Chapter 8 - Chapter 8

(Ashborn POV)

I'm reviewing information that I got from Adler and Hawky, they both already entered major cities of the Elven Kingdom.

'So Arthur became some Virion guy's disciple and now is allowed to stay in the elf kingdom.'

Not only that, it seems that he can freely walk around the city and nobody is allowed to do a thing to him. The King of Elenoir spread this information for everyone, to avoid Arthur getting harmed.

'Adler, good job. That makes everything easier.' I complimented my eagle servant, he happily chirped in response.

Since I'm Arthur's twin, this leaves me less trouble. I can walk around the city of Elenoir and the elves will think of me as Arthur.

The comical situation indeed.

Another piece of information is that Arthur resides in a castle with the Royal Family, which makes it even easier to find him.

'Seems like Arthur picked up the interest of this Virion guy if he let Art stay there... ' I commented in my mind.

I don't know why Arthur agreed on becoming a disciple, but as his brother, I felt proud of him for surviving all the hurdles.

'It's only natural for a brother to feel proud of his sibling. ' I thought, remembering how my successor cared for his sister.

'But she was also quite rude to him... ' I remembered moments when his sister grumbled in displeasure and sometimes even hit him on the head.

Useless thoughts away, I will sleep some more. So I wouldn't be tired in Elenoir.


"Time to go. " I said and changed my clothes.

Adler already found a place where I can teleport, unseen by other inhabitants of the same place.

I sank in my shadow and emerged right next to Adler, and as soon as this happened Adler merged with my shadow.

"Hawky, come here." I then commanded my second servant, who later appeared in my shadow. Ready to come out right away.

"Let's take a walk now..." I said out loud and began walking away from the alley.

When I came out of the alleyway I saw a wide street, with lights still turned on, lightening the entirety of the site. Elves sure worked hard, it feels like it's still daylight.

A large number of elves were still roaming around doing different things. Still, nobody noticed me, as I kept my presence hidden.

I commenced walking towards Arthur's mana signature, which was pretty close. Why didn't I ask my shadows to find Arthur and merge with his shadow? Because I'm going to find him myself.

Arthur's mana is clearly apparent to me, I can feel it so clearly that I know accurately what he is doing now.

I indeed could sense him sleeping peacefully… While some elf girl was standing right next to his bed.

'That... is suspicious. ' I narrowed my eyes when I felt a girl's mana near Arthur... at this hour... at night...

I reinforced my legs with mana and jumped on near the building without anyone hearing me. The castle was close to me, I should be able to stop them from doing anything stupid. Who is that girl anyway?

(*Spoiler Warning*If you ask me how he can sense mana at such a distance. then in LN Jin-woo as Shadow Monarch could cover the whole earth with mana and sense Beast Monarch on another side of the earth. So that's EZ, even if he is a child for now.)

'Hawky, come out and fly towards the castle.' I telepathically commanded, as Hawky flew out and swiftly jumped on him.

Feeling me standing on him, Hawky flew high in the ground without creating much noises.

I spotted many things that weren't in Sapin. First of all, schools. There were plenty of them. Unlike humans, elves seem to be more caring about their future generation. Overall... Elenoir is way better than Xyrus.

'Hawky descend. ' Hawky commenced downward when we were already above the castle. The castle itself had a backyard, a perfect spot for our landing.

We successfully landed on the ground, immediately Hawky jumped in my shadow.

'No guards noticed my presence. ' I noted in my mind and went towards the castle.

I swiftly entered through the door that connected the big hallway to the back yards.


(Arthur POV)

While I was peacefully sleeping, having beautiful dreams abou- Unfortunately I wasn't able to dive in my dreamland that far, apparently, a certain elf-girl had to wake me up. Her violent behavior for a long time bothered me, this time wasn't an exception.

"Ugh! " It hurts seriously. Tess fell on me with an elbow aimed at my stomach.

"Art, Let's go out." she said. I could feel some sadness in her voice.


Apparently, the princess wanted to sneak out of the castle and roam around the city. Because she always wished to freely walk around without the need for guards and companions, while enjoying views.

"Are you scared to go alone? " I teased and she just turned around, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Tsk, I'm just allowing you to walk with me. " She angrily pouted.

"But, I'm so sleepy. " I groaned once again and fell on my bed.

"Please, Art just this once... " She showed me puppy eyes.

"You guys should sleep more if you want to be healthy." A new voice rang out in our ears. I seriously thought it was gramps, but the next lines shocked me.

"Arthur, haven't seen you for months. " So, someone I haven't met for months...

"Who are you? " I asked a voice and looked at Tess, who looked scared.

"Can't you recognize brother? " Voice asked me, for a moment I stopