Chereads / The Impossible Family / Chapter 61 - Powerpuff Bluff

Chapter 61 - Powerpuff Bluff

(Open POV)


There is the city skyline in the afternoon.

"The city of Townsville. A safe haven for all." The narrator said.

Townsville Bank…

A crash of glass is heard. An alarm screams out.

"Except when the bank is being robbed!" The narrator said, terrified.

Three men in orange jumpsuits hold the customers at gunpoint. They wear stockings over their faces. One has red hair and a ragged beard, and the others—one white, one black—are very muscular.

"This is a holdup, everybody!" The red-haired robber yelled, looking at the people inside the bank. "Freeze!"

A woman screams, prompting the people in the bank to do the exact opposite of what they have been told and panic. The red-haired robber fires several shots into the air; now the camera is close enough to show numbers on the clothing of two of the three. Red-hair wears 253; the black man has 002. These are prison inmates on the run.

"I said, freeze!" The red-haired robber number 253 said, while the crowd does so, still showing their panicked faces in their frozen states; the robbers cross the lobby. "That's more like it. Now let's see." He is looking at the teller counter where there is a man with a bow tie. "No…" 253 looked at an old woman. "Nuh-uh…" He looked at a young, chesty blond woman with cash in both hands. "Well, hello. Hand it over, Sweet Cheeks!"

The teller turns around—it is actually a cardboard cutout decoy, with Blossom on the other side, waiting to pounce. She has a very smug smile on her face as she springs her ambush.

"Who you calling Sweet Cheeks?" Blossom asked, breaking the straps she has been using to hold the cutout erect.

The vault door is kicked open; Bubbles and Buttercup are inside. Blossom is ready to deliver a crushing blow, on the next line.

"The Powerpuff Girls!" 253 said, worried. "Uh-oh."

Blossom has flown and there was a fight. When it clears, Bubbles is slamming 002 back and forth on the ground. Buttercup lands a flying kick to the face of the beefy white robber, and the three are seen collapsed in a heap on the floor.

"Ho-ho, girls. Nice job." The narrator said.


The door of a prison cell slams shut.

Townsville Jewelry…

It is a high-rise with a wraparound sign that reads 'Townsville Jewelry'. A large ring spins on the roof.

"It's the Townsville Jewelry Store." The narrator said.

A crash of glass; turn down to street level, where the three criminals, still masked, have sacks slung over their shoulders. The alarm goes off.

"And it's being robbed!" The narrator said, as the three criminals run, and behind them, there's the smashed store window.


The three criminals dash down the street and stop in an alley, then look around to make sure they are alone and open the bags. The girls pop out one at a time, one from each bag and adorned with various bits of finery. Once again, they had been lying in wait. Blossom and Bubbles have smug smiles on their faces while Buttercup shows a scowl. The girls each pull their arm back to deliver the knockout.

"Uh-oh." The robbers said, at the same time.

They were knocked out with one blow, and again they piled on the ground.


The cell door slams shut as the Narrator speaks.

"Strike two, you thugs." The narrator said, chuckling briefly. "Hey!"

(Jared's POV)

Mayor's house…

"What's going on at the Mayor's house?" The narrator asked.

The Mayor screamed and was inside, with the criminals gathered around him. When he stops screaming, pull back quickly; he is tied to a chair. 253 has a gun pointed at him. The big white guy's number is now seen: 017. They still wear their masks.

"Take anything you want! Just don't hurt Ms. Bellum!" The mayor said, angrily.

Ms. Bellum is also tied to a chair.

"Ms. Bellum, huh?" 253 asked, looking at Ms. Bellum. "What do you say I call you…Sweet Cheeks?"

"Oh, call me anything you want, but just rob me and go away!" The mayor said, looking at several items as he names them. "Take my money. Some fine art, maybe. My wife." His wife holds a tray of cookies and wears a monocle like his. "Jewels, perhaps? The key to the city? My wife?"

017 holds up what appears to be a statue of a poodle for 253 to inspect.

