Chereads / The Impossible Family / Chapter 97 - Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 2:When Nerds Collide

Chapter 97 - Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 2:When Nerds Collide

(Jared's POV)

Retroville school cafeteria…

Jimmy and I are standing in the school cafeteria. Sheen joins us; around us, drawings of a black cat and clover hang on the walls, while students sit at tables and work on things.

"On my mark, Carl. Walk under the ladder... now!" Jimmy said, looking at his watch.

Carl, now standing before a stepladder. In the background, a shattered mirror stands onstage while a black cat picture hangs on the wall. Carl works his way underneath the ladder before him.

"I'm glad we live in a universe where superstitions can't come true." I said, looking between Jimmy and Sheen.

"Same." Jimmy said, happily. "You said you were with the Men in Black for years. What are they like?"

"They help protect the Earth and give aliens home who need it." I said, smiling. "Agent J does look good in a suit, Jimmy."

"Looking' good, Jimmy!" Sheen cheered, slapping Jimmy on the shoulder. "No bad luck so far!"

A blinding white light bathes us slowly as we cringe; we hear a shocking sound, and Carl screams. Carl is burnt slightly and hair standing up on end.

"My skin smells funny." Carl said, fainting.

What Jimmy was doing to Carl was a test of bad luck. The entire cafeteria is decked out with various good luck/bad luck decorations: umbrellas, four-leaf clovers, black cats, bats, spilling saltshakers, white masks. Strung out across the stage is a banner reading 'Friday the 13th Dance!'. Betty and Libby sit at a table on the left side making masks; Bolbi and Butch stand on the right, the former holding a box. As Sheen and I go over to help Carl, Cindy approaches Jimmy.

"See, Neutron? Your idea to have a Friday the 13th Dance is already jinxing us, what were you thinking?!" Cindy exclaimed.

"Tonight's dance will prove that bad luck is just a silly superstition." Jimmy said, walking away. "That lightning was just a coincidence."

We hear shocking again as Carl screams nearby and Cindy cringes.

"Sheen, Jared, why is this step a different color than the others?" Carl asked.

"Oh, that one was broken, so I fixed it using one of Jimmy's old lightning rods." Sheen said.

"I said not to, Sheen." I said, crossing my arms. "It is pretty dangerous."

"C'mon, Carl. Let's take you to the nurse. It's a lot safer there!" Libby said, dragging Carl away.

"Uh, you know, Cindy…" Jimmy said, nervous. "...everyone's gonna be taking..." He gulps. "…dates... to this dance."

"Oh! Right. Heh heh. Funny you mention that. I kinda wanted to ask you something." Cindy said, giggling.

"Really? Me too!" Jimmy said, excitedly.

I got a notification on my iPhone 15 Pro Max and loaded up the Torchwood software with security cameras of Retroville up. "Jimmy. Your priority alarm is going off! Professor Calamitous is robbing Retroville Bank!"

On one of the security cameras, Professor Calamitous laughs. I ran away from the others, with my phone in my hand.

"Neutron!" Cindy said, angrily.

"Sorry, Cindy... this is more important!" Jimmy said, running after me.

"Oh! Fine! It's not like I wanted to ask you to the dance or anything! You hear me? You may think you're the smartest kid in the entire universe, but I can do much, much better!" Cindy said, shouting after Jimmy.

(Open POV)

Dimmsdale school cafeteria…

"Turner! You have got to be the dumbest kid in the entire universe! Who the heck would come to a dance on Friday the 13th? It's all about bad luck!" Crocker yelled.

"It was the only day I had free." Timmy said, sadly.

"Ha ha! Friday the 13th is my birthday. Who would come to your dance when they'll all be coming to the surprise birthday party you've been planning and cleverly hiding from me? All the ladies in this universe will be at my party; good luck finding a date! Hee hee. DATE!" Crocker said, angrily.

"'Date'? Oh my gosh! I was so busy decorating I forgot to get a date for the dance!" Timmy said, worried,

Dimmsdale Elementary School…

"Oh man, Crocker's right! No girl in this universe would date me!" Timmy yelled.

"Oh my gosh! It's that boy who talks to inanimate objects. Just smile and back away slowly!" A girl said, terrified.

"Wait a minute: Girl in THIS universe…" Timmy said, thinking about calling Jimmy from his lab in Act Four of 'Jimmy Timmy Power Hour', after he has restored the fairies' power in Fairy World.

Cindy stands on the far right, Goddard stands between the two.

"He's so smart!" Cindy said, giggling.

Next flashback: Timmy, Cindy, and Jared walking down a sidewalk in Act One. Timmy wears a helmet and carries Jimmy's Rocket Skateboard as the two hold hands while walking with Jared taking photos of them from behind.

"You're so funny!" Cindy cheered, giggling.

Last flashback: when Jimmy, Timmy, and Jared are going home in Act Four. Jimmy floats just before the portal back to his lab; Cindy sticks out much to his annoyance.

"I'll never forget you, Timmy Turner – never!" Cindy cried.

WD back to Timmy, animation has returned to 2D.

"Duh! I can't believe I forgot her – I've got to be the dumbest kid in the universe! No wonder Jared goes there from time to time." Timmy said, holding his disguised godparents up. "Good thing Cindy Vortex doesn't know that. Guys, pack your bags." Cosmo and Wanda change back to their fairy forms. "We're going' to Retroville!"

Cosmo has a glow from his wand, and he changes into a sombrero with matching vest and maracas.

"Ready when you are, amigos! Oh, wait, that's Mexico." Cosmo said, shaking his maracas.

Fairy World Prison…

"Oh, the shame of it. My fellow Anti-Fairies imprisoned on this: Our most hallowed day. Friday the 13th. Chin up, my beloved Anti-Wanda! Your savior, Anti-Cosmo, will have you all free presently!" Anti-Cosmo said, angrily.

"Hear that, Warden? We're breaking' out of here and 'aint nothing' you can do about it!" Anti-Wanda said, banging her head against the glass.

"Nobody is breaking out! You anti-fairies are always being chaotic! Always trying to break Da Rules!" Jorgen said, seeing Anti-Cosmo. "You... prepare to join your friends in the anti-fairy hoosegow!"

"Never!" Anti-Cosmo cried.

"Spilled salt! Oh that is very bad luck!" Jorgen yelled.

"I shall return, my dim beloved. This I swear!" Anti-Cosmo said, grunting.

"Dream on! I will buff up my security system! I will take away your ability to be invisible on Earth! And I will make this prison impregnable to anyone in Fairy World. Or Dimmsdale! Or this universe!" Jorgen said, laughing.

"'This universe'? Hmmm... Could this mean there are other universes? Some that a certain fanboy travels to?" Anti-Cosmo asked, looking at Jorgen. "Oh, splendid! I smell a loophole! I smell a loophole! Ha ha ha!"

Retroville Forest…

"Working with a partner was my best idea ever, Dr. Moist. I'm so glad we met at the Evil Scientist Expo." Professor Calamitous said, happily.

"Yes! Between your robot suit and my paralyzing operatic high notes, that bank never knew what hit it!" Dr. Moist said, excitedly.

"Ah! You fool! You weren't watching the Neutron detector! Friendship over!"

Dr. Moist is yelling in operatic high note.

"So I see you managed to escape the force field I trapped you in back in the Cretaceous Period!" Jimmy said, looking at Professor Calamitous.

"Yes! And I had a long time to contemplate my revenge, Neutron!" Professor Calamitous yelled.

"Ugh. Get a life." I said, scoffing.

I am standing on my hoverboard, knowing how this is going to end.

"Ah!" Professor Calamitous cried.

Jimmy grunts and I groan.

"Who needs a partner! I'm going to finish you and your friend off all on my own!" Professor Calamitous said, blasting at Jimmy and I.

"Not if I can stick you with an anti-gravity disc first!" Jimmy said, tossing an anti-gravity disc at Professor Calamitous.

"What... no!" Professor Calamitous yelled, as he rises. "I'll get you, Neutroooooooon!"

"Well, that's done, Jared. Now to get back to Cindy." Jimmy said, happily.

"Jimmy! Jared! We came to help you both fight Professor Calamitous!" Sheen said, worried.

"Yeah, the doctor says I'm okay. The electricity passed harmlessly through my spine." Carl said, smiling.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to ask Cindy something." Jimmy said.

"Jimmy wants to ask Cindy out on a date." I said, still standing on my hoverboard. "Best if we leave them alone."

"No problem." Carl said.

"Whatever, homes." Sheen said.

In another area in the forest; a POOF cloud flashes and fades to reveal Timmy, Cosmo and Wanda; the last two floating behind him and styled in 3D. Two things change for the fairies here: Their wings now flap unlike 2D, and their wands are slightly larger.

"We made it! We're in Retroville!" Timmy cheered, looking at his Fairy Godparents.

Wanda is eyeing her new appearance worryingly, "Oh, dear, this universe makes my hips look fat."

