Chapter 19 - High table

It took longer than I thought it would to get ready. I ended up settling with a cute white sundress. I wanted to look good. I don't know how I woke up with my true form but I would accept it for now. After taming my curly red hair, I was ready to go. I was naturally beautiful and I was excited. Today would be a good day, I thought before teleporting.

Unfortunately As soon as I stepped foot into the board room all eyes were on me. I guess that would be a given since I was an hour late. Noone seemed happy that I was interrupting the meeting. I mean they met daily and The meeting was usually over 4 hours long. So I should be fine. "Hello everyone." I cheerfully said.

I didn't get the response I was hoping for. Everyone was looking at me like I had 2 heads. I mean this was the first time I had come to a meeting, so it made sense. I decided to clear the air. "Hello everyone, as most of you know, I am Mazaya. I decided I would come to shadow my father for when I take over."

I looked over to my dad who was looking at me, with his hand clapped. I walked by him and gave him a hug. "Daddy." I exclaimed with the biggest smile. Even after everything I loved my dad with all my heart. He looked up at me with a serious expression on this face. "What are you playing at?" He asked me.

With a confused look on my face I asked " What are you talking about?" This was not how I expected my dad to react. He looked away from me, down the long white table. He was at the head of the table since he was the ruler of all gods. He took a second to think and than he looked back at me. "I told you 3 days. Are you trying to embarrass me right now?"

I was hurt. It shouldn't matter if I came early or not. Was I an embarrassment? I looked at him and than everyone else. Noone was happy I was here. I thought I would be welcomed. Atleast by my dad if noone else. Did he not want me here? Is that why he introduced me to Luther and had me marry him. Is that why he's having me marry Lucas now? Does he even care about me?

I looked down the table and made eye contact with Luther. This was the first time I've truly seen him since that day. Maybe thats why my emotions are unstable. It's been a long time since I needed help calming down. I was fine until the memories came back. Until my love came back. I don't want to go back to everyone looking at me like I'm a child just because I can't control myself at times.

I tore my eyes away from Luther. I didn't need to look at him. The memories were already embedded in my head. The way he looked would be in my nightmares for an eternity. When I met my dad's eyes again, my emotions hit me fast. I couldn't reel them in. The tears came without notice.

Was he embarrassed that I wasn't normal? But was anyone normal? Just because I was not good with my emotions didn't make me different right? I was still a goddess. I was fine. I just was on the verge of having a nervous breakdown. I could feel the power in me humming. Begging to be released.

I felt someone grab me. I looked up to my dad saying something. He grabbed my face and wiped away my tears. "Sweetheart I need you to calm down okay?" I was embarrassed. I looked down the table and came face to face with multiple judgemental stares. I couldn't calm down. All I wanted to do was have a good day. I wanted to be normal. I wanted my dad to love me nomatter what.

The thoughts in my head were consuming me. My dad grabbed my face and made me look at him again. "Baby listen to me. You have to relax. I was just surprised that you came okay." He knew me so well. I was fine. It was fine. Deep breaths i told myself. "Here take this." My dad said handing me something to drink.

I looked down and all the memories came flooding back. How could he. Was he trying to make me drink the same thing? Did the drinks he made me drink in the past always make me forget and calm me down? I couldn't drink this I thought as I threw The glass at the window. It shattered everywhere. "No, no." I screamed while pushing myself away from him. I staggered back.

He looked at me and than looked down at my hands with fear. I followed his line of sight and saw why he looked the way he did. I lifted up my hands and tried to reel in the magic but it wouldn't work. Blue energy was coming out of them. I could feel the magic consuming me. I looked back up to my dad, who wasn't my dad anymore but Luther.