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The Root of All Evil: The Dark Era Saga

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The world is engulfed in darkness by the source of evil that only ancient texts can describe. The balance of reality is shifted and this world turns into mixed fusion of realms, due to the cause of this source of evil. Now mankind falls to an abyss of their pleasures and lose their since of humanity. A place where anything is possible all become beautiful in a world collapsed into deadly vices, but everything comes with a cost. As demons possessed the bodies of human and gifting them with beauty among beauty. Yet the souls turn black, and are corrupted into darkness… The balance of fantasy and reality merge in to one unholy plain, this virus that was cast into this world and will spreads out to all parts of all known creation… If uncheck. Yet, in this dark time, holy texts explain this unknown evil with faith. This warp reality gives a chance for a spark of light to shine on selected beings by the mystical forces that once where nothing but books. But were they? These holy books always correct in at a certain point. Now each religion and believe is granted a hero to help fight the balance of this evil that runs swiftly through the streets like an unchecked virus… Can different religions and cultures work together for light or are we always meant to be divided? All I ask is… Who do you believe in? Come into a world where all is all. Darkness holds a firm grip on light and time is running out. Is it possible to be free again or are we already accepting this new era?

Chapter 1 - Book I  Mystical Eyes 

In the vastness of space, beyond the reach of our sun's rays. There is a place, unlike any other place that hasn't been imagined or written. A place that is located in the middle of this universal void, in the middle of all the lines of every holy text. A place, that is hidden by anyone sight, but can certainly be felt. This place, is where the three Suns of Bion form a perfect right triangle. Whose rays bathe all the seven castle that remain hidden in the mountain on the misty white clouds, where in the distance you can hear the mystical waterfalls that flow upward into the heavens, breaking the normal laws of gravity. These crystal waterfalls nourish the rivers through and around theses heavenly castles.

I didn't know how I got here, and my fear is that I was held a float by something or someone not of my origin. But as I struggle to move on my own, I was able to see these seven castles for what to me seem to me like a fable story. I realize with a sudden skip of my heart. That was cause by being held by two angelic figures. On the right, an angel of blond hair, with light crystal blue eyes. Her skin was tan; her beautiful face gave me sense of ease to my heart that fell in that moment into the depth of darkness. She was dress in all white, that was made out of slick that gently graze my skin, instantly giving me an intense sense of safety, with every motion she gracefully touched my arm. Her dress moved gently in the wind of the waterfalls that roar around us. Her golden jewelry chimed against the wind and sang a song of what was to come in all its' doom.

On my left side, grasping my hand; was the second angelic figure with black silky hair with dark brownish skin; that stared into my sadden eyes and her sight told me, what must be done with all that I will see. Her platinum jewelry was thick and did not sing any songs of what was to come. But only rang out ever so slightly a warning. She was bathe in a red drees that was long and I could not see no end to this magical dress. She addresses me with her greenish eyes, and told me something important, but at that exact moment I look into her eyes… and I lost all importance in the matter. I quickly move my sight forward to the light of the three suns, for I did not dare to stare too long at their timeless beauty.

As I was held a float, suddenly the two with their angelic voice began simultaneously sing the song of the seven castles…

"These seven castles , of thy seven princesses…

the dresses are the same… But differ in color and in name.

The first castle… Is The Castle of Love…

The second castle… Is The Castle of Hope…

The third castle… Is The Castle of Courage…

The fourth castle … Is The Castle of The Wise…

The fifth castle … Is The Castle of The Stars…

The sixth castle… Is The Castle of The Brave..

The seventh castle… Is The Castle of Life…

As they are all called by the ancients… The Seven Castles of The Ancient Seven!..."

They repeated this verse three times, as if to engrave it into my brain, but my thought was cut short, as they replied..

"To know that they wait for 'The Seven Princes of The Forgotten Falls'"

I was perplexed by what the last part meant, in all these words that no man had ever heard before in this mystical score. I did not state my ignorance to these celestials being, so I did nothing and just gaze beyond the time that they showed me. I was given this great knowledge at the edge of the universe. The three Suns of Bion, which rotated counter clock wise but forever gave this so call realm light beyond the sight of any being, so much light it was hard for me to focus anymore. Fallen to my restless eyes, I close my window to my soul, to what is seem to me like eternity in a deep sleep that you never wake from and your head feels heavy.

