Chapter 3 - Chapter 2: Birth

I'm not sure how much time passed as I slowly got used to having people waiting to meet me. I grew to love them so much that my chest felt as though it would explode. I'm looking forward to meeting my new mommy, daddy, and many other relatives who I could hear from time to time as they came to check on mommy and me. Even people that weren't family would always be helping mommy, making sure that we were ok and that we had everything we need.

"What a warm place." Everyone knew each other and treated everyone else like family.

I found out that mommy and daddy weren't human but are of a race called Moon Elves. Apparently, my new race is incredible rare because of low fertility and had long pregnancies lasting almost 10 years. I knew then that I was no longer in the same world as before, but I didn't think that it mattered. I was never one to care about something so trivial.

I was curious about what my new culture would be like, I know that they all care about each other like family so at least they are a warm people. The language and names here seem like a mix of many different languages from my world, how strange. They also worship a deity they call the Moon Goddess. A warrior maiden known for her compassion, fierce protectiveness, and loving nature. This made the Moon Elves an isolated, but peaceful race that was not afraid to protect their own no matter the cost or the obstacle.

Mother would read me stories about the Moon Goddess and the more I learned the more I cherished this new life but in the back of my head there was still this nagging voice. It was telling me that this is too good to be true. No one is this nice no matter the race. To not get my hopes up because they seem nice to an unborn child, wait until your born and everything will change for the worse.

As I was starting to sink into these negative emotions the walls constricted and a shriek suddenly pierced my ears, "Roland! The baby's coming! Roland!" I can hear a crash as mommy drops whatever is in her hand. She keeps yelling for Daddy as she makes her way to the front door.

She opens the door and suddenly I hear daddy yelling "Keomi! Please, wait here while I go get the Doctor." I can hear the excitement and fear in his voice. Just as my excitement to meet of him was rising even further, he starts yelling as he is going down the street, "Oh, Goddess, the Baby's coming! I going to a father!"


He just keeps saying that like a broken record all the way down the street loud enough for the whole village to hear him.

"No, my fellow Moon Elves, I don't know him. Never seen him before in my life." I'm not even born yet, and he is already embarrassing me.

It wasn't long before I can hear my mentally challenge Dad came back with the someone. I assumed it must be the Doctor and another group of people. "I'm back, Keomi!"

The Doctor checks my Mommy and by the sound of his voice he seems rather shocked. "We don't have time to get you to the delivery room. This Baby is coming now!"

Suddenly people are scrambling around trying to get Mommy back inside so that I don't pop out in the middle of the street. What a bizarre sight that would be. I'm almost tempted to give it shot but decided against it for my mom's sake.

Just as I can feel Mommy laying down on something soft there is a sudden push from my feet that shoves me. I can hear Mommy and Daddy yelling in pain.

"I get why Mom's in pain but Dad too???"

Everything feels tight and uncomfortable until finally I'm out, only to be blinded my bright lights that seem to be aimed at me. I shut my eyes instantly, "Damnit! That hurts! Now I know why babies are always born crying." Although this comes out of incoherent cries to the people around me. Suddenly a voice start talking in my head.

"Host has been born. System starting. Please wait for a successful download… Download complete. Host name will now be chosen."

"What the Hell is that!" Nothing else happens. "Maybe it was just my imagination?"

I really want to see what my Mommy and Daddy look like, so I put this to the back of my mind and slowly open my eyes again just as the Doctor announces that I'm a girl and passes me to someone.

"I mean, duh, of course I'm a girl!"

When I can finally see clearly, I'm being held by a beautiful woman with long snow-white hair with light silver streaks and piercing light grey eyes which seem unfocused and tired. I'm so captivated my her that I can't look away. Her ears were not long. In fact, they would look human if they didn't come to a point. "Hello, Yue, my bright little moon. I'm your Mommy." She whispers to me as she holds me close.

"Host name has been chosen. Host name is Yue Akari"

"The Hell!" I jump at the sudden voice in my head speaks again. "What's going on?"

My mommy's eyebrow crunch together as she looks at the Doctor, "Is she supposed to be this quiet?"

The Doctor came over to look at me. He was very tall with the same white hair, but no silver streaks and his eyes were a dark grey color. The white crystal in his hand is bright so I shut my eyes. I don't want to start my new life blind.

"There doesn't seem to be anything wrong but keep a close eye on her for the next week or so." My mommy nods at him as she tilts me to look at another man that is sitting next to us having his hand bandaged by someone that I think is a male nurse. "That's your Daddy."

He is a handsome man with his solid white hair just as long as mom's but it's up in a high ponytail instead of down like hers. His eyes are also light grey and blurry with tears but not as light as mom's. When he looks at me, I temporarily forget about the weird voice I heard in my head.

"Wow, my new Daddy is really frickin handsome!"

His eyes widen as he looks at me and doesn't look away like I might disappear if he does. The nurse finishes wrapping his hand and then he walks up to us looking at me the whole time.

"My little girl." His eyes are wide and gather even more tears, and his mouth is slightly open. He reaches out slowly for me with trembling hands like I might run away. When he finally has me in his arms, holding me so gently, he whispers to himself, "You're really here. Yue. My little Yue." Tears fall from his eyes as he smiles and laughs. He reaches out for mommy and hugs us both close. "We're Parent Keomie, at last"

"Yes, we finally have a beautiful child t…" My mom sudden stops talking as her eyes clear, and she looks at me. For moment I freeze thinking that she doesn't like me or there's something wrong with me until she smiles as bright as the moon and suddenly shouts "Roland! Look! Our little girls has sacred eyes!"

In confusion I turn and see myself in a mirror hanging on the wall. When I see my eyes, I'm shocked, they are like molten silver and look as tho they are moving like gentle waves on the sea.

My mom's shout gets the attention of everyone in the room as they crowd around me to look. My eyes widen at the sudden lack of space around me as many shocked and joyous eyes all land on me making me feel a little uncomfortable.

"Oh my Goddess! It's been nearly ten THOUSAND years since a child with sacred eyes has been born!"

"That's right!" GASP, "We must inform the Elders and the King! If we lose another priestess…" Sudden the room fills with sadness as my mom holds me tighter and all of their eye's water remembering a past that I did not know of.

Suddenly their faces grow taut as a determined gleam flashes in their eyes. The Doctor and other nurses quickly start packing clothes and other necessities for my family and me.

"You can't stay here it isn't safe enough for the priestess. Quickly before word spreads and the humans find out! Our village is far too close to one of their settlements."

The doctor does not pause as he speaks rushing just outside the door and blowing on what looks like a leaf. The other villagers quickly gather with weapons and some with armor as well.

"Village chief why have you called the village to arms!? Where's the danger?" The man is carefully studying his surrounds looking for the first sign of a threat just as the other villager reach them as well.

"Hold on the Doctor is the chief too?!" At least I try to say that, but it just comes out as the incoherent babbles of a newborn. Which is completely frustrating as a person that just recently could speak just fine.

"A child with sacred eyes has been born! We must gather everyone and protect her as she and her family move to the temple."

Shock and joyous shouts echo through the group, but as they hear the chiefs final words, they become quiet and serious as they shout, "Yes, Chief!"

"Go! Prepare for a long journey bring everyone and leave nothing behind! We will abandon the village and make are way to the temple! We won't lose another priestess!"

"Yes, Chief!"


Is it really necessary to go so far? I mean isn't this the village all of you have grow up in and love? I know that I care and I'm still a newborn.

My question doesn't get answered tho as everyone young and old scramble to get everything ready and a pair a maliciously eyes quietly leaves the forests edge.