Chereads / A New Life As Ben 10 / Chapter 28 - Ch 28 Protection Job

Chapter 28 - Ch 28 Protection Job

Teaching the temple almost every day quickly became a habit for Ben, who had little else to do with his time. He had opened his club, which he decided to be a troll with the name and called it, "The Dark Side". It was doing quite well and it requires very little of his time to run.

As for who he was teaching, to begin with, it was just Aayla and Ahsoka attending his lessons. For a couple of weeks actually... But, eventually, a few were brave enough to step up and ask for his instructions.

They were all younglings that saw the improvement Ahsoka made and wanted to give it a try. So far, none of them were able to complete even the most basic training regime he had made, but they were still gradually improving.

That he was able to teach their Padawans better than them, 'annoyed' the Jedi, to put it nicely. The ones that don't like him anyway.

Ben found it funny, because he wasn't even trying and just gave the occasional bit of advice, plus healing. He spent more time with his three apprentices, Aayla and Ahsoka, making their power grow immensely over two months.

In that same amount of time, the Jedi Council had presented him with a variety of missions. Mainly, it was Mace Windu trying to send him far away from the temple.

He responded by walking out on them most the time, but if he was particularly ticked off, Ben would make his displeasure known by causing their entire day to be full of accidents and unlucky events.

So many of the "masters" were falling that day.

When the girls' birthday came around, he took the entire day to spoil them and give them a wonderful thirteenth birthday.

A week after their birthday, while Ben was teaching the younglings and showing them the VII Saber Forms, he was called up to the council room for an unmentionable cause.

He would have disregarded the request, but he felt the Force trying to push him to go and became interested.

So, off he went, leaving the younglings in Aayla's care.


"If this is about another 'survey mission', I'm gonna throw the one that suggests it into space." Walking into the Council room, Ben dared them to give another pointless quest, not even looking at the other occupants.

"..." They met his very real threat with silence, partly from fear, but mostly embarrassment.

"I hope this isn't the... 'Jedi' you intend to have guard the senator." It was actually one of the three interlopers that spoke. It was a man with eye patch, wearing a guard uniform.

When he spoke, he and his employer noticed that the sitting Jedi Masters tensed up and looked at the brutish man worriedly.

The Council knew well enough that Ben doesn't react well to bring mislabeled.

"You're ignorant of the matter, so I will ignore that comment." Fortunately, Ben didn't react as they expected. "Remember this however..." He released some his killing intent on the room. "I'm no Jedi." Turning his head to look them, his eyes glowing ominously.

They all trembled fearfully, but then he reigned in his intent and started walking closer as he saw who was with the speaker.

Besides the guard, there was a good looking middle-aged man in blue dress robes, looking every bit the politician he is. But more importantly, at his side, there was a beautiful young woman wearing a yellow cloak with a purple sash around her stomach.

Her brown hair and eyes, fair skin and fairy-like features were enough to capture the attention of anyone. She almost looked like Natalie Portman, but there was a distinguishable difference.

She was even better looking.

Arriving in front of her, Ben looked down at her and stared into her eyes. "Well now, I was interested in what could make the Force guide me here, but I never expected it to be because of this. It seems fate has more in store for you, Padmé Amidala."

"Do I know you?..." Being stared at so intensely and spoken to so familiarly, Padmé took a step back uncomfortably.

"*Chuckle* No." Seeing her discomfort, Ben chuckled and stepped away. "But if I didn't recognise a core component of the timeline, I would be better off killing myself. My sincere apologies to have unnerved you."

Taking a breath to collect herself, Padmé tightened her brow and looked at him, confused by his statement. "If you don't mind, would you introduce yourself and explain what you mean?"

"Benjamin Tennyson. Pleasure to meet you." Quickly doing as she asked, Ben snapped his fingers and created an illusion of a ring of energy. "The timeline is the basis of which the multiverse is built off. For every critical decision to be made, there is a reality in which each outcome comes to pass."

As he explained, branches started growing and splitting in all directions.

