Chereads / The Impossible Family / Chapter 64 - Buttercrush

Chapter 64 - Buttercrush


The city skyline is at peace. Car horns honk in the background.

"The city of Townsville. A pleasant place to live. Unless you run into…" The narrator said.

There are five green-skinned, disreputable-looking fellows walking down the street. On one side, one is a dwarf who looks as if he just jumped out of a Picasso painting; another is big and fat, with a shock of orange hair covering the top half of his face. On the other side are a bug-eyed hunchback with an enormous chin, ragged clothes, and a long tongue hanging out and, behind him, a skinny guy with a long, pointed nose and a cap turned backward. The one in the center is tall and slim, has straight, greasy hair and a scraggly mustache. He wears sunglasses and a life-preserver jacket.

"…the Gangreen Gang! The biggest bunch of belligerent bullies this town's ever seen!" The narrator said, terrified.

The Gangreen Gang continued along the street for several seconds.

Townsville Park…

There is a dodgeball lying on the ground in the park. The Gang walks from the right; all except the one with the shades keep going until they walk to the left. He stops at the ball and clears his throat loudly, and the others quickly back up to join him. When he speaks, he sounds like your typical juvenile delinquent—mean and disrespectful.

"Well, well!" Ace D. Coupler yelled, looking down to the ball at his feet. "What do we have here?"

Ace picks the ball up and holds it. Three little kids come up and look up at the group pleadingly.

"Excuse me, mister…but…can we have our ball back?" The kid asked, stammering.

"Mister?" Ace asked, spinning the ball on finger. "You're talkin' to Ace, kid. There are no Misters here…at least, I don't think so." He looked down at Lil' Arturo. "Um, Lil' Arturo, is your name Mister?"

Lil' Arturo sounds very much like Señor Wences when he opens his mouth. He laughs for a moment, then cuts himself off sharply.

"No." Arturo de la Guerra said, sadly.

"How 'bout you, Big Billy?" Ace asked, looking at the fat fellow.

"Duh—no." Big Billy said, happily.

"Grubber?" Ace asked, looking at the hunchback gang member.

"Pbbbbpppppbbbbbt!" Grubber yelled.

"Yeah, I thought so." Ace said, looking at the pointy-nosed fellow. "Hey, is your name Mister, Snake?"

Snake speaks with a pronounced hiss and a forked tongue.

"Yes-s-s." Sanford. D. Ingleberry said, laughing, and Ace punches him for giving the wrong answer. "I means no."

"Sorry. You three are way off track." Ace said, looking at the three kids.

Long silence.

"Well…can we have our ball back anyway?" A kid asked.

"Oh, sure." Ace said, holding the ball out. "Why not?"

Instead of handing the ball back, Ace bounces it off the faces of all three of them, knocking them to the ground. They lie shaking fearfully in the Gang's shadows.

"Hey, boys!" Ace said, with mock pity.

"What is it, Ace?" Snake, Arturo, and Billy asked, at the same time.

Grubber blows a raspberry with them.

"I don't think these kids are havin' fun." Ace said, frowning.

"You want us to show them how to have fun?" Lil' Arturo asked, laughing.

"Yes, Lil' Arturo. Let's show them how to have fun…Gangreen style!" Ace cheered.

Snake grabs hold of a merry-go-round with two kids on it and spins hard, sending them flying. Grubber sinks his teeth into a tire swing and shakes it and its occupant back and forth like a dog worrying about a bedroom slipper. A jungle gym is crushed when Big Billy falls on it.

"Jungle gym." Big Billy said.

Lil' Arturo is in the sandbox with a kid, "Hey, look at this!"

Lil' Arturo throws sand into the kid's face, causing him to cry. A girl on the swing set suddenly finds herself in Ace's hands. He pushes hard enough to wrap the swing's ropes around the top crossbar and tie her to it. There is a kid playing with a toy airplane; a hand—Snake's—reaches into the kid's and gives him an incredibly painful wedgie. He is hauled into the air, screaming and crying for mercy and getting none. The entire Gang laughs over this and the rest of the chaos they have caused.

