Chereads / The Impossible Family / Chapter 76 - Cat Man Do

Chapter 76 - Cat Man Do


There is the city skyline at night.

"The city of Townsville!" The narrator said, looking at the city. "A place where catastrophe can strike at any minute."

A large jewel is attached to some sort of apparatus. A voice begins to speak - a low, sinister male tone - to show the jewel as a large weapon pointed into the city.

"That's right. And with the jewel in place, the hypnotic modulator set to ten, and the distance diameter set to fifteen miles, soon the city of Townsville will see a day like no other." The voice said.

At the base of the machine, a man stands next to it, wearing a red suit and two-tone tie, and with a white cat in his arms.The whole picture is very similar to the shots of the villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld in the early James Bond films. Outside the building; the antenna points from the penthouse. Soft, menacing laughter echoes through the night sky, but is cut off by a crash that shakes the entire building.


The cat's eyes go wide with alarm and three long fissures appear in the floor. The girls burst out from these and the man turns to flee from them. He does not get very far before Blossom brings him down with a flying kick to the back. Buttercup charges in with a kidney punch and Bubbles trips him up to send him tumbling across the room. His face is never seen throughout this sequence. As he falls to the floor in slow motion, the cat jumps out of his arms and runs behind a group of machines.

The man measures his height on the tiles, and the police burst in with guns drawn to apprehend him. Blossom picks the jewel from the tip of the antenna and smiles, but her celebration is cut short when klaxons start to blare and red lights flash. She apparently has triggered some sort of self-destruct for the building. The entire room starts to shake again; one of the cops screams and Blossom throws the jewel to him. The man is hauled away as the cat watches from behind a cabinet. A steel door slams shut as the police make good their escape with their capture and the retrieved jewel, and the ceiling begins to fall in. The girls take off, heading for a newly opened crack in it; Blossom and Buttercup escape safely, but Bubbles stops short at the sound of meowing. She flies back across the chamber, skimming the ground and dodging falling debris as she approaches the cat. When she reaches its hiding place, she smiles at it.

The alarms have fallen silent. The penthouse explodes into dust after a tense moment, and Bubbles flies out with the cat in her arms. Both are smiling now.

Outside Utonium Residence…

The chirping of crickets gives no hint of the cataclysm that has just taken place.

Utonium Residence…

Bubbles is looking at the cat and the cat's tail circling around her and her eyes following it happily. Contented purring floats up to her. After a moment, she reaches down and picks it up.

"You are the most cutest kitty in the whole world! Yes, you are! And to think that mean old man had you all to himself." Bubbles said, looking up at her sisters. "Do you think we'll be able to keep him?"

Girls' bedroom…

Blossom is with Buttercup lying on the bed on the other side of the girls' bedroom.

"If the Professor and Jared say we can." Blossom said, happily.

"No way!" Buttercup yelled, starting to play with a yo-yo, and the cat's tail moves near it. "We're not keeping that stinky fleabag." She stops. "Because I'm gonna end up feeding it, and cleaning it, and loving it."

On the word 'feeding', the cat jumps for the yo-yo. On 'cleaning', she lets it down and up and the cat goes for it again. On 'loving', she does likewise but has the yo-yo snatched away. She looks down over the edge of the bed, and her sour expression softens; turn down to show the cat pouncing on the toy and spinning it in its paws. This trick instantly endears it to all three girls.

"Awwww…" The girls said, in awe.


"What is going on with the girls?" The Professor asked, looking at Jared.

The Professor's shadow and Jared's shadow moves along the wall as their giggles make themselves heard from inside the bedroom.

"I bet it's purr-fect." Jared said, smiling.

They reach the door and stop.

Girls' bedroom…

The doorknob rattles and the Professor and Jared looks in.

"Hey. What's so fun in here?" The Professor asked.

The girls are sitting on the bed and doing their best to look nonchalant - a hard job for Bubbles, considering that she is perched on a rather large lump.

"No fun here." Bubbles said, sadly.

"But Jared and I heard laughing." The Professor said, leaning down to Bubbles, winking.

"We totally did." Jared said, frowning.

The lump starts to carry Bubbles toward the head of the bed on the next line.

"No, you didn't. We're just getting ready for bed. And everything is as normal as normal could beeeeee!" Bubbles said, as the shriek on the end of this line is triggered by the lump suddenly pushing her back to the foot of the bed and dumping her to the floor.

Bubbles lands on her head, and the cat pokes out next to her from under the blanket. She giggles sheepishly; her perspective of the Professor are - framed upside down - as they return the laugh dryly.

"Okay." Jared said, and the Professor has one eyebrow cocked.

"Normal as normal could be, huh?" The Professor asked.

Bubbles clutches the cat and huddles at the foot of the bed, "But - you and Jared don't understand!"

"And what don't we understand?" The Professor asked.

"Can you help us understand?" Jared asked.

Blossom flies up to the Professor and Jared, "Well, there was this bad man, and he had this raygun."

Buttercup flies up on the Professor's and Jared's other side, "And then we were punching and kicking, and then the cops came."

Bubbles hangs down from above, "And then the place started to fall apart!"

All three start talking frantically at once; the Professor has some trouble making heads or tails of it for a few seconds. He then starts to back up across the room, with them floating in front of him.

"Okay, okay. I understand, I understaaaand!" The Professor said, angrily.

On the end of this, the Professor stumbles against the end of the bed and falls across it on his back.

"I understand too." Jared said, happily.

The Professor is laughing heartily and he has one arm each around Blossom and Bubbles, while Buttercup lies on his chest.

"Oh, to be young and to have a pet. Oh, those were the days." The Professor said, now sitting up on the foot of the bed. He holds Buttercup out in front of him and is setting her on a bed. "I remember when I brought a puppy home to my parents." She is getting up. "And do you know what they said?"

"They said yes?" The girls asked, hugging the cat.

"Well…" Jared said, and the Professor's back of his neck has gone bright red.

"They said…" The Professor said, whirling around, red-faced, angry. "...NO!"

The girls' mouths wobble, and they look as if they might break into tears at any second, fearing that the Professor won't let them keep the cat. However, the Professor laughs and regains his joviality.

"But Kitty can stay tonight." The Professor said, walking out. "I have a lot of work to do in the lab, so I'll decide tomorrow." He and Jared are now at the door. "Now get those sleepy heads into bed."

There is a surprised look on the Professor's face.

"Girls, the hint is the power of love." Jared said, frowning. "That's all I can say today."

At the bed,the girls have instantly turned off the lights and gone to sleep, snoring softly. The cat is curled up on Blossom's section and also sleeping.

"Good night, little angels." The Professor said, softly.

"We'll see you tomorrow, girls." Jared said, closing the door. "I love you."

At the bed, with the cat, one eye pops wide open and its pupil narrows.

Professor's lab…

The Professor is at work and he is humming and carefully adding chemicals to a flask. A loud meow stops him in his tracks for a moment, but he goes back to what he was doing. He is interrupted by another meow and finds the cat sitting in his shadow when he turns around. A brief silence.

"OUT!" The Professor yelled, pointing, roaring.

The cat stays put and flips onto its back, purring and exposing its belly for any convenient hand to rub. Now the Professor's expression melts into affection.

"Ohhh…" The Professor said, now kneeling down to the cat; both are in silhouette.

Outside Utonium Residence…

Night fades into the morning.

Utonium Residence…

In the kitchen, breakfast preparations are underway. Pancake batter hits the griddle, orange juice is poured, toast pops up, and a flower is placed in a vase. The girls are floating behind a respectable little spread on the table - including two stacks of pancakes that stands nearly half as tall as the girls.

"The cat's in the bag once the Professor and Jared sees their breakfasts!" Blossom said, excitedly.

The Professor opens the kitchen door from their side, the cat under his arm, and Jared is behind him.

"Ooo. Pancakes." Jared said, running over to the table to eat the chocolate chip pancakes. "Thanks."

Dramatic pause.

"We can keep Kitty!" The Professor said, excitedly.

Bubbles starts crying; the others get angry.

"Why?!" Blossom exclaimed.

"I knew it!" Buttercup said, kicking the Professor's pancakes over.

It takes several seconds for the reality of his words to sink in. When it does, they brighten considerably.

"What did you say?!" The girls exclaimed.

"We can keep Kitty." The Professor said.

The girls fly up to the Professor.

"Oh, thank you, Professor!" The girls cheered.

"Can I hold him?" Bubbles asked, reaching out to Kitty.

The Professor yanks the cat away from them and shields it with his body, becoming very defensive, "No! None of you can ever hold Kitty!"

The Professor runs out of the kitchen, the door slamming behind him.

Professor's lab…

Kitty sits on top of a scratching post in the lab and watches the Professor as he works on a piece of equipment. The whites of his eyes have taken on a greenish tint, and his pupils have narrowed and elongated vertically. He looks as if he has been hypnotized.

He connects a piece of tubing to a large box as the cat, aka 'Kitty', looks on, then starts in on a bit of welding. Both wear protective masks for this job. Now he employs a screwdriver, the animal sitting on his head, and mixes chemicals while it watches the flask closely. Sparks fly from the workbench and cast a surreal glow over both of them.

Outside the lab…

The lab door is closed and the girls stand in front of this with Jared.

"Why don't we ever get to play with Kitty?" Blossom asked.

"I wish I knew." Bubbles said, sobbing.

"Well, let's find out." Buttercup said, crossing her arms. "Jared, you said the hint is the power of love. But how?"