"Hey, Boss." 017 said, holding the statue of the poodle. "What's this?"

"No! Not my priceless, very rare, one-of-a-kind porcelain poodle! Anything! Anything but my priceless, very rare, one-of-a-kind porcelain poodle!" The mayor said, angrily.

"I kinda like it." 253 said, holding the poodle statue. "Yeah. I like this very much!" He is holding it aloft. "…AND WITH THIS VALUABLE KEEPSAKE, I WILL OBTAIN POWER OVER THE MAYOR AND ALL OF TOWNSVILLE!"

"Oh, all is lost." The mayor said, sadly.

"It's not." I said, happily.

The girls and I burst in through the front door.

"Put down that priceless porcelain poodle, you punk!" Blossom said, angrily.

"P-P-P-Powerpuffs?!" 253 exclaimed.

"Precisely!" Blossom yelled.

Bubbles disposes of 017, Buttercup knocks out 002.

"There you go, Mr. Mayor." I said, taking out my sonic screwdriver and using it on the ropes holding the Mayor. "You're free."

The Mayor is cut loose in short order and Blossom joins the fight and knocks 253 across the room. The poodle sails through the air in slow motion, interspersed with shots of Bubbles and Buttercup gasping, still restraining their escaped inmates. It continues its flight.

"Oh, no!" Blossom said, dashing across the floor.

"Well, hello, Blossom." The Mayor said, smiling.

Blossom grabs the Mayor and carries him along while still running at top speed—and he does not pause for a moment in speaking.

"It's always a pleasure to have you girls over to the house." The Mayor said, while Blossom throws him; he still does not stop. "We must definitely do this more often." He lands in his chair, behind a desk. "Oh, hello, Poodles."

The statue drops into his hands. The Girls and I are relieved, with Blossom the only one having her hand on her head after having saved the statue.

"Phew!" The girls said, at the same time.

Outside the Mayor's House…

The robbers are sitting in a paddy wagon, waiting to be hauled away. The girls, the Mayor, and I stand near its open back doors; a crowd is gathered around, with cameras and microphones in abundance.

"Well, girls, you've done it again." The mayor said, and the doors are closed, and the wagon rolls off. "You saved me and the entire city of Townsville. I'm so proud of you, girls." Flashbulbs start to pop. "And to show you my personal sign of appreciation, I want to present you with…" I'm looking at the poodle as it is brought into view. "…my priceless, very rare, one-of-a-kind porcelain poodle."

Bubbles takes the porcelain poodle from his hands, but it slips from her grasp and shatters to pieces on the ground.

"There goes the statue." I said, looking down at the porcelain poodle. "It looked rather cute too."

The five of us look sadly down at it; the Mayor is the first to look up. Flashbulbs begin to pop anew as he speaks.

"Ah, who gives a hoot about an old statue anyway?" The mayor asked, happily. "It's nothing." The girls smile at this, and the crowd cheers. "We love you, girls!"

(Open POV)


It is on a TV screen.

"And that's how it all went down today when the Powerpuff Girls rescued the Mayor and his assistant from certain death…" A reporter said, as a voiceover.

The three robbers were watching the broadcast. They are back in the clink. 017 has a green-dyed hair cut in a Mohawk and long scars on his cheeks.

"…and put three extremely dangerous criminals behind bars." The reporter said, on TV.

"This ain't no fair, I tell you. It just ain't no fair! Those Powerpuff Girls get away with everything!" 253 said, angrily.

"Just imagine what it'd be like to be one of those Powerpuff Girls." 017 said, thinking. "Hmmm…wear those cute ponytails and glittery hair bands…"

As he has this thought, Bubbles' head appears in a thought balloon. Her hair is tied in a single fluffy ponytail. The balloon pops when he finishes.

"Yeah. Induce pain and suffering to all the people of Townsville." 002 said.

"Sparkly party shoes…" 017 said, thinking, conjuring up a pair of balloons that pop.

"Take all the money and goods we want, right under their noses!" 002 said, angrily.