"What universe doesn't?" Cosmo asked, shrugging and rolling his eyes.

Just behind Timmy; Sheen, Jimmy, Carl, and I are approaching.

"It's Neutron, disguise yourselves!" Timmy said, worried.

At the end of this, the fairies float down to his right arm and shrink in size. One POOF cloud, and a watch similar to Jimmy's has appeared on the wrist. He holds it behind his back just before Jimmy notices him, Carl, Sheen, and I following suit.

"Timmy?" Jimmy asked, and we approach Timmy. "Timmy Turner?" Timmy waves to him. "How did you get back into our dimension?"

"Oh, hey! Well, I, uh... used my techno-geektoid wristwatch to, uh...warp here and...stuff." Timmy said, looking down at his watch; it reads 'Hi-Tek' on the top and a gold star illustration rest on the bottom.

"Very clever, Ace and Clefto." I said, looking at the grid box LCD in the center of the watch, Wanda and Cosmo's disembodied heads float feebly. "Doing that."

"Hola, fudgehead!" Cosmo said, while Timmy's hand covers the screen, causing the rest of his speech to become muffled. "Hola, fanboy!"

Jimmy; Carl, Sheen, and I join Timmy.

"Small-headed Jimmy!" Carl and Sheen said, at the same time.

"Carl, Sheen, his name is Timmy." I said, getting off of my hoverboard, and placing it inside my sling bag.

"Small-headed Timmy!" Carl and Sheen said, approaching Timmy.

"What up, Small Headster?" Sheen asked, as he and Timmy do a 'hot potato'.

"How are ya, Big Teethster?" Carl asked, and he and Timmy fist bump.

"Hey, I bet you guys know where Cindy lives." Timmy said, happily.

"We do." I said, smiling.

These words throw a sudden surprise into Jimmy's head; he pushes his way to the front.

"Cindy? W-W...What do you want with Cindy?" Jimmy asked.

"Oh, I'm here to ask her to my Friday the 13th Dance tonight." Timmy said.

"Your Friday the 13th Dance?" Jimmy asked, slightly offended.

"We can show you." Carl said, pushing Jimmy aside.

"But only if you promise to get us there in an unsafe and irresponsible fashion." Sheen said.

"Basically, they want to hang on to your jetpack." I said, smirking. "I'll follow you guys from behind with my ghost powers."

"Well, I, uh…" Timmy said, looking at his watch. "…wish I could do that!"

This earns Timmy a round of jaw-dropped expressions from the three boys, which best translates to 'What did you say?', with me laughing under my breath.

"What's so funny?" Jimmy asked, looking over at me.

A moment of silence, then a small idea to hide the fairy secret clicks inside the buck-toothed boy's head.

"Nothing." I said, still laughing, but louder this time.

"Maybe if I go behind this tree." Timmy said, as he rushed out to the tree beside them as he ran behind it.

A flash of light from behind, and he comes flying out wearing a backpack with a copter sticking out. Sheen and Carl grab onto them and they fly out of the forest. I changed into my ghost form and I flew out of the forest.

"Later, dude!" Timmy said, angrily.

Carl and Sheen scream as they fly out of sight, with me flying behind them.

Jimmy paces back and forth, "Cindy would never go to a dance with a lunkhead like Timmy – Unless he fooled her into thinking he's really smart and really funny. And Jared helped nudge Cindy to Timmy's side."

He thought about Timmy, Goddard, Cindy, and Jared in his lab from Act Four of 'Jimmy Timmy Power Hour', as seen earlier by Timmy in the prologue.

"He's so smart!" Cindy said, giggling.

Next flashback: Timmy, Cindy, and Jared walking down a sidewalk in Act One.

"You're so funny!" Cindy said, giggling.

Jimmy realized this, "NOOO!!!!!!!!!"

Cindy's house…

Cindy and Libby stand in the center of the room, the latter holding a joystick to play a video game.

"Then Neutron just flies off with Jared, leaving me there! Not that I wanted to go to the dance with him!" Cindy yelled.

"Well, who are you going with? You think a date's just going to come crashing' through the ceiling?" Libby asked, pointing one finger on the end of this.

Indeed that happens. I flew into the room, invisible. We hear rumbling and screaming from Timmy, Sheen and Carl; I looked over at the window as the first rose into view.

"Hi! Remember me?" Timmy asked.

"Now that's what I call a crash landing." I said, making myself visible.

Libby is entranced on the TV, it shows the video game she is playing is 'Ultra Lord vs. Robo Fiend Mega Battle', that Jimmy and Sheen zapped themselves into in 'Ultra Sheen'.

"I must use this power for GOOD!" Libby said, forcefully, looking at her finger.

"Timmy Turner?!" Cindy exclaimed, with a slight chuckle. "Of course! How could I forget someone with your charm and mental acumen?"

"You still talk funny." Timmy said, chuckling.

As Timmy speaks, Carl and Sheen rise into view behind him, the former tipping his glasses, the latter dazed slightly, head tipped slightly.

"Awesome ride, Timmy!" Carl said, excitedly.

"Yeah... I got hit in the head…" Sheen said, straightening his head. "But okay me am, I think now!"

"That's why I used my ghost powers to get here." I said, changing my form from ghost back to human.

"Uh, guys, could you give me a second? I need to ask Cindy something very important." Timmy said, looking between Carl, Sheen, and I.

"Sure." I said, happily.

Carl, Sheen, and I give Timmy motions of approval – Carl giving the 'Okay' sign, Sheen winking and pointing, and I gave a V for victory sign, – and we lower out of sight. Libby has put down her joystick in the background.

"You came all the way from your universe just to ask me something? Now, that's what I call panache!" Cindy said, looking at Timmy.

"Ah! They do speak Spanish here!" Cosmo cheered, in Timmy's watch.

"Silencio, estupido!" Wanda yelled, in Timmy's watch.

Timmy scratches his head.

"So, uh, here goes." Timmy said, acting normal. "Cindy, would you like to…"

On the end of this, Jimmy blasts through the window behind him on his jetpack-backpack, flying past before Timmy could get any words out.

"WAIT!" Jimmy cried, crashing, lying headfirst against a corner in the room. "Cindy, before you say anything, there's something you have to know about Timmy!"

Jimmy's head is upside down, and Cindy folds her arms in annoyance.

Timmy raises a hand, "Back off, Fudgehead, you're cramping my style."

Jimmy gets to his feet and removes his backpack, then walks over to them.

"Sorry, Timmy, but somebody's gotta tell her you aren't a genius!" Jimmy said, angrily.

"What?! Oh, of course he is! How do you think he got here, magic?" Cindy asked.

On Timmy's watch, Cosmo and Wanda laugh hilariously and share comments of what was heard. I laugh with Cosmo and Wanda as Jimmy stomps over to Cindy.

"Cindy, he's just pretending he's a genius so you'll go to his Friday the 13th Dance with him tonight." Jimmy said.

"Timmy!" Cindy said, gasping, and tossing Jimmy to another part of the room. "That's so flattering!"

"Really? Well, my uh...humongous, genius brain figured you'd feel that way!" Timmy said, excitedly.

Jimmy stomps up to Cindy and Timmy, "Cindy! This is all an incredible confabulation!"

"I've had enough of you, Mr. Big-Word-Using Guy. You heard the lady, I am so a genius." Timmy said.

"Oh, yeah?! Prove it." Jimmy said, scoffing.

Outside Cindy's house…

A boxing glove flings out the open window, sending the boy genius flying to the ground below. On the window; Timmy comes out with me standing behind him, he is holding a gun containing the same boxing glove on a spring.

"There, how do you like my quantum boxing-glove-gadget thing... that I just invented?" TImmy asked.

I jumped down from the window, onto the ground and over to Jimmy, to stand behind the boy genius.

"Jimmy, are you okay?" I asked, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"I'm fine." Jimmy said, standing up. "That's it, tiny brain! It's go time!"

"Oh, yeah?" Timmy asked, raising his fist. "BRING IT ON!"

At a vacant backyard with Cindy's house in the distance; the boy genius and godchild stand on respective sides and stare each other down. I look on with Jimmy's friends; Carl/Sheen on Jimmy's side as Cind, Libby, and I are on Timmy's. Two tumbleweeds bounce through the scene at either distance; after these have made their way, I am looking at the two sets of narrowed, blue eyes.

An overexcited Sheen suddenly breaks the silence, "Nerd fight! Nerd fight!"

I am looking between Cindy and Libby.

"Wow!" Cindy said, chuckling. "Timmy's amazing. He invents stuff so fast, you can't even see him do it!"

"Cindy, are you really gonna let those two guys fight over you?" Libby asked.

"Um…" Cindy said, chuckling. "I... thought I might."

"Girl, you are my hero."

Cindy and Libby slap hands.

"Cindy, this is going better than the time Timmy wished for the planet to be rid of everyone else and it being just him and the popular girl in his school." I said, laughing a lot.