"There's a universe where the Jedi are evil. One where genders are reversed. Races switched. Some people died, while others didn't." Letting them watch as the branches wrapped and intertwined, forming a tree out of the tangled mess, before snapping and dispersing it. "You get the point. Infinite possibilities and infinite realities. The Force holds it all together, and it uses certain individual as anchors to make things easier."

Exposing to the reality of their multiverse, Ben left everyone looking bewildered and/or confused. Sure, there maybe be scientific theories, and the Jedi may have delved into the subject in their prime, but none were truly capable of proving it.

What most realised from his word however, was that Padmé Amidala was a very important woman. Multiple sets of eyes were suddenly set of her with concern.

Clapping his hands to draw their attention, Ben decided to get back to why he was there. "So, what's this about guarding a Senator?"

"Hmm. Yes. Return to the matter at hand, we should." Following Ben's leader, Yoda nodded his head and pointed his stick at the Senator group. "Against Senator Amidala, threats have been made. Protect her, we hope you will."

"What kind of threats?" Curious about the situation, Ben didn't think Padmé would already be in danger, so long before the war starts.

"I believe I can explain best." Stepping forward, the man in blue robes introduced himself. "Greetings, Master Tennyson. I am Senator Bail Organa, a close friend of Senator Amidala's."

"Go on." Nodding his head in greeting, Ben waited for him to explain.

Used to dealing with all kinds of people, Organa was not put out by his straightforward attitude. "You see, after ending her term as Queen of Naboo, Padmé joined the Senate with the people's encouragement. Although she hasn't been a Senator long, she has gained quite a bit of traction in bringing change for the less fortunate. Unfortunately, that has disgruntled some less than savoury individuals, who have been sending increasingly threatening messages. Just the other day, her apartment was broken into and destroyed. The word; 'Withdraw', was written on the wall."

"And so you want a Force wielder to guard her, for..? How long?" Ben didn't see why this couldn't be handled by the authorities. But then again, the Government wasn't exactly reliable...

"Well, for as long as it takes to capture the culprits. Which could take a while..." Organa had as much faith in law enforcement as Ben, it would seem.

"Excuse me, but I don't appreciate being talked about as if I'm not even here." Padmé spoke up while frowning. "I do not believe I need more guards. Captain Typho and his men are more than capable of protecting me."

"With all due respect Senator, there are threats that a Jedi can defend you from, which Captain Typho can't." Persuading her, Organa seemed like he had already expected her to be difficult.

"Might I remind you, I can defend myself." She wasn't convinced. After what she had experienced during the blockade around her planet, she fought through waves of battle droids and took her planet back from the Federation.

"How about a counter offer." Hearing that she doesn't want a bodyguard, Ben decided to put his expertise on the table. "Pay me and I will settle the matter for good."

They looked at him, wondering what he might mean. "What do you mean?" Padmé asked, confused as to how he could help.

Meanwhile, the Jedi were holding their heads tiredly, as they knew exactly where this was going.

"I'll kill them. Obviously." Answering as if it was natural, Ben positioned his hands behind his back and leaned forward, getting on her eye level.

"What!? You're suggesting assassination!" Padmé said, appalled that he would suggest such a thing.

"So? Politicians are always sending others to do their dirty work, isn't that your issue? All I'm suggesting is..." Pausing for a second to seem like he was thinking his words through, Ben cocked his head to the side. "Hm... Not exactly 'evening' the board, more like obliterating the other side with overwhelming force."

"That is not how politicians do things!" She protested, feeling insulted that he thought so lowly of her profession.

"I've heard that from A LOT of people, yet they all ended up using my services at some point in time." He rebutted, almost amused at her pride.

She was looking at him so sternly, firmly situated on the idea that politics could actually solve everything.

"You sound like a Sith." Padmé stated with narrowed eyes. Looking at him, his clothing, the way he speaks and moves, along with the dominating aura he has around him, she couldn't help comparing him to the last Sith she encountered. Though it was brief, it was a lasting memory.