"Feminine bows with brightly colored sashes." 017 said, thinking and another balloon pops.

"That's it! We are gonna become the Powerpuff Girls! We are gonna induce pain and suffering!" 253 yelled. "But most importantly…we are gonna be RICH!"

253 becomes lost in thought about money for a moment.

"Uh…Boss?…Boss?…Boss?" 017 asked, looking at his inmates.

"Yeah?" 253 asked.

"How are we gonna look like them Powerpuff Girls?"

"Hmm." 253 said, looking across the cell where there are bunk beds, sink, broken mirror, the usual accouterments. "Let's see…we're gonna have to use every resource in this joint…" He stopped at a wardrobe, with larger versions of the girls' everyday dresses—one of each color—hanging inside. On top are full-head masks of their faces, with holes cut out for the mouths. "Guys, this is gonna be tougher than I thought."

A while passed and there is a guard walking along the corridor, jingling his keys and whistling as he goes. He stops after a few steps and addresses the camera.

"Huh?…Hey! What are you three doing in there?" The guard asked.

There is chest hair pushing out from underneath a light blue collar; a hairy leg in a knee-high white stocking and black Mary Jane; 253's mouth and beard through one of the masks, with the collar of the Blossom dress showing below it; the eye and hairline of that mask; 017's masked mouth above the collar of the Bubbles dress; 002's arm poking out of the Buttercup dress; 017's meaty fist; 002's masked mouth; his arm again. The three criminals are now wearing the oversized outfits—253 as Blossom, 017 as Bubbles, 002 as Buttercup. Suffice it to say that they will never win a costume contest looking like this.

"Uh…we, uh…" 253 said, coughing, starting again in a high voice. "We, uh…we were checking out the cells, and we got accidentally locked in." He is laughing nervously. "Can you let us out?"

"Sure I can. Be my pleasure." The guard said, laughing.

The guard stands by the open cell door, still laughing, as the prisoners leave. 017 sucker-punches him on the way out, doubling him over.

"Thanks! You girls are great!" The guard said, winded.

"Oh, no! Impostor Powerpuffs? What a drag!" The narrator said, worried.

Exterior of Pokey Oaks Kindergarten…

"Girls, where are you? What are you doing?!" The narrator exclaimed.

Pokey Oaks Kindergarten…

The kids are asleep on the floor, with blankets pulled up over themselves. One of them looks very much like Dexter—yes, the same one with the mammoth home lab. They snore softly.

"Oh. It's naptime at Pokey Oaks Kindergarten. And though our heroes slumber…" The narrator said, whispering.

Outside Townsville Bank…

253 is wearing a dress that has a belt and is standing in front of the Townsville Bank.

"…there is no rest for the wicked!" The narrator said, speaking in normal volume.

002 and 017 steps into view.

"Let's do it, girls." 253 said.

Townsville Bank…

The doors are kicked open.

"This is a holdup, everybod…" 002 and 017 said, at the same time.

"No, you idiots! Like this!" 253 said, in a high voice and he was skipping across the lobby. "Oh, la, la-la, la-la…" He is stopping at the counter. "Hi, everybody. It's me, Blossom of the Powderpuff Girls. A-And I was just wondering…" 253 is giggling nervously, flowers and hearts appearing behind him. "…can we have all the money, please?" 253 giggles again.

"Ms. Bellum, not everything is as they seem." Jared said, walking up to Ms. Bellum.

The Mayor, Ms. Bellum, and Jared are in the lobby as 253 skips up.

"I see." Ms. Bellum said, sadly.

Across the counter; the tellers laugh and nod assent.

Vault door…

"Oh, we love you, Powerpuff Girls." The Mayor said, opening the vault and looking at the contents. "Take all the money you want!"

The money is now in the hands of the robbers.

Townsville Bank…

The robbers are at the front door. They start to leave.

"Gee, thanks, everybody!" 253 said, in a high voice and is now outside. "Buh-bye!"