"That didn't go well, did it?" Cindy asked.

"Nope." I said, smiling.

The dark-haired boy native to this town is the first to break the stand-off.

"Okay, Turner! If you're a genius, try to counteract my Freeze Ray!" Jimmy said, holding up a ray gun similar to his Cheese Ray on the end of this, and fires.

Timmy manages to bring his wrist in the area of the fire, causing it to hit his watch instead, "Ha!"

On the watch, the entire edge is frozen in ice as Cosmo and Wanda's teeth chatter. Cut to Carl and Sheen standing by.

"Yay, Small-headed Timmy!" Sheen cheered.

"Oh, but we still like you, too, Big-headed Jimmy." Carl said, happily.

"Now, face the power of my…" Timmy said, whispering, to his watch. "I wish I had a burp cannon." He spoke in full volume. "...Burp cannon!"

Right on cue, Timmy produces a giant gun with a human mouth attached to the front.

"Thanks, Goddard." Jimmy said, screaming.

Jimmy is up in the sky and ends up at his lab, he is now in his rocket and flew up into the sky. Goddard barks by Jimmy's side.

"Time to expose this faker once and for all!" Jimmy asked, in his rocket.

"I wish I had a cool rocket like Neutron's!" Timmy said, running up to a tree before hiding behind it. "Uh... that I will now invent behind this tree!" He is now in a rocket his fairies poofed up and is now flying besides Jimmy's rocket. "Looking' for me?"

"Is there a movie on this flight? Cosmo asked, in Timmy's watch.

"Yes, and it's called 'Don't Let Jimmy Hear You'!" Wanda asked, in Timmy's watch.

"Ah! I love Westerns!"

(Open POV)

Professor Calamitous lab…

"Well, back to the resumes. Finding a good collaborator is my only chance of defeating Neutron." Professor Calamitous said, reading a resume. 'Can also do light housework'." He ran over to a monitor and turned it on. "Hmm. My Neutron detector. He's on the move again!"

"Woo hoo! Watch it, Brain Boy! Pick a lane! Bring it on, meat!" Timmy said, on screen.

"What's this? Someone else fighting Neutron. And beating him, by the looks of it!"


"How does he keep building stuff so fast!?" Jimmy asked.

"Hi, Fudgehead!" Cosmo said, in Timmy's watch.

"Quiet! We're in disguise!" Wanda said, in Timmy's watch. "I mean... tick tick tick tick…" She lets out a sigh. "It's over, isn't it?"

"Your reality-bending computer programs! Of course! That's how you're doing all this!" Jimmy said, his eyes widening.

"So what? You've got your stupid science stuff. And I've got Cosmo & Wanda." Timmy said, scoffing.

"Um, can I just say one thing?" Cosmo asked, in Timmy's watch.


"MOOOUUUNTAAAAIIIINNN!" Cosmo siad, worried.

Jimmy, Timmy, Cosmo, and Wanda all scream fearfully. Jimmy is screaming as his rocket blows up after hitting the mountain and he is falling to the ground.

"Well... that's settled!" Timmy said, excitedly.

"Timmy...?" Wanda asked, scolding Timmy.

"Oh, alright." Timmy said, pointing to a control panel on his rocket. "I wish this button would save Jimmy!"

"Do we need to tell anyone about this?" Jimmy asked, yelling, then grunted after being saved by Timmy.

"In your face, Neutron! I out-genius-ed you and saved your butt!" Timmy cheered, doing some raspberries.

Professor Calamitous lab…

"Incredible! That small boy defeated Neutron with his tiny flying helpers. I must find out where he got them!" Professor Calamitous said.


"Neutron, you boob! You almost got Timmy killed!" Cindy said, angrily.

"Cindy, Timmy's not a genius!" Jimmy yelled.

"Oh please! You're just jealous 'cause he's way smarter than you."

"Yeah! What she said!" Timmy said, looking over at Cindy. "Cindy, why don't we go someplace where we can talk about tonight's dance? Say - my dimension?"

"I'd love to! Bye, Nerdtron!" Cindy said, giggling.

"Jared, want to help me and Cindy out with tonight's dance? Say - my dimension?"

"That sounds like fun! I don't mind helping, you Timmy. See ya, the Three Amigops!" Jared said, excitedly.

"Have fun dancing with Sheen!" Timmy said, poofing away with Cindy and Jared.

"Cindy, wait!" Jimmy cried, looking at his robot dog. "Goddard, I'm going to Dimmsdale!"

Professor Calamitous lab…

"And so am I!" Professor Calamitous said, laughing evilly, and his cell phone ringing, causing him to answer it. "What? Oh, the position's filled."

He hangs up and continues laughing.

(Open POV)

Outside Jimmy's lab…

"Hey, Jimmy! I dunno what this stuff does, but here." Sheen said, handing Jimmy a tool.

"Thinks he can just open up a dimensional wormhole, sweep Cindy off her feet, have Jared pick the location of him asking Cindy out, and then 'poof' the three of them back to his universe?" Jimmy asked, muttering angrily.

"Yes, go on, Neutron. Open that portal so I can learn the secret of that big, toothed child's floating collaborators!" Professor Calamitous said, nearby.

"Done. Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time to save Cindy from the horrors of a dumb dance date!" Jimmy said, activating the portal.

"Yo, I told you I'm coming too. Cindy's my girl." Libby said, walking towards the portal.

"And we have no lives, so count us in!" Sheen said, excitedly.

"Okay, okay, just hurry! We're running out of time!" Jimmy said, worried.

Jimmy entered the portal with Carl, Sheen, and Libby.

"Neutron's lab! It's open!" Professor Calamitous said, torn between entering the lab. "Well, maybe just a little peek."


Jimmy, Carl, Sheen, and Libby are screaming.

"Whoa!" Jimmy, Carl, Sheen, and Libby said, at the same time.

"Whoa! Look at me! I'm TOTALLY flat!" Sheen cheered, looking at Libby. "And you my dear…"

"Oh, don't even go there." Libby said, scoffing.

"So where do you think Timmy, Cindy, and Jared are, Jimmy?" Carl asked.

"Don't know. We'll have to split up. But be careful, this Turner's a wily one." Jimmy said, sadly. "And it doesn't help that he has someone with foreknowledge to help him."

(Jared's POV)

Dimmsdale Park…

Timmy, Cindy and I are on pegasuses. Said horses are whinnying. We got off the pegasuses.

"Having a good time, my trans dimensional sweet?" Timmy asked, looking at Cindy.

"I can't believe we're flying an actual Pegasus!" Cindy said, excitedly.

"Actually Cindy, the term is 'wing-ed horsey'." Timmy said, chuckling.

Cindy giggles, "And I can't believe you found the dress of my dreams, with tiara and shoes to match! And I really can't believe your parents are billionaire supermodels! This day has been so perfect, it's like somebody somehow got a hold of my diary and wished one of my secret dreams came true!"

"Yeah." Timmy said, chuckling. "What are the odds?" He looked down at Cosmo and Wanda, with Cindy's diary behind his back. "I wish this thing was back where you found it."

Cindy's diary poofed back home.

"Oh, Timmy, Jared... this is the most magical day of my life! Do you know what would make it even more magical?" Cindy asked.

"Uh... you agreeing to be my date to tonight's Friday the 13th dance?" Timmy asked.

"I might go, if you show me your lab."

"My huh?"

"Huh?" Cosmo, Wanda, and I asked, at the same time.

"Your lab! Where you make all your inventions! Neutron NEVER wants me in his lab, but you're not like him, are you?" Cindy asked, looking at Timmy.

"HA! Not in the slightest! I wish…" Timmy said, frowning.

"Ace, Clefto, bring us to Applejack's." I said, walking over to Timmy. "I hope you got that cold."

"No! Not another word! I don't want anything to spoil this moment! Don't say anything until I see your steamy den of scientific discovery!" Cindy cried.

A.J.'s lab…

Timmy and I entered A.J.'s lab.

"I'm sorry." I said, pressing a button on the wall to make A.J. disappear and his lab appear. "Really sorry."

A.J. screams while on his bed.

"Welcome to my lab!" Timmy said, opening the door for Cindy to enter. "Can we go now?"

"Wow!" Cindy cheered, running around the lab. "Beakers! Centrifuges! Test tubes! And a cloning tank? Who is that?"

"I'm uh... building the perfect bald kid?" Timmy asked, looking at A.J.'s clone.

"And you have a gene splicer!" Cindy said, running up to the gene splicer.

"Heh heh. Uh, sure." Timmy said, letting out a sigh.

"Timmy, I'm ready. You can ask me to your dance now." Cindy said, squealing.

"Cindy? I…" Timmy said, happily.

"Oh, but not here! Someplace romantic! Someplace I'll always remember!" Cindy said, excitedly.

"Okay! I wish…"

"SHUSH!" Cindy said, shushing Timmy again. "And not another word until we get there! I want to cherish this moment!"