The verses of the angelic voice engraved into my mind, every verse a curse to me, to repeat them all in my life. In this endless cycle… of life and struggle… to have a tog a war, with strife. Just when I wanted to know more, it was no more… I fell into and out of the dark. Back to the reality of this burning city… I was on this cursed earth looking into this poor young girl of only five, who was sitting down playing with a wooden owl; made from a jagged edge knife. Seeing all its rugged and ruff curves of the hand size owl, made me think of barbaric toys of ancient times. She looked up to me with grayish mystical eyes. These grayish eyes that I had fallen into, but now I was back to this once holy city forced to be damn. This place, that has fallen to the evil of man. With all this evil, this young girl with dirty black locks, played with no worry, yet around her the city crumbled out of history, breaking of into chaos covered by genocide.

I stutter to look around, round and round, I be stowed my sight of all that was built, engulf in flames. This rustic wall was the only thing saving the poor young girl and I, from the chaos of the fires. I pressed my back against the wall, while the young girl sat on the dirt next to me; on the right side of me, noticing she did not mind the chaotic scene as it was in her nature. Looking back to the left, and then back to the right again I realize I was in a dark moist alley; as if I was close to a source of water. In front of me there was a building half torn down. Giving me sight to the dancing flames, on the bricks that lay on top. They danced their erotic, memorizing moves that left me in a trance… I did not know what had happened, but I had to move… I must save this young girl and take her to a safer place, away from this taste of ash…

Thinking to myself…From the sight of heavens to this hell, I lost all focus of time and I was wondering what year it was… Because it was not like this when I had left, and all sudden I hear distant war cries of death all around me. Painted on the horizon, the sight seen by many, as reddish color and ash, that if it was brushed by God's thumb, to add a different style of shade…

I decide to reach for the young girl and make a quick move, but suddenly she spoke with ancient voice…

"Why man of the cloth! Do you fear the tears of the dead around us…? This is only a grain of sand in the intense vastness of time! There are many who come in first and many more who will come in last… But still man fall in the endless cycle of death and rebirth… Yet you still run for cover in the cover of this last night," the poor dirty girl said while playing with her wooden owl in the dirt that began to bleed black.

I was struck in awe but what this little girl had decreed on me and I dare not take likely my reply.

"You young girl, speak in a language of old and with a lot of contexts, I would fear to ask you… To whom am I speaking too? This question I made. I do not fear what comes next, I only will, that time itself will cease to exist; because since the dawn of time man has marched on the bloody skulls of others, it's but human nature and nothing can escape it." I replied, as I cleared my throat out of respect for this young girl and what she represented.

The young girl place aside the wooden owl, that seem to be as old as time itself, and she adjusted herself on to her strong knees, and with her hand; she began to draw a figure eight against the blackness of the blood of the earth, that so many thirst for… This crude power flowed so freely now. She began to speak in a slow tone…

" One… is always one with the other, no matter if a tree that grows free in the other side of this world. It is still connected to us and will affect us, even if it is up rooted out from its own soil. Man has always coiled into himself because of wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony. Yet in all these seven, they all bare the same… Self-centeredness, that only man can show. You looked into my eyes and saw another sky, a place… Where these seven have not touch, a place where peace is at its purest. But I see in your sadden hazel eyes, that this was all a fantasy or glimpse of a story … An epic story to you. Still, you're of age, to still make a change a difference in how this story will turn out. The only man that stands in the way is the one that sways back in forth in front of the mirror, always moving to escape his long stare of despair… So, what is your idea on all that my ancient tongue has spoken to you… In these minutes of few."

I glared into the forbidden sky, that smell of burnt flesh enter my nose… Gaging, I pulled up my blackish robe and pressed against the cold wall. Sliding down to the ground I began to see the bigger picture in this devilish picture. So, I began to speak with tone of a guilty confession…

"At last, my future was bright like a star, but that star fell when my heart fill into the abyss of depression. I fell into cage that ate at away at my soul, as every dark year passed I was given a book, a book that gave me glimpse of hope… But now I stand in a world that is not mine… or it is mine; but so much has change that I do not realize it. I have hit the bottom, and now it appears, that the circles of Dante's Hell are beginning to open. My lost, moved me to help others by any means, to believe no matter what happen, there is always a path to take... But for I depressed my desire for the true love that died in my youth and that her face hunts me… in my new way. I fell into the entertainment of the bottle; a nice strong tequila that dash my parched lips that make me spiral into an even a deeper darker desire. The darkness is in me that cause me to act in a dark way… So, to you I say…I do not know what I saw…. The place was so beautiful that it eclipsed my sight and yet I feel like I belong there. I was given a message but in all the awe, my mind had lost grasp of that message, and so then I woke up from my vision gazing into your cloudy eyes. And I know that you have an answer to this cancer that hunts my mind, and give me a sign on what is next for my soul that walks in the valley of the forbidden souls."