"Well, I am naturally inclined the Dark side of the Force, yes. But I assure you, no mere Sith could approach my power." He replied and stood straight, slowly letting the Dark side manifest around him like a cloak of darkness.

It spread out and sapped all the heat from the room, causing the everyones breaths to come out as fog. Subtly, it started influencing the dark desires within them.

Startled by the show of power, the two Senators and Captain took a step back shivering from the sudden chill.

"Now..." Seeing the slight panic of uncertainty in them, Ben once more spoke, this time with a slight allure to his tone. "Are you sure you don't want my assistance?"

Realising that she had backed away, Padmé felt as if she had lost ground for some reason and clenched her fists. His words had no effect of her, but she felt the pressure on her mind and knew that it was the Force at work.

He was challenging her.

Stepping forward again, she looked at him with resolve and firmly rejected him. "No. I will not be an accomplice to murder."

"..." Ben stared at her silently for a moment, and then withdrew the darkness back inside himself. "A wise decision, Senator. I killed the others."

Feeling the temperature return to normal and the strange feelings building within them stop, everyone released shudders of relief.

"What is the meaning of this?" Padmé was frowning at Ben, unhappy that he had tested her, but more so about the mental manipulation.

"Just wanted to know whether you were worth my time. No offence intended. As you might have inferred, my history with politicians is... choppy." With a small snort of amusement at his own 'joke', Ben ignored the blank faces of his audience and moved back on to the important subject. "Anyways, back to the matter of a bodyguard. I still personally believe in exterminating the problem at the source, but if you want to waste money on using me as an invulnerable shield, I'm happy to take it."

"It's decided then." The resident bruding prick decided that he had to speak. "'Lord' Tennyson, will take charge in protecting the Senator until the perpetrators of the threats are apprehended."

Rolling his eyes at Windu's blatant scorn when he said used the title, Ben pretended he wasn't even there. It wasn't his decision to make.

"Senator? Your decision?" As it was her safety in question, Ben asked Padmé directly.

It surprised her, though she didn't show it. She didn't like that he tried to manipulate her mind, but she appreciated that he was asking for her opinion. Which is more than can be said of some people...

Staring at him thoughtfully, Padmé slowly nodded her head. "I will accept, on the condition that you swear never to attempt to influence my mind again."

Seeing that he had in fact offended her with his test, Ben nodded and admitted his fault. "Of course. I apologise for my earlier action, it was insensitive of me. I hope we can get along in the future."

He meant what he said, as there was surely a reason the Force wants him to protect her, and that interests him. After all, the last time the Force directed him to someone, it led him to his dear apprentices.

Speaking of...

"Now that is settled, what is your schedule for the rest of day?" Now that he was officially on the job, he got straight to business.

Although it was a bit sudden, Padmé also switched to business mode and replied. "I have today and tomorrow free while I relocate."

"Good to know. If you're not opposed, you can join me in the courtyard and we will discuss the details after I dismiss my class. Your housing situation being one of them." He already had a solution, but he wasn't sure she'd agree.

"Alright." Nodding her head again, Padmé turned towards the Jedi Council and gave a light curtsey. "Thank you, Master Jedi. I won't take up more of your time."

Giving nothing more than a casual wave to the council, Ben started walking away, the Senators and Captain in tow.

As they left the council room and started walking down the hall, Organa couldn't help asking a question that was on his mind.

"If you don't mind me asking, uhh... Lord Tennyson-" He started speaking, but Ben held up his hand.

"Call me Ben. I never instructed anyone to refer to me as, 'Lord', Yoda started it and everyone else followed." Ben explained without looking at him, then muttered under his breath, just loud enough for them to hear. "Sheep..."

"Right..." That just led to more questions, but the one he wanted to ask was more pressing. "Well, I've noticed you have a... Dislike for the Jedi. Am I wrong?"

"Not at all, and everyone in the temple knows it." It was no secret that Ben looked down on the Jedi, as he bashes them whenever one gets uppity. "I don't respect them in the slightest. They are just a lesser evil and I tolerate them, that's all."