"Don't worry, Timmy, I know the place!" I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

(Open POV)

Jimmy's lab…

Professor Calamitous yells. He laughs evilly.

"I made it!" Professor Calamitous said, light and airy, walking around the lab and picking up the Infinite Storage Cube. "Mmm, good going, Calamitous! Now, there must be something in Neutron's Infinite Storage Cube that can help me find that big-toothed boy's flying helpers…"

The Venus Flytrap roars.

Outside TImmy's house…

"Hi, Mr. Turner, I'm looking for…" Jimmy said, ringing the doorbell and the front door opened.

"Ha ha! Another reality avoidance costume, eh Timmy? Or should I say, 'Buzz Adams'? Looks like someone's date was a disaster." Mr. Turner said.

"What? DATE?" Jimmy asked.

"You know what else is a disaster?" Mrs. Turner asked, walking up to the front door and picking Jimmy up with a toilet plunger. "The toilets! Get to work, Buzz!"

"Ahhh!" Jimmy said, worried.

"Hey! This wig you're using to hide your shame makes a great handle!" Mr. Turner said, closing the front door.

(Jared's POV)


"Ah, this is nice. Cindy... would you... would you…" Timmy said, happily.

"Hi, small-headed Timmy!" Carl said, excitedly.

"Hi, normal-headed Cindy and Jared!" Sheen cheered.

"Carl? Sheen? What're YOU guys doing here?" Cindy asked, looking between Carl and Sheen.

"Jimmy brought us. He's trying to find you." Carl said, smiling.

"He IS?" Cindy asked, at a loss for words.

"Uh... look out for that sandstorm coming right towards just you two guys!" Timmy said, looking down at his watch. "...that I just wished for."

"Wahhh!" Carl and Sheen cried, getting blown away by the sandstorm.

"Cindy, I…" Timmy said, yelling.

"Yo! Cindy!" Libby said, nearby.

"Libby!?" Cindy exclaimed.

"Did he ask you yet? What'd I miss? Tell me everything, girl."

"Uh... uh... Hey! Is that a famous hip-hop star?" Timmy asked.

"WHERE? Is it Lady La-Dee-Dah?" Libby asked.

"Uh... sure!" Timmy said, looking down at his watch. "I wish."

"God, next time just give them Ace and Clefto." I said, rolling my eyes.

Libby squeals when her favorite artist appears and hip-hop music plays.

"I might." Timmy said, letting out a sigh.


"Okay. One more time. Here we go. Cindy, Will you…" Timmy said, looking at Cindy.

(Open POV)


"Small-headed Tim-my!" Libby said, angrily.

"Here, Small-headed Timmy!" Sheen said, excitedly.

"Here, boy!" Carl said, happily.

(Jared's POV)


"Let's go and give them your fairies, Timmy." I said, crossing my arms. "This is pissing me off."


"Would you excuse me for a sec? Do you mind? You guys are totally cramping my style, and I have someone to help me choose the date locations, which I now have in my own universe with this one girl!" Timmy said, growling.

"Yeah, well, that one girl is my best friend and I ain't going' anywhere until I know she's happy." Libby said, scoffing.

"And Libby is my girl and I'm not going' anywhere until she's happy! Or unless Ultra-Lord is involved in some way, shape or form." Sheen said.

"And I just want to see what llamas look like in this universe." Carl said.

"Jared, you're right. I need to give them to you. Look, what if I gave you guys my pink and green fair... uh, reality-bending computer programs to play with?" Timmy asked.

"I don't... OK!" Sheen said, excitedly.

"Works for me!" Carl said, excitedly.

"Alright." Libby said, grabbing Timmy. "But if Neutron was right and you break Cindy's heart, reality isn't all that's gonna get bent around here. Get it?"

"Got it! Cosmo? Wanda? I wish you would keep doing whatever these guys tell you to do!" Timmy said, looking between Cosmo and Wanda.

"Because that wish ALWAYS works great!" Wanda said, sarcastically.

"It won't." I said, laughing a lot. "It'll probably lead to wish overload."

"At least you're more sensible and caring than Timmy is."

"TAKE US WHERE THE LLAMAS ARE!" Carl said, angrily.

"Finally, a llama wish!" Cosmo said, excitedly

(Open POV)

Timmy's house bathroom…

"I can't believe I'm scrubbing stupid Timmy Turner's stupid toilet with a stupid toothbrush…" Jimmy said, shouting into the toilet. "…FINISHED!"

"MAN! Those high-fiber energy bars we supermodels eat zip right through you!" Mr. Turner said.

"You're going to need this." Mrs. Turner said, handing Jimmy something else.

"NOOO!" Jimmy cried.


"Yaaay! I'm the Llama King! Come, my loyal subjects! Wheee!" Carl said, sitting on a llama.

Llamas are grunting.

"Now gimme giant feet!" Sheen said, looking at Wanda, with the pink haired fairy not looking amused. "No no! I know! Gimme a TV for a head!" Wanda lets out a sigh. "No no no! I know! Make me best friends with Morgan Freeman!" Morgan Freeman poofed in. "Now we're getting somewhere!"

Hip-hop music is playing and Libby is dancing with her favorite artist.

Outside Timmy's home…

"I may never brush my teeth again. Maybe that's how Turner's teeth got that way." Jimmy said, shivering.

"It's Neutron! Who needs tiny collaborators when I can just dispatch Neutron myself with one of his own weapons!" Professor Calamitous said, talking to himself. "Hmm, this looks suitable. What?"

Professor Calamitous yells.

"Never be clean. Never be clean...." Jimmy said, shuddering.

Professor Calamitous yells as he is sent somewhere else.

"Professor Calamitous?! My Hypercube?!?" Jimmy exclaimed, reading the list. "'To Do List: 1) Travel to parallel universe. 2) Capture big tooth's flying helpers. 3) Destroy Neutron.'" He looked up from the list with his eyes widening. "So! He's after Turner's computer programs!"

"Son! I'm having another high fiber energy bar!" Mr. Turner said, his head sticking out of the door.

Jimmy screams.


Professor Calamitous continues yelling. Cats are meowing.

"I say! Somebody is cooking up a delicious stew of bad luck!" Anti-Cosmo said, sniffing.

A cat screeches.

Professor Calamitous is extricating himself from a pile of junk, "Sweet muffins! I never had this much bad luck in my universe."

"'My' universe? Wait a moment... are you from another universe?" Anti-Cosmo asked.

"You're... you're one of those tiny flying creatures! You can help me destroy my nemesis, Jimmy Neutron!" Professor Calamitous said, gasping.

"Of course! I'd be happy to help with whatever it is you're blathering on about! Provided you do me one teensy favor." Anti-Cosmo said.

Some time has passed and Anti-Cosmo discussed his plan with Professor Calamitous.

Fairy World Prison…

"At last! Complete and total lockdown! The ultimate defense against fairies, anti-fairies and even the occasional gnome! Nothing of this universe can get in or out!" Jorgen said, standing in front of the prison door.

"Hello, my good man!" Professor Calamitous said, walking through the prison door.

"Oh, hello." Jorgen said, "HEY!"

"This the emergency release button?" Professor Calamitous asked.

"You bet!" Binky cheered.

A siren is blaring after Professor Calamitous pressed the button.

"I will never allow you to escape…" Jorgen said, running towards the prison door.

Anti-fairies clamoring and escaping the prison.

"Well, your friends are free. Now you help me defeat Neutron." Professor Calamitous said, smirking.

"Yes, about that...." Anti-Cosmo said, locking Professor Calamitous and Jorgen into the prison.

Jorgen snores.

"I thought you were going to be my collaborator! You lied to me!" Professor Calamitous said, worried.

"Yes, I do that from time to time! It's almost like I'm evil! Well... TA!" Anti-Cosmo said, floating away.

(Jared's POV)


"Ready, Cindy?" Timmy asked.

"Ready, Timmy!" Timmy said, excitedly.

"It's time to cue the swans!" I yelled, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"WAIT!" Jimmy said, nearby.

"Huh?" Cindy asked, seeing Jimmy. "Neutron! You ARE here!"

"Cindy, listen to me! Calamitous followed me here and he's trying to use Turner's floating computer programs for evil!" Jimmy said, running up to Cindy.

"Oh, please! Like anything bad's gonna happen on MY watch." Timmy said, while thunder booms.

"Crap. A wormhole is opening up!" I said, as anti-fairies are clamoring out of the wormhole.

"Howdy, y'all!" Anti-Wanda cheered.

"Yes! Howdy indeed! We're free! FREE! Now I can send my Anti-Fairies out to halt the Earth's rotation! Tomorrow will never come, making every day Friday the 13th!" Anti-Cosmo said, angrily.

"Um... why would you tell us that?" Jimmy asked.

"Because I know you can't stop me, fool! HAHAHA!" Anti-Cosmo said, flying away from us.

"Ha ha. He called you a fool." Timmy said, happily.

"Do you ALWAYS have to get the last word?" Jimmy asked.