I sat down, crossing my legs in the blackness of the blood of earth, the oil that bled through the soil, nature death at its crest. My darkish brown skin felt the blood of the earth and more questions began to appear in my mind… What..? How…? When…? But before I could concrete my thoughts together she spoke again, while keeping with the figure eight, retracing with her right hand…

"You saw and will see what will come… an age of man that will be governed by the wicked and sick. A world where evil will no longer hide from your eyes and it will become second nature… Look up to the sky," her young finger pointed to the Bloody Moon. She continued on…

"The Moon of Abyzou, she cast down her sight… her sight of envy and brings this fractured world's deadly miscarriages… From this moment in on… In this lost time, woman will be bare. Darkness… and infertile stillness will cover this earth… Man will thirst for all that is cursed, life will fall ill to the evil skills of the malice at heart, whoever now arise from this darkness. With this soil breaking way, they crawl from the depth of this once sacred ground, the damn will breathe again, and sin will be but of the past," she finished and reclined against the wall and look to the sky with her shining gray eyes.

I took in the image of her, because that was when I saw her fullest potential of beauty… Where she had come from, I did not know but she gave me a sense peace at heart, as we sat in the shadow of the alley… Covered from all the chaos and rush of the ill at heart, in this unhealthy darkness we sat in peace. And for a moment the flames flicker their lights on her rare heavenly face, like flashes of camera that was in love with her young beauty. I took a deep breath, breathing in the sins of man again into my lung and gradually set my sight back down to the ground. As I did this I pulled out from my dirty robe, The Book; where all my faith was buried in, the book that help me see pass her fate and reach to a fate to help others. I passed my fingertips softly on the golden engrave letters that spelled out "Holy Bible". Passing my oily finger up in down, like blind man that tried to read faded brail. Carefully I pass through every groove, but a feeling of hatred arose from the depth my soul. As If all my goals had all been blown away by the winds of time, to take all that rhyme from this book, and blow it all away into nothingness, into the black abyss of nonsense. I set The Book hard against the oily ground causing a slight splash, that was mixed with ash. I began to shed a tear, one single tear of fear… a tear of loneliness… tears she shed for me in her final state…

Suddenly I felt a gentle brush on my left side of my shoulder, an elderly soothing voice said… "Man of the cloth, it is no time to lose hope, because that is the only thing left now is hope! And when hope if found in the darkness of your heart, that will drag along in golden chains of courage. Courage to face this age of darkness!"

I turn with a surprise to find a beautiful, light skinned elderly women; with long black with strays of gray that riddle her hair. On bended knee she was holding on with her right hand, a golden cane that was engraved with angelic writing that my mind could not questioned. My sight glided up the long cane, of two meters, at the end there was face of owl. This owl was chipped away by the best craftsmen with two ruby red eyes, that glisten and sparkle even in the blackness of this night.

Slowly this elderly woman reach for The Book, showing of her old but strong arms, that was hidden in a celestial color robe, with white lines that ran up and down at the edge robe. The robe shimmered, like the moon playing with her reflection against the sea of man. Her left-hand grasp firmly the book and her look was steady, as if a warrior was looking on a battle field over the horizon. She knelt down lower and laid the golden cane down, that seem to float an inch off the ground. Holding the book as if it was a new born baby, she smiled. Her perfect smile and gently wiped the earth's blood from The Book, with her celestial robe. Yet the robe did not embrace the oil or the soil, as if the robe was made for only those colors that was made up of. Ever so slowly taking her time, as if she was Kronos herself. While doing this she began to fill my head with words of three…

"Do not lose your faith man of the cloth. At any case there is still a battle to fight in these ill times, and the crimes of the guilty will not go unpunished, justice is always hearing. She will wake soon and she will loom on the earth with her eyes of new. With this the trial of all who have fallen and who are falling will reach its' end. I must send you into The Mountain, there you will see your next step or two step. Take The Book and look within to see what must be done, we are all Sons of God…" While she said this, she handed me The Book; as if it was the first day of the shelves.

