Chereads / The Impossible Family / Chapter 66 - Boogie Frights

Chapter 66 - Boogie Frights


There is the city skyline at night.

"The city of Townsville." The narrator said, looking across the city as he continues. "And like most cities, Townsville prepares its young for bed as evening approaches."

In the windows of one building, parents are dressing their children in pajamas, helping them brush their teeth, and tucking them into bed.

"The same is true in the home of the Powerpuff Girls." The narrator said, stopping at their house.

Utonium Residence…

The girls are dressed for bed, but not quite ready for sleep. Blossom is sitting up in bed, Buttercup is jumping on it in anger, and Bubbles is surveying a pile of stuffed animals, worriedly. The stuffed animals shown were a bear, a rabbit, a cat, a goat, and a crocodile.

"Man, I'm not ready for bed yet!" Buttercup said, looking at Blossom as Bubbles grabs some stuffed animals.

"Now, girls, you know we need to get plenty of sleep. It's our responsibility as superheroines to be well-rested so that we'll be at peak crime-fighting performance whenever evil rears its ugly head." Blossom said, while she continues, a large lump moves in front of her and makes its way up Bubbles' section of the bed, in the center. "And, like Ben Franklin always said…" The lump emerges; it is the pile of stuffed animals Bubbles collected, followed by Bubbles' arms. "'Early to bed, early to wake, makes a lady smart, pretty, and great.'"

Bubbles remains under the covers, only her arms in view. Buttercup is looking from her side of the bed.

"Yeah, yeah…" Buttercup said as Bubbles peeks out. "…but all the fun stuff happens at night. Parties, dancing, nightclubs and stuff." She snapped her fingers--if she had any. "Girl, it'll be awesome once we're old enough to go out after dark. Right, Bubbles?"

"Uh…no." Bubbles said, terrified.

"What do you mean, 'no'?" Buttercup asked.

"I don't know." Bubbles said, frowning.

"You're not afraid of the dark, are you?"


"You ain't scared of monsters under the bed, are you?"

Blossom looks nervously over the edge of the bed at the mention of this; Bubbles cries out and pulls the covers back up.

"No." Bubbles said, shaking.

"Well, then. I guess you wouldn't be afraid of the Boogie Man, either." Buttercup said, smirking.

"Who?" Blossom and Bubbles asked, and the blonde pulled the covers down a bit.

Buttercup leans over Bubbles menacingly; as she speaks, her sister becomes increasingly fearful.

"Boogie Man! The creepiest, scariest, nastiest, long-finger-and-pointy-teeth-havingest, little-kid-gettingest monster in the WORLD!" Buttercup said, moving back a bit. "But don't worry. He only comes out…" She turns off the light and leans forward again. She is now only as a silhouette, with the pointy parts of her hair curling up like horns and her eyes shining in the darkness. She cuts a fearsome little figure. "…after dark!"

Bubbles screams in pure, unadulterated fear. The Professor and Jared burst into the room, silhouetted in the light from the hall upon hearing Bubbles scream.

"Wha—?!" The Professor exclaimed, while Bubbles and Blossom both screamed. "Whoa!"

"IT'S THE BOOGIE MAN!" Blossom and Bubbles yelled, at the same time.

"What?" The Professor asked, as Jared turned the lights on. "Boogie Man? What's going on in here?!"

At the bed, Bubbles is crying hysterically, Blossom wears a look of righteous anger, and Buttercup adopts the sort of caught-in-the-act expression that only a small child can get right, knowing she's in trouble for frightening her sisters, especially Bubbles.

"Buttercup." Jared said, walking over to Buttercup to pick her up. "Were you teasing your sisters by telling scary stories?"

"Yes." Bubbles said, sadly.

"Bubbles, it's okay." Jared said, sitting next to Bubbles and putting an arm around her. She stops crying. "It's okay, Bubbles. Calm down. Everything's okay. You're safe and sound here."

"Professor, Jared, I was trying to sleep, but Bubbles was afraid of the dark, and—and Buttercup was telling scary stories, and then…" Blossom said, in goody-goody mode.

"Yes, Blossom, I know. Buttercup likes to be an instigator." The Professor said, wearily.

"A what?" Bubbles asked.

"That means she was trying to get your goat." Blossom said, happily.

"No!" Bubbles cried, pulling the stuffed goat to herself.

"Well, it's not my fault she's a baby scared of the dark." Buttercup said, scoffing.