Jared looked across the lobby to the customers and tellers. Everyone is waving goodbye—except for Ms. Bellum and Jared.

"Jared, you're right. Not everything is as they seem." Ms. Bellum said, frowning.

"Yup." Jared said, looking between Ms. Bellum and the Mayor. "They're not my girls."

"So long, girls! Oh, Ms. Bellum, Jared, don't you just love those Powerpuff Girls?" The mayor asked.

"Hmmm…" Ms. Bellum said, letting out a sigh.

Jared thought about the roof of the Townsville Jewelry Store.

Townsville Jewelry Store…

The 'girls' are at the counter; the display case is empty. A salesman holds a bag out to them.

"Here's the jewels you wanted, girls." The salesman said.

"Thanks!" 253 said, laughing, taking the bag, with a high pitched voice.

Outside the Townsville Jewelry Store…

The criminals move out, loot in hand.

"Oh, this is too easy!" 002 said, laughing.

They stop short, gasping; the Mayor, Ms. Bellum, and Jared are in front of them.

"Oh, hello, girls. What are you up to?" The mayor asked.

"No good." 253 said, speaking with a normal voice.

"Splendid! Why don't you come to my house for some milk and cookies?" The mayor asked, laughing.

The criminals are looking Ms. Bellum over.

"Sure—as long as Sweet Cheeks is going." 253 said, smirking.

"Of course, I will. Now come on." The mayor said, happily.

Outside the mayor's house…

The six entered by the front door.

Mayor's house…

At the door, the Mayor holds open for the criminals.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome!" The mayor said, excitedly.

Inside, 002 and 017 look at a painting.

"Look, it's one of them fancy pictures." 017 said, looking over at the mayor.

"Why, yes, it is. It's—it's a classic. It's…" The mayor said.

"Stupid." 002 said, as the Mayor jolts, surprised. "I hate it!"

002 and 017 starts complaining.

"Yeah, I hate boats." 017 said, annoyed.

"Yeah." The mayor said, laughing stupidly.

253 and 002 are standing near a vase on a pedestal.

"Hey, Bubba." 253 said.

"I'm Buttercup." 002 said.

"Yeah, whatever. Look at this vase!"

"I think it's pronounced 'vozz'."

"Oh, yeah? I think it's pronounced…" 253 said, pushing the vase off the pedestal. "…'broken'!"

"And there goes a vase." Jared said, hearing the vase shatter, and the two men laugh. "The girls are more responsible than that."

"Oh, girls!" The mayor said, pointing at the remains and he laughs.

017 is doing a little redecorating with a can of spray paint. He finishes and walks away, leaving behind a crude picture of the Mayor with the label 'MAYOR'. The subject of said caricature walks into view.

"That is so true!" The mayor said, laughing, pointing at the caricature.

002 is leaning against a wall and looking up at Ms. Bellum, "Say, Sweet Cheeks, what's your sign?"

"Stop." Ms. Bellum said, annoyed.

"That's your hint." Jared said, letting out a sigh. "That should tell you what's wrong."

"I see." Ms. Bellum said, her eyes widening.

The Mayor is holding up a tray of snacks, "Oh, girls! Here are your milk and cookies!"

017's huge fist slams into the mayor's face, knocking him down. The criminals are seen from the waist up, laughing and taunting him, as we hear the sounds of feet thudding into the Mayor.

"Hey, dudes, let's ditch this joint." 253 said.

The Mayor is curled up on the floor with Ms. Bellum standing by him. The 'girls' are on their way out the door.

"See ya! Wouldn't want to be ya!" 017 said, and the door slams.

"What precious angels." The mayor said, moaning.

"Uh, sir, this might just be me and Jared, but don't you think the girls were acting a little strange?" Ms. Bellum asked.

"How so?" The mayor asked, looking up at Ms. Bellum.

"Let's see. They robbed the bank and the jewelry store. They also beat the living shit out of you and robbed your home." Jared said, sadly. "Should I have Ms. Bellum explains what she has noticed?"

