Chereads / Infinitum Crystals [1] - The Magic Duel / Chapter 17 - Chapter 1.17 - White - The Magnificent Three

Chapter 17 - Chapter 1.17 - White - The Magnificent Three

Once again, I am bored to death in this classroom. The teacher was absent and it looks like the same face always does the same thing just like last time. Those three though...The Magnificent Three. They always like to cause trouble in and out of our classroom. It really bothers me how they always wasting their time doing several stupid stuff.

There was one time that they made too much noise that my class, the 2nd class was now known as the class with the most noise. Thanks a lot, I guess. And there they go, from the front the ringleader, Nanjo Sojiro along with his two sidekicks, Aizen Ascree and Adam Rift. What an interesting classmate I have. I didn't get to do anything since Blax and Rulend was not in class as well. I decided to hang out with some of my other classmates.

"Hey, White. Wanna see my new moves?" A classmate said to me.

"Moves? You mean another of your flipping move?" I said.

He then replied, "It's called B-Boy. I already told you."

B-Boy is a form of dance style. As far as I know, its pretty much related to hip hop in some way and he includes breakdance in some of his dance. This classmate of mine he calls himself, Meme Elementz. He was a D Ranked Student who uses Breakdance as his ability. It is basically an offensive magic where he uses his dancing moves to attack enemy. At the same time, all of his strikes can break bones. Hence why, Break is in Breakdance.

Meme then stood up and showcased his new dancing moves at me. It was entertaining to see him dance like that. Finishing up the dance with a backflip, Meme then sits back on his chair.

"How you like them apples?" Meme asked me.

I responded, "I'm not sure. All I can say is you did a good job."

Meme was then glowing in excitement, "Really? Awesome! I'm sure my crew will love this new move that I just made."

"Your crew?" I asked

He then answered, "Yes, my crew, The Elementz Crew. We are a B-Boy crew who 'fights' with other crews while at the same time using our magic to use it during our dance."

"Oh, so that's how you guys 'fight'."

How fascinating. I never knew something like that exist. If only that kind of battle exist publicly and not underground. Things might be a lot less violent than what happened during the 7 Month War. I remembered it. I think it was The Magnificent Three's fault that the war happened. They pulled a prank on a Portal Wizard and that wizard end up opening a portal to the demon world. Lots of lives were lost. I don't know if those three ever felt remorse about it or not. Maybe I should ask them some day.

I said that and during recess on the following day, The Magnificent Three coincidentally wanted to see me. What brings them to me? Did I do anything wrong to them? I'm not quite sure what I did to them. All I can tell was that they are probably trying to make me look like a fool later.

Aizen greeted me, "Hey how you doing, White?"

I distastefully responded, "I'm fine. Thank you."

Adam then joined in, "Hey don't be discouraged by us. We just wanna have a talk."

I sighed and said, "What do you guys want?"

"Allow me to explain." said Nanjo as he begins to read out a piece of paper.

"Wait. Now, Nanjo?" Aizen asked Nanjo.

Nanjo then continued, "Yes. First of all, you have an official message from Aizen's father which is the school superintendant. Next, we have an unnofficial suggestion concerning the message. Are you ready?"

I answered, "Yes. I am."

Nanjo begins to read, "Cyclone White! Now that you have obtained a magic ability you will now be able to join in the ranks of the other wizards like you. You are now officially an F ranked student! Congratulations!"

"I finally got a rank huh? Even though it is an F." I was a bit dissapointed.

Adam then assured me, "It's alright, buddy. Everybody starts with F. In time, you can rank up your ranking by showcasing your ability to the school."

Aizen agrees as well, "Yes, White. I believe in you. The three of us are D ranked student because of how infamous we are."

I sarcastically said, "You guys ranked up because you guys managed to make the whole school mad at you for starting a big war that killed many lives."

Aizen then retaliated, "But we did stop it. Thanks to you!"

"Yeah and I didn't even take the credit for helping out. You guys just innocently said you did it on your own without any help."

Adam was irritated by me, "White, listen up. You don't have to hold a grudge at us just because of that. You know that you didn't take the credit because you think you were a nobody back then. But now you are not. Now, it is our time to help you out."

"Help me out? What do you mean?" I asked.

Nanjo then explained, "Well we have a suggestion for you, White! Why don't you and your friends help us!"


Nanjo continues, "Hear me out, this is the problem. One day, as we were walking back home we saw a suspicious person. We followed them and it lead us to an abandoned factory. What we saw there was actually a Dark Faction compound. We managed to run away thankfully."

"What are you implying then?"

Aizen then said, "We want you and your friends to help us defeat the Dark Faction. If we defeat them, all of us may gain a rank! It's a win-win situation!"

I talked back to them, "Hold on! Isn't that a little bit too risky? I mean, it is a Dark Faction. Do we even know what they were doing there? Shouldn't we report it to a nearby authority officials?"

Adam then told me, "White, didn't you know that vigilante is a trending thing these days."

"Vigilante? Are you guys serious? This is too dangerous. There's no way I'm helping out. No. Never. I'm out. Getting an F is the least of my worries. I got something else to do!"

Nanjo keeps on trying, "Oh come on, White. Don't you want to be someone other than a nobody?"

What he said was true. I don't want to be a nobody. But my mind was telling me no all the time because vigilante is a big no for me. We will just make things even harder for the Law Enforcement to handle things. It will be far more complicated than just reporting their whereabouts. But somehow my body was telling me otherwise.

I turned back to them and said, "You know what?"

Their face started to become happy but then I shot them down.

"No. I'm not doing this at all. I'm out. I have a meeting to attend."

Nanjo then mocks me, "Oh is that it, Mr.Nobody? Then fine! The Magnificent Three will do it ourselves!"

Great.They decided to go there on their own without more wizards. We don't even know how strong that faction was. It wasn't a group. It was a faction which was bigger than a group like Stardust or Supernova. We may as well need at least all of the class from all of the 5th year student join together. They are dragging themselves into big trouble.

I was supposed to meet the superintendent after this but it looks like I have to rearrange that meeting for another time. I had to have a meeting with The Stardust and see what they think about this matter. We better do something before things gets worse. They can be a bit of annoying at times but they are still my friends. Not close friends but just enough to help out each other.

"Those idiots." I said to myself.

I headed to the library and asked Blax to call the others for an emergency meeting after school. We have to do something about this matter. It was a Dark Faction. How can they be so naive about this kind of things? First The 7 Month War, then The Loudest Class Ever and now The Dark Faction? It was unbelievable how those three could make such a simple thing becoming so much complicated than it shouldn't have.

I just hope everything will be fine. Meanwhile at the classroom, Nanjo and his sidekicks were discussing something.

Nanjo said, "Allright! Let's do this today!"

Aizen then said, "I agree!"

"Let's go!" said Adam.

The Magnificent Three decided to go to the abandoned factory where the so-called Dark Faction was staying there.