Chereads / The Impossible Family / Chapter 62 - Octi Evil

Chapter 62 - Octi Evil


There is the city skyline in the early evening.

"The city of Townsville…" The narrator said, while there is a large, three-headed snake rearing up over the buildings. "…is under attack!" The individual heads begin to smash and chew up bits of the architecture, as he looks at the flight of the Powerpuff Girls. "The Powerpuff Girls!"

The snake stops short at their arrival. Blossom and Buttercup each pound one of the heads in the kisser, and Bubbles knocks the wind out of the third. Additional blows from the girls knock the heads spinning, causing the necks to tangle up into a large knot. Blossom grabs the tail, Buttercup the heads, and they fly in opposite directions to stretch the snake out. Bubbles flies into view and begins jumping rope in midair with happy cries of 'Whee!' Blossom and Buttercup are swinging the ends of the snake for her.

"It seems once again, the day is saved. But what's this?" The narrator asked, as he continues, all these events are taking place on TV.


The set is in a room with a single decorating theme—pink, pink, and even more pink. A silhouetted figure is watching; it has a long, curled beard and a hooked nose.

"It appears our girls are secretly being monitored, but by whom?" The narrator asked, panicky, terror-stricken. "Oh, no! Not— I—I—I can't say it!"

The owner of the silhouette: 'HIM', a red figure with a devil's face fixed in a wide, toothy grin, sitting on a pink sofa. It wears makeup, a woman's red jacket and skirt with pink tulle at the collar and hemline, and black, thigh-high, spike-heeled boots. In place of hands, it has lobster pincers.

"This is a villain so evil, so sinister, so horribly vile that even the utterance of his name strikes fear into the hearts of men!" The narrator said, his voice low voice, ominous. "The only safe way to refer to this king of darkness is simply… …'Him'."

"Oh, snake beast…" 'Him' said, reclining on the sofa. "…you didn't destroy them at all, did you? How could you let the Powerpuff Girls…" He is sitting up; his eyes glow and his voice becomes very sinister and growling. "…HUMILIATE YOU…" 'Him' changes his tone to an effeminate voice. "…so completely, hmm?"


Buttercup is holding the snake over her head. The whole thing is now knotted up.

"Yo, Blossom! Catch!" Buttercup said, throwing the snake, as it sails toward Blossom.

"Buttercup, not so hard! Aaaghh!" Blossom yelled, while her words trail off into a scream as the snake slams into her and carries her along like a fly stuck to the windshield of a Mack truck.

The snake smashes through a building.

Mayor's Office…

The Mayor and Ms. Bellum is looking out of the window.

"Well, Ms. Bellum, you can get back to work now." The mayor said.

Blossom and the snake hit the window; when the dust clears, she is now holding the beast aloft. The only damage to the building is a broken pane of glass and a bit of ruined masonry. The Mayor and Ms. Bellum are unharmed as they wonder what happened. The other two girls fly up behind her as Jared walked behind them.

"Sorry about that, Mayor." Blossom said, sadly.

"Oh, that's okay." The mayor said, as he looked over at Blossom and Bubbles, who was resting her hand on her chin and looking over at her sister.

"It wouldn't have happened if Buttercup wouldn't throw so hard." Blossom said, angrily.

"Girls. Girls." Jared said, looking between Bubbles and Buttercup. "Stop fighting."

"Well, if you could only catch…" Buttercup said.

Bubbles follows the argument with her eyes.

"You threw it too hard." Blossom said, annoyed.

"Did not!" Buttercup yelled.

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Girls...." Jared said, frowning.

"Stop it!" Bubbles said, angrily.


'Him' has surprise written large on his face.

Mayor's office…

Bubbles has shed a single tear, "I hate it when you guys fight."


'Him' looks at the TV again. The 'program' rewinds as if it were a VCR tape and shows the close-up of Bubbles twice more, zooming in each time.

"…hate it when you guys fight." Bubbles said, on TV. "…when you guys fight."

'Him' is beaming.

"Yes!" 'Him' said, in an effeminate voice. "Yes!" He switched to an evil voice. "WELL, I LOVE IT WHEN YOU GIRLS FIGHT." 'Him' switched back to an effeminate voice. "I think you should fight more often. Ha, ha! Oh, Bubbles…" He looked at Bubbles on the TV, making it zoom in slowly. "…don't cry, little one. I'm here for you. Ha, ha!"