Looking on to her, I felt a mother's warmth. Looking on her now even bigger gray eyes, they were like a mist into a new world's sky. I was in awe again for second time, I felt strength in my heart, from the dark into my prime again. To move forward to be what I always was and I gentle stated with a second wind:

"My tears are at bay; I had fallen but you word breathe strength back in to my heart and lungs. Breathing with a bigger chest I can see the glimpse; I will do what must be done. You… wise beautiful old lady, have given my faith back, something I lack but a moment ago; that felt like eternity in hell. I pray again for the Lord to guide me, to open my eyes and see the right path, but I have but one question, where is The Mountain?"

She arose steady to her feet, and stretch her strong old left arm to the west, while the cane rested in her right hand. As I look to the west, which was down the alley on my left side. From distance pass all the resistance of evil, I saw a vision of The Mountain that stood tall above all. I stalled for what seem to be endless, questioning myself how would I pass through all the evil halls. I snapped back but this time I had a force inside me that made me breath new air and release this deadly air of despair. I turn to address woman of old, but then my stomach churned and my stomach dropped. I saw with my hazel eyes, a beauty overlapped by endless beauty of young lady, that stared into me with her mystical grey eyes that shined brighter than any light that I ever seen. Her skin was fair and her face glared of respect she stood tall as tall could be. Dress with a crimson dress that shimmered, even in this evilest of moon's light. Her frame was strong, in a warrior stance and she wore silver neckless, wristband and wore a sliver belt, that lean to one side. Wrapping around all her curves. I was dumb struck and I did not know what to do, then as I tried to open my mouth, a small gray and white owl, size of hand landed on her right shoulder. This made me step back, and stood in amazement at her radiating light. Thanks to all that was holy she replied firmly but gently at the same time.

"Not many have seen my true form, I have appeared countless time in epic battle, but you I wanted to exam you true nature at heart, so I came to you in three. I see in your heart strength, courage, burning passion and darkness from the pure love you lost… You are lucky that Aphrodite herself gave you a chance, a moment in time with a pure love, in this world of man I have seen many men starve for that pure love, many force their wrath on man to gain that forbidden rare beauty that Aphrodite dangles in plays with the hearts of men…" She gaze into me with her beautiful eyes that unlock my dark heart to see all the memories of my lost love that haunts my sleepless night and sight. Connecting her mind to mind, whispering in my mind with a soothing song, without moving her lush lips… The song played in my mind like harmony of perfect rhythm, and it went…

"Unlock the heart,

The heart that was lost in the dark…

I give you a spark of light …

Words from the lips of Aphrodite herself

Reach deep into your heart that looms in this dark.

Her beauty is unchecked but her jealousy is fire

That burn brighter than any sun.

Unlock the heart,

For she says that your destiny comes to a fork,

Which way you go,

You heart will sway… sway into pure love again…

That you memories so addicted too…

Or sway into the faith you lead,

To lead and breathe into the lungs off man in this dark era…

The breath of Hera herself…

To win the earth and heal this earth…

That is filled with a now toxic thirst…

Unlock the heart and choose wisely…"

The blissful song played in my mind lost in the beauty of her voice, give me all the site in to my eyes to what was next. I felt a lift that was lift off my feet, but when I regain my footing I felt dense sticky air that burned into my cheeks.

I paused for a moment to grasp her figure that blinded my eyes with all her glory, I thought deep and carefully. For I knew our time of blissful conversation would be over soon. The flames began to rise above the walls, like many hands clawing over the wall that protected us. I knew she was from ancient Greek era and that she had all control of what will happened. I glance at her one last time to remember this moment. She stood firm, while the little white owl would whisper in her ears, sweat melodies of war that a normal men would fear. I took a step forward but with caution and addressed her once again. "I am ready to start my journey; I know that your time is limited. I thank you, also please watch over me that begin embark on this long journey and all Its suffering. I say thank you again…" I said with a firm voice as I took a step back and finally bowed ever so low.

