Chereads / The Impossible Family / Chapter 77 - Impeach Fuzz

Chapter 77 - Impeach Fuzz


There is the city skyline at night.

"The city of Townsville!" The narrator said.

The Mayor's fist is in the air.

"I have a dream!" The mayor said, his voice echoing.

At the skyline, down the street.

"A city of growth and prosperity." The narrator said.

The Mayor's face is turning up toward his raised hand.

"Of the people, for the people, and by the people!" The mayor said, his voice echoing, along the skyline.

"A city run by one man." The narrator said, looking at the mayor's face.

"That we, the citizens of Townsville…" The mayor said, his voice echoing.

Outside Townsville Hall…

There are the steps of Townsville Hall which are turning up toward its dome.

"A man of strength and integrity." The narrator said.

The Mayor is at a podium.

"...promise to uphold the virtues of our city." The mayor said, his voice echoing.

The dome is seen from between other buildings.

"Yes, this city." The narrator said, looking at the dome. "Our city. Run by…" He looked at the Mayor at the podium. "...the Mayor!"

"And furthermore…" The mayor said, raising two 'V for Victory' hand signs. "Ich bin ein Townsviller!"

There are people clapping.

Mayor's office…

The mayor stands on his desk, facing Ms. Bellum.

"Uh...that was quite a speech, Mayor." Ms. Bellum said, while she stopped clapping. "But why did you even bother writing it? No one's running against you. No one ever does."

"Oh, my dear girl! If George Washington used snails instead of greyhounds to pull his sled, there'd be no trees for Honest Abe to shove from the highest mountain." The mayor said, happily.


"That's right!" The mayor said, jumping down, crossing to Ms. Bellum. "I'm a fierce political creature, and I never give up the fight. Besides, I love to kiss all of those adorable babies!"

The mayor crooks his arms as if cradling an infant and kisses the air loudly.


Balloons and streamers rain down, and there is a large campaign banner strung up outside: 'VOTE FOR MAYOR FOR MAYOR'.

"Vote for Mayor for Mayor!" The mayor said, as he is stumping in front of a crowd of apathetic people. "Vote for Mayor for Mayor! Vote for Mayor for Mayor!"


Across the city, the mayor repeats this 'slogan' over and over; the farther out we go, the more his voice echoes.


The trees part to reveal Fuzzy Lumkins' shack.

Fuzzy's shack…

Fuzzy is asleep in his bed. He suddenly wakes up, looking very angry.

Outside Townsville Hall…

"Vote for Mayor for Mayor!" The mayor said, angrily.


"SHUT UP!" Fuzzy yelled, his voice echoing, and he is now standing in the park. "I says, shut up!"

There are surprised onlookers, including the Talking Dog and the Mayor himself, Fuzzy is facing the Mayor from the back of the crowd.

"'Shut up…?'" The mayor said, with mouthing enthusiasm. "'Shut up'?...'Shut up'?! Yeah! I like it! 'Shut up'! I like it a lot! 'Shut up'! What an excellent campaign!"

"Yes, yes, very concise." The talking dog said.

"And straightforward." Woman 1 said.

"He's got my vote!" Woman 2 said, excitedly.

"Yeah! Fuzzy should run for Mayor!" A man yelled.

"Yeah!" The talking dog said.

"Yeah!" Woman 1 said.

"Yeah!" Woman 2 said.

"No." The mayor said, with a small voice.

A newspaper has. the front page that shows a photo of an irritated Fuzzy and the following headline: 'FUZZY ENTERS CAUCUS IN LOUD RAUCUS'.


There is a campaign poster for the Mayor and he puts on a button and hat promoting himself.

Another paper pops up; this time, the picture of Fuzzy shows him looking a bit bewildered. This headline reads 'COUNTRY BUMKIN LUMPKINS LEADS IN POLLS!!!!!'.


Fuzzy is asleep in a hammock in the woods.


The Mayor's campaign-mobile is rolling through the streets.

Fuzzy's shack…

Fuzzy is napping in bed, then to an assembly line of crying babies rolling past the Mayor. He kisses each one on the head.

