Chapter 13 - Forgotten

As soon as Mazaya fell asleep Luther looked down to make sure she wouldn't wake up and took her home. Since he had an alliance with her father it was pretty easy to drop her off unnoticed. He wasn't restricted in her house. So it was a fast and easy task.

As soon as he got back to the vip lounge that's when business started. They had to create a well thought out plan. First they needed to discuss all of the new information they had. As all the forgotten memories came rushing back at them full force.

Since Luther was the most power, He was able to handle it pretty well. The others not so much. Lucas sat with his hand on his head. Trying to get the head ache that had been brewing, calmed down.

The Goddess of sin had a wash cloth over her eyes to try to help ease the pain and the goddess of destruction was mumbling incoherent words.

Despite their obvious pain Luther still got right down to business. "Okay I gave you enough time to take care of your head aches. It's time to get down to business." Luther said well showing no remorse.

"Now I'm changing everything up. You will no longer be marrying Mazaya." Luther stated with full authority. Lucas already figured that much so he just waved what Luther said off, since the plan would obviously be better a different way now.

"I'll be marrying Mazaya and I'll need all of your help to pull this off. From what I could tell she had some type of ward up that the dark Bane destroyed. We want the element of surprise. So we won't be telling her she's marrying me until the day of the wedding."

It was a good idea that they could all agree on but it was just about whether or not they could pull it off without her finding out before hand. Once she saw Luther she would know the wards were off. It was risky.

Lucas sat up alittle. His head ache now a dull ache. "Okay what's your plan when you marry her? How are you going to get her to give us our magic back? With all the memories that she blocked I can tell it's going to be hard to even get her to consider."

"You're right but I have a plan it's just about whether I can get Mazaya to fall for me again. With all my old memories back, I can definitely say it is doable. I plan on having the wedding in 2 days. No wasting time. I'll talk to her dad and tell him I plan on Marrying her and not to tell her." Luther stated

It was a simple plan that could make them or break them. He refused to lose his memories again. He would do everything it took to make sure that this time around he kept his power. With his memories he knew That Mazaya truly loved him He didn't feel the same way though. He couldn't love.

That was going to be his biggest task. Staying faithful out in public and being descrete whenever he wasn't. If it was anyone else he would ask them how could they expect him to stay faithful for an eternity. But Mazaya was different. She wouldn't accept anything less. She expected full commitment for a eternity.

The main reason He even got caught was because of the God of light. He was smart. He did everything perfect. He never should've been caught up. It was obvious he was set up not only by the God of light. Multiple people were working with him. He would make sure they all paid for his suffering.

"When I marry Mazaya she will be kept in the house. She will not be aloud to talk to anyone unless they come to our house and I expect everyone to be on the same page. I know all of you are making plans. I surly am. I also know you now remember all of our victories." Luther stated dryly

Mazaya wasn't completly honest about certain things. One of the things was they had full control over all dimensions. Not one realm was left untouched. Another thing was, the only reason Luther started killing off other Gods was when they rebelled against him. He refused to have any type of rebellion. He made the laws and anyone who opposed him would be sentenced to death.

He was the most feared God of all times. He had everything he wanted. The human race feared him and prayed to him like he would show any of them a ounce of mercy. The magic realm was his realm and noone questioned him. Whatever he needed he got. The two most powerful gods married and it sealed his fate.

Everyone knew that even though Mazaya was just as powerful and completely good, she would be no help. She was madly in love with him and he made sure she felt loved and never questioned him. She was kept at home so she wouldn't see how bad it was out in the world. All of the places that she enjoyed to go to Luther made sure they stayed the same nomatter what.

He was always careful. So where did he go wrong? You could say that it was trusting the wrong people. It seemed like he stopped watching his surroundings once he was feared by all. He let his guard down. Got careless. They caught him up once. Never again though. He would get everything back and that was a promise.