In a space of pure whiteness, the giant blocky title and a certain rose emblem drop from the sky to the ground, where the four miniaturized members of Team RWBY pop out from behind it to smile, wave and adopt poses for the audience while an unseen speaker announces the show as: 'RWBY CHIBI'!
Against a brick wall background stands A sign reading 'MAGIC SHOW' with pictures of gloves, a hat, and a wand. Jaune Arc skips his way onto the stage wearing a top hat and red cape over the fully-revealed Pumpkin Pete hoodie.
"I am the Amazing Jaune, Master of the Magic Arts. And this is my lovely assistant, Ruby." Jaune said, gesturing to stage right, smiling, and blinks a couple times when no one shows up. "I said, my lovely assistant, Ruby!" He changes poses, leaning forward and pointing his wand more aggressively. "Ruby, what are you waiting for?"
"Jared, did you do this?" Hana asked, looking at the ally of justice.
A loud pop is heard, followed by a mushroom cloud of red smoke and glitter, startling Jaune and causing him to jump into the air.
"Maybe. I could have. But at the same time, I couldn't." Jared said, smiling.
When Jaune lands, he leans backward and points his wand at Ruby, who has just appeared on stage left.
"Ta-da! I am Ruby the Great! Mistress of the Magic Arts!" Ruby said, excitedly.
Jaune covers his face with one hand and tries to wave the smoke away but fails and leans over coughing.
"What are you doing? You're making me look bad." Jaune said.
"Number one, you don't need any help to do that. And B, I am not your assistant. I am a magical partner." Ruby said.
"The Amazing Jaune will not stand for this!"
"Well, Ruby the Great also will not stand for...whatever it is you're not standing for!"
"Then you leave me no choice! This calls for, a magic-off!"
Jaune stands to Sun Wukong's left and waves his wand before pulling a gold-wrapped chocolate coin out from behind Sun's ear. Ruby is to Yang Xiao Long's right.
"This isn't gonna end well..." Hana said, sadly.
"Yup." Jared said, letting out a sigh.
Ruby sticks her entire hand into her sister's head, causing Yang's eyes to turn into dazed swirls. When she pushes her arm further inside, Yang's eyes become white while her arms and legs stick out in front of her. Ruby removes her arm from Yang's skull, holding a piece of paper.
"Blank check! Get yourself somethin' nice, kid." Ruby said.
"Oooooh, Sweet!" Yang said.
Sun takes a bite out of the coin, "Pretty cheap, dude."
Jaune: Alright, everything else was just a warm up. This is the main event. Behold, as I summon forth an amazing creature from my hat.
Jaune reaches into the upturned top hat on the stage floor. He struggles and grunts, chanting a bit of a ratatat before triumphantly holding up a rabbit—only it's Velvet Scarlatina and she is not happy.
"Velvet?!" Jaune exclaimed.
"Hey, watch the ears!" Velvet said, wriggling her hands and feet irritatedly in Jaune's direction before jumping backward out of his grip. "How do you like it, huh?" She grabs hold of Jaune's right ear and yanks on it. "Feel good? You like that?"
"I'm sorry, ow, I didn't know! I would have been fine with Usada Pekora!"
"Pekora would have been more cooperative..." Hana said, sadly.
"Yup. What will Ruby come up with now?" Jared asked.
Velvet bops Jaune on the head, still yanking his ear, while Ruby walks back onstage.
"Wow, that was pretty good." Ruby said.
The audience applauds Ruby waves and walks offstage, and Jaune makes his farewell, his ear repeatedly yanked on by Velvet the entire time.
"Thank you so much! The Amazing Jaune will be here all week. Oooow!" Jaune said, happily.
Pyrrha Nikos and Jaune walk down a sidewalk in Vale when something on the ground catches Pyrrha's eye.
"Oh!" Pyrrha said, singing. "Find a penny, pick it up." She swipes it in her hand. "Then all day long you'll have good luuuck!"
Pyrrha uses her Semblance to make the coin spin in the air. Jaune grins at her.
"Way ahead of ya." Ruby said.
Ruby's head comes into view in front of Pyrrha and Jaune as she walks past them from the opposite direction. They jump to the side, out of her way, as she's carrying Penny Polendina over her left shoulder. Penny lifts her head and waves at them, giggling. Pyrrha looks down at the coin now in her hand, then at Jaune. Jaune shrugs.