"What do you mean?" Padmé asked curiously. She didn't understand how the Jedi were a "lesser evil", when they were supported as symbols of righteousness.

"It's simple really, they have essentially conditioned hundreds of people into high functioning psychopaths. They teach them to repress their emotions so much that they are more akin to machines and it sickens me." His tone was filled with disgust, as it reminds him of bad times.

"If that's so, then why do you teach their Padawans?" Padmé was confused. She was thinking about his words, as we're her cohorts, considering how accurate his description of them was.

They knew well that the Jedi rejected all types of emotion and didn't like when one of them showed any.

Contrary to their expectations of a deep explanation, Ben just shrugged. "Purely out of boredom." He then stopped and looked at them, seeing their disappointed expression. "Don't confuse my ideals with my actions. I couldn't care less if the Jedi Order was wiped from existence, but I also don't care if they continue their existence. A new order would just take its place in the end, so what's the difference."

"Are you saying that the Jedi are dangerous?" She inquired. The way he speaks about them, they were more like a cult...

"No more than any other idiot with power in the universe." Replying fully, Ben turned back around and started walking again. "Besides, if you are looking for danger, then you would be better off looking within your own ranks."

"What do you mean by that?" Organa asked, as if discovering some kind of conspiracy.

"Sorry. That's for me to know and you to find out." Ben answered mysteriously, refusing to elaborate further. 'Wouldn't want to spoil the ending, now would we?'

The two Senators frowned hearing this. They knew that the Force allowed one to have visions and he made it sound like he knew things no one else does. He even claimed to see through time, though they found it hard to believe completely.

As none Force users, they couldn't comprehend the true complexity of the Force.

"If you know something, it is your duty as a citizen of the republic to report criminal activity." Padmé grabbed his arm and he turned around. She believed him when he said there was some corruption within and wanted to uncover it.

"Hahaha!" She didn't expect him to laugh at her however. "I'm not a citizen of the Republic, dear Senator, so I'm not obligated to do anything. And even if I did tell you everything I knew, I doubt you would believe half it." Looking at her again, he could see the deep frown on her face. "For example, if I said something like; "the Chancellor is a Sith lord". Or, "in roughly 1 year, 9 months, and 3-ish weeks, there will be a war on a desert planet, fought by a one man army'. Lastly, "the Banking clan are going to be incredibly successful in the future". I'll be nice and tell you now, two out of three are the truth."

He laughed lowly, watching their expressions warp incredulously, knowing that they for sure didn't believe the first and would be shocked when the second comes to pass. The third? Not in the fates.

At this point, they were beginning to believe that he was just talking nonsense and messing with them. How they will regret not believing him...

"If your done asking questions, come on. My apprentices are waiting." Done playing, Ben stopped allowing interruptions and led them down to the courtyard. Though, Organa had other engagements and left the group along the way.

When they got there and saw Aayla instructing the group through repetitive saber exercises.

"They are very disciplined." Speaking for the first time since the council room, Captain Typho observed their unified movement and praised.

"It's just the beginning of their training, but it's a start." Ben commented back blandly, not as impressed by their performance. As he walked further into view, he waved his hand and sent out a pulse of gold healing energy, rejuvenate everyone.

As he did this, it was also a signal for training to cease, so the younglings all sat down to meditate.

"Master!" As soon as he used the Force, his three apprentices and pseudo-apprentice came running with big smiles on their faces.

"Don't tell me you missed me that much, I was only gone a few minutes." Ben quipped, seeing that they were so quick they were to greet him.

"Don't flatter yourself, we're just glad to stop training. Benji~" Ahsoka snarked back with a grin, referring to him with a nickname she decided on.

"Oh? I didn't know you stopped liking my cooking, Ahsoka. You should tell me these things sooner." He countered playfully, smiling at her beneath his helmet. "I'll make sure not to make anything for you in the future."

"What!!?" She almost shouted, shock and panic crossing her face for a brief moment, but quickly realising that he was joking.

It was obvious from the beginning, but his food was just that good, so she had a momentarily lapse in judgement.