"I'm sorry. I wish I were brave."

"Now, girls, being scared doesn't make you a baby. Jared and I were scared when we heard our girls screaming. But did we hide under the covers?" The Professor asked.

"No. You and Jared ran in to check on us very brave-like." Blossom said, righteously.

"Thank you, Blossom." The Professor said, sighing. "You see, bravery doesn't mean you're not scared." He walked over to the bed to sit down next to Bubbles. "Bravery is doing what you're afraid to do." He pats Bubbles' head. "If you can just face your fears, then I know you can find the courage to beat 'em."

Bubbles sniffles and smiles, and the Professor tucks Buttercup into bed next to her.

"Now, then, everyone, into bed. It's time for sleeping." The Professor said, while he kisses Blossom and Bubbles on the forehead, and they close their eyes. He pauses over Buttercup, before speaking sternly. "And no more monkey business!"

The Professor kisses Buttercup; she closes her eyes. Now he walks away with Jared, and the lights snap off.

"But…" Bubbles said, as Buttercup frowns again.

The Professor is at the door with Jared, hand on the light switch.

"There's no need to worry, Bubbles. The hallway light will keep away any Boogie Man that might show up." Jared said, happily.

At the bed, Bubbles sighs contentedly and settles down to sleep as the light from the hall narrows to a shaft that falls across her.

"Ahh, that's better." The narrator said, and Buttercup swipes the stuffed crocodile from Bubbles' pile and snuggles with it without her noticing the theft. "Now that things have quieted down…" A thumping backbeat starts up, causing the narrator to yawn. "…we can all get some…" He is awake again. "Say, do you hear something?" At the foot of the bed and at ground level. Now the bass line kicks in, causing the narrator to be curious. "Some kind of crazy beat?"

When the view shows only the darkness under the bed, the interior of a vertical shaft becomes visible. Down this; the sound of tools being used and part of a large spherical structure is shown.

"Who could still be awake at this time of night?" The narrator asked.

Ground level…

A figure is bent over behind the structure. It wears white platform shoes with spikes on the soles, making them look like a pair of beasts' heads. When it speaks, it sounds a little like Barry White.

"…just slip in the last piece, and…" The Boogie Man said, talking to himself and a clank was heard. "Jerome."

At a door, a short creature with two stubby horns, wearing sunglasses and a leisure suit, stands next to it. The shadow of the speaker is very tall and imposing, with two long horns growing to the sides. The short one, Jerome, snaps a salute after hearing his name spoken.

"Let's get this party started." The Boogie Man said, smiling.

1970s-era lounge…

Across the room, creatures and monstrosities of all sorts are sitting at the bar, arm-wrestling, drinking, and joking; disco music plays in the background. At the other end of the lounge, with a door at the back wall, Jerome walks into the room and stands in front of this to address the crowd. The music stops for him. When he speaks, he sounds a bit like George Jefferson from 'All in the Family'.

"Listen up, all you freaks and disasters, and chill the frag out! 'Cause here comes the master! So give it up for the beast with the plan!" Jerome said, and he stepped back as the door opened. "The one, the only, B-B-B-Boogie Man!"

From the shadows, the figure in the white platform shoes emerges. The Boogie Man is a huge, muscular humanoid creature with lumpy blue flesh. He wears shades with flames painted on them, and a black muscle shirt and tights.

"Creatures of darkness…DIG IT! Too long have we been at the mercy of light." The Boogie Man said, as the crowd cheered. "Night lights, streetlights, hall lights with the door cracked. And deeper still…the sun." The crowd hisses. "I know, I know. But I, your Boogie Man, have just completed Step One of my grand master plan that will ensure an end to this problem once and for all. So prepare to hit the streets—'cause we are gonna party ALL NIGHT LONG!" The crowd cheers wildly at this proclamation, as the Boogie Man reaches for his shades, now raised to show his eyes. "So tell me. When things get creepy…"

"Blame it on the boogie!" The crowd yelled.

"When things get spooky…" The Boogie Man said, holding shades in his hand.

"Blame it on the boogie!"

"And when things get freaky, funky, and nasty…" The Boogie Man said, encouraging the crowd and soaks up the fame from his fellow night creatures, grinning proudly.

"BLAME IT ON THE BOOGIE!" The crowd said, cheering the Boogie Man on.