"Timmy, you said there was nothing to worry about!" Cindy cried, looking at Timmy.

"Who's worried?" Timmy asked, worried. "I'm not worried. Do I look worried?" He is eye-twitchy. "Ack!"

"You should be! The sky is filling with your evil computer programs!" Jimmy said, angrily.

"MINE?!" Timmy exclaimed.

"YES, YOURS!" Jimmy said, momentarily calm. "And now, let's pause a moment as I perform the 'in your face' dance." He does said dance in front of Timmy. "In your face, in your face, in your face. Uh-huh, in your face!"

"Oh, I wouldn't be dancing in his face if I were you. Soon, every day will be Friday the 13th and bad luck will rain down upon you in perpetuity! And it's all thanks to you and your friend Calamitous!" Anti-Cosmo said, flying up to Jimmy.

"Yeah, way to go, Nerdtron." Timmy said, scoffing.

"Oh, and thank you, Timothy, for luring him up here by showing off Cosmo and Wanda. TA!" Anti-Cosmo said, doing the 'in your face' dance. "In your face, in your face, in your face!"

"Now I am starting to see why the Doctor didn't want his companions fighting." I said, letting out a sigh. "To avoid situations like this."

"So, your Doctor didn't want any world ending scenarios." Cindy said, sadly.

"Look, don't worry, I've dealt with these guys before. I know we can stop them, but we'll need to find Cosmo and Wanda." Timmy said, chuckling nervously.

"But you lent them to Carl, Sheen and Libby! Well, they could be anywhere!" Cindy said, worried.

(Open POV)

Fairy World Prison…

"All right, Calamitous. I agree. We will team up to escape. I will now use your puny, other worldly body to bash my way out of this cell! BUT I CAN'T…" Jorgen said, grunting while bashing the glass using Calamitous' head. "BREAK…" He grunts "…FREE!"

"Can I just say something?" Professor Calamitous asked.

"What?" Jorgen asked.

"He left the keys in the door." Professor Calamitous said, groaning.

"Nice job!" Jorgen said, excitedly.

(Jared's POV)


We are now running around Dimmsdale looking for Timmy's fairies, Jimmy's best friends, and Cindy's best friend.

"Neutron, what is that thing?" Cindy asked, looking at the device Jimmy is holding.

"Is it a timey wimey detector?" I asked, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"No." Jimmy said. "It's a sound wave detector. All we have to do is find the funkiest beat in a 100-mile radius and we'll find Libby. Cosmo and Wanda should be with her, Carl and Sheen."

"Well, that's brilliant, Neutron!" Cindy said, excitedly.

"Thanks, but I don't hear anything yet." Jimmy said, frowning.

"Well maybe it's being drowned out by the sound of you patting yourself on the back." Timmy said, annoyed.

Cindy giggles.

(Open POV)


Anti-Fairies are clamoring.

"Anti-Ladies and Anti-Gentlemen, lend me your anti-ears... It is time... for the master plan!" Anti-Cosmo said, looking at a group of Anti-fairies. "You! Get out there and cause as much bad luck as possible!" He looks at another group. "While you... Take to the skies! Circle the globe at hypersonic speeds to stop its rotation!"

The Anti-Fairies clamoring continues.

"Once you succeed in slowing the rotation of the Earth, time will stand still! Tomorrow will never come! It will be Friday the 13th every day and bad luck will reign FOREVER!" Anti-Cosmo yelled.


"Cock-a-doodle…" The rooster said, and it goes from morning to night.

(Jared's POV)


The sound wave detector beeps steadily.

"You boys are awfully quiet." Cindy said, looking between Jimmy and Timmy.

"Well, undoing all the trouble he's caused takes concentration." Jimmy said, looking over at Timmy.

"Hey! You're the one this Calamitous guy followed here! If you weren't so jealous of me and Cindy…" Timmy said, scoffing.

"Hey, you knew I liked Cindy and tried to steal her away from me!" Jimmy yelled, while the detector was beeping. "Guys, wait! I hear something!"

"There they are!" Cindy cheered, running towards Libby. "Libby!"

"Carl! Sheen!" Jimmy said, running to his best friends.

"Cosmo! Wanda!" Timmy said, running to his fairies.

"Herbert Noodleman!" Cosmo said, going off Wanda's look. "What? Everyone else got to say a name!"

"So much llama love!" Carl said, miserably.

"So much funk…" Libby said, miserably.

"Come on, Sheen. These lines aren't going to memorize themselves!" Morgan Freeman said, looking down at Sheen.

"So much Morgan!" Sheen said, miserably.

"Timmy, they're suffering from wish overload." I said, looking between Carl, Sheen, and Libby. "This is bad."

"It is." Timmy said, sadly. "Why didn't you stop me?"

"Because you wanted to ask Cindy out to the dance. And it was fun watching you and Jimmy fight over her. But we need your fairies back to save your world."

"Yeah." Timmy said, running away from me and up to Libby. "Libby! You've got to wish Cosmo and Wanda back to me!"

"Why you? I'm the genius here!" Jimmy said, angrily.

"Look, Brain Boy, they're my programs and I know how to make them work!" Timmy said, truly sincere. "Listen, Cindy. I know some of this is my fault, even though most of it is Neutron's, but all I ever wanted was to take you to the dance."

"These boys are still fighting over you?" Libby asked.

"Oh, are they?" Cindy asked, giggling. "I hadn't noticed. Go ahead. Give Timmy his programs back."

"I wish... Timmy... had Cosmo and Wanda back…" Libby said, with the fairies disappearing from her, Carl, and Sheen, and back to Timmy.

"I wish that every wish that Carl, Sheen and Libby made didn't happen, and were all back to their normal selves!" Timmy cried.

The llamas near Carl disappear.

"Yes, Roxanne, I am leaving you." Sheen said, flatly.

"'I can't go on.'" Morgan Freeman said, flatly.

Morgan Freeman disappears. The hip-hop music is playing on a boombox with the artist and the music stops, disappearing with the artist.

"Cosmo, Wanda! Quick! I wish the Anti-Fairies were gone!" Timmy said, worried.

"Goodbye, anti-jerks! There's too many anti-fairies! They're interfering with our wands!" Wanda said, aiming her wand at the Anti-Fairies.

"Well, you're the 'genius' here! What do you wanna do?" Jimmy asked.

"Let's go to Crocker's lab." I said, happily.

"Er, Jared means, 'my other lab'!" Timmy said, looking at Cindy. "Cosmo, Wanda?"

Jimmy, Timmy, Carl, Sheen, Libby, Cindy, Cosmo, Wanda, and I poofed away.

"Anti-fairies! I will stop them with my mighty magic wand!" Jorgen said, aiming his wand at the Anti-Fairies, which failed to work. "Or not! Plan B. HIDE!"

Professor Calamitous screams. Anti-Fairies are laughing at Jorgen.

Crocker's lab…

We're all yelling as we're going down the slide leading to Crocker's lab.

Timmy screams and whispers to Cosmo and Wanda, "Guys!"

Cosmo and Wanda scream and poofs a mattress at the bottom of the slide.

"Welcome to my other lab!" Timmy shouted.

"This isn't your lab!" Jimmy said, angrily.

"Yes, it is!"

"Then why are there pictures of your teacher everywhere? Hmm? Hmmm?" Jimmy asked, looking at photos of Crocker around the lab.

"Because... I love to learn?" Timmy asked.

"Does that explain that picture of you with a dart in it? And that sign that says, 'I hate Timmy'?" Sheen asked.

"Uh, I have low self-esteem?" Timmy asked.

"Me, too!" Sheen said, accidentally punching Libby.

"Ow!" Libby said, rubbing her arm.

"No. No. No." Timmy said, running around Crocker's lab.

"What are you looking for, Timmy?" Cindy asked.

"Aha!" Timmy said, holding up a butterfly net.

"A BUTTERFLY NET!" Cosmo and Wanda shrieked.

"A butterfly net?" Jimmy and Cindy asked, at the same time.

"If it has wings, and flies, a butterfly net can catch it." Timmy said, smiling.

"That or a glass jar." I said, happily.

"Jared, Pomu Rainpuff is different from Cosmo and Wanda."

"They're still the same."

"Really. Hmmm." Jimmy said, grabbing the butterfly net from Timmy. "Aha! If I can combine this butterfly net with my Hypercube, I might be able to suck all those rogue computer programs into it!"

"I just remembered: I don't have low self-esteem! I have low blood sugar!" Sheen said, excitedly.

"And...voila!" Jimmy said, combining the butterfly net with his Hypercube.

The device Jimmy combined activated and it is trying to suck Cosmo and Wanda into it.

"Hey, whoa!" Wanda said, worried.

"Watch it, Fudgehead!" Cosmo yelled.

"Good idea, Neutron!" Cindy said, sincere.

"Uh, I'll stand over here and make sure Cindy's okay!" Timmy said, running over to Cindy to look at her. "You okay?"