Outside Utonium Residence…

It is now nighttime.

"So after saving the day, the girls return home for some peace and quiet." The narrator said.

Utonium Residence…

"Shut up, Buttercup!" Blossom said, angrily.

"Well, maybe not." The narrator said, letting out a sigh.

Blossom and Buttercup are yelling at each other at top volume in the hall.

"Girls, you're only making Bubbles worried." Jared said, clutching the strap of his sling bag. "Stop fighting."

The Professor and Jared, standing between them, unsuccessfully tries to calm them down with little progress.

"No, YOU shut up!" Buttercup yelled.

"YOU shut up!" Blossom said, looking at Buttercup.

"YOU just shut up!"

"Shut up! I said shut up!"

"Girls? Girls, stop that. Girls? I said stop that right now. Uh, girls? Stop that arguing." The Professor said, looking between Blossom and Buttercup.

Blossom and Buttercup's shouts, as well as the Professor's and Jared's coaxing, continue.

"Oh, Bubbles." Jared said, looking at the end of the hall and at the girls' bedroom door. "I am so sorry this has left you vulnerable to 'Him'."

Girls' bedroom…

Bubbles is sitting on the end of the bed, crying in the dark; her toy octopus is on the pillows behind her.

"Oh, I don't like arguing. Why can't we all just get along, instead of fighting and arguing?" Bubbles asked, crying.

Bubbles begins crying again and tears come out of her eyes like a sprinkler, but a voice startles her out of her tears. It is low and soft, and has an almost hypnotic quality to it as it echoes around the room.

"Bubbles… Bubbles…" Octi said.

"Huh? Who said that?" Bubbles asked, looking around.

The octopus is at the head of the bed and moving toward Bubbles' back.

"Bubbles…" Octi said, approaching Bubbles.

Bubbles turns around and gasps sharply as she wipes her eyes.

"Octi?" Bubbles asked, disbelieving, looking at Octi.

The doll's mouth does not move as it talks.

"Yes, Bubbles. I can talk…" Octi said, as Bubbles is bewildered Bubbles. "…and I heard what you were saying about your sisters." Bubbles is staring at her toy. "You're right, Bubbles. It's wrong for them to fight."

"You are talking." Bubbles said, moving towards Octi.

"Yes, Bubbles. Come closer so I can tell you more." Octi said.

Bubbles and Octi are on the bed while the argument can be heard through the partially open door.


'Him' is looking at his TV screen.

Girls' bedroom…

"Don't tell me what to do!" Buttercup yelled.

"Just listen to me next time!" Blossom said, angrily.

The door closes by itself.

"Let's not listen to that anymore. Listen, in my opinion, Blossom is being far too bossy for her own good." Octi said.

Underworld/Girls' bedroom…

The scene is playing on the TV. 'Him' is pacing back and forth, speaking into a microphone—he is providing the voice for Octi.

"In fact, I think that Buttercup should be in charge. Yeah. That's it. Bubbles, you should talk to Buttercup and tell her that she should be running the show." Octi/'Him' said.

"Oh, what did I tell you about 'Him'? Evil. Evil, pure and simple!" The narrator said, shuddering.

Pokey Oaks Kindergarten…

The hotline goes off and Blossom answers it.

"Yes, Mayor? What? We'll be right there!" Blossom said, worried.


A large foot is planted, belonging to some sort of huge reptilian creature with a single horn.


The girls are in flight; Bubbles is carrying Octi in one hand, with her other covering her mouth.

"Everybody ready?" Blossom asked.

"Ready!" Buttercup said.

"Bubbles…" Blossom said, looking over her shoulder at Bubbles. "…put down that doll! You know better!"


Blossom and Buttercup zoom toward the monster, but Bubbles lands instead.

"Octi, I have to put you down." Bubbles said, looking at Octi.

"Why? Just because Blossom told you to?" Octo asked.


"Blossom's not always right, you know."


Blossom and Buttercup are closing in to attack.

"Go for the head!" Blossom said, angrily.

The monster turns to face Blossom and Buttercup — and the turtle shell is on its back—and fires a laser beam from its eyes, catching the two girls dead on. They slam into the ground not far from Bubbles.

"Blossom! Buttercup!" Bubbles said, gasping.

"You see?" Octi asked, while the girls climb up out of their craters.

"Hey, let's try my…" Buttercup said, happily.

