to what I believed actually happened, "My fault? It was your fault. You wasted your time killing minions and not helping me out!"

Both Airi and I went back and forth over such small matters. It was quite a stupid reason to fight over when I think about it again. But what was done has happened. At the very least, we now have Airi in our team. Now we just have to wait for Hosuke to get his magic as what Blax told me. He told me that he will get his magic soon. I'm not sure when, but I sure hope it would be today because the opening of The Magic Duel was getting near.

As we walked our way back home, we saw White, Rulend, Zone and Haz were walking together. Meanwhile at another road from our point of view, we also saw Blax and Hosuke. We all waved at each other. What a surprise, we end up meeting each other from three different places. It was as if our story was written by some guy who just likes to write about fantasy or something. It's not like I'm trying to break the forth wall or anything. I mean this chapter was wholly based on my point of view. Anyway, we met up and walked back home together with the rest of the completed Stardust.

White said to us, "It seems everything was absolutely right on track. Just as Rulend and Blax planned it seems."

Rulend replies, "I knew my calculations were correct."

Haz then interrupts us, "Calculations? You should of invited me with your planning earlier. I would have made it even better with the help of Infinibot."

The Infinibot made a cute noise and does a backflip. We all laughed.

Blax then said, "This is very good indeed. Hosuke finally got his water magic and we also got Airi to join us. What a wonderful team we will be."

Lore agreed, "I know right? We have amazing wizards on our team. We even have supporters on our side."

"Who is our supporters again?" I asked.

Zone explained, "You guys got the support from your juniors, Serena, Kin and Nif. As well as from our young unofficial Stardust member, Kaym. You guys also got Haz and my support as well. We will do anything to make sure you win."

Rulend talked to himself, "Ah, the wonderful juniors. Serena, The Lone DJ who uses her utility magic, Beat. Kin, The Copycat, who uses Copy as her offense. Nif, The Navi who uses her Digital Assist as an important utility magic. And of course, The Half-Devil, Kaym who uses Devil Trigger as his only offensive magic."

Airi then said, "I never knew we had juniors with interesting magic."

Haz then cuts in, "And don't forget us as well, the seniors. I, the inventor who uses his ability, Reanimate to reanimate all non living things! Even this Infinibot. We also have The Deceiver, Zone who always zones away from trouble with his Cheat ability."

Zone then corrected Haz, "The inventor? Don't you mean The Reanimator? I thought that was your title. Or are you going to call yourself One of The 7 Rank A Students?"

Zone then took a bite from the snack that they got. Haz just laughs off at Zone's remarks even though Zone just simply made him a little offended. He probably used Cheat when he was saying those.

White then asked us, "So, what's our team lineup then?"

Kaym then begins to explain, "Allow me to do this, first we have The Black Berserker, Blax who uses Super Strength and The Masked Hero, Rider with his amazing Transform! Both of them are offensive type wizards. Next we have the recently joined, Magnet Monster, Airi who uses his Magnet ability to pull and push objects along with The Unbreakable, Lore who uses his Change ability to block all attack! Both of them are Defensive type wizards. Then we have, the recently informed Water Warrior, Hosuke who uses water manipulation magic together with Rulend with his Investigation ability to solve many types of problems. Both of them are Utility type wizards by the way. And finally we have The Stardust leader, White who uses Time Manipulation even though he can only stop the time for 1 seconds.

Okay, I got to admit. That last line was kind of distasteful for White to listen but he didn't mind it from the looks of his cheerfulness. What an amazing group we have indeed.

"Anything you wanted to say, White?" I asked him.

White then begins, "I'm not sure what to say. But I think I can say that I am very proud of all of you people. I can't believe we made it. We finally officially have enough members for The Magic Duel. We even have supporters who will help us with supplying our team. With this, The Stardust has officially completed. I know it seems wrong since we forgot to invite one more person but he is in a different school so there's no way he can have the time to help us out. But in the end remember this guys, The Stardust will never fade away! Together we will win The Magic Duel! Magic Duel! We are ready!"

That was White. Our leader. I knew I made the right choice to let him lead us. He was not the type to become a leader unless he was forced to. But when he does, he excel in it. He knows all our strengths and weaknesses. He knows how to take advantage with that knowledge. I hope we will win The Magic Duel. If we can't though, at least let us win a few round after we won the qualifier.