"Let the underwear go." Blossom said, levelly.

The Gangreen Gang stops laughing at the sound of Blossom's voice.

"The Powerpuff Girls!" The wedgie kid said, strained, relieved.

The girls are looking very upset with the situation, then look at each Gang member in sequence.

"The Powerpuff Girls?!" Arturo exclaimed.

"The Powerpuff Girls?!" Billy exclaimed.

"The P-P-Powerpuff Girls-s-s?!" Snake exclaimed.

"Pbbbbpppbbbt?!" Grubber exclaimed.

"The Powerpuff Girls?" Ace asked, looking at Snake. "Snake! What are you doing to that poor child?!"

"But—but—you-s-s said…" Snake said, sadly.

Ace punches Snake for trying to speak the truth.

The tension is broken by soft giggling from Buttercup. Buttercup is behind Blossom's shoulder. The tomboy glares back at her sister.

"Buttercup!" Blossom said, angrily.

Buttercup's expression hardens as Blossom looks disapprovingly back at her, still wary of her laughing at Ace punching Snake in an attempt to save face with the Girls. Ace looks rather perplexed by all this. After a moment, a sly smile spreads itself across his face. He just had a great idea. Ace steps up to address the girls.

"Oh, Powerpuff Girls…" Ace said, overwrought, before kneeling. "…please forgive my foolish friend for his foolish act. For he did not know what he was doin'."

Bubbles and Blossom are still angry as Ace continues his speech, but Buttercup is smiling with tears in her eyes.

"And I know deep inside my heart that he would never do anything like that ever again." Ace said, while Buttercup is still looking at him. "What do you say, girls? Will you forgive him?" He takes Buttercup's hand. "Will you?" Ace is fixated on Buttercup. "Please?"

Buttercup looks beseechingly at her sisters, who still seem unconvinced. Long pause.

"Okay." Blossom said, reluctantly.

Buttercup smiles at Ace. Ace tips his shades.

"Thank you." Ace said, winking at Buttercup.

Buttercup's face softens.

"Oh, no!" The narrator said, as the Gang departs behind Buttercup, hearts fly above the tomboy's head. "Looks like Buttercup is looking for love in all the wrong places."


"Next day…" The narrator said.

Exterior of the museum….

"Townsville Museum of Natural History." The narrator said.


A guard is leading the Pokey Oaks kindergarten teacher and her students around the galleries. The girls float along at the back of the group.

"Oh, look! The Pokey Oaks Kindergarten class is on a field trip. And so is…" The narrator said, while he looked over at the Gangreen Gang. "…the Gangreen Gang?! This can't be good."

There is a painting on the wall. Billy looks around the room and starts throwing punches at a soda machine.

"Big Billy no get soda." Billy said, turning around, sadly.

Snake is at the coin slot, "I think she needs moneys-s-s."

Arturo is pointing up at a vase on a stand.

"This Mesopotamian vase is probably worth a couple of bucks." Arturo said, looking at the coin slot.

"Slip it in right here, Arturo." Ace said, smirking.

Arturo walks towards the machine, carrying the vase over his head, and smashes it against the slot. At the tour group, the girls turn around to look at the Gang. Arturo is now holding a mummy and making as if to insert it next.

"Now this has gotta be worth at least one soda." Ace said, happily.

"Drop that mummy!" Blossom yelled, and Bubbles and Buttercup are next toher.

"The Powerpuff Girls!" Ace, Snake, Arturo, and Billy said, at the same time.

Grubber blows a raspberry with them.

Once again, Buttercup's fierce expression melts into affection.

"All right, girls. Let's show these creeps how to respect other people's property!" Blossom yelled, while she and Bubbles started laying into the four underlings.