"Get Scissors on the horn." The Boogie Man said, looking at Jerome.

Jerome reaches into his jacket and pulls out a cell phone. He dials a number and hands off to the Boogie Man, who puts it to his ear.

Outside the Townsville Power Plant…

It is a building with a sign in front of it: 'Townsville Power Plant'. A phone is heard ringing.

"Uh-oh! What's he got cooking at the Townsville Power Plant?" The narrator asked.

Townsville Power Plant…

A vulture-like beast stands by a thick cable labeled 'Main Power'. It has a serrated beak and wears a dark shirt and cap. A phone is in its hand—this is Scissors, Boogie Man's agent assigned to carry out the next step of his master plan.

"Yeah, Boss?" Scissors asked.

"Proceed with Step Two." The Boogie Man said, over the phone.

Scissors looks down at the main power cable, opens wide, and bites down on the cable, snapping it in two with a single clean bite.


Lights flicker out everywhere as the narrator speaks, thanks to Scissors' sabotage of the power plant.

"Oh, my gosh! They've cut off all power to Townsville! That means no more streetlights, no more hall lights with the door cracked, and definitely no more nightlights!" The narrator said, increasingly panicked.

Room of a sleeping boy…

A night light glowing by his bed. It goes out thanks to the power being cut by Scissors; a moment later, a section of his blanket rises from the floor and a monster's eyes peek out.

"Heh, heh, heh! The coast is clear. Come on!" Monster #1 said, laughing softly.

A host of creatures emerges from under the bed. They walk right outside as the boy screams, having been awoken upon hearing the first monster speak. The last one to leave, appearing some moments after the others, is an oversized sweat sock.

Another house…

A father holds his crying baby in one hand while fumbling sleepily for the refrigerator door handle with the other. He opens the door, revealing a large monster stuffed inside and staring back out at him. He screams in fear, but the child smiles.

Girl's bedroom…

While a girl sleeps, her bed is lifted out of view on the head of a huge beast rising from the floor. A crash is heard; pull back to show the monster now protruding through the roof, the bed still on top of him, and laughing. On a street corner, a woman has a dog on a leash. Her eyes go wide, and she looks left at a small monster with a huge dog-like beast on a leash. A car is parked next to it, and the dog lifts its leg to relieve itself. Back to the woman and her dog; both start in surprise.

Boy's bedroom…

A boy sleeps in a race-car bed. Next, to him, a mummy's head pokes out from under the covers, which are thrown off after a moment to reveal a steering wheel. The kid screams and the mummy laughs at him and guns the engine. The bed roars off down the street through a monster party in full swing. A low-riding stretch limousine rolls up; the passenger door opens and out steps the Boogie Man. He now wears a white leisure suit with a pink shirt, along with non-spiked platform shoes, and carries a cane. The crowd greets and cheers him as he makes his way to the scene; with the crowd following him. He stops by a giant slug wearing a broad-brimmed pimp hat with a huge feather.

"Fashionably late again, I see! So fashionable you missed the party!" Slug said, looking up at the sky; the sun started to come up beyond the buildings. "Baby, the sun's already rising! We're gonna have to blow this joint!"


One monster sits in front of it, holding a drink; another one stands behind it, with a storage tank in its hand for a cocktail shaker—a bartender.

"LAST CALL!" The bartender said, angrily.

"Let's wrap it up, people. The sun's coming up!" Jerome said, worried.

"Oh, now, hold up. Did you-all forget about my grand master plan? The sun will no longer be an issue once I initiate the Third and Final Step." The Boogie Man said, smirking.

"Is Step Three really all that?" Slug asked.

"Shee! It ain't no step for a stepper." The Boogie Man said, looking at the head of his cane, shaped like a skull.

The Boogie Man flips the skull open to expose a red button, which he presses. Sparks fly from it.

Starlight Rollerway…

More sparks crackle from the roof.

"Uh-oh! What's happening at the old abandoned roller rink?" The narrator asked, and the roof flips open, and a huge sphere rises and flies away. "He's launched some kind of missile!"

Outer space…

The projectile rise up from Earth and sail across the cosmos.

"It's a giant disco ball!" The narrator said, terrified.

This, then, is what the Boogie Man was constructing earlier. It flies toward the sun.


Up in the sky, the ball positions itself in front of the sun, blocking the light and throwing sparkles everywhere, turning the sky a sinister dark red thanks to the unnatural solar eclipse.

"And it's eclipsing the sun! Oh, no! Now morning will never come to Townsville…" The narrator said, while on the monster-infested street, the Boogie Man and Jerome are at the center of the crowd. "...and these nocturnal nightmares will be free to haunt the darkness forever!"

"BLAME IT ON THE BOOGIE!" The crowd said, cheering and shouting.

Two boys are asleep in bunk beds; they are seized and used as maracas by a fat, green, one-eyed creature in a Carmen Miranda getup as it laughs wildly. A dude with a lot of fluffy hair and wearing a leisure suit jumps onto a girl's bed; another girl finds three spirits dancing next to hers. There is an invisible pimp walking an equally invisible dog down the street.

Automobile dealership…

Two feet smash down through the roofs of a couple of cars. The owner of the feet—a freak dressed for Roller Derby—skates down the street.

Nuclear power plant…

Amonster is drinking the radioactive waste. It belches out a blast of fire to a nearby apartment building as it is torched. The residents scream. A go-go dancer swings her hips back and forth, knocking away buildings on either side of her.

Mayor's home…

The Mayor is asleep. His blankets are thrown off by a snake with a great deal of curly red hair, and he screams in terror. Jumping out of bed, he turns and finds himself facing a seedy-looking creature with a small derby hat and a cigarette in a long holder. He screams again. Now he runs down the hall and stops in front of his wife—her hair in curlers and a beauty-mask treatment on her face. She sounds very much like him and wears her monocle even now.

"Honey, what is it?" The mayor's wife asked.

The Mayor turns towards his wife, his mouth open.

Girls' bedroom…

Blossom is screaming.

"I CAN'T GET ANY SLEEP…" Blossom said, while her sisters are also awake. "…with all that racket out there!" She flew to the window. "Something funky's going on downtown."

"I'll say! We better check it out!" Blossom said, eagerly.

Buttercup takes off.

"Yeah. It might be trouble." Blossom said, as she takes off.

Bubbles is still in bed and looking very frightened.

"Wait for me!" Blossom yelled, taking off, scattering stuffed animals and the cover everywhere.


Blossom and Buttercup are in flight. The first is spoiling for a fight, while the second wears a look of anticipation and enthusiasm. Bubbles flies into view to join them, covering her mouth nervously. They land in front of the crowd of monsters, the disco ball shimmering overhead. The music is cranked up.

"Oh, my gosh! Townsville's been turned into a nightmare nightclub!" Blossom said, worried.

"Right on!" Buttercup said, nudging Bubbles. "Right, Bubbles?"

"Well, it's got a good beat, and I can dance to it." Bubbles said, happily.

They start to get down.

"Hey!" Buttercup said, in a singsong voice.

A cat creature with long claws and wearing leopard-skin tights snarls at the two girls. They scream, and Buttercup ends up in Bubbles' arms.

"Hey, you got scared!" Bubbles said, excitedly.

"Yeah, little girl. I thought you liked to party." The cat said, looking at Buttercup.

Buttercup jumps out of Bubbles' arms and braces for a scrap, "Let's get down!"

Buttercup and the cat jump toward each other. She dodges a few swings of the claws and catches it with an uppercut that knocks it away over the buildings. A huge green beast slams its jaws shut around her in retaliation for taking out the cat creature.

"Buttercup!" Blossom and Bubbles yelled, at the same time.

They have no time to react, though; two huge bruisers jump into view and pin them to the pavement. These are quickly knocked away, and Buttercup smashes her way out through the green beast's teeth. Now all three go to work on the partygoers, but the tide soon turns against them and they find themselves on the receiving end of the beatdown, severely outnumbered by all the nightmare creatures that were attending the Boogie Man's rave.

"Oh, no! The girls are getting swamped!" The narrator said, terrified.

One by one, they break free and land in the middle of the crowd.

"There's too many of them." Blossom said, frowning.

"We can't take them all." Bubbles said.

"We need a plan, leader girl." Buttercup said.

The crowd parts to clear a path for the Boogie Man.

"Well, well, well. It's the Powerpuff Girls crashing my party." The Boogie Man said, while on the word 'crashing', he clenches his fist, it and the arm attached shaking with rage, deeply upset at the Girls trying to ruin his moment of glory for him and his fellow night creatures.

"It's the Boogie Man!" Bubbles said, hiding behind Blossom, terrified.

"So it's you who's been terrorizing Townsville and keeping us awake!" Blossom said, angrily.

"Aww, I'm sorry, did I wake you?" The Boogie Man asked, with mock sympathy. "Hee, hee!" He is laughing. "Don't expect to sleep anytime soon…" The Boogie Man pointed up into the sky. "…because now that I've blocked out the accursed sun…" He sang. "…We're gonna make this night last forever!"

The other monsters cheer.

"Block out the sun?" Blossom asked, looking up and she gets an idea. "That's it. Come on, girls. We've gotta take out that disco ball!"

The girls take off.

The Boogie Man looks up after them, "WHAT?! NO! THEY CAN'T!"

Enraged at the Girls' intent to destroy his disco ball and end the unnatural solar eclipse it is causing, he leaps back into his limousine through the sunroof. The car flips up on its rear end to point straight into the sky, then blasts off.


The car is flying through space—a deflector panel extended from each corner—then to him in the cockpit. A pair of fuzzy dice dangles from the ceiling, and Boogie Man is in no mood for games now with his master plan threatened by the Girls.

"I'll do it myself." The Boogie Man said, while the girls approach the disco ball.

"Accelerate to attack formation and follow me in." Blossom said, as the girls begin to skim the surface, flying down a narrow trench. "I can see a small exhaust port at the end of the chasm. If we could just hit it with our laser vision, it should destroy the ball."

Laser blasts strike the trench walls behind them. All three look back; Bubbles screams.

"Aah! The Boogie Man's on our tail!" Bubbles said, worried.

The Boogie Man is indeed firing away. Buttercup dodges and narrowly avoids being hit.

"Whoa!" Buttercup said, flying to Blossom. "Look out!"

Buttercup carries Blossom sister out of range, leaving Bubbles by herself. The Boogie Man is in his cockpit, adjusting the controls and chuckling wickedly at Bubbles. Now Bubbbles is running scared.

"Buttercup!" Buttercup said, gasping. "Blossom! Oh, no! I…" She is starting to cry. "I can't do it alone!"

Bubbles sobs and she remembers the Professor's words to her, and her tears stop.

"Bubbles, if you can just face your fears, then I know you can find the courage to beat them." The Professor said, as a memory.

A new determination takes hold, and Bubbles goes for broke, easily dodging every shot the Boogie Man throws at her. The Boogie Man is looking at Bubbles from the cockpit.

"You're feisty, little one!" The Boogie Man yelled, looking at the targeting display; an image of Bubbles appears dead center in the crosshairs. "Ha! Now you're mine!"


A laser blast slams into the side of the trench just off his bow, throwing him off course.


"Huh?" The Boogie Man asked.


Blossom and Buttercup fly down from the sun.

"Wahoo!" Blossom and Buttercup said, at the same time.

They cut loose with a barrage of shots and score several hits that damage the limo and send it tumbling through space. Both address themselves to Bubbles.

"You're good to go, kid." Buttercup said, happily.

"Now blow up that disco ball so we can go back to bed." Blossom said, smiling.


Still flying along, Bubbles smiles up at them and fires a single shot that curves neatly into the exhaust port. Long shot of the disco ball; the girls fly away from it and Bubbles with a big smile on her face. A moment later, the ball explodes into dust.


On the ground, the monsters try to shield themselves from the restored sunlight.

"OH, NO!" The crowd of monsters yelled, pointing up at the sun.

The monsters turn black and evaporate as the Narrator speaks.

"Oh, yes! The sun is free to shine on Townsville again." The narrator said, looking at a block of blackened monster leftovers. "Sorry, nightmares. Party's over. And don't let the doorknob hit you where the dog should have bit you."

The monsters disappear.

The background for the end shot comes up.

"And once again, the day is saved." The narrator said, and the girls appear, asleep in bed. L to R: Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup. "Get it? The day is saved? You don't get it. Because it was gonna be perpetual night!" Blossom screws up her eyes, apparently disturbed by the Narrator's loud joking. "You know, the daylight. They saved the day, literally! Ha, ha, ha!"

The narrator laughs loudly; after a moment, Blossom opens her eyes and Buttercup glares at the camera out of one eye.

"Shh!" Blossom yelled.

Both girls go back to sleep. Through all this, Bubbles stays out like a light.

"Oh, sorry. Thanks to the Powerpuff Girls. Good night, everybody." The narrator said, whispering.

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