Chereads / Ouranos : The Fallen Sky / Chapter 21 - Chapter 20 : The Torch-shaped Obeslisk 2

Chapter 21 - Chapter 20 : The Torch-shaped Obeslisk 2

Rani looked down to see what really was under her feet, it was carvings engraved on concrete tiles, They were already blurred and only faint bulges could be seen.

Nevertheless, It was clear to Her that the things carved on the concrete tiles were some sort of a group of scripts which were chiseled exquisitely into a short sentence.

She immedietly remembered where She had seen these writings !!!! She knew where these scripts had been written before.

She looked towards Mada right away.

The boy.....

He smiled so bright like He had won a lottery.

Mada rummaged his chin, imitating Wirya when The old man was in the middle of thinking.

"hhhmm..... can You let this young master do his expertise ? I need some private space to be able to decrypt this sentence. Move aside !"

Mda pushed Rani away until She fell on her but.

"tsk ! boasting of being useful for once..."

"Can You interpret this princess ?"


"I take that as a no"

Mada got back to his job, He carefully touched and tried to read the engraved ancient scripts which seemed similar to the srcripts written on the leaf parchment. Sure it was, They were the same ancient scripts.

Mada read it slowly, up until now, He himself still didn't know why He could understand these weird writings, eventhough He had never learned let alone saw them prior to his mother death.

He spelled the words which were being represented by the engraved scripts.




.. tung...


Rani's face wore a dumb expression.

"So ? What does really it say, eh ?"

"Can You not interrupt this great Young master while He does his thing ? "

"Sure, my bump-Young-mas-tah....."


Mada continued to decript the interpretation of the concrete-tiles carvings.




He finally read the whole sentence.

His mind sequentially confounded and jumbled around with strange and screwy understandings that oddly poured in out of nowhere, for this matter, not even him, could fully comprehend the inner working of his brain.

Mada seemingly didn't realize that the fact He could actually interpret the meanings contained within at all, was obviously stranger from the spectators point of view.

It was definitely more bizzare for the sitting Rani than the actual whimsical thought process that was happening inside Mada's brain at this very moment.

While She had waited for Mada to speak what was on his mind for couple of minutes, Rani still eventually lost her patience.

"Then.....our respectable cuckoo Young master. Does that nuts sized brain of yours can finally shed some light about how We may be able to enter that upside-down pyramid through its goddamn steel door ?"

Mada looked at Rani, He was expresssionless.

As a matter of fact, He doesn't even know what exactly He had read just now. He absolutely knew its meaning, word by word, yet He couldn't grasp what was the true meaning of the sentence, is it just literal, or metaphorical, or even, what use and what's the connection between these words and the matter of entering the base of the broken obelisk.

Rani encouraged Mada to tell her the literal meaning per word. She thought two brains were better than one, and so She asked.

"just tell me the meaning as it is. may be, I can make out some ideas about how it can help us to open that steel door."

This time, Mada recited the carved scripts in full. He had memorized them inside his skull.

"Bhinnêka tunggal ika tan hana dharma mangrwa."

Mada continued.

"It literally says,....

'They are indeed different, but they are of the same kind, as there is no duality in Truth.'....

that's it."

Rani contemplated for awhile, She routed her brain out. yet still stuck on what it really meant and how it could help them to open the entrance.

"hmmmmm..... I'm stuck, no idea, You ?"

"I punched the door so hard, I have used my mutation while doing so, I tried to melt them using the light saber. and We also have employed your plasma gun's [Pulverizer]. They all have no effect, and I had this gut feeling that this won't help us either."

"I know, I had deployed my katana's

[Energy Blade] too,

hmmmm..., but, I think it is still too early to say that this scripts here can't really help us to open that stern steel gate, I mean, why would something like this carved on the tiles just right in front of the entrance, moreover, according to your interpretation, it wasn't just some kind of greetings of welcoming words, right ?"

"then, what You are really trying to say is.... ?"

"What I'm trying to say is... what about..... We just blow up the wall.... instead of the door entrance may be ?"

"My senile princess, if it was the case, it would have collapsed like other buildings around this place, without us having to do something extremely barbaric."

"...., I just... You know. from that sentence, it was different but actually the same ? I thought for a moment that no matter where You hit it, every sides were just the same ?"

