Xena's mounting anguish made the surroundings freeze over. She did not notice it at all, while Nadia who was roaming around to find something interesting noticed it first.
Her spirit wolf dashed in that direction, so Nadia had no choice but to go in that direction herself. When she noticed Xena at the center, with exploding frost around her, and the young man in the center radiating heat, she froze in shock.
The wolf bounded over to Xena.
For a second a shocked Xena looked at the wolf in surprise.
Then, she jumped over the wolf, hugging and crying at the same time.
" Blizzard ! Help me. Caspian ! I think he's dying.. ! He doesn't move no matter how much I pull!" She said, directing the wolf to the young man.
The wolf also bounded over to the young man, but he wouldn't budge. The magic radiating from Xena made Nadia's teeth chatter.