"Yes, I'm not following."

"The deep voices, the facial hair, the height! Not to mention the manly odor!" Ms. Bellum said, angrily.

"And? And?" The mayor asked.

"Those were men dressed up as the Powerpuff Girls! Understand?" Ms. Bellum asked.

"Yes! There's only one thing to do!" The mayor said, getting to his knees.

A telephone's receiver is picked up; as the Mayor is making the call, with Ms. Bellum and Jared standing nearby.

"Hello, Chief of Police? Arrest the Powerpuff Girls!" The mayor yelled.

Ms. Bellum sighs disgustedly and Jared did a face palm.

Exterior of Pokey Oaks Kindergarten…

"Uh-oh. This isn't looking too good!" The narrator said, worried.

Pokey Oaks Kindergarten…

The girls stand behind a table. A large jar of change rests on it. Zoom in slowly as Blossom speaks.

"And, by adding your pennies to this jar, we can feed the homeless, help abused animals find good homes, or adopt a child from a Third World country." Blossom said.

"Freeze!" A voice said, angrily.

Caught off guard, the girls look in surprise. SWAT team members burst in from all sides of the room; a tank with a battering ram—which shows a smiley face—fixed to its turret knocks down a section of the wall. One officer throws himself into the prone position and levels his rifle. Other works on making construction-paper cutouts for a few moments, then drops his work and pulls his gun. A third man squirms out from under the table and points his weapon. The girls are completely stunned by the raid.

"Powerpuff Girls, you're under arrest!" The voice yelled.

The girls raise their hands in surrender and are cuffed.

Outside Pokey Oaks Kindergarten…

The girls are in the back of a paddy wagon as the doors slam shut on them.

Exterior of the jail…

"Powerpuffs imprisoned?!" The narrator exclaimed.

(Jared's POV)


Blossom is in a cell and she speaks to Buttercup sitting on the top bunk and Bubbles sitting in the back corner.

"What's happening? Why did they throw us in the slammer?" Blossom asked.

"Hmm…something's going on, and I don't like this one bit." Buttercup said.

"And the worst thing is…" Bubbles said, while she is starting to cry. "…we won't get to save the world anymore."

Bubbles weeps.

"Oh, why don't you shut up, you crybaby?" Buttercup asked.

"Now that's no way to talk to your sister!" Blossom said, angrily.

"This is all your fault!"

Bubbles groans along this line. Their argument is not helping her disposition at all.

"Why don't you shut up?" Blossom asked.

"No, you shut up!" Buttercup yelled.

At the cell door; the guard stands outside. Unlike earlier, where he was all cheerful and surprised to see what he thought was the girls in the cell, he's now stern and unforgiving regarding their behavior now that he believes they've gone bad.

"Why don't you all shut up? You've got visitors." The guard said, walking away still all business and not caring about their plight.

Bubbles stops crying. Ms. Bellum and I step into view, and the girls pop up across from us.

"Ms. Bellum! Jared!" The girls said, at the same time.

"Boy, are we glad to see you both!" Blossom said, excitedly.

"And whatever it is, we didn't do it!" Buttercup said, worried.

"We know, girls. I told Ms. Bellum that not everything is as they seemed. We are the only people that believe you." I said, holding Octi and Buttercup's blanket in my hands. "Out there, three bad men have been dressing up as you. And it's not just that, they've robbed a bank and stolen precious jewelry. The worst thing they've done is harassing the Mayor in his own home. The worst thing is that the Mayor was oblivious to it all and thought it was normal."

"Who could be doing this? Robbing the bank…stealing precious jewelry…harassing the Mayor in his own home? Anything else, Ms. Bellum, Jared?" Blossom asked.

"Well, there is something else. Jared told me what a man said was my hint. This man. He…he called me…he called me…Sweet Cheeks!" Ms. Bellum said, angrily.

"I had to tell her it was that. She would have figured it out on her own. But it would have taken much longer." I said, looking at a shocked Blossom.

"No!" The girls said, at the same time.