Pouting angrily, she crossed her arms and mock-stomped her foot. It would be very convincing, if not for the small upturn at the corners of her lips.

"Hehehe" Giggling at their back and forth, the triplets enjoyed the interactions between their Master and fellow student.

"Master, who is this?" After laughing a bit, Vette looked at the two people accompanying her Master. One was clearly a guard, so she was more interest in the smiling woman, whom looked at them with compassion and kindness.

Her sister's were also looking at her and they could feel she was a good person, so they were curious about her.

"She's so pretty!" Maila stated honestly, her innocent eyes shining with admiration.

With a happy smile, Padmé bent down a bit and thanked her. "Thank you very much. You're very pretty as well." When she saw the young Twi'lek smile adorably, she wanted to wrap her arms around her and never let go.

"Girls, this is Padmé Amidala, the Senator of Naboo. I'll be protecting her for the foreseeable future." Ben introduced her and explained the situation. "Why don't you introduce yourselves."

"Hiya! I'm Maila! I hope we can be friends!" Maila introduced herself, like the little bundle of joy she was. She had really come out her shell since settling down on Coruscant and spoke to people more confidently. The Force helped in gauging people.

"Haha, of course!" Infected by her positive attitude, Padmé couldn't help giggling and answering enthusiastically. "I would love to be friends with you."

Taking a step forward, Vette showed a composed expression, a small, amicable smile on her face. "Greetings, Senator. My name is Vette, it's nice to meet you. If I can assist you in my Master's stead, I'm happy to help." She maintained a mature demeanor, trying to embody the image of her Master.

Seeing her practiced way of speaking, Padmé copied her bearing and stood up properly, showing a relaxed smile. "I will be sure to remember that, thank you. I hope we can also be friends."

Showing a cheerful smile, Vette nodded her head. "I would like that."

"And I'm Thalia." Introducing herself simply, she was staring at Padmé analytically, as she was still deciding whether she should trust her. Though she did add. "You can relax peacefully with our Master protecting you. There's nothing he can't do!"

Looking at the more reserved of the trio, Padmé lifted an eyebrow curiously. "You seem to have a lot of faith in your Master."

Turning her head up pridefully, Thalia snorted. "Of course! We've seen Master destroy a planet just from meditating, nothing can stop him!"

Padmé and Captain Typho looked at her in shock, then at Ben in horror. "Surely she's joking...?" Padmé asked, hoping she was.

"If it helps you sleep at night, then sure, she's joking..." Ben replied, not reassuring them of anything and mildly frustrating them. Much to his and Thalia's amusement.

He was a bad influence on her...

"Don't listen to them Senator, it will be better for your health if you don't think about how obscenely powerful this guy is. Believe me." Ahsoka was holding her head tiredly, too used to hearing the absurd, but true stories. "Oh, my name's Ahsoka by the way. I'm a Padawan of the Jedi Temple."

"I think I will trust you on that, Ahsoka. For my health..." Shaking her head slightly and choosing to believe Thalia was kidding, Padmé feared she might develop stress wrinkles.

Chuckling at her distress, Ben clapped his hands together. "Alright enough of that, we have business to discuss and I don't think the Senator wants to do so in the open." Turning his head, he saw Aayla making her way over. "And Aayla is on her way over, so get ready to go while I dismiss the younglings."

Saying that, he walked over to the group of meditating younglings, giving them leave for the day and returning right after, greeting Aayla briefly before turning Padmé.

"Senator, if you aren't opposed, I would like to discuss things at our residence." Extending an invitation to his current home, Ben saw her bodyguard whisper to her cautiously, but she shook her head.

Ben could hear him warning her that it wasn't necessarily safe, but she seemed convinced otherwise.

"If you can accommodate Captain Typho as well, there's no problem." Padmé responded, sharing a look with her guard.

"Then let's go." Not wasting any more time, he took out a large speeder capable of carrying everyone. He didn't even care about hiding his inventory at this point, ignoring the shocked expressions of Padmé and Typho.