A shot pans down from trees while dramatic music plays. Roman Torchwick and Ruby face off.
"Is this really necessary for soccer?" Jared asked.
"It's all for dramatic effect. Dramatic effect." Hana said.
"That is true." Jared said, holding Hana's hand.
The screen shortens around them while little blips of damaged frames occur over the image, like an old style movie shown on a reel.
"Hahaha! We're going to destroy you, Red! Hope you're prepared to lose." Roman said.
"Ha! We're always prepared." Ruby said.
Torchwick looks askance, and Ruby realizes her mistake.
"Well, not- not to lose. Just. I just meant prepared in general!" Ruby said.
With a dramatic and fast zoom out, Cinder Fall and Yang are facing off beside Ruby and Roman.
"It's too late to turn back now. There's no escape for any of you." Cinder said.
"We don't know the meaning of the word." Yang said.
"Which word?"
"Take your pick."
With another dramatic zoom, Neopolitan and Jaune are facing off beside Yang and Cinder. Neo pulls out a sign reading YOU'LL BE SORRY! Jaune reads it, mouth open, before narrowing his gaze back onto Neo.
"Yep, probably." Jaune said.
"When will this soccer game start?" Hana asked.
"A few more people." Jared said, smiling. "I don't mind."
"Neither do I. This is a game that's been increased in terms of fun."
The next zoom out reveals Emerald Sustrai and Weiss Schnee. Weiss isn't even looking at her, while Emerald's gaze is focused a little lower than her face.
"I like your dress." Emerald said.
"Thank you." Weiss said, turning to face Emerald, full of attitude.
Another zoom shows Zwei and a Beowolf growling at each other. The Beowolf looms over Zwei, who barks back. The Beowolf cringes and whimpers.
A final zoom to the side of the combatants reveals Nora Valkyrie lifting a soccer ball high in the air.
"Alright, I want a nice, clean game. Or, you know, just a game. I guess." Nora said.
"Finally!" Jared said, groaning.
"That, um, took a while." Hana said.
"At least it will be worth it in the end."
Mercury Black and Blake Belladonna prepare for the kick-off.
"Let's do this!" Mercury said.
"It's already done." Blake said.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"What's your face supposed to mean?"
Nora blows the whistle and tosses the soccer ball into the air. Mercury watches it, then gets ready to leap. Blake is also watching it in the air, until Mercury lands on her head and leaps from it.
"Hey!" Blake said.
Mercury soars into the air, strikes a few poses, and kicks the ball with his right leg. The gun fires and the ball is propelled into the sky. Mercury frowns and lands on his back. The old-time camera effect slips back into normal. The deflated ball lands on Mercury's face, air whooshing out, and his eyes go white.
"They kinda went a bit too far." Jared said, squeezing Hana's hand.
"Yup." Hana said, frowning.
Torchwick, Ruby, Blake, Jared, and Hana all stand around him, glaring at him disappointedly.
"Oops." Mercury said.
Nora leaps into the foreground, "Well, that was the only ball, so I guess it's a tie game. Let's go home, everyone!"
With a wave, Nora motions everyone off the field and disappears.
Everyone but Nora, Mercury and Torchwick let out an 'Awwww.' Blake leaves, dragging.
"What? No! We trained for weeks! We could've actually won for once!" Roman said, angrily.
"Oh well, uh, I guess now we'll never know. Good game, everyone!" Ruby said, leaving.
Jared and Hana leave.
"Can I watch you play Genshin Impact soon?" Jared asked.
"Sure. Back to the usual. I guess." Hana said.
Mercury's team all walk past him while he remains lying on the ground. Roman angrily yanks the deflated ball from Mercury's face.
"I'm sorry, it went off by mistake, okay?" Mercury asked.
Cinder says nothing as she passes. Neo's sign reads NICE FOOTWORK DUM-DUM. Mercury rolls over to call after the group with Emerald still strides by while rolling her eyes.
"But hey, at least I kind of ruined their fun. That's a kind of victory, right? An evil victory?" Mercury asked.
The deflated ball hits him in the face and plops to the ground. Mercury looks down sadly.
"I thought this wasn't a contact sport." Mercury said.