"Man of the cloth, stand strong and do not lower sight at me, you have my sword and shield, for when times are dark… Never forget The Book is your strongest ally, once again I repeat The Book is your strongest ally…" As she said this, she pointed to The Mountain and smile ever so gently. I look into her blissful grey eyes, once again I lost myself in my mind, I felt like if I was running in a maze!

Coming around I was a little daze, but now it was pitch black with the only light, were the flames from the burning building. She was gone, disappear leaving me in the darkness of this chaotic world, but I felt strong and I did not fall to fear. I began to stand firmer and firmer and look to west, where The Mountain rest.

Looking down the alley I could hear cries of many and roars of man filled with hate. I began think what was the best way to make it out of this unholy city, with all the evil grins that lurked every shadow and corners. I took a deep breath and suddenly I smell awful musky sent of sewer water, I began to look around and around. That was the key, I would go underground into the darkness of the sewers and make my way out the city. Walking ever so slowly as I search, I began to hear water below me, a few steps in to middle of that alley slightly to the left of me. I began to get down on my hands and knees. Thrusting my hands into the dark soil and oil, moving my hands everywhere to see where the man hole cover was. I began to search slower and slower not to miss anything but then from the west I heard, talks of lustful men. I began to move faster and faster with my search, I could hear what seem to be a group of men laugh and drinking, spitting foul verses and curses, getting closer. Seeing what seem to be light from fire, as if it was a group of torches shine light at entrance of the dark alley, sparking evil ideas on what was next on this night of hex. The light form the torches began to crawl ever so closely, lurking like a pack of blood hound, smelling for it is prey as the group began to turn the corner. In that moment I found a metal circle manhole cover that I tried to pull it open but it was stuck shut in some way. I swayed into with all my strength, but the blood of the earth made it hard to grip firmly. The light of the torches shed it evil light into this ally ever so slowly, my heart began to pick up pace for every inch this eerie light moved. I took a deep breath and try to get my fingertips around the cover of the sewer with a lasted strength, using my legs I lifted open just enough to slip my fingers for a better grip. Gripping tight I lifted the cover to the side, just enough to make my way in.

As I try to descend, I lost my footing and slipped in to the darkness of the sewer. Falling hard into the sewage from the height of about four meters, I was laying in this dark waste infested water, while the oil and soil began fill over me and cover me in it's dark malice due…

"Did you hear that sound that came up ahead," one of the evil figures of the group said as he sniffed the deadly air. He walked hunched over to the opened man hole where the soil and oil funneled into.

One of the others who wore only brownish rag and was scarred all over his body, with a mutilated face that was riddle with open sores that were filled with maggots feeding off the yellow brown pus. Shedding an evil grin and replied.

"Maybe it is our lucky day and this day of gray, human flesh is what we desire in our evil hearts' desire!" His withering arm tattooed with demonic chants stretch out to shed light with his torch on to the manhole, the evil light loomed into the ancient Roman aqueduct. The light slowly crept into the cavern of the sewer, the light crawled extending its grasp on the shadow and pushing the shadows away make way to light up the sewer entrance. The evil yellow eyed figures, now five in all surround the opening now on all four, impatiently waiting, sniffing and foaming out the rotten mouth. The yellow eyes peered into the lit cavern and saw nothing but rotten sewage that ever so slowly moved. Suddenly the figures jerked away from the entrance of the manhole, hearing clattering from a far, disperse like roaches when the lights are turned on in the middle of the night.

The Moon of Abyzou cast her evil glare into the aqueduct and the waste like water began to part. As I, The Man of the Cloth, now began this evil journey of turmoil in this now oil of soil. Rising to my feet, I was hip deep in the waste as tried to make haste. The smell made me vomit in my mouth, I slowly gain my composure. Looking into the abyss of this sewer, it took a long time to adjust my eyes to this dark scene. I checked inside of sewage covered robe and was glad to find The Book all intact and with not a drop of this evil waste as if shielded from the malice of the world. Gripping tight The Book, it gave off a light that help my sight, looking down the cavern of sewer, it was built by big blocks of ancient cement, mold and dark reddish water crept through the crack mix with the waste that I was stand in. With every move I made the sounds of the waste movement echoed down the aqueduct, giving eerie sense to this evil scene. Making my way what I thought west, I was moving in a sluggish pace letting the light from The Book guide me. Only giving me couple meters of sight, I could feel floating debris rub against my legs. Looking down, I made a gasp to see body parts form part of this evil sewage. Rotten half bitten arms, legs and other parts of the body accompanied me in my horror filled walk. Every step I made was my battle with this evil that was engulfing my fading world. I could hear the massacre of innocence from above, yelling of women and children, penetrated down to the cavern. I began to pray with each step I made, I kept my mind on what the beautiful lady had told me. Closing my eyes, I opened anew with internal holy fire that burn bright in me.