"Go for the arms!" Blossom yelled, taking off.

"Your plans aren't working!" Buttercup said, calling after Blossom.

"Uh, Buttercup?" Bubbles asked.

"What, Bubbles?" Buttercup asked, impatiently.

"Um, well, uh… Octi says you should do what you want to do. Don't follow Blossom."

"Octi, you're speaking my language." Buttercup said, while she takes off.

Blossom has engaged the turtle, but is looking around nervously for backup, "Buttercup, where are you? Whoa!"

Blossom dodges a swing of the beast's arm. Buttercup, meanwhile, flies across the city to the water tank. Tearing it loose—and spilling all the water over several blocks as she does so—she hauls it along as Blossom watches with great anxiety from the ground.

"Buttercup, don't!" Blossom said, calling overhead.

Buttercup lets fly with the tank in slow motion and scores a direct hit; the turtle is knocked flying and sails over Blossom's head.

"Oh, no!" Blossom said, looking overhead.

An old woman is making her way along the sidewalk on a motorized scooter. She suddenly finds herself in a growing shadow.

"It's headed right for that senior citizen!" The narrator said, worried.

The old woman tools along as the turtle and water tank descend on her. Just before impact, cut to Blossom.

"Oh, no!" Blossom said, in a small voice, covering her eyes, just before impact.

A crash shakes the ground. The turtle is now out cold on the ground. One of the scooter's tires rolls away from it and stops in front of Buttercup.

"Oops." Buttercup said, sadly.

The old woman pops her head out of the tire after a moment.

Outside the Utonium Residence…

It is nighttime, and there is no sound but the crickets chirping.

Utonium Residence…

Blossom and Buttercup are once again arguing in the hall, with the Professor and Jared between them.

"You recklessly endangered people's lives!" Blossom said, angrily.

"Did not!" Buttercup yelled.

"And failed to follow orders!"

"Well, I should be the leader anyway!"

"Girls, calm down!" The Professor said, worried.

"Girls, can you stop fighting?" Jared asked, clutching the strap of his sling back.

"No!" Blossom and Buttercup yelled, looking at the Professor and Jared.

"I've had it with your insubordination!" Blossom said, nailing Buttercup with a blast from her eye lasers, leaving her smoking.

"Well, I've had it with your leadership!" Buttercup said, pointing her hands toward Blossom and fired a green laser beam from her eyes, knocking her into the wall.

Bubbles is hiding out of sight around a corner and holding Octi with its tentacles wrapped around her like a shawl. The fight continues at the other end of the hall.

"Well, I suppose it was inevitable. I always knew they wouldn't last…" Octi said.


Bubbles is on the TV again. 'Him', in silhouette, is holding the microphone.

"…on the same team!" 'Him' said, in an effeminate voice. "Ha, ha, ha! With Blossom and Buttercup busy fighting, Bubbles doesn't stand a chance! Hee, hee, hee!" He begins to fly around the room, his eyes glowing, talking in an evil voice. "I'M WINNING! I'M WINNING!!! MORE, MORE, MORE, MORE, MORE, MORE!"

'Him' now flies in a tight circle, creating a small whirlwind in the room.

Utonium Residence…

The argument is still going on; the Professor has his arms outstretched to keep the girls from tearing each other apart as Jared is clutching the strap of his sling bag. Blossom and Buttercup argue.

"That's enough! I'm gonna separate you two! Go have a time out!" The Professor said, angrily.

Girls' bedroom…

Bubbles is sitting on the floor in the dark and crying, with Octi by her side.

"Oh, Octi, now they're fighting more than ever. I'm so confused." Bubbles said, looking at Octi. "Octi, tell me what to do." She got silence. "Octi?" Bubbles kneels by the doll. "Why don't you say something?"

There is a long pause. When Octi finally speaks, it begins to sound like the effeminate voice of 'Him'.

"Stupid little girl." Octi said.

"Huh?" Bubbles asked.

What light there is in the room goes red, and Octi begins to grow.

"They're fighting because of you, because you believe your toys can really talk…" Octi said, as Bubbles looked up in astonishment. "…and you actually do what they tell you to do."

"I know that voice. You're…" Bubbles said, looking above Octi's head. "…'Him'!"

"Very good! I'm flattered." 'Him' said, floating above Octi, now big enough to fill the room. "But thank you, Bubbles. Thank you for helping me break up the Powerpuff Girls once and for all. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go…" He looked down at Bubbles and spoke in his evil voice. "…AND DESTROY THE WORLD!"

