Chereads / The Impossible Family / Chapter 114 - Dad Jokes

Chapter 114 - Dad Jokes

In a space of pure whiteness, the giant blocky title and a certain rose emblem drop from the sky to the ground, where the four miniaturized members of Team RWBY pop out from behind it to smile, wave and adopt poses for the audience while an unseen speaker announces the show as: 'RWBY CHIBI'!

Dark room...

Neptune Vasilias sits in a dark room, his face illuminated by a television screen.

"Haha! Tremble before ChicMagnet88, mortals! I am unstoppable!" Neptune said.

Lie Ren and Sun Wukong are sitting next to Neptune on a couch, watching him play video games.

"He really gets into this game." Ren said.

"You have no idea." Sun said, pointing at the TV. "Uh oh, here comes that guy who always kills you."

Sun puts his hands on his hips while looking at Neptune.

"What?! My nemesis! TailFail01! This time I'm ready for him, I've been practicing for weeks!" Neptune said, happily.

Neptune sits up straight, smiling confidently.

Sun raises one hand inquisitively, smirking, "What's the plan?"

"Serpentine!" Neptune said, standing up on the couch, one leg on the arm. "Zig..." He takes his foot off the arm, standing on one foot. "...then zag..." Neptune shifts to the other foot, crouching with one leg in the air. "then zig AGAIN." He brings his feet together, leaning forward with a cocky grin. "Then hit them from behind!"

Sayaka, Kyoko, and Madoka entered the room carrying plastic bags with bags of chips and boxes of cookies in them.

"The fighting game again?" Sayaka asked.

"The hell is he doing?" Kyoko asked, looking at the TV screen.

"Neptune is losing again." Ren said.

Neptune drops back onto the couch in a sitting position, only to drop his controller, wearing a shocked expression. He drops his controller.

Neptune: "No! How does he always beat me? It's like he knows every move I'm gonna make, before I make it." Neptune said, sliding off the couch, crying, and sinks into the floor before disappearing.

Sun reveals a controller which was hidden behind his back, held by his tail. Ren, Sayaka, Kyoko, and Madoka give Sun confused looks.

"Why do you torment him like that?" Ren asked.

"Is that a good idea?" Madoka asked.

"Why do you do it? Huh?" Kyoko asked.

"It's much more fun than the game itself." Sun said.

"Fair enough." Sayaka said, her hand on her hip.

"It's like he's inside my head!" Neptune said, still out of view.

Velvet Scarlatina, Ruby Rose, and Jared Shay stand in a field. Ruby is holding Crescent Rose in its scythe form, and Velvet is holding her camera.

"Now say cheese." Velvet said.

"Cheese!" Ruby said.

"Blue isn't bad." Jared said, smiling. "It is my favorite color. But I don't know."

Velvet takes a picture of Crescent Rose, and the box that holds Anesidora opens up; projecting a blue, holographic version of Crescent Rose.

"Same. What else do you have?" Ruby asked.

"I've got this." Velvet said, glancing up on the hologram and changes something on her camera, causing the hologram to turn yellow.

"Yellow. Nah." Jared said, crossing his arms.

Velvet repeats the action and it becomes white, then blue with cartoonish eyes and sparkles before becoming an exact copy.

"Eh, no filter." Velvet said.

Ruby smiles excitedly and gives a thumbs up.


A trail of empty red plates leads up to Nora Valkyrie, who is laying in a chair, unresponsive, eyes white and pupil-less. Neptune and Ren are standing on either side, while Neptune, Yang Xiao Long, Jared Shay, and Pomu Rainpuff stare up over the top.

"What's wrong with Nora?" Neptune asked.

"I'm...not sure. She's been like this for hours." Ren said.

"Nora, did you eat all of Ren's pancakes again?" Sun asked.

Nora points at the plates, barely able to speak.

"Waaafffllleeesss!" Nora said.

"Waffles? Who gave her waffles?" Jared asked, looking down at the forest fairy sitting on his shoulder. "Pomu?"

"It wasn't me! I swear!" Pomu said, raising up her hands.

"Oh no! If it wasn't Pomu, then who was it?" Ren asked, stepping back in shock, holding his arms out to his sides. "Those are twice as filling as pancakes!"

"I guess you could say Nora is...fed up?" Yang asked.

"You're not wrong. Let's cut to the cheese. She ate too much." Jared said, smiling.

"I, um, uh, okay. We should probably send for help." Neptune said.

"You guys, I think Nora bit off more than she could chew. Am I right?" Yang asked.

"Yeah. At least she isn't berried alive. She could have been in a worse situation than that." Pomu said.

"That is true." Yang said, looking between Jared and Pomu. "Thanks for pudding up with me."

"Yang! Jared! Pomu! Quit screwing around!" Sun said, aiming both hands down towards Nora. "This could be something serious, like indigestion." He sticks both hands out into the air, glancing at Yang, Jared, and Pomu before leaning towards them with his hands on the back of the chair, glaring. "Why do you do this?!"

Taiyang Xiao Long and Ninomae Ina'nis walk into the room, with the father of Ruby and Yang posing humorously on one foot.

"Hi kids!" Taiyang said.

"I am a Takodachi and a Pomudachi." Jared said, happily. "Pomu and Ina."

"Dad? How'd you get here?" Yang asked.

"How do you think?" Taiyang asked, prancing over towards the group, wearing a huge grin. "I didn't use Tako Eats. I used my legs!"

"Oh no, the only thing worse than puns." Sun said, whispering to Neptune.

"By the way, I want to give a big shoutout to all the sidewalks. For keeping me off the streets." Taiyang said, pointing at himself with both thumbs.

"Sun, Neptune, you're acting unbeerable to understand the wonderfulness of puns." Ina said, scoffing.

Sun makes a mortified expression and speaks in slow motion, yelling.

"Daaad joookeees!" Sun said, as his words echo slightly, in a deeper tone.

Crickets chirp as Neptune, Sun, and Ren all have worried expressions.

"Just remembered, I have to go iron all my clothes." Ren said, walking backwards out of frame, accompanied by a squeaking sound with each step.

"And, uh, I have swimming practice." Neptune said, turning on one foot wand waves before bolting out of the room.

"Orange you excited for puns?" Jared asked, looking at Neptune.

"Nope." Neptune said, leaning back into the room from the top of the door frame. "Yep, uh, conquered all my fears. Ha!"

"How are you peeling about the puns?" Pomu asked.

Neptune flees once more.

"Thank you very matcha for understanding them." Ina said.

"I have to, uh. I was gonna, er. My thing was. Ah, forget it." Sun said, jumping out the window, leaving a silhouette shaped hole.

"What's with your friends?" Taiyang asked, stepping over and leans against the arm of the chair. "I was on a roll."

"It probably would have been butter, if you never started." Yang said, gesturing with both palms facing upwards.

"Ugh, was that joke made of paper? Because..." Taiyang said.

"It was tearable." Taiyang, Yang, Jared, Pomu, and Jared said, at the same time.

"You're brew-tiful, Ninomae Ina'nis." Pomu said, looking up at Ina.

"And You're super, Pomu Rainpuff." Ina said.

"All I can say is that my heart beets for you four." Jared said.

Taiyang, Jared, Jared, Pomu, and Ina make finger guns at each-other.