Chereads / The Impossible Family / Chapter 65 - Fuzzy Logic

Chapter 65 - Fuzzy Logic


There is the city skyline in the afternoon.

"The city of Townsville!" The narrator said, while he continues, at street level and pan along a couple of blocks. A fireman rescues a cat from a tree for a little girl, and a Boy Scout helps an old woman cross the street. "A community where random acts of kindness are an everyday occurrence."

Townsville Park…

As the Narrator continues, two smiling men are there. A child pops up between them.

"And where warm, fuzzy smiles grace the faces of everyone you meet." The narrator said, as the child smiles as well. The Narrator continues icily. "Except some people."


There is a forest outside the city.

"Some people who've decided to be far, far away." The narrator said.

Past several signs, it shows variations on the message 'Keep Out' and toward a barbed-wire fence.

"Some people who don't like visitors." The narrator said.

Run-down shack…

Fuzzy Lumpkins, the big, pink hillbilly creature sits in a rocking chair on the front porch. A jug stands behind him; in front of the chair is a slice from a tree trunk to serve as a footstool. He is holding an old shotgun and looking very ornery.

"Some people like…" The narrator said.

"Hey, you!" Fuzzy yelled, working the action of a gun. "Get off of my property!" He is aiming it at the forest. "Now!"

He fires; the Narrator cries out, and moves away when the area is filled gunsmoke. When it clears, the narrator has pulled back quickly past the barbed wire, putting as much distance between the Narrator and Fuzzy as it can to avoid another round of buckshot from him.

"Some people like…" The narrator said, looking at Fuzzy. "...Fuzzy Lumpkins!"

"Darn trespassers. I'll get anyone or anything that gets on my property!" Fuzzy said, working the action again to load another round. A leaf floats slowly down into view in front of him. He eyes it suspiciously and tilts his gun forward to keep it trained on this intruder. Finally it settles onto the porch. "Get off of my property! Nowa!" Fuzzy fires, blowing a hole in the porch and obliterating the leaf. Now a butterfly flits into view behind him; when it moves into his field of vision, he aims at it. "Hey! Get off of my property right now!"

Fuzzy fires, putting a hole in the wall of the shack. The butterfly is nowhere to be seen, either having managed to flitter out of the area Fuzzy fired at and escaped to safety, or something much worse. He jumps out of his chair and looks around the woods.

"Carn sarn it! Anyone else wanna try and get on my property?!" Fuzzy exclaimed, looking at the woods. No living thing is in sight. "Good. Hm." He is smiling. "Reckon it be time for some old-fashioned relaxation. Yep, yep, yep." Fuzzy is looking around himself. "Ahh, now let's see."

There is a straw hat on the porch; Fuzzy reaches down and picks it up.

"Good ol' hat." Fuzzy said, putting the straw hat on. "Check." He looks at a corncob pipe on the porch; he picks this up as well. "Trusty pipe." Fuzzy puts it in his mouth. "Check." He looks down at the jug. "Jug o' water, check." His gun, propped against the wall. "Boomstick." Fuzzy is laughing. "Che-e-eck!"

Fuzzy is looking at an empty corner of the porch, then at the door.

"Joe. Ch…" Fuzzy said, looking back at the corner, then the door. "Joe?" He looked at the corner again, frantic. "Where you at, Joe?! Where is you?! Joe! Joey! J-oh…" He laughs, relieved, and bends over to a banjo leaning against a post. "There you is." Fuzzy picked up the banjo. "Hello, Joe." He straightens up and strums a few notes, sighing contentedly. Now he carries it back to his chair. "Now you stay right 'cheer, Joe…" Fuzzy is setting it down. "...where you gonna be safe…" He spoke angrily, shaking fist into the forest. "...from all y'alls who wants to get your mitts on my property!"

Fuzzy stretches and flops back into the chair, rocking and nodding off. He begins to snore and close his eyes, his eyelids drooping. What he doesn't see at first is a squirrel peering over the end of his porch and getting closer each time his eyelids droop shut before opening again as he continues to mutter to himself.

" my better get off my property now, I'm not gonna tell you again…" Fuzzy said, sleepily.