"It's when you feel all is lost." Jared said, happily. "I promise."

Professor's lab…

The door swings slowly open as the electricity crackles in the air. The girls poke their heads in with Jared behind them.

"Professor?" The girls asked, at the same time.

The intrusion shocks him out of his work, and he quickly stands upright. His pupils return to normal, though his eyes still have their green color.

"Girls!" The Professor yelled. "Jared!"


The Professor pushes the girls out, talking fast.

"I know I haven't told you, but the laboratory is now off limits. Bye." The Professor said, slamming the door.

Utonium Residence…

The Professor's shadow descends the wall next to the stairs. When he reaches the bottom, pull back to show a second shadow next to him - the outline of a machine that looks exactly like the one seen in the opening sequence. The shadow of the scratching post stands next to this. The post is behind the Professor. The Professor now speaks as if hypnotized.

"Sorry about the interruption." A voice said.

At the opening in the side of the post, two yellow-orange eyes glow within.

"Is everything ready for tonight?" Another voice asked.

Now the Professor's pupils have elongated again.

"Yes, Master." The Professor said.

The eyes advance into the light - the speaker is Kitty, and the Professor is under its control.

"Purrrrrrfect." Kitty said.

Outside the museum…

A flash of lightning happens and it clears.


The jewel Blossom took from the first machine sparkles in a display case. Silhouettes of Kitty and the Professor drop into view at the entrance to its gallery. A spray of powder reveals several laser beams barring the path. Now a container of grease is set on the floor; Kitty - wearing goggles and a black frogman suit - is placed in this and spun around. The Professor places the animal on the floor and pushes it gently ahead. It slides beneath the lowest beam, leaving a trail of grease behind itself. The Professor, dressed the same as Kitty, is sitting on the end of the trail and easing himself back and forth in place for lubrication. Finally, he pushes off and slides neatly under the laser beams to join Kitty inside the gallery.

The Professor undoes a fastening near his ankle and peels away part of his boot to expose a device with a crank and suction cup attached. Holding this up, he pulls on the cup; it is attached to the device's body by a jointed armature. This is attached to Kitty, and the Professor starts turning the crank to let out the armature and push the cat toward the display case. In front of the jewel's pedestal, it turns up as Kitty is lifted up. It stretches out spread-eagle and extends its claws, digging them into the glass. Now the Professor turns the crank quickly, and the makeshift glass cutter begins to rotate. The cut section is pulled away, held by Kitty, and lowered to the floor. Now the animal is raised to the hole and slowly pushed through it so that it can grab the jewel. The job complete, it is pulled out of the case and lowered.

Outside the gallery entrance, a guard making his rounds walks past, whistling cheerfully. Once past the doorway, he stops short and looks inside at the case. A piece of paper with a paw print on it sits in place of the jewel. The piece of paper is the mark of the feline mastermind.

Girls' bedroom…

The hotline goes off, rousing the girls from sleep.

"Bubbles, you get it. I'm too tired." Blossom said, sleepily.

After a few more seconds of buzzing, Bubbles picks up.

"Powerpuff hotline." Bubbles said, while she listens for a few moments, and surprise snaps onto her face. "We're on our way, Mayor!" Her sisters are still fast asleep. "WAKE UP!"

This gets the girls out of bed in a hurry; they jump up and float in midair.

"What is it?" Blossom asked.

Bubbles looks up at her sisters; she has hung up the hotline, "The Catseye Jewel's been stolen!"

"Again?" Blossom asked.

"I thought we took care of that guy." Buttercup said, sadly.

"Wait!" Bubbles yelled, frantically. "What if the cat is really the bad guy, and he put the Professor under a hypnotic trance and made the Professor build this evil machine, and then they stole the jewel to power the machine, and then they're gonna use it to hypnotize all the people so that the cats can rise up and take over Townsville?!"

"Bubbles, if we didn't have to sit through your ridiculous ramblings, we'd be halfway to solving this crime!" Buttercup yelled.

"Oh. Well, then, let's go." Bubbles said, deflated.

Outside Utonium Residence…

"Oh, Bubbles…" The narrator said, and the girls take off through their windows and head for Townsville. " don't know how right you are! For at this very moment, a catastrophe is about to befall…"


"...the city of Townsville!" The narrator said, looking at the city skyline.


"Now, with the Catseye Jewel in place…" Kitty said, showing the jewel. "...the hypnotic modulator set to ten…" He looks at the machine's length. "...and the distance diameter set to fifteen miles, soon the city of Townsville will be hypnotized and obey the common household feline."

Kitty is now in the Professor's arms. When the cat finishes, both of them are on the roof of a high-rise with the moon silhouetting them. The machine stands at the ready, pointing into the sky. Kitty laughs evilly.