"Not Sweet Cheeks!" The narrator yelled.

Townsville Bank…

Blossom has a quick flashback of 253 during the first bank robbery.

"Hand it over, Sweet Cheeks!" 253 yelled.


"That's it!" Blossom cheered, snapping her fingers. "I know who they are! They are the only three villains capable of such insensitive, derogatory, and insulting language. Don't worry, Ms. Bellum, Jared. We'll take care of everything."

Buttercup gets ready to release herself on her own recognizance, "Come on, girls. Let's bust outta this joint."

"Wait! We can't escape from prison. That would be breaking the law." Blossom said, sadly.

"Not again!" Buttercup said, wearily.

"Regardless of our duties to save the world, we would be further harming our falsely soiled reputations…" Blossom said, as her sisters took off and broke through the prison wall. "Hey!" She is taking off. "Wait for me!"

"Now that's more like it! You go, girls!" The narrator said, laughing.

(Open POV)

Exterior of Mr. Chin's $1 Chinese Food…

It is a Chinese restaurant. A sign marked 'CLOSED FOR INSPECTION' is pasted across the doors.

Mr. Chin's $1 Chinese Food…

The three criminals are hunkered down at a table with take-out containers. 017 and 002 are eating; 253 is getting ready to do likewise.

"Boy, I'm starving!" 253 said, angrily.

The girls kick the door down, "Not so fast, Powerpuff Girls!"

"Powerpuff Girls?!" 253 exclaimed, standing up. "Bring it on!"

253 flips the table over.

The two groups launch themselves at each other, and the battle begins in earnest, with the girls landing several good blows on the criminals. Buttercup is in midair, her arm raised to deliver a karate chop.

"Huy-yah!" Buttercup said, dealing the blow and the real Bubbles is on the receiving end.

"Ow! Buttercup, it's me!" Bubbles said, rubbing her head.

"Oh! Oops. Sorry."

Bubbles moves out of the way with Blossom still there. Buttercup lands a chop to her head.

"Ow! Buttercup, it's me!" Blossom said, covering her head.

"Oops. Sorry." Buttercup said, sadly.

253 hits 017 over the head.

"Ow! Boss, it's me!" 017 yelled.

"Oops. Sorry." 253 said, frowning.

"Wait a second! This isn't working, guys. Let's just fight our counterparts, okay?" Blossom asked.

"Okay." Everyone else said, at the same time.

The two sides line up.

"Ready? Okay? Go!" Blossom said, angrily.

Round two gets underway. Buttercup chops 002 over the head, while Blossom flies up to 253 and knocks him sprawling with a left hook. Bubbles closes in for an attack; 017 kneels and throws a double handful of knives at her. She stops in midair, looking scared for a moment, then deftly dodges every blade and counterattacks with a punch that knocks him to the floor. Now Buttercup goes on the offensive as 002 grabs a stack of plates and scales them at her. She begins to spin in place; the plates bounce harmlessly off her in all directions. Several of them hit 002, who yells in pain at the hits. All three girls back up and prepare to deliver flying kicks to their opposite numbers, and the blows knock the masks loose. They break when they hit the ground. The girls, dressed as Japanese geisha—a little out of place, given that this is a Chinese restaurant—bow over the defeated criminals.

(Jared's POV)

The girls are now back in their normal outfits, next to the Mayor, Ms. Bellum, and I. A happy crowd watches from the background.

"Aw, I knew you were innocent the whole time." The mayor said, happily.

"Yeah, right." Ms. Bellum said, sarcastically.

"You totally didn't believe them." I said, rolling my eyes.

"And thank you once again for saving Townsville. Of course, now you'll have to go back to jail for breaking out in the first place." The mayor said.

Everyone has a good laugh at this for some moments before he changes his tone.

"I'm serious." The mayor said, and the laughter stops rather suddenly.

The standard end shot comes up.

"So once again the day is saved, thanks to the Powerpuff Girls! See you on visiting day, girls." The narrator said.