While the other five got seated without pause, they were frozen in place, too shocked by the unexplainable phenomenon to react.

Using the Force, Ben just lifted them into their seats, then drove off while ignoring their shattering grasp on reality. After cloaking the vehicle with magic, Ben sped off like a bat out of Hell, ignoring and weaving through traffic on his way.

When he went zooming past a Police vehicle, Padmé and Typho were afraid of the consequences, but were left dumbfounded when they were completely ignored.

They realised that there was some kind of cloaking going on and were shocked. There were ships with cloaking field generator's, sure, but nothing this small.

They had no idea that he was using magic.

Taking whatever route he felt like, it wasn't long before they arrived at a large balcony and were departing from the vehicle, which Ben put back in his inventory.

"Come on inside, the food is almost done." Without looking at them, Ben opened the doors and head inside while sending his armour to his inventory, opting for sweatpants and a tank top generated with the Omnitrix.

"Woohoo!" Running past him, Maila and Ahsoka rushed to get washed up to be the first at the table.

Aayla and Vette sighed simultaneously, wondering how those two can still be so energetic after training. Not that they don't understand where it comes from, as they were following right behind them with Thalia.

Ben led the others to the lounge area and sat in an extremely comfortable, for him anyway, Rancor leather chair. "Senator, Captain, feel free to take a seat."

"Thank you..." Still shook up from the rollercoaster ride there, Padmé took a seat on one of the long couches. Her guard remained standing however.

They were now staring at Ben, who was now in casual clothing, allowing them to see his appearance. Although he was tall, muscular and handsome, they could still see he was incredibly young.

Seeing them gawking at him, Ben smirked and tilted his head back obnoxiously. "I know, I'm so handsome it stuns the galaxy."

This broke them out of their stupor and they deadpanned him instead. They were beginning to understand that he enjoys messing with people.

"I wasn't expecting you to be so young." Padmé admitted, looking at him as if she was trying to figure out his age.

"I'll be 14 in a few months." Ben grinned in amusement at their shock and lounged back in his chair, interlocking his fingers behind his head. "Physically that is. Mentally... Heh, let's just say I'm older and leave it at that. Consider it a racial trait."

"I don't believe I've heard of such a species..." Looking thoughtful, Padmé held her chin and tried to remember if she'd heard of human-like race that ages faster mentally.

"And you're not going to." He replied and partially transformed his eyes into his Anodite form for a spit second. With a wave of his hand, he used the Force and brought out a tray filled with various drinks."Now, let's start with our discussion. I assume your Captain will be the one dealing with the finer points of your security, but what do you want from me? Do you want my direct presence at all hours of the day? Where do you feel the most at risk? What is your policy on the amount of force you care about me using? That kind of stuff."

From there, they went back and forth, both Padmé and Typho giving their thoughts on the matter. Obviously, she didn't want to be treated like a child who needs to be watched all the time, but it was important that there was a show that she was under his protection.

That was why he would accompany her in public, like attending to her duties in the Senate or social events. During private affairs, Captain Typho would be her primary protector.

The main threat was likely to be Bounty Hunters, as they were third parties and didn't have any loyalty besides the highest bidder. Ben had a reputation even now, so if they were smart, they would run at the sight of him.

As for the threats, he was requested to stay uninvolved and leave it to the authorities. He was only permitted to use lethal force if there was a viable threat to Padmé's life, but she was the employer, so he agreed.

"Alright then, the last thing I want to discuss is your residency. Do you already have somewhere arranged?" Just about everything had been arranged, so he moved to the final issue.

"As a Senator, the Senate will provide me a new residence, which should be ready tomorrow." Padmé told him. Currently, she was in a temporary housing, though it felt more like a prison with Senate Guards stationed at all entrances.

"This building has several floors available. Walls and windows are all reinforced, as well as ray-shielded to the brim. The security system is beyond anything the Republic currently has and can act as a fallout shelter, should it be required. There is a couple floors dedicated to making the building completely self-sufficient, with indoor agriculture, gym and medical facilities." Giving a brief overview of the complex's protective features. "What I'm saying is, if you move here, I can guarantee that you will be protected at home no matter what and allow you to relax."

