After five minor prizes were given, the first major prize was up on-screen. The colorful display had a roulette of numbers. It was a six-digit combination that would correspond to a card used by the guests in the casino to pay. Everyone watched it in anticipation for seconds until a combination was spouted. Someone's cheer was then heard from the gambling floor.
Roth frowned. One of the prizes had been given away. He suddenly felt so nervous. He was one of those who burned their money on this grand draw. Then again, it wasn't like he didn't win even once in any of his games. Still, he really wanted to at least get something from this high-stake draw.
The screen then featured the winning man and was given the keys to the yacht. The guests then chattered as they realized that everyone who won the major prizes would be given a few seconds of fame. They all secretly wanted to win anything major.