Cindy giggles, "Uh-huh!"

"Good work, Timmy!" Sheen said, excitedly.

"Now come on! Let's go kick some butt!" Jimmy said, angrily.

We all teleported out of Crocker's lab, leaving Denzel Crocker alone with his mother. Crocker is snoring.

"What's that?" Crocker asked, waking up and seeing nothing. "Ah ah ah... must have been dreaming. About FAIRIES!" He muttered to himself. "I've got you cornered, Turner…" He looked over at a nearby room. "NO, MOTHER! NOT THE TINY PANTS!"

Crocker's mother screams.


There is a mews noise. A man screams. A ship horn blows. Then a woman screams.

"Bad luck amuck! I'm Chet Ubetcha saying it's Friday the 13th in Dimmsdale and I can't change the calendar!" Chet Ubetcha said, trying to flip through a day's calendar.

Jimmy, Timmy, Carl, Sheen, Libby, Cindy, Cosmo, Wanda, and I poofed into town.

"OK, here's the plan. We need to get all the anti-fairies in one place so Neutron can suck 'em up. Got it?" Timmy asked.

"Uh-huh." Carl said.

"Uh-huh." Libby said.

"You bet!" Cindy said.

"You bet!" Wanda said.

"On it." I said, smirking. "That sounds simple enough."

"There's a plan?" Cosmo and Sheen asked, at the same time.

Some time has passed and we have set up everything needed for Operation Anti-Bad Luck.

"Operation Anti-Bad Luck is now in effect!" Timmy said, excitedly.

Professor Calamitous yelps after tripping on a crack. Jorgen screams after trying to get his wan to work.

"You'll never get away! And there's nothing you can do to distract us!" Anti-Cosmo said, angrily.

Glass shatters as I activate my sonic screwdriver to break some mirrors.

"Ah! We need to break more mirrors! Sheen, give me a high C!" Cosmo said, worried.

"OK, here's a L over high C." Sheen siad, inhaling loudly. "Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!"

Glass is breaking after Sheen's scream.

"AH!" Anti-Cosmo said, sniffing and laughs evilly. "Aha, it's a bad luck buffet!"

"Look! I'm running under a hundred ladders!" Carl said, running under the ladders.

"Yes! Yes! Lovely! Marvelous! I can't resist the siren call of your delicious bad luck!"

"Now to really ramp it up!" Timmy yelled.

"This is why I love my sonic screwdriver." I said, activating my sonic screwdriver to cause more glass shattering and crashing. "I get to show it off like this."

"Look at all that bad luck!" Anti-Fairy #1 cheered.

"Ahhh! I can't resist it!" Anti-Fairy #2 said, chattering excitedly.

The Anti-Fairies are clamoring.

"Mmm. Yes, yes. Spilling salt. The tastiest bad luck of all." Anti-Cosmo said, slurping at the salt spilling around Dimmsdale, before seeing the Anti-Fairies flying down to the town. "What? Get back! Back! You're supposed to be halting the earth's rotation!"

(Open POV)


"Cock-a-doodle…" The rooster said, as the sun was rising. "DOOOOOOO!"

(Jared's POV)

Sheen is yelling and my sonic screwdriver goes off, causing glass to shatter. The Anti-Fairies are shouting. Jimmy's Hypercube beeps. The Anti-Fairies are still shouting. Anti-Cosmo is screaming in horror.

"Oh, bad luck, old chap!" Timmy said, smirking.

"NAY! NAY I SAY! Oh, we were so close! SO CLOSE!" Anti-Cosmo said, getting sucked into the Hypercube with the rest of the Anti-Fairies.

"Gah, what was supposed to happen next?" I asked, while the Hypercube beeps once more. "What was it?"

"Oh, rat poopy." Anti-Cosmo said, shouting, before ending up in the Hypercube.

"Awright! You rock, dude!" Timmy and Jimmy said, at the same time.

The Hypercube shuts down.

"Well, now that that earth-shattering crisis is over, back to business. Oh boys! Nice work, guys! You both did a great job!" Cindy said, running up to Jimmy and Timmy.

"Him?" Timmy asked, scoffing. "It was my net that saved us! Ahh!"

"No, Cindy, it was my Hypercube!" Jimmy said, angrily.

"I'm Cindy's hero!" Timmy yelled.

"No, I'm Cindy's hero!"

Timmy and Jimmy fight over Cindy.

"Cool. When we get back home, can you get them to do our homework?" Libby asked, yelling.

Cindy and Libby are giggling as I'm laughing a lot.

"Ah! The Infinite Storage Cube! With that much harnessed energy, I'd be invincible!" Professor Calamitous said, getting off the ground and running to the Hypercube.

"Negative! Those fairies are going back to jail!" Jorgen said, walking to the Hypercube.

Jimmy's watch beeps.

"Calamitous! I can't let him get the Hypercube!" Jimmy said, worried.

"And I can't let Neutron look good! I'll stop them with this!" Timmy said, taking out the gene splicer, turning it on, and aiming it at Jorgen and Professor Calamitous.

"Timmy! No! That's your gene splicer!" Cindy cried.

"Right. I forgot this would happen." I said, as Jorgen and Professor Calamitous are shouting. "Them fusing."

"What… what is happening here?" Jorgen asked.

"We have... been fused... together!" Professor Calamitous said.

"Must... maintain... dominance…" Jorgen said, struggling mightily.

"Not a chance... my mind... stronger than you…" Professor Calamitous said, struggling mightily.

The fusion process between Jorgen and Professor Calamitous stopped, with the scientist's head on to the fairy soldier's body.

"He's big." Timmy said, in awe.

"He's mean." Jimmy said, at a loss for words.

"He's gross." Libby said, scoffing.

"Where's he going to buy his shirts?" Sheen asked.

"Finally! An all-powerful collaborator of my very own!" Professor Calamitous cheered, looking at Jorgen. "With my genius and your power, I'll be invincible!"

"If I could move my arms, I would so beat you up right now!" Jorgen said, angrily.

"You mean like this?" Professor Calamitous asked, using Jorgen's fist to hit his own body.

"Ow!" Jorgen said, groaning.

"Why are you hitting yourself?"

"Ow!" Jorgen said, groaning.

"Why are you hitting yourself?" Professor Calamitous asked.

"Ow!" Jorgen said, groaning.

"Why are you hitting yourself?"

"Can't move... of my own will… ACK!"

"Because MY will's in charge! And now: For my first trick!" Professor Calamitous exclaimed.

Professor Calamitous uses Jorgen's magic to cause an explosion.

"CINDY!" Jimmy yelled.

"Watch out! I saved her." Timmy said, annoyed.

"No, I did."

Jimmy and Timmy got caught in the explosion, with me knowing they got turned into snails.

"Jimmy! Timmy!" Cindy cried.

Jorgen and Professor Calamitous are laughing.

"I just want this adventure to end already." I said, looking down at the hole.

"Wait, I should not be laughing. This is a terrible situation. And yet…" Jorgen said, laughing. "I find myself unable to resist your... your influence." He is laughing. "I will get you for this."

Professor Calamitous is laughing.

"JIMMY! TIMMY! The only boys who ever fought over me and they're gone!" Cindy said, worried.

"Hey! Let go of her!" Libby said, while Calamitous lifted Cindy off the ground.

"Do not worry, little girl... It is against Da Rules... to use magic to…" Jorgen said, weakly.

"SILENCE! Sorry, girly, I can't have you avenging your boyfriends' demises. You're coming with me to Retroville!" Professor Calamitous said, angrily.

Cindy screams and is teleported away with Jorgen and Professor Calamitous.

"Cindy!" Libby said.

"Jimmy!" Carl said.

"Small-headed Timmy!" Sheen said.

"Milton Bimowitz!" Cosmo yelled, defensive. "What? He's the King of Vaudeville! And he plays the spoons. Can you play the spoons?"

"No, but the Doctor can." I said, happily. "When he was Scottish and loved carrying an umbrella."

(Open POV)


"Oh joy! Having a magic partner-in-crime has allowed me to finish almost every item on my new 'to do' list! I've terrorized the inhabitants with prehistoric creatures…" Professor Calamitous said.

Kids scream and run away as a dinosaur roars after them.

"...imprisoned Jimmy's loved ones in carbonite…" Professor Calamitous said, looking at Jimmy's parents frozen in carbonite. "...and prepared a delicious picnic lunch to nourish my strapping new body!"

"This sandwich is unacceptable! Sourdough is the lowest form of bread!" Jorgen exclaimed, looking at the sandwich.

"You'll eat it, and you'll like it." Professor Calamitous said.

Jorgen struggles against eating and exclaims, "This indignity will be avenged!"

Jorgen is eating the sandwich.

"Mmm, spicy mustard." Jorgen said, happily.

"My two favorite people are gone, and now you're probably going to get rid of me!" Cindy said, in the forcefield bubble.