"isn't that can also mean no matter what We do We can't enter this structure ? I mean, if it could be opened from the start, wouldn't Your master ever told You about the method to open that ?"

Mada pointed out the indestructable steel door.

Rani raked her brain once again.

"Hold up !!!

'They are indeed different, but they are of the same kind, as there is no duality in Truth.' ???

Mada !!!! Your dagger, where's Your dagger ?!"

Rani was excited all of a sudden.

Mada was somewhat creeped out from the sudden change in Rani's mood.

"Wh-what is My dagger for ?"

"Have You ever tried to check which one of Your current artifact is the strongest ? not by their utilities, but from the material used to make it !"

By this point Mada cought what Rani was thinking about.

"Wait !!! don't tell me ?!"

Rani gave her acknowledgement. She nodded to Mada as her gesture.

"ehm ! it is as You might think. If theoritically speaking, This place was completely sealed for some specific unknown reason. the only way to open it was to break through it, as there seems to be no key or a keyhole to open it from outside.

then, following those premises, what can We use to foce our way into these unbreakable wall and indestructable metal ?....."

Mada continued Rani's hypothesis.

"We can only use something that was able to blast them away or melt them down ?,.... but..... We have used the light saber and plasma gun. which means..."

Rani finally finished their deduction.

"The only option left is to reuse the same maximum Evolver's physical force, but this time, We won't rely on the overheat and explosiveness of my father artifacts, We are gonna crush it using the same indestructable material, The strongest metal We both knew already....

your dagger is definitely fallen into the category of an artifact, although it has no special skill option.

My Uncle had specifically said before that it was forged by the lost art of the Ancient Human as well as made of from the metal that can only be found and mined in the celestial realm, which also means, It is basically a weapon forged from the material of giant stones that were falling to the earth from the high heaven hundreds of years ago !!!!"

Rani recounted the knowledges She had about account of the distant, spectacular past.

Mada wasn't convinced yet.

"So does it mean it is as strong as that steel gate's metal alloy ?"

Rani explained more for Mada.

"Yes it is, if I guess it correctly, The Ancient Human called it as Titanium. the strongest metal that can even withstand the might of a Titan-class Mutant.

It can still be found on earth hundreds of years ago. But, with their God-like technology, the Ancient Human found the ores of the Titanium were deposited larger in quantity inside the Sky stones that floats in the Celestial realm. Which in turns, made it easier to be discovered and mined than actively searching and mining them on the earth's surface.

I believe the that entrance door was also made out of the same Titanium, by putting the fact that even the scorching heat of light saber, Energy Blade and Pulverizer's explosion couldn't even give a scratch, so much so to make a break through.

That's why I was asking, have You ever tried to check if the light saber can even cut of melt your dagger. If the saber failed, there is a certain possibility that Your dagger, even if it wasn't necessarily made from Titanium, it is still strong enough or has an equal toughness compared to that metal gate."

Finally, the long explaination ended.

"I don't think We need to do as far as trying to cut My dagger with the light saber. let's just applied it directly towards that steel door, and see how it goes."

Mada got up from his initial squatting position along with Rani. He felt refreshed after staying in the same position after half an hour.

He stored the tube that was the light saber's handle inside one of his jumper's, or hoodie's pocket and drew his dagger instead.

He activated his Mutation and unleashed his dagger dance after reciting the leaf parchment's poem in one breath.

[Mutation Type : Body Transformation]

[Special trait : Adaptation]


[Dance of Heavenly emperor : shockwave]


Mada directed them all towards the steell door once more.

a deafening explosive sound spreaded swiftly reaching all corners of this massive underground space.

Kabooooooommmmmmm !!!!!!!!


Sparks of fire soared high when Mada's dagger grinded against the unbreakable metal door.



They had done it.

After waiting for the dust to settle and the heat that was generated to disperse.

The two children had done what was previously deemed as impossible.

When inderstructable alloy met its equal in a vicious crash.

What was counted as unbreakable, had now turned out to be breakable.

They ultimately had succeded in opening the entrance to go into the room inside the base part of the broken obelisk.

Rani signaled Mada to be prepared to enter together.

They brought out their weaponry artifacts and had their back half-covered by one another.

Rani gave Mada one last chance to make sure He was fully prepared.

"Ready ?"


"Let's move in"

"I will be right beside You ..."

step !


To be continued