His offer surprised them, but it also raised suspicion. Which was fair. If they didn't think he might have alterior motives, Ben would be disappointed.

"Of course, I will allow your attendants to join you and give Captain Typho an appropriate level of clearance." He added, expecting nothing less as a requirement. "My only rule is, no inviting anyone to the building that isn't pre-approved. It would be messy."

He's not paranoid, he just likes to make things. Definitely...

Turning to the Captain, Padmé had a quiet discussion with him before answering. "I will take your offer, but only if Captain Typho is permitted to conduct a thorough survey and confirm that it is secure."

"No problem." Standing up, with Padmé joining him, he waved his hand and pulled a holopad into his hand. "If you place your hand on here, I can get you onto the no-kill list and you'll be free to move around most places freely."

Listening to him, Padmé took the initiative to place her hand on the screen. Immediately, it scanned her genetic makeup and granted her residential clearance.

Captain Typho followed her lead, then Ben turned the screen to himself and gave the man a low level security clearance, before handing him the pad.

"You're good to go. You can't access my workshop, my club, the generator or any of the girls rooms, but you can go everywhere until I say otherwise. There are cameras in every hallway and social room, covering every angle, recording every second of every day." As Ben explained, Typho started flipping through the cameras. "I can give you a proper tour later and renovate as we go, but first, feel free to join us for lunch."

Walking away, he made his way to dining room, where the others were already waiting and plates of food flew out from the kitchen.

Although hesitant, Padmé joined them and experienced the miracle that is his food, immediately shifting her perspective of him. Even if she was killed right now, his food would make it worth it.

Once they had filled their stomach, he took her on the promised tour. As he told her, he got her opinion for the decor when they decided on a floor, shocking her as he bought specific items from his system store.

Soon enough, he had turned an entire floor into an ideal home for her, plus live-in space for her employees. He drove her to her temporary residence and picked up her few remaining personal effects, dismissing the guards and returning to his building for dinner soon after.

Thanks to the girls company, Padmé seemed to quickly adapt to her new home and found herself relaxing more than she had in years.

Despite his guard still being up, Typho also seemed to enjoy his new residence, along with his fellow guards and attendants, who suddenly received his call to come over.

They were unsure at first, but then a droid appeared at their door and presented a contract Ben had quickly made, basically saying they and their families can live there at almost no cost, along with the benefits. They just had to respect the same rules he gave Padmé.

For some, it was a no-brainer, as the conditions on Coruscant are pretty shit. For others, it was unimportant where they stayed, as it was part of their job to move a lot.

Suffice to say, when they actually got there, with droid assistance, they were stunned and overjoyed by the level of comfort they felt. They were almost tempted to quit their current job and beg to be employed by the owner.

Unfortunately, Ben had no interest in chatting with them and didn't bother going to greet them, but they were still very happy.

Now, they just hoped Padmé wouldn't move somewhere else.



Name - Ben

Lv - 69 (123,060/245,000)

Title - Wielder of the Omnitrix, Anti-Hero, Idol Slayer

State - Healthy MP - 529,550

STR - 3633

END - 3734

AGI - 3633

CHA - 3635

INT - 308

LUK - 777

AP - 0 SP - 1,705,200

Primary Skills: CQC Lv-5, Marksmanship Lv-5, Intimidation Lv-5, Danger Sense Lv-4, Sneak Lv-4, Mana Manipulation Lv-3

Secondary Skills: Drawing Lv-3, Math Lv-4, Science Lv-4, Writing/Literacy Lv-4, Maneuvering Lv-5, Driving Lv-4, Engineering Lv-5, Cooking Lv-4, Pain Tolerance Lv-9, Bioengineering Lv-5, Programming Lv-5, Torture Lv-5, Acting Lv-4, Enchanting Lv-3

Unique Skill: Wrath, Love and Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Omnilingualism, Eidetic Memory, Analyse, Night Vision, The Force]

(0 Recoveries Stored)

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