Another paper appears, with the headline 'FUZZY POPULAR AMONG POPULOUS'. There is a ballot as it receives a check mark by Fuzzy's name; next we see a stream of ballots being dropped into boxes.

One final newspaper spins - its headline: 'FUZZY WINS!'

Before it reaches the city,


Fuzzy is asleep in his porch rocking chair. A paper is flung into view, plastering itself across his face. He instantly wakes up and yanks it away.

"GET OFFA MY...Huh?" Fuzzy asked, while he realizes it's just a newspaper and reads it.

It is with the aforementioned headline and a picture of a rather bleary Fuzzy. He drops it and smiles broadly.

Mayor's office…

Fuzzy is pointing and laughing stupidly at the loser of the election,

Outside Townsville Hall…

The Mayor crashes through the window and lands headfirst, well away from the city, as the laughter continues.

Mayor's office…

Fuzzy - now dressed in a much larger version of the Mayor's suit - lowers the small top hat onto his head. Pull back from him, sitting behind an old wooden crate for a desk. The office is strewn with worn-out tires, chickens, and random junk - an instant bit of the backwoods.


The Mayor is sitting dejected and disheveled among garbage far from the city. He whimpers softly as a bird lands near him.

Fuzzy's office…

There is an intercom speaker on Fuzzy's desk.

"Bel-LUM!" Fuzzy yelled, as if calling a hog.

"Yes, Mayor?" Ms. Bellum asked, over the intercom, wearily.

"Scoot your purty little self in here, and let's take a gander at you!" Fuzzy said, angrily.

"Do I have to?" Ms. Bellum asked, over the intercom.

"I said…" Fuzzy said, with a hog call. "...sco-OOT!"

By the office door at floor level, Ms. Bellum steps into the room, in bare feet rather than her customary red high heels. Her red suit is gone; she wears denim cutoffs, with a piece of rope for a belt, and a short white top with red polka dots tied in front. Her hair is in two pigtails. Fuzzy lets off a wolf whistle from the desk.

"Charming. Is there anything else I can do for you, Mayor?" Ms. Bellum asked, dryly.

"Wha-a-at?" Fuzzy asked, cupping his hand to his ear.

"Well, uh, howdy, Your Fuzziness." Ms. Bellum said, sighing, then adopting backwoods drawl. "Is thar anything else I can do fer ye?"

"Hoo doggie, I likes that!" Fuzzy cheered, laughing briefly. "Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! I almost forgotted. I gots me an emergency! What am I 'posed to do?"

"Well, first off…" Ms. Bellum said, in her normal voice.

Fuzzy clears his throat, looking at Ms. Bellum.

"I reckon you all should call them thar Powerpuff Girls." Ms. Bellum said, sighing, adopting drawl.

Girls' bedroom…

The hotline is buzzing. Blossom picks it up. She is in the bedroom with Jared snacking on chocolate Pocky.

"Okay. I forgot how much fun this one is." Jared said, tossing a Pocky into his mouth.

"Um...howdy. This is Blossom." Blossom said.

"I gots me an urgent emergency over here!" Fuzzy said, over the hotline, and he trails off into loud gibberish, which goes on for some time.

"Pardon me?" Blossom asked.

"I said…" Fuzzy said, taking into the hotline with more gibberish.

"Mayor, it sounds like you're talking into a…" Blossom said, sadly.

"He's talking into a tin can." Jared said, munching on another stick of Pocky.

Fuzzy's office…

There is a tin can in Fuzzy's hand. Fuzzy is yelling into it; a string emerges from its base.

"I gots an emergency! Get here quick!" Fuzzy yelled, and there is a crash nearby; he turns around, and the girls standing are in the office below the hole they have just smashed in the ceiling. "Help me catch my pig!"

A squealing porker runs past the girls, and they give chase all over the office, flying in different directions. Blossom and Bubbles crash into each other, and Buttercup is knocked into the air as the pig escapes through an open door.

Utonium Residence…

"Another adventure I get to rest and relax." Jared said, sipping on an iced mocha and playing Paper Mario:The Thousand Year Door on his Nintendo Switch. "But I do feel bad for the girls and Ms. Bellum though. I especially feel bad for the mayor."

Fuzzy's office…

Fuzzy has the tin can in his hand, "Emergency!"

