Sinclair frowned at the matter. Even if Anastasia could distort sounds around them, it was still not something he should be discussing when outsiders were around. Wait, did he not count Ainsley as an outsider to the clan anymore?
At the reaction he got from Sinclair, Wallace knew that something was wrong with what he said in Sinclair's books. He didn't return the frown. "What's wrong, Sinclair? Did you not tell him anything more about the heart?"
"Not really. There are too many things happening all at once, and it wasn't even a month yet. The heart couldn't be melding with his body that fast." Sinclair made up a load of bull even if he knew that his father could see that the heart had melded perfectly already. Normally, it should take a while, but Ainsley's body had sped up the process because it was dying by then.