Buttercup watches the pounding as it goes on. Ace walks towards Buttercup.

"Hey." Ace said, as Buttercup smiles and he kneels. "Buttercup, how come you guys always pick on us, huh?"

Blossom and Bubbles are kicking Arturo back and forth as Ace and Buttercup are still talking.

"W-We was only tryin' to get a soda." Ace said, sadly.

Buttercup's expression hardens and she zips away. She flies to a hanging tapestry and pulls it off the wall, then carries it back to the fight. She drops it over the combatants as if smothering a fire with a blanket; they continue brawling underneath. Ace stands up and whistles and his four buddies poke their heads out from the edge of the tapestry and pull free to join him.

"Come on, guys, let's am-scray!" Ace said, angrily.

The others walk away; before Ace can follow them, Buttercup flies up behind him and taps him on the shoulder. He turns around to find her smiling shyly at him.

"Hey?" Ace asked, and Buttercup produces a can of soda from behind her back and holds it out to him. He takes it and tips his shades. "You know, kid, you're not so bad. You can hang out with us anytime."

Outside Utonium Residence…

It is now nighttime.

"That evening…" The narrator said.

Utonium Residence…

The girls are fast asleep. After some moments, Buttercup opens one eye and looks over at her sisters to make sure they are not waking up.

"Oh, no!" The narrator said, worried.

Buttercup gets out of bed and tiptoes across the bedroom.

"She isn't!" The narrator said, terrified.

Buttercup reaches the window and opens it.

"She is." The narrator said, while Buttercup climbs through and closes the window.

Outside Utonium Residence…

"Have fun, Buttercup." Jared said, using his electromagnetism in his ghost form to hold himself steady on the side of the house. "And if Ace hurts you in any way, let him have it. Also, if his gang members pisses you off, don't hesitate to beat them up."

"Thanks." Buttercup said, flying away from Jared. "For being there for me."


Buttercup flies across the city.

"I hope she knows what she's doing." The narrator said.

Townsville Dump…

Its incinerator is visible in the distance. Buttercup lands amid the mountains of garbage, looks around herself nervously, then flies across the dump to a green shack; she lands in front of its door and knocks. She looks behind at the porch. There is no sound but the chuffing of the incinerator. The door opens, revealing Ace's feet inside; turning up to his head.

"Hey!" Ace yelled, looking at Buttercup who was looking up at him and smiling.

The other Gang members quickly gather behind Ace. They are visibly nervous.

"W-W-W-What-What she's doing here-s-s, Boss-s-s?!" Snake exclaimed.

Ace rounds on them.

"Back up!" Ace said, while the rest of the Gangreen Gang did so. "Relax!"

The rest of the Gangreen Gang instantly collapse to the floor. Billy reads a book while Grubber plays the violin.

"Buttercup. Please, come in." Ace said, happily.

Buttercup floats up to Ace's eye level; the door closes on them.


Billy is seated at a table with his back to Buttercup. He looks at Arturo seated across from him, then Grubber and finally a very worried Snake next to Buttercup. Except for the crickets chirping, there is silence. Snake breaks this after a long moment; Ace was there on Buttercup's left side.

"I's-s-s can't take it anymore!" Snake said, frantically. "She's a Powerpuff Girl! She's good, we're bad! The museums, punchings, hittings, hurtings!"

Buttercup socks Snake.

"Sweet move, Buttercup." Ace said, looking at the other three gang members.

"Yeah!" Arturo said, laughing. "Smooth move! You should hang out with us!"

Arturo looked at Buttercup and company.

"Yes. Please. Hang out." Snake said, woodenly.

Townsville Dump…

The Gang is pounding on a junked car. Billy punches at the hood, Arturo jumps on the roof, and Snake fools around behind the wheel. At the rear end, where Ace is getting ready to hit the car with a bat. He does so a couple of times and then offers a chance to Buttercup, who is standing next to him. She jumps in front of Snake, holding the bat; he tries desperately to wave her off, but she pays no mind. She hits the car; the others watch as it sails over the horizon, carrying Snake.