"Oh, a gentleman would never harm a lady. Besides, I need to keep an eye on you while I complete my greatest plan of all! Behold my Big Bang Bomb! With shortwaves so powerful, they'll tear the very fabric of time. The earth will revert to its original state, allowing me to remake it in my own glorious image! And there's no one around to stop me!" Professor Calamitous said, with maniacal laughter.

"You madman! Would you please pass the pickle relish?" Jorgen asked.

(Jared's POV)


"Oh no! Our old best friend and our new best friend... both gone!" Carl said, upset.

"They'd barely begun to hate each other." Sheen said, looking down at the hole.

"We're doomed! Calamitous is mega-powerful and the only two people who could stop him are toast! WHY?" Libby asked.

Everyone, except me, is sobbing.

"Actually, we're snails." Jimmy said, slithering out of the hole with Timmy.

"But the French eat us with toast!" Timmy said, excitedly.

Libby shrieks.

"Timmy! Jimmy! Jorgen's magic didn't destroy you! It just turned you into cute little snails!" Wanda said, excitedly. "Jared, is that why you weren't panicking?"

"Yup." I said, happily. "One of Da Rules is that you guys can't kill, maim or injure living beings. But your magic can if it is done indirectly."

"I forgot how you know Da Rules better than Timmy." Wanda said, smiling. "You knew what would happen."

"For this? Yeah. Timmy and Jimmy do look cool as snails."

"Cool! I want to feed 'em! Who's got some snail biscuits?" Sheen asked.

"Guys! Calamitous took Cindy to Retroville! We've got to save her!" Libby said, worried.

"This is all our fault, Turner. Our stupid competition has endangered the life of the woman we... think is...sort" Jimmy said, sadly.

"Yeah, you know. For a girl." Timmy said, chuckling.

"Pathetic." Libby said, annoyed.

"Then it's settled. We've got to put aside our differences and join forces to save her!"

"Let's shake on it!" Jimmy yelled.

"Uh, eye-five!" Timmy cheered.

Jimmy and Timmy scream after their eyes hit each other.

"Gather 'round, everyone. I have a plan." Jimmy said.

(Open POV)

Retroville park…

"Activate particle accelerators! Re-set expansion sequence! Charge the detonator with unlimited power! Excellent! Here's a cookie." Professor Calamitous said, typing into the keyboard and poofing in a cookie.

Jorgen is chomping on the cookie noisily.

"You're insane, Calamitous! You'll be destroyed, too!" Cindy cried.

"No, I'll be hiding under that magical desk. Sorry there's no room for you." Professor Calamitous said.

"B-but, you said you don't harm girls!" Cindy said, terrified.

"Quite right. Jorgen, turn her into a goldfish."

Cindy screams and gets turned into a goldfish and falls into a fishbowl.

"Sorry, blonde girl. The merger made him the boss of my body. I am so ashamed." Jorgen said, looking down at Cindy.

"Arming highly suspenseful detonation timer - NOW!" Professor Calamitous yelled.

"Stop, insane evil human! You must reconsider! Or at least come closer so I can bite you! Yah!" Jorgen said, trying to chomp Professor Calamitous' head.

"Too late! Nothing can stop me from finishing my greatest plan of all!" Professor Calamitous said, laughing evilly.

Professor Calamitous and Jorgen have alarmed cries when Sheen, Libby, Carl, Cosmo, and Wanda poofed in inside Jimmy's hover car.

"Fairy Force Five... ATTACK!" Sheen said, angrily.

"YOU!?" Professor Calamitous exclaimed.

"Here's for hurting our friends, chump!" Libby said, pressing a button on the hover car.

Jorgen and Professor Calamitous screams as they're trapped in the tractor beam.

"A tractor beam? I guess that's the best you can do now that Neutron and Overbite Boy are gone!" Professor Calamitous said.

"But Professor, I keep trying to tell you…" Jorgen said, sadly.

"Silence! We've got to turn their own energy against them!" Professor Calamitous said, waving Jorgen's wand around.

Carl, Sheen, Libby, Cosmo, and Wanda are all alarmed, crying and screaming as the hover car is sent up into the sky.

(Jared's POV)

"Good idea using your ghost powers to make us invisible for our re-entry, Jared." Jimmy said, while I moved my hands back to make him, me and Timmy visible again.

"What are friends for?" I asked, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"Now where's Cindy? The others can't hold that creep off forever." Timmy said.

"My readings indicate she's at the top of the structure." Jimmy said, looking down at his scanner. "Take my hand, Turner."

"Eh... I'm kind of afraid of intimacy." Timmy said, repulsed.

"Come on!" Jimmy said, grabbing Timmy's land and lifting themselves up using his jet pack.

"Woah!" Timmy yelled.

"Coming." I said, flying up into the sky towards the bomb.

Jimmy, Timmy, and I landed on the bomb.

"Jimmy, Timmy! You're alive!" Cindy said, gasping.

"Of course they're alive. Magic can't kill them." I said, changing my form from ghost back to human. "It's against Da Rules."

"Cindy? You're a fish?" Jimmy asked.

"I can't dance with a fish! I mean, that fiend!" Timmy yelled.

"Calamitous wants to blow up the universe, you've got to defuse this bomb!" Cindy cried.

"Incredible!" Jimmy said, walking to the bomb's control panel. "A working quantum nullification device. If I can just identify this energy matrix…"

"Better let Timmy do it. He's more familiar with this systematology. Right, Timmy?"

"Uh... define 'systematology'. And 'familiar'. And 'more'." Timmy said, sadly.

"Cindy, I'm telling you for the last time... Timmy Turner's got the brains of a four-day-old, melted pudding pop!" Jimmy said, angrily.

"Hey, I'm tired of you trying to make me look bad in front of her. You think you're so smart? Well, anybody can press buttons... see?" Timmy asked, pressing buttons on the control panel for the machine to rumble. "Whoa! Although in hindsight, buttons aren't always the way to go."

"Guys…" I said, while Carl, Sheen, Libby, Cosmo, and Wanda are still screaming in Jimmy's hover car as Calamitous is making it float in circles using Jorgen's wand. "I don't know how much longer they can keep this up."

"Jimmy! And Beaver Boy! But I destroyed them!" Professor Calamitous said, worried.

Professor Calamitous makes the hover car explode while Cosmo and Wanda poofs in parachutes on Carl, Sheen, and Libby.

"Attention, passengers! We're beginning our descent into the town of Retroville." Cosmo said, happily.

"We know you have a lot of choices out there, so thank you for flying Air Idiot." Wanda said, scoffing.

"How can they still be alive?" Professor Calamitous asked.

"I've been trying to tell you, my magic can't be used to destroy people because it is against Da Rules!" Jorgen yelled.

"Whoa!" Jimmy, Timmy, Cindy, and I said, at the same time.

Jimmy, Timmy, Cindy, and I are feeling the bomb shaking.

"Now to finish you off once and for all!" Professor Calamitous said, aiming Jorgen's wand at us.

"Hello? Mr. Poor Listening Skills! Da Rules forbid it!" Jorgen said, angrily.

"I am your tiny master! Obey me!"


"You will!"


"You will!"


Jorgen and Professor Calamitous continues fighting over control of Jorgen's body.

"Guys!" I cheered. "Jorgen is able to resist Calamitous' demands when they make him mad. Especially if said demands violate Da Rules!"

"That's great! So all we have to do is keep Jorgan angry. Timmy! Summon your computer programs!" Jimmy said, going off of Timmy's blank stare. "Call your friends!"

"Cosmo! Wanda!" Timmy said, as Cosmo and Wanda poofed next to him. "I need you to create the craziest, most illogic magic you can, enough to make Jorgen furious!"

"I don't know, sweetie. I'm just not much of a loose cannon." Wanda said, sadly.

"I am!" Cosmo said, pondering. "But where will we find someone as dangerously off-kilter as me...?"

"Not me." I said, looking down at Sheen. "Sheen is."

"Dance, Tito! Dance!" Sheen said, sitting on the ground in a pose and playing with a worm.

Cosmo flew over to Sheen and turned the Ultra Lord fan into a human/fairy hybrid.

"Now and forever... I am Fairy Boy!" Sheen said, flying up into the sky.

"Do you feel illogical, punk? Well, do ya?" Cosmo asked, excited.

"I was born illogical! Ask the doctor." Sheen said, happily.

"You will!" Professor Calamitous said, angrily.

"No!" Jorgen yelled.

"You will!"


"Turn, villain, and face your worst nightmare!" Sheen yelled.

"Yeah! An idiot and a bigger idiot! And me! Wait, I counted me twice." Cosmo said, sadly.

"Make a move, I dare you. With my new powers, I'm invincible." Professor Calamitous said, looking at Jorgen.

"You know what would make this fun?" I asked, looking between Sheen and Cosmo. "You two riding on a flying hot dog that spits fire and singing country music!"

"Ooo!" Cosmo said, excitedly.

"Okay!" Sheen yelled.