Blossom is scrubbing laundry on a washboard. Bubbles is working the wringer, then to a long clothesline festooned with a wet wash. Buttercup is at the far end, hanging up the clothes. None of them look particularly happy with this assignment.

Utonium Residence…

"It won't take too long until the girls dress up as hillbillies." Jared said, laughing a lot. "God, I am enjoying this so much for the wrong reasons."

"Ya think?" Buttercup asked, looking at Jared.

"You are enjoying this as much as Fuzzy is!" Blossom said, angrily.

"Why are you liking this?" Bubbles asked, looking at Jared.

Fuzzy's office…

Fuzzy yells into the can, "Emergency!"

There's an old jalopy with its hood up. Blossom wrenches on the engine. We see Buttercup milking a goat, then Bubbles squeezing a potato for juice - a feedstock for moonshine vodka, perhaps. Again they look quite displeased.

Utonium Residence…

"Any hints?" Blossom asked.

"Please…" Bubbles said, sadly.

"Pretty please." Buttercup said, scoffing.

"Just find the Mayor after you can't take it anymore. Especially after having to find a pig and milking a goat." Jared said, happily. "You know when it's time."

Fuzzy's office…

Fuzzy is yelling, "E-MER-GEN-CY!"

Now the girls appear in hillbilly clothes, playing as a washboard band. Blossom plucks a makeshift bass built from a washtub, broom handle, and piece of rope. Buttercup plays the board, and Bubbles blows into an empty jug.Fuzzy claps his hands and stomps his foot - this is heaven for him. After a few moments, he reaches over to his banjo and starts to play along with them.

Girls' bedroom…

The girls are sprawled out on the floor. Bubbles blow wearily into a jug.

"Here, pig...Soo-wee, pig...Piggy pig…" Blossom said, sadly.

"We haven't fought crime in weeks. And if I have to milk another goat, I'm gonna be sick!" Buttercup yelled, sticking out her tongue.

"Fuzzy isn't a real Mayor. He doesn't care about our town, he only cares about himself." Blossom said.

"Yeah. Mayor or not, we gotta impeach Fuzzy and get our old Mayor back." Buttercup said.

"But...we don't know where he is." Bubbles said, frowning.

"No, but we know people who do." Blossom said, smirking.

"He's at the park." Jared said, becoming visible in his ghost form. "Well, the park outside of town."

"Right. We'll have to call Ms. Bellum now." Blossom said, happily. "Thank you, Jared."

Fuzzy's office…

The tin-can 'phone' begins to rattle. Fuzzy is asleep on a run-down bed; Ms. Bellum tiptoes into view past him and stops at the stand the can sits on. She picks it up.

"Howdy…" Ms. Bellum said, drawling, before speaking in her normal voice, softly. "Er, I-I mean, hello." She is excited talking is heard over the line. "Thank goodness it's you, girls…!" Ms. Bellum is hearing what the girls are telling her. "Jared told you what happened and where the mayor is? That's good. Yes...Yes, of course. Meet me at the park outside of town in fifteen minutes."


A bird is pulling at what appears to be a blade of grass. It is on top of the Mayor's head - the 'grass' is a strand of his hair. This bird is the one that landed next to him after he was kicked out of his old office.

"The old gray Mayor, he ain't what he used to be, ain't what he used to be…" The mayor said, in the tune of 'The Old Gray Mare'.

The girls fly to the mayor.

"Mayor! We found you! We need you back, Mayor. You need to run Townsville again!" Blossom said, worried.

"I'm all washed up, girls." The mayor said, as the bird pulls the hair loose and flies away. "Nobody wants me as Mayor anymore."

"But we don't get to fight crime anymore!" Buttercup said, angrily.

"I don't care." The mayor said, sadly.

"He's turned your office into a pigsty - literally!" Bubbles said, worried.

"I don't care." The mayor said, letting out a sigh.

"He's tarnishing the image of what it is to be the Mayor!" Blossom said, terrified.

"I don't care." The mayor said, frowning.

Ms. Bellum is also there.

"He's wearing your hat." Ms. Bellum said, looking at the mayor.