The Gang and Buttercup are clustered around some piece of work. When they back away, laughing, they have tied paper bags onto the feet of a hapless alley cat. It shakes its paws and looks pitifully at the cat. Snake is being hit alternately by Ace and Buttercup and bobbing back and forth like a punching bag.

Ace and Buttercup are bouncing into the air and then falling down again. They are jumping on Billy's gut, using it for a trampoline.

Outside the shack…

The moon sets and the sun rises to the laughter of the Gang.


Buttercup is still with the Gangreen Gang.

"Oh, Buttercup!" Ace said, kneeling. "Last night was a hoot!" He took Buttercup's hands. "So will you please be my guest again tonight?"

Buttercup nods and takes off.

Everybody except Ace waves goodbye and calls after her. This goes on for some moments before he rounds on them, suddenly very angry.

"Shut up!" Ace yelled.

They are stunned into silence.

"Gee, Boss, we's was just sayin' goodbye to our new best friend." Billy said, sadly.

"She is not your new best friend!" Ace said, angrily.

"Hey, then why did we hang out with her, Boss-s-s?" Snake asked.

"Don't you realize that with Buttercup on our side…WE COULD CONTROL TOWNSVILLE?!" Ace exclaimed, sighing, slapping his forehead.

"Gee, Ace, what about her sisters?" Arturo asked.

"Sit for a spell, fellas, 'cause I've got a plan." Ace said, chuckling.

The shack's door is now closed and no one is outside. As the Narrator speaks, the sun sets and the moon rises.

"Well, that sounds awful! Evil people with evil plans? I hope the Powerpuff Girls can get out of this one…" The narrator said, while Buttercup flies into view and lands at the door. "…especially Buttercup!"

Ace is addressing the Gang, "She'll be here any minute. You all remember what to do?"

Snake, Arturo, and Grubber wink. If Billy does the same, his hair hides it. A knock is heard.

"Showtime!" Ace said, excitedly.

Buttercup is looking at the door. Ace opens it.

"Hey." Ace said, looking down at Buttercup. "Please, come in."

Buttercup floats inside and lands in front of the Gang. There is a long silence, which is broken by Ace clearing his throat. The others react to his cue, walking past Ace and Buttercup.

"Huh? Oh, right. See you two a little bit laters-s-s." Snake said, as the door creaks shut.

"They'll be back... with pizza!" Ace said, kneeling.

Girls' bedroom…

Bubbles and Blossom are fast asleep and snoring softly.


Grubber is on a pay phone. His raspberries sound as if he is laughing. Snake, Billy, and Arturo are around him.

"Come on, s-s-stop laughing! Do it rights-s-s!" Snake yelled.

Girls' bedroom…

A telephone rings, rousing the two girls from sleep.

"Bubbles…get the phone." Blossom said, nudging Bubbles, pulling the covers over her head.

The phone is on the nightstand by Bubbles' side of the bed. Bubbles picks up the receiver.

"Hello?" Bubbles asked, sleepily.


Grubber clears his throat a few times before speaking.

"Oh, hello." Grubber said, with a high pitched voice. "I'm Buttercup, and my foot got caught in a conveyor belt at the city dump. I'm afraid I'm stuck. Help me!"

He hangs up.

Girls' bedroom…

"Okay." Bubbles said, sleepily. "Bye-bye." She looked away from the phone to speak in top volume. "BUTTERCUP'S IN TROUBLE!"

This wakes Blossom up in an instant.


Blossom and Bubbles are in flight.

Townsville Dump…

Blossom and Bubbles looked around warily. A conveyor belt stretches across the dump behind them Between Blossom and Bubbles; Buttercup's figure is on the conveyor, facing away from them. Its arms are tinted green, indicating it could be a member of the Gangrene Gang in disguise.