"And now for the final step." Kitty said, looking at the machine and the box stands behind it. "Professor?"

The Professor turns to the box and works for a moment; when he moves away, Kitty sits inside it with a helmet clamped to its head.

"Activate the beam!" Kitty said, angrily.

"Yes, Master." The Professor said, still hypnotized.

The Professor presses a button on the side of the box, and the rig powers up, glowing eerily all along its length.


Rays of energy flash out of the building in all directions over the city.


A cat is eating turkey that is clearly meant for human consumption. A woman steps into the room.

"Simmoin!" A woman said, angrily grabbing her cat. "You can't eat my turkey!" A ray strikes her, and she smiles and puts the animal down by the food. "I mean...go ahead."

Another house…

A man opens the front door and drops a cat onto the front porch.

"Good night, Juju." A man said, slamming the door.

The house is hit, after which the man opens the door again. The cat smiles up at him.

"On second thought, why don't you sleep on my bed?" The man asked, and the cat runs inside; he steps out. "I'll sleep out here."

He shuts the door.


A high-rise is struck next.

High rise…

A cat sleeps near a curtained window. It is suddenly picked up and held aloft near the drapes, which it cheerfully begins to shred.

Townsville Hall…

It is blasted, there is a tongue licking a patch of fur. The tongue is the Mayor's and the fur as that of a very happy feline.


Building after building gets the full treatment. The girls are in flight; a beam shoots past them, and they have to duck out of its way.

"Whoa! Where's that coming from?" Blossom asked.

"Up there!" Buttercup said, pointing to the source.


Kitty and the Professor face each other. The girls fly up and are shocked to find them together; the Professor turns toward them with an almost animal hostility on his face.

"Ha! I told you!" Bubbles said, angrily.

"Professor! Get them!" Kitty yelled.

The Professor drops to all fours, yowling and arching his back like an enraged cat, and leaps at the girls. They evade him; he skids a few feet after he lands and gathers himself for another leap. Again they dodge, and again he slides across the rooftop. This time, though, he crashes into the box holding Kitty and knocks the whole thing loose. It tumbles over the edge in slow motion.

"Master!" The Professor said, looking at the falling Kitty.

"Help meeeeeee!" Kitty said, its voice fading.

The Professor leaps and falls after it; the girls cannot believe their eyes.

"Professor!" The girls said, at the same time.

The Professor continues his dive toward the pavement, with almost no emotion showing on his face, even though this might be a suicide mission. He tucks in his arms and legs to reduce the drag force on himself and gain speed. The box approaches the street at breakneck speed, and he does start to close the gap between himself and Kitty. Reaching out to grab it, he is suddenly snatched away before he can do so, the girls have caught him. All four look down with mixed shock and disbelief as the box falls into a tree. When it emerges from the bottommost limbs and crashes to the ground, however, it is empty.

"Master…" The Professor said, weakly.


The girls lower the Professor to the ground and start trying to bring him around.

"Come on, Professor!" Blossom yelled.

"Snap out of it!" Buttercup said, angrily.

"Yeah! It's us!" Bubbles said, looking at the Professor.

"Please, Professor!" Blossom said, worried.

"Snap out of it!" Buttercup said, terrified.

"We love you!" Bubbles cheered.

The girls are having no effect - the Professor's face is still an expressionless mask, and his eyes still look like those of a cat. Finally, Blossom flies next to the Professor and punches him in the jaw. She flies away.; the blow has done something to him, as he begins to blink his eyes in surprise. It takes a moment before he begins to speak, his eyes returning to normal.

"I just...don't...know...where the...heck I am. I…" The Professor said, sadly.

The girls are floating next to the Professor. He smiles.

"See? I told you it would work." Jared said, making himself visible and is floating in his ghost form, next to the Professor and the girls. "I did say the power of love would be the answer."

"You did." Blossom said, happily.

"Thank you, Jared." Bubbles said, smiling.

"We would have been lost without that hint." Buttercup said, smirking.

"Girls! Jared! Oh...oh, I just had the craziest dream! I dreamt I was hypnotized by a cat, we stole a jewel, and I jumped off a building!" The Professor said, laughing. "Pretty crazy, huh?"

"Yep. Pretty crazy, Professor." Bubbles said, happily.

"Yeah." Buttercup said, smiling.

"Let's go home." Blossom said.

The girls carry the Professor into the air, flying away with Jared as the fanboy looks down at the branches of the tree behind them.

"Hey…" Kitty said, from within the branches and it is on a branch. "Help. I'm stuck in a tree. Help!"

"Oh, be quiet! Bad kitty! If you think the girls and their fanboy are gonna help you, you're barking up the wrong - I mean, you're meowing up the - the...oh, well." The narrator said.

The standard end shot comes up.

"So once again the day is saved, thanks to the Powerpuff Girls!" The narrator said, excitedly.