This gets the mayor's attention as his eye behind his monocle goes wide open in shock. Now he has reason to care about what Fuzzy is doing in what should be his position as Mayor of Townsville and attempt to stop him.

Fuzzy's office…

The Mayor kicks the door open. The little man is hopping mad.

"FUZZY!" The mayor yelled, beginning to cross the room; passing the items he mentions in sequence. "You can throw away my things, and I don't mind the hay on the floor, and the chicken wire's a nice touch, and I kinda like that beat-up old flivver." He is stopping in front of Fuzzy. "But no one, I mean no one, wears my mayorin' hat! Now give it back!"

"I'll wrestle it for you." Fuzzy said, happily.


There is a bell being rung to start a fight. It is full of cheering spectators, with a wrestling ring in the middle. Flashbulbs pop all around.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Jared cheered, dressed as a referee, a microphone in his hand. He is calling the fight and pointed to the left. "In this corner, weighing in at 95 pounds. Someone that wants to defend his title as mayor along with his precious hat. It's the mayor that wants to be mayor again!"

Jared looked over to the left where the Mayor stands in that corner and waves timidly; he has stripped down to trunks and undershirt. The crowd cheers wildly.

"And in this corner, the country bumpkin weighing in at 250 pounds. He is the current mayor, Fuzzy Lumpkins!" Jared said, pointing to the right.

Fuzzy is in the opposite corner of the ring, dressed in his overalls and the top hat and ready for a scrap. The crowd boos him.

"Don't forgets my kin…" Fuzzy said, happily.

In time with the next line, three other creatures step into view. The first appears on his right and is tall and thin. The second, on his left, is very fat. Fuzzy lifts his leg to allow the third - very short, with pink fur on his head and white on his body - to come forward. The fat and skinny ones wear overalls like Fuzzy's.

"...Furry, Fluffy, and Hairy!" Fuzzy yelled.

The crowd boos again.

"Hey! That's not fair!" The mayor said, worried.

"If you wrestles one Lumpkin, you wrestles 'em all!" Fuzzy said, angrily.

"But it's four against one!"

"Oh, all right, fine. Pick someone!"

"Oh, well, okay. Then I pick…" The mayor said, looking at the girls then the Professor, and stopped at him. "...uh...Professor Utonium!"

This choice surprises the whole family.

"What?" The Professor asked.

"What?" Blossom asked.

"What?" Buttercup asked.

"What?" Bubbles asked.

"Mayor? What are you doing?" Jared asked, looking at the Mayor at the corner post. "The Professor can't fight."

"What?" The mayor asked, also surprised. "He can't fight?"

"What's wrong with you?! Take my girls, please!" The Professor said, worried.

"No, no, no. He can fight, Jared. Get up here, Professor, and show Fuzzy what for!" The mayor said, looking at the Professor.

The Professor climbs nervously into the ring. No sooner does he stand upright than a huge pink fist slams into the side of his head for a knockout punch. He is reduced to a shaking wreck on the canvas; the Mayor watches uneasily as two paramedics carry him away on a stretcher. The Professor groans softly.

"Thanks a lot." The mayor said, sarcastically.

The bell rings. Fuzzy picks the Mayor up, spins him in one hand, and throws him across the ring. He hits one of the ropes, which catapults him back to slam into Fuzzy's rear end. He tumbles to the canvas. A tag is exchanged, and Fluffy, the fat one, rolls back and forth across the Mayor to squash him flat. Another tag is made; now Furry, the thin one, peels the man off the mat and runs across the ring with him. The Mayor is rammed into the corner post face first and thrown down. Furry tags out, and Hairy, the short white one, jumps in and performs a suplex on the Mayor - pulling him up by his shoulders and turning him to slam down on his back.

Fuzzy and his three kinsmen each leap onto a corner post. The Mayor looks around, realizing what they are about to do, and begins to scream. The four leap from their perches toward the center of the ring to deliver the finisher. The girls are still at ringside.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Blossom yelled.

The girls dash in.

"You show 'em, girls." Jared said, smiling.

In midair, Buttercup plows into Furry, Bubbles rams Hairy, and Blossom charges Fluffy. These three are disposed of in short order. The Mayor has continued screaming through all of this and not even noticed the Girls intervene on his behalf. He finally stops and looks around across the ring and the three unconscious fighters, to the sound of wild cheering. The Mayor flexes his muscles thinking he did it while screaming.

"Oh! Well, I guess I don't know my own strength." The mayor said, and the words are barely out of his mouth before Fuzzy lands on him, having been overlooked by the Girls while they took care of Fuzzy's relatives.

The mayor pokes his head out from underneath the pink oaf as Jared slides in to start the count.

"One!" Jared said, pounding the mat.

"Well…" Fuzzy said, laughing. "...I whomped your butt. Which means I'm still the Mayor." He is laughing, holding up the hat. "And I get your hat!"

The Mayor's eye pops wide open; Fuzzy slowly lowers the hat toward his head. Jared raises his hand to deliver the second count, and the hat moves closer toward Fuzzy's antennae.

"Come on, mayor." Jared said, looking down at the mayor, then at his hand as it hits the mat. "You can't let Fuzzy take your hat." He spoke at half speed, reverberating. "Two!"

The hat continues its descent, and Jared's hand goes up for the third and final count that will end the match and name Fuzzy the winner and remain Mayor. Jared looked at the Mayor's monocle, then at Fuzzy. Fuzzy has now donned the hat. A low rumble begins to make itself heard, and a very worried look comes over Fuzzy's face as he begins to shake a bit. Suddenly he flies into the air at Fuzzy.

"FUZZY!" The mayor said, angrily.

Jared stops his count and looks up, happy and smiling by the Mayor's sudden and furious second wind.

"NOBODY WEARS MY HAT!" The mayor yelled, tearing off his shirt, revealing an impressively bulked-up physique.

Fuzzy looks worriedly up at the hat and back to the camera, realizing the fatal mistake he just made and he's screwed now that he's awoken the beast inside the Mayor and he's going to give Fuzzy one heck of a thrashing.

"Let's get it on." The mayor said, with a low, menacing voice.

Before Fuzzy can do anything, the Mayor rushes up, grabs him, and slams him to the mat twice. He administers a pile driver, smashing him headfirst onto the canvas, then delivers several punches to the face of the dazed hick. Now the Mayor backhands him across the face, backs up across the ring, and uses the ropes to sling himself toward his opponent again. He pulls his fist back to deliver a flying punch. The blow spins Fuzzy around and deposits him face up on the mat. Now the Mayor stands atop the corner post, flashing bullhorns with both hands, as the crowd cheers. Fuzzy is still prone and dazed, before the little man jumps. Flashbulbs pop behind him as he sails through the air in slow motion. He lands squarely on Fuzzy's midsection. The impact is seen three times at normal speed, zooming in closer each time, after which the green-nosed head falls back in slow motion, hitting the mat with Fuzzy's eyes changing to X's. He's out for the count. Jared leans in towards Fuzzy.

"One, two, three! You're out!" Jared cheered, pounding the mat in time.

The crowd cheers once again as more flashbulbs explode all around the ring. The Mayor is standing atop the unconscious Fuzzy with his arms raised in triumph. After a moment, his adversary raises his head as he comes to again.

"What happened?" Fuzzy asked, dazed.

"I'll take that." The mayor said, picking the hat up from Fuzzy's head and sets it on his own.

"And the winner is…" Jared said, holding the microphone. "...the Mayor!"

The girls are in the ring as well, looking on, as yet more flashbulbs go off.

Utonium Residence…

The home hotline is buzzing. Blossom picks it up; her sisters float nearby.

"Now this situation is really bacon." Jared said, smiling.

"Yes, Mayor." Blossom said, happily.

Mayor's office…

The mayor is properly dressed and with a phone in hand.

"Emergency!" The mayor said, worried.

A crash shakes the office. The girls are in the office, having smashed in through the ceiling.

"What is it, Mayor?" Blossom asked.

"Help me catch my pig!" The mayor said, angrily.

On the end of this, a pig runs across in front of the mayor. The girls give chase, with him close behind.

"Oh, Mayor! You've always got my vote." The narrator said, laughing.

The standard end shot comes up.

"And so once again the day is saved - thanks to the Powerpuff Girls!" The narrator said, going to a drawl. "Y'all come back now, hear?"

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