I watched Cosmo and Sheen poofed the flying hot dog into existence.

"I'm riding' a hot dog over you!" Cosmo and Sheen said, doing Hank Williams-type singing. "All these pork by-products have got me feeling blue!"

"What? Hot dogs do not fly! Or spit fire! That is illogical! And it makes me very angry!" Jorgen said, angrily.

"Whoa!" Cindy, Jimmy, Timmy, and I said at the same time.

Jimmy, Timmy, and I fell off the bomb due to the turbulence, and Cindy gets turned back to normal. The blonde fell down to the ground safely.

"I'm me again!" Cindy said, looking down at her human body.

"It's working!" I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"Jorgen, pay attention!" Professor Calamitous said, using his head to hit Jorgen's.

"Ow! Ow!" Jorgen cried.

"Just making him mad isn't enough to break him free! We have to do the one thing he can't stand!" Timmy said, excitedly.

"Which is?" Jimmy asked.

"Jared, you're right. I should have listened to you sooner. We have to violate…" Timmy said, with a dramatic pause. "…'Da Rules'!"

"One of the rules is not using magic to make people fall in love." I said, happily. "Another is using magic to win a competition. And the third is using magic to kill someone."

"So, how should we do the first one?" Jimmy asked.

"Making Carl fall in love with a turkey."

"And the second?"

"Cosmo using magic to beat Sheen at 'Rock, Paper, Scissors.'

"And what about the third?"

"Someone wishing someone else was dead." I said, smirking. "Jimmy, you'll have fun wishing it was Timmy."

Jimmy, Timmy, and I spent the next five to ten minutes going over the plan with everyone else.

"Annnnnd.... ACTION!" I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"I wish Carl would fall in love with that turkey!" Timmy said, looking between Carl and the turkey.

"Uh…" Carl said, with some bad acting, and pulling the turkey closer to him. "Oh Turkey, I am suddenly filled with love for you!"

"Eee! You cannot use fairy power to make people fall in love! Especially with poultry!" Jorgen said, worried.

"You had me at 'gobble gobble'!" Carl said, excitedly.

The turkey is gobbling. Carl and Turkey are kissing.

"Go again, Timmy!" Jimmy said, looking over at Timmy.

"I wish Cosmo could beat Sheen at 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'!" Timmy yelled.

Cosmo and Sheen poofed in front of Jorgen to do Rock, Paper, Scissors, literally.

"Once! Twice! SHOOT!" Cosmo and Sheen said, at the same time.

"Yay, I win! Thanks, magic!" Cosmo said, kissing his wand.

"Once! Twice! SHOOT!"

"Oh darn! You won with magic again!" Sheen said, flatly.

"Once! Twice! SHOOT!" Cosmo and Sheen said, at the same time.


"Focus, you muscle-bound imbecile!" Professor Calamitous said, angrily.

"Yay! I win again!" Cosmo cheered.

"Do it, Neutron! We have to break the biggest rule of them all!" Timmy said, looking over at Jimmy.

"I've been waiting all day to say this! I WISH TIMMY TURNER WAS GONE!" Jimmy yelled.

"MY SPLEEN! GOODBYE CRUEL BULGY WORLD!" Timmy said, screaming and fake dying.

"Ah?!" Jorgen exclaimed.

"NO! HE'S GONE! GONE!" Cindy exclaimed, and she pretends to cry.

"I'd like to thank all of you for coming to Timmy Turner's funeral, especially those of you who have come from another universe. It means so much to all of us, and I know it would make him so happy to see all of you here." I said, looking down at Timmy's body.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Jorgen cried.

"Obey me, fool! OBEY ME!" Professor Calamitous yelled.

"You have broken the most sacred of all the fairy rules! HOW! HOW?!" Jorgen exclaimed.

"Quick! While he's free of Calamitous' control!" Timmy said, worried.

"Neutron! Catch!" Cindy said, tossing Jimmy the gene splicer.

"Sorry to split up such a close relationship!" Jimmy said, aiming the gene splicer at Jorge and Professor Calamitous, activating it.

"YAH!" Jorgen and Professor Calamitous said, at the same time.

Jorgen and Professor Calamitous are now separated.

"It's not fair! I finally had it all planned out." Professor Calamitous said, shouting.

"Puny human, you have subjected me to the ultimate indignity. Plus, the whole time, your breath smelled like fish tacos!" Jorgen said, walking up to Professor Calamitous.

Professor Calamitous released some painful screams.

"I can explain!" Professor Calamitous exclaimed.

"Guys, you did it! That was awesome!" Timmy said, excitedly.

"Oh, don't be modest, Timmy. After all, you deactivated the bomb." Cindy said, happily.

"The bomb?" Timmy asked, screaming.

Jimmy & Cindy are screaming. The bomb exploded and everything was turned back to normal.

"My incredible powers are back under my control. I have made everything as it was before." Jorgen said, chuckling.

Sheen is back to only being human and looks between Cosmo and Wanda.

"Is this the end of Fairy Boy?" Sheen asked.

"For now. But if we ever need a sub, we'll call!" Wanda said, excitedly.

"That was the most reckless I've ever gotten with a giant hot dog!" Cosmo cheered.

"Guys, look! We found Calamitous trapped inside this little bottle." Libby said, picking up Professor Calamitous who was trapped in the bottle.

"Can I keep him?" Carl asked, walking over to the bottle.

"I'll get you, Neutron! I'll…" Professor Calamitous said, inside the bottle.

"I don't think so, Professor! With the help of Turner's technology, you won't be threatening anyone for a long time!" Jimmy said, walking over to the glass bottle.

"Okay, so blah, blah blah, blah blah, blah blah blah. The universe is saved. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get my groove on, so listen up." Libby said, looking at Cindy. "Who ARE you goin' to the dance with, girl?"

"So, you really aren't a genius, are you, Timmy?" Cindy asked, walking up to Timmy.

"Sorry, Cindy. I didn't think you'd like me if I wasn't smart." Timmy said, letting out a sigh.

"And he was right, right?" Jimmy asked, looking at Cindy. "Cause I'm warming up for the 'In Your Face' dance!"

"But Timmy's still a considerate guy who actually pays attention to me." Cindy said, pondering.

"Hah! In your face, Lord of the Lobes!" Timmy said, excitedly.

"Oh! Jared's right. I really wish there were some way I could go with both of you." Cindy said, looking between Jimmy and Timmy.

"Since you helped to free me and round up the Anti-Fairies, I would be happy to help with your puny and stupid problem." Jorgen said, grunting.

Lindbergh Elementary School cafeteria…

I'm at the Friday the 13th Dance with Chip Skylark's 'My Shiny Teeth and Me' playing throughout.

"I'm having a great time, Neutron." Cindy said, dancing with Jimmy.

"Me too, Cindy. I'm glad you decided to come to the dance with me." Jimmy said.

"Mind if I cut in?" Timmy asked.

I looked at both worlds, Retroville, 3D, on left, Dimmsdale, 2D, on the right, and the latter has the dance going on as well. Jorgan has set up a portal to warp between the two dances.

"The storm's approaching." I said, sipping on some punch. "Danny Pink's going to die. I can feel it."

Timmy immediately pulls Cindy over to him as they start getting down on it.

"Hey, no fair! The upbeat boppy dances are mine!" Jimmy yelled.

Cindy is giggling happily. But Timmy and Cindy take no notice of Jimmy and giggle. Sheen and Libby are dancing at the 2D dance together.

"I can't believe we're jamming at the world's first-ever multidimensional dance party!" Libby said, excitedly.

"I know! Check it out! I'm flat…!" Sheen said, jumping to 3D. "I'm bulgy...!" He jumps to 2D. "I'm flat…!" Sheen jumps to 3D. "I'm bulgy!"

I walked over to Cosmo and Wanda, with the three of us laughing hysterically at this crazy warp move.

"Jared, you were so laid back today." Wanda said, looking over at me.

Cosmo, Wanda, and I are laughing hysterically.

"I'm savoring the moment before Danny Pink dies." I said, still laughing hysterically. "Still, everyone's having fun. Especially Sheen."

"Yeah! I can see!" Cosmo said, excitedly.

Carl whispers something to Cosmo and Wanda, holding the bottle of Calamitous inside it. Professor Calamitous exclaims in the bottle and is turned to Mrs. Neutron. Mrs. Neutron is shocked to see Carl.

"Hi, Mrs. Neutron." Carl said, looking down at Mrs. Neutron in the bottle.

"Ooh yeah!" Cosmo cheered.

"Time's up, Turner! I want my date back!" Jimmy said, grabbing Cindy's right arm and pulling her to the 3D side of the dance.

"Wait your turn, Baron von Boring! She's my date too!" Timmy said, grabbing Cindy's left arm and pulling the blonde to the 2D side of the dance.

"But it is my turn!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"


"Boys, boys!" Cindy said, enjoying it. "Please! This fighting over me has got to stop."

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