Chereads / The Impossible Family / Chapter 119 - Coming Home to Roost

Chapter 119 - Coming Home to Roost

In a space of pure whiteness, the giant blocky title and a certain rose emblem drop from the sky to the ground, where the four miniaturized members of Team RWBY pop out from behind it to smile, wave and adopt poses for the audience while an unseen speaker announces the show as: 'RWBY CHIBI'!

Team RWBY's dorm...

Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long are sitting around in their Team RWBY's dorm.

"And she said..." Yang said, excitedly.

"Now that's a katana." Blake said, unenthusiastically.

"Get new jokes, Yang." Weiss said, disappointed.

Yang sticks out her tongue just before Ruby Rose and Jared Shay bursts into the room, shouting.

"Guys, shut up! I just got the most incredible news!" Ruby said, excitedly.

"The best news! One that I forgot was coming!" Jared said, happily.

"What is it?" Blake asked.

"Uncle Qrow's coming to visit!" Ruby said.

Ruby literally bounces around the room, coming to a stop to the left of her friends.

"I love him. He saved...will save our butts several times. Time travel and dimension travel. Tenses are difficult. He has a cool attitude that I can't help but love. And makes a great narrator." Jared said, smiling.

"Oh my gosh! I can't wait! And you do have a point there, Uncle Qrow as a narrator would be sweet." Yang said, looking at Jared.

A small black bird crashes into the window anticlimactically, accompanied by the sound of someone sliding down the glass.

"Your uncle Qrow? Isn't he the drunk loudmouth?" Weiss asked, looking between Ruby and Yang.

"He prefers 'reckless rogue.'" Ruby said.

"He's super cool." Yang said.

"All the time." Ruby said.

The bird flies into the window a second time.

"I suppose there are...worse role models out there. Like River Song or Captain Jack Harkness." Blake said.

"I mean, he's definitely cool, but I'm not sure I'd go as far to say role model." Yang said.

"I'm telling him you said that." Ruby said, deadpanned.

Frantic running up stairs is heard, followed by a door slamming and Qrow Branwen running into the room panting. He opens the window then runs back out.

"Was that...your Uncle Qrow?" Blake asked.

The blackbird flies into the room, and in a puff of smoke is replaced by Qrow.

"Ta-da!" Qrow said, wheezing.

"Oh! Uncle Qrow!" Ruby said, hugging Qrow's head, throwing him off-balance.

"No, wait!" Qrow said, toppling over backward out the window, taking Ruby with him.

"He's really cool." Yang said.


A crowd of protestors gather, holding various signs. Among them are 'NO MORE CURFEW!', 'DOWN WITH VEGETABLES!', and 'WE WANT PIZZA!'. Sun Wukong, Blake, and Velvet Scarlatina all hold 'EQUALITY FOR FAUNUS!' signs. Yang has a 'SAVE THE BEES!' sign, Jared has a 'MORE JUNK FOOD!' sign, and Nora Valkyrie and Ruby have 'NO HOMEWORK ON WEEKENDS' signs. Zwei is holding a sign in his mouth that reads 'no hom wurk on wekends'.

Peter Port, Bartholomew Oobleck, and Professor Ozpin have 'MORE HOMEWORK ON WEEKENDS' signs, with the word 'MORE' written in red. Weiss is behind Peter Port, also holding the same sign as her teachers.

The Shopkeep has been behind every group, grinning, essentially photobombing.

Neopolitan holds up a megaphone, and is apparently about to speak. Instead, she holds up a sign saying THIS IS JUST HOW I TALK and makes a kissy face.

Ruby and Weiss are standing around in the courtyard, holding their Scrolls. Yang pushes Jaune Arc over toward them. Jaune and Yang are having a whispered argument.

"Go, go, go, go." Yang said.

"I don't feel good about it." Jaune said.

"Come on."

"Weiss, I'm taking you out to dinner tonight. Wear something pretty, and don't be late."

Ruby, Weiss, Jared, and Clara share a glance.

"Okay." Weiss said.

"That's it. Now you're being a Yang man." Yang said.

"What weird thing are you guys doing?" Ruby asked.

"Yang's my new life coach. She's teaching me to get what I want by being more assertive." Jaune said.

"That's not gonna end well." Jared said, rolling his eyes.


Zwei and Jaune are in a room.

"Can't believe they're actually doing this." Clara said, crossing her arms.

Zwei is about to pee on Jaune's foot but stops when commanded not to do it.

"Tell me about it." Jared said, letting out a sigh.

Behind Jaune and Zwei on a couch, Yang nods approvingly.


Jaune is sitting at the Shopkeep's noodle stand, being given a small bowl. He slams his fist on the counter and points to it.

"More!" Jaune said.

The Shopkeep sighs and starts to fetch another dish. Behind him, Yang winks and smiles. Jaune laughs excitedly, proud of himself.

"They're still going. And Jaune isn't a Yang man." Jared said, doing a face palm.

A small Beowolf is about to pee on a tree in the woods, when Jaune abruptly appears.

"Don't." Jaune said.

The Beowolf skulks off and Yang claps to congratulate Jaune.


Back at the courtyard, Jaune is proud of himself and gaining confidence.

"Now how about a little appetiser before dinner?" Jaune asked, posing on one foot and attempts to kiss Weiss.

Weiss rears back while Ruby, Yang, Jared, and Clara go white-eyed.

"Ew! I changed my mind." Weiss said, spinning around, drawing Myrtenaster.

A glyph appears underneath Weiss, and another beneath Jaune. Jaune is encased in a block of ice. Ruby, Yang, Jared, and Clara wince, but aren't surprised.

"Nothing could ever match up to Pyrrha for Jaune." Jared said, frowning.

Weiss struts off, humming. Jared and Clara are following Weiss from behind.

"Those two won't know until it's too late." Clara said.

"Uh, okay, message received. May have gone too far." Jaune said, while Ruby begins to walk away, following Weiss. "Can someone let me out, please?"

"Yeah, Jared's right, he's not ready to be a Yang man." Yang said, shaking her head.

Zwei trots up to the ice cube containing Jaune and pees on it.

"Yeah, that makes sense." Jaune said.