On this last, his eyes open slightly, revealing the squirrel now sitting in front of him. Fuzzy snores; after a moment, he snaps awake, yelping in surprise. The barrel of the gun swings into view to point at the animal, and we hear the action being worked as the squirrel quickly goes slack with fear as its fur stands on end upon looking down the barrel of Fuzzy's gun.

"Get off of my property!" Fuzzy yelled, firing his gun, wiping out part of his footstool.

The squirrel is gone, but a moment later it pops into view again, unharmed. Fuzzy fires a second time, and it disappears once more. When it shows up again, it hangs upside down from the top of Fuzzy's head.

"Hey!" Fuzzy said, pointing his gun up at the squirrel. "Get off of my property, you ornery varmint!"

Fuzzy fires, and his face is hidden in a cloud of smoke. When it clears, the squirrel is gone and his face is covered with soot. He stands up, angered that the squirrel made him shoot himself in the face to get rid of it, whether or not on purpose or accidentally; camera follows him as he walks to the end of the porch during his next line.

"Why, you...I'm gonna learn you to get off my property!" Fuzzy said, while the squirrel looks up at him from the corner, then runs away. Fuzzy follows it. "Come back here…" The two are running through the woods. "...and get…" Fuzzy fired his gun. "...offa…" He fires again. "!"


The forest is seen from the city. Fuzzy's gunshots flash through the trees.

"Oh, no! He's heading towards Townsville!" The narrator said, worried.

The squirrel runs into the city proper, shots ringing out behind it. It runs into an alley, Fuzzy close behind; as the two leave the other end. On the street, a truck is approaching.

Fuzzy jumps in front of the truck, "Where you at, you crazy critter?"

The truck driver leans on his horn; Fuzzy turns around just in time to be hit head-on. The hat, pipe, gun, and one of his boots fly up into the air. The hat settles to the ground in front of an old woman.

"Oh, my." The old woman said, picking up the hat.

Fuzzy is lying on the pavement in front of the wrecked truck.

The old woman walks towards Fuzzy, "Excuse me, sonny, but I believe you dropped your hat."

Fuzzy snaps back to consciousness and looks over at the old woman. He alternates between close-ups of her, with the hat, and down at him. This sequence is repeated four times, Fuzzy looks downown on the hat and down at himself, respectively; he goes from merely dazed to boiling mad in the process. Fuzzy looks down at himself and at the old lady - Fuzzy is now bright red with rage, and he screams.

"GET YOUR WRINKLES OFFA MY PROPERTY!" Fuzzy yelled, throwing a punch that knocks her flying and pants hard with exertion and fury.

A man walks into view beside him, holding the pipe.

"Um...excuse me, sir, but isn't this your…" Man 1 said, and he is hit in the face and knocked back.

Fuzzy looks down at a hand that reaches into his view with the lost boot.

"Here's your boot." Man 2 said.

Another punch is thrown, and the man - a bald fellow with a bow tie - sail down the street. Back to Fuzzy; a third man stands behind him, holding his gun.

"Your boomstick." Man 3 said, while he takes a punch as well.

Fuzzy stands up, roaring and pounding his chest, "Stop it, stop it, STOP IT! Stop touchin' my property!"

"Hey, pal!" A voice cheered, with an Irish brogue.

The speaker is a policeman standing in Fuzzy's shadow.

"So, you like punchin' out old ladies, huh? Well…" The policeman said, looking at Fuzzy. "...I have one question for you." He is smiling, holding up Fuzzy's hat. "Is this your hat?"

Fuzzy screams again and the policeman goes flying. Now the hillbilly goes on the warpath; he smashes a store window, jumps on a car, and crushes a mailbox with his bare hands. Two men, a woman, and the Talking Dog are next to get a taste of this wrath. Fuzzy grabs a lamppost and bashes a truck with it, then smashes another window and a car and punches out another bystander.

Fuzzy is roaring at the top of his lungs, "Y'ALL GET YOUR MITTS OFFA MY PROPERTY!"

There is a group of terrified people, with a growing shadow falling over them.

"Oh, no!" The narrator said, with a backwoods drawl. "Fuzzy's gone plumb crazy!"

The people run away.; and around the corner, a bus drives down where they stood and rolls out of sight. As he continues, the squirrel pops into view.

"Who can stop this wild man on the loose?" The narrator asked, in his normal voice.