Pressing on for what seem for hours, leaving in a distance the sound of death at its crest, some points of the cavern the waste would rise to my chest level causing me to gag at every step and other parts were low only covering part of my sneakers. I was driven by something inside that made me not pause for not even for a second. Saying to myself in loud tone.

"I most make it to The Mountain!"

Moving at faster pace I felt as if all that was good was in a race to surpass this evil that just now shed it face so openly. I thought deep in my heart in the words of this epic beautiful Aphrodite soothing song, that in my journey I would have to make a choice, my faith or pure love (that riddle his mind with image of his past, for ever lost) a costly enigma that made no sense to him, as if there was a scale a balance between the two paths. But my mind I saw it one side; how could I try to save the world without my faith that gave me this holy strength to begin this suicidal journey. I thought hard and I would not give up my faith for no matter what not even for her if she appears. In my eyes burned bright lighting more my path, I most help not to be selfish, I most redeem my past crime that was deep in my heart for taking that choice… Poor girl… I notice that my eyes were tearing up, all the repress memories from my dark time clouded my mind but I made my way in toxic decay.

I lost track of time now but silence fell onto this long cavern, give me an even more horrific sense, I did not know what was worst to hear the scream or the deadly silence of the beginning of the new world. The dark soil filled with oil somehow mix with the water turning into a dark reddish color, I began to move quicker as this unholy mixer was lower than ever. At this point a held tight to The Book in my right arm, my eyes had adjusted to the darkness that was now part of me and I felt my eyes gave off heat, I did not know why but I moved on in this deadly sonnet.

Suddenly I felt a cold fowl breeze, at this point I was daze and lost track of the hour even days, I felt fire in me burning bright but my legs were nothing but rubber now as I wobbled toward this icy breeze. My hunger was making me weak as my stomach churned, after all I vomited down this hellish path, I felt tired but something in me kept pushing me forward. I stumbled on closing my eyes as the air became colder and colder, as I took my last step I fell down with a loud splash causing waves into a creek filled with bodies floating, I felt the cold water take my breath away and with a jolt I was wide awake. Flocks of bird scattered the scene; I began notice the chest high creak was filled with corpuses like dump for dead bodies. I began to panic pushing the floating decay away from me in this haunting story, that water was not deep but the rotten human flesh added another coat over this unholy liquid. I began to crawl to the shore of the creek when I notice that bird were black crows, feasting on the remains of the dead but something looks off. I looked on, with my sight I saw one crow look directly at me with all three eyes, inform of a pyramid. With a load screech it blasted a sound that all the other crows flutter to look as if alerting them. I move slowly on my back away from their feeding ground, but they began to flap their wings causing a noise like all the flags of the world moving against each other on a windy day.

Moving to action began to rise to my feet, trying to find traction but I kept slipping, I began to bear crawl at any means, but at that moment all the crows began to flutter around me. I began to swing my left arm all around me, tucking hard with my right arm The Book to my chest. I felt my flesh from my left arm being torn as these three eyed crows began to use their beaks in pick at my body. I could feel them going to work on my back, I pulled my hood over my head to try to get a little cover, and began to kick my feet my into action for traction to reach safety of some sort. Falling into despair, there was no place for refuge from these wild dark birds, they began to sworn over me even more. With a last gasp of air pulled The Book and began swing it in the air to get space, but at that moment a light blasted from The Book causing the darks sky around me to illuminate around with a blast, my eyes could see the crows eyes melt into their skull. High pitches howls filled the stale air as the crows without sight began fluttering , knocking each other out and smash their skulls into to nearby rotten trees…

I tried not to think on what just happen and made my way into the dead bushes to escape this danger that I just encountered. I covered The Book, and pulled up my hood adjusting it so it covered most of my face, shielding me from this icy wind. Doing this I notice while I was moving ahead with no direction, that all of natural life was withering away, and the weird thing was that it was the heighten season of spring. I moved on and felt the sight of those grayish mystical eyes guiding me, in the first leg of my journey.