A shower of debris flies past Bubbles. From behind Bubbles, Octi departs the room through a very large and very new hole in the wall.

"Oh, no! He's headed straight for Townsville! I've got to stop him myself." Bubbles said, becoming timid. "I just hope I don't mess this up, too."


Octi's head can be seen bobbing among the buildings. It has now grown large enough to tower over them. Townspeople scream as the gargantuan doll approaches, and several cars are slammed against one another. One tentacle takes out a group of cars; others go to work demolishing bits of the skyline.

Bubbles flies in and rises to face Octi, "STOP! YOU USED ME!"

"Oh, is that what I did?" 'Him' asked, in an effeminate voice.

Tentacles curl around behind Bubbles.

"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Bubbles said, worried.

"No, it isn't. Neither is…" 'Him said, in an evil voice. "…THIS!"

Bubbles is seized by a tentacle and begins to scream as 'Him' begins to torture her by slowly crushing her. Her cries echo through the night.

Girls' bedroom…

Blossom sitting by the nightstand.

Utonium Residence…

Buttercup is on the living room floor. Blossom and Bubbles are sulking, but their heads bob up at the same time upon hearing Bubbles.

"Go, get 'Him' girls." Jared said, his voice echoing throughout the house. "He's with Bubbles and is possessing Octi."

"Bubbles is in trouble!" Blossom and Bubbles yelled, at the same time.

Outside Utonium Residence…

Blossom and Bubbles exit through the bedroom windows.


Blossom and Bubbles are in flight, approaching from opposite directions. Octi flies over the city as the two girls fly into view and stare each other down, clearly still at each others' throats and deciding who has come to save Bubbles.

Utonium Residence…

"Girls…" Jared said, loading up the security cameras of Townsville on his MacBook Pro. "Good luck."

The camera shifts back and forth between Blossom and Buttercup three times, zooming in each time. The first is shown behind each opposing girl's back's looking at the other, the second is a medium shot of them. On the third shot—an extreme close-up—Jared seess each girl reflected in the other's eyes.


The stare-off is interrupted by the sound of Bubbles' screaming as they direct their attention toward their sister in peril; Bubbles is lifted into view, still screaming as the 'Him'-possessed Octi squeezes her again, but tighter. The girls turn back to each other.

Utonium Residence…

"Come on." Jared said, looking at his MacBook Pro.

The same sequence of close-up shots is repeated, but the hostility begins to melt away. Each girl finally smiles.

"Yes!" Jared said, excitedly.


Octi is towering over the city, as they charge toward it. On the next line, the two fly across and pull Bubbles free before the demon controlled toy could snap every last bone in her body, thus critically injuring or even killing her, with Octi getting damaged.


Blossom and Buttercup fly high overhead, with Bubbles between them.

"Some things are just more important. Right, Buttercup?" Blossom asked.

"Right!" Buttercup said, excitedly.

"It doesn't help that Jared told us directly that it was you, 'Him'." Blossom said, while Bubbles giggles as they fly.

Octi catches fire, snarling and shaking its tentacles in rage.

"NO!" 'Him' yelled, in his evil voice. "NO! NO!" He switched to his effeminate voice. "No…"

It disappears in a huge explosion. When the smoke clears, all that is left is 'Him', floating slumped over in a cloud of flame above what's left of the building Octi was on when he exploded. He evaporates with a weary, resigned sigh as his plan has literally gone up in flames.

(Jared's POV)

Utonium Residence…

"Phew!" Buttercup cheered, smirking. "I'm glad that's over." She is now stammering slightly. "Uh, hey, Blossom, I'm sorry about fighting with you."

The girls and Jared crashed out in bean bag chairs.

"Me too. You know, we're lucky to have a sister like Bubbles, who was only trying to remind us that we're a team." Blossom said, happily.

"Yeah, and that any personal differences we've got shouldn't stop us from saving the day and stuff." Buttercup said, smiling.

"For all my hard work, I should be the leader!" Bubbles said, giggling.

This catches her sisters flat-footed.

"Now that is a sight to behold!" I said, excitedly.

After a moment, all four of us giggle.

"You tell 'em, Bubbles." The narrator said, laughing.

The standard end shot comes up.

"So once again, the day is saved, thanks to the Powerpuff Girls!" The narrator yelled.

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