"Help me! Help me! My foot is stuck!" Grubber yelled, in a high pitched voice.

Blossom and Bubbles land next to the figure and reach out to pull it loose.

"Don't worry, Buttercup." Blossom said, happily.

"We've got you!" Bubbles said, excitedly.

The figure stands up and turns around—it is Grubber in a Buttercup dress, with his hair done up to match hers. He has lured Buttercup's sisters right into the Gang's trap.

"Pbbbbbppppt!" Grubber said, angrily.

The Narrator cries out in surprise, "That's not Buttercup!"

Snake is at the controls of a machine. He pulls a lever; outside, two cars are released from an electromagnet attached to a crane and plummet toward the ground. The girls take notice just before the cars land on top of them; their heads are poking from the roofs. Now the conveyor begins to move, carrying them screaming toward a large piece of equipment with pounding pistons and flames glowing inside. They emerge; the cars have been crushed into cubes, rendering the two girls stuck inside of them, unable to move. Snake is still at the controls.

"S-S-Say goodbyes, Powerpuffssss." Snake said, pulling the lever.

As the Narrator speaks, the girls reach the end of the conveyor and are pulled onto the electromagnet, now over their heads. They stick to it upside down.

"This is unbelievable! Is this the end of our beloved girls?" The narrator asked, as he continues, the crane swings the girls, still screaming, over to a vat of boiling liquid and begins to lower them toward it. "Can no one save our heroes from this impending doom? Can Buttercup not hear her sisters' cries for help?"


The stereo is cranked to top volume. Heavy metal blasts from all the speakers and Buttercup and Ace are both jamming; the two girls' screams can be heard only faintly through the noise. Buttercup is dancing like crazy—she could easily hold her own in a mosh pit—while Ace throws the bullhorns.

"Oh, no!" The narrator said, and Buttercup looked back and forth between the two girls and the shack. "Blossom and Bubbles' screams are being drowned out by this rogue Romeo's rambunctious rock!"

Buttercup watches Ace thrash and kick about, then does the same herself. In doing so, she knocks a hole in the wall of the shack. The music stops abruptly, and the screams can now be clearly heard. Buttercup starts in surprise; outside the hole and looks at the other girls now in her line of sight. Ace takes no notice. Buttercup's infatuation gives way to pure anger on her face; looking at a very uneasy Ace next to her.

"Aren't we havin' fun?" Ace asked, laughing nervously.

Townsville Dump…

Buttercup flies through the hole in the wall. Snake is at the controls.

"Adios-s-s, dos amigos-s-s!" Snake said, pulling the lever.

The crushed cars fall free of the electromagnet, carrying their screaming prisoners toward the boiling liquid. Just before they splash down, Buttercup flies in and carries them to safety. She sets the cubes on the ground, and hatred and revenge write themselves all over her face. The Gang is looking very nervous; Ace ducks around behind the others.

"Now listen, Buttercup, it's not what you think!" Ace said, stammering.

"Jared's right, they really pissed me off!" Buttercup yelled, charging in; with a single blow, she laid the four out flat. Now she moves in on Ace. "And he wants me to let you have it!"

"Buttercup, I'm innocent! The boys, they put me up to it! Honest!" Ace said, terrified.

Buttercup lets Ace have it over and over again, including a flying kick that gives him a bloody nose. To finish him off, she backs up and delivers a crushing punch; Ace falls backward, his face reduced to pulp. His shades fly off and sail through the air in slow motion, finally landing in front of the girls. Long silence.

"Buttercup…what's been going on?" Blossom asked.

Another long silence. Finally, Buttercup hangs her head.

"I'm sorry." Buttercup said, throwing her arms around her sisters in their cubes, who smiled at her.

"Aww, we forgive you, Buttercup." The narrator said, laughing a bit.

The standard end shot comes up.

"And so, once again, the day is saved, thanks to the Powerpuff Girls!" The narrator cheered.