Pokey Oaks Kindergarten…

"It's mine!" Bubbles said, angrily.

"It's mine!" Buttercup yelled.

"No, mine!"

Octi is being pulled back and forth.

"Mine!" Buttercup said.

"Mine!" Bubbles said.


"Girls!" Blossom said, floating above her sisters' tug-of-war. "What did we say about sharing?"

Bubbles looks between Blossom and Buttercup, "But Buttercup's gonna…"

"I am not! I just wanna see Octi." Buttercup said, happily.

"So you can…" Bubbles said, sadly.

"Bubbles, share with Buttercup." Blossom said, annoyed.


Blossom is glaring down toward Bubbles, then to the others. Bubbles lets go, and Octi is snatched away.

"Okay." Bubbles said, resignedly.

The hotline began to buzz and Blossom looked at it.

"Uh-oh! Jared!" Blossom yelled, picking up the hotline phone.

Utonium Residence / Pokey Oaks Kindergarten…

"Somebody done tore up downtown, and it's up to y'all to clean it up." Jared said, his phone near his ear. "Wow. Speaking like a Southerner was fun."

"Right. Thank you for telling me." Blossom said.

Pokey Oaks Kindergarten…

Blossom flies away as Bubbles and Buttercup are still fighting over Octi.

"Don't!" Bubbles said, recoiling.

"Don't what?" Buttercup asked.

"Just don't!"

"Oh, you mean…" Buttercup said, hitting Bubbles over the head with Octi. "...this!"

"Ow! Yes!" Bubbles said, angrily.

Blossom has hung up, "Girls! Trouble! Move out!"

Outside Pokey Oaks Kindergarten…

The girls take off through the roof.


The girls are in flight.

"Hurry, girls! Hurry! You've got to get downtown!" The narrator said, while there is a wrecked street littered with semi conscious people. "It's a mess!"

"Whoa!" Buttercup said, at a loss for words.

As Buttercup says this, the girls land and survey the scene. Along the street, more dazed, injured people are scattered about everywhere.

"What happened here?" Blossom asked.

"Know what? I'll bet it was something bad." Bubbles said, as her sisters are glaring at her.

"Okay. Split up and search for clues!" Blossom said, worried.

They take off in different directions.

The girls look at the injured people in turn.

"Excuse me…" Blossom said.

"...but can you tell us…" Buttercup said.

"...who did this?" Bubbles asked.

"Hat...hat...hat." An old woman said, dazed.

"My property, my-my-my-my property. My property, my-my property." Man 1 said.

"Not now! My head hurts!" Man 2 said, terrified.

"Watch out, he's got a boomstick!" Man 3 said, worried.

"" A policeman said, dazed.

Blossom looked at Buttercup.

"Nobody's making any sense!" Blossom said, groaning in frustration. "The only hint we have from Jared is him speaking in a Southern accent!"

"Girls!" Bubbles cheered, kneeling on the ground; her sisters landed behind her, and the blonde looked over her shoulder. "I think I found someone who can help!" She looked back at her sisters. "Okay. Now just tell 'em what you told me."

The individual to whom Bubbles has addressed herself - it is the squirrel. It chitters for a few moments. Blossom is standing just behind Bubbles - the top of her head is visible. Buttercup leans in to look at Bubbles.

"She's talking to squirrels again!" Buttercup said, looking at Blossom, whispering.

"Quiet, Buttercup!" Blossom said, as she and her sisters looked at the squirrel. "Bubbles! Ask him if he knows who did this."

Bubbles turns to the squirrel and chitters back to it; the animal responds. She turns back to Blossom. Buttercup, meanwhile, cannot believe any of this.

"Yes!" Bubbles said, excitedly.

"Can he take us to them?" Blossom asked.

Bubbles speaks to the squirrel again; after a moment, it runs away.

"Come on!" Blossom said, as she and Bubbles fly after the squirrel.

"Oh, brother!" Buttercup said, shrugging and she flew after them.

The girls and the squirrel are in flight.

"Go, girls! G…" The narrator said, and the squirrel is soaring along with the girls. "What?" He is laughing. "Go, squirrel, go!"

Fuzzy's shack…

Fuzzy's banjo twangs and he is playing by the window and smiling serenely. He is standing against the window with a view of a peaceful countryside. As the music stops, Fuzzy is by the fire. He sighs calmly.

"Oh, Joe. You always make me feel a whole lot better." Fuzzy said, setting the banjo down. A crash from outside startles him; he looks over his shoulder. "Huh?"

The girls and the squirrel are at the door.

"Not so fast…" Blossom said.

"...Fuzzy…" Buttercup said.

"...Lumpkins!" Bubbles said, angrily.

Fuzzy has his back from the window. He has turned red again, indicating his berserking rage has been awoken once more, this time by the Girls being on his property, especially in his house.

"Who are you to come mess up our town? Now I get it. Jared had to do a Southern accent as a hint to help lead us to you." Blossom said, smirking.

Fuzzy turns around; once again he is boiling mad. He rushes toward the girls. They don't even have a chance to prepare for him as he catches them all by surprise by his enraged charge.

"GET…" Fuzzy said, slashing Blossom with his claws. "...OFFA…" He kicks Bubbles. "...MY…" Fuzzy bites Buttercup's leg as he finishes. "...PROPERTY!!"

The girls are flung against the walls and temporarily collapse in a dazed heap on the floor. Fuzzy stands over them, panting and snarling, just waiting to have another go at them when they come to. The squirrel's chittering from nearby shakes Fuzzy out of his focus on the girls.

"Huh?" Fuzzy asked, and the squirrel is holding the banjo close to the fire, causing him to look at it. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Fuzzy runs toward the squirrel, yelling and gibbering. Behind the squirrel; as Fuzzy approaches; it tosses the banjo to Blossom, who has recovered from Fuzzy's surprise attack on her and her sisters. He goes for her, but she hands off to Bubbles, also having recovered. Now he charges at her, but she passes to Buttercup, the last one to have recovered. Fuzzy is running at full speed; and his face is dissolving into terror, and at one eye, the firelight is reflecting in it.

"OHHHH, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Fuzzy yelled, screaming, looking at the fire itself.

The body of the banjo is just inches from the flames; as Buttercup speaks, she is holding it. Now Buttercup threatens to do what the squirrel had threatened to pull earlier to get Fuzzy away from the Girls so they could recover from his earlier attack.

"And I'll do it, too!" Buttercup said, looking at Fuzzy, still panting hard and red with fury. "Now relax...RELAX!" Fuzzy does so, instantly assuming a dumbfounded expression as his arms hang at his sides, though he still retains his angry red appearance for the moment. The tomboy is talking soothingly. "That's it. Now, come and get it." Fuzzy has calmed and reassumed his normal appearance. "Don't worry. I'll give it to you."

As Buttercup continues, Fuzzy's foot rises from the floor. The inside of the fireplace is looking out at the approaching Fuzzy.

"Okay, just a little more." Buttercup said, while holding the banjo body as Fuzzy reaches for it. "There you go."

Buttercup looks at her sisters.

"Look out, Fuzzy! She's gonna…" Bubbles said, panicky.

Blossom slaps a hand over her mouth to avoid warning Fuzzy of what Buttercup plans to do to him, possibly what her sister pulled on her earlier with Octi. She looks at Buttercup and Fuzzy.

"Okay, Fuzzy, here you go." Buttercup said, and with those words, she hauls off and hits him over the head with the banjo, similar to what she pulled with Bubbles earlier.

Buttercup looks at Blossom and Bubbles.

"I told you." Bubbles said, sadly.

Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup and the squirrel look down at Fuzzy. Fuzzy is out cold thanks to Buttercup and her stunt she pulled with his banjo.

"Way to go, girls...oh, and squirrel!" The narrator said, excitedly.

Exterior of the jail…

"Townsville Prison!" The narrator said.


Fuzzy is now dressed in orange prison overalls - sits in the corner of a cell, holding his banjo. It has a broken neck.

" least I still got you, Joe." Fuzzy said, sighing sadly.

A hulking shadow looms over Fuzzy; it belongs to his cellmate.

"My property!" The cellmate said, yanking the banjo and walks away, and Fuzzy hung his head.

"How do you like that, Mr. No-Share?" The narrator asked, laughing.

The standard end shot comes up.

"So once again the day is saved...thanks to the Powerpuff Girls! I get a warm, fuzzy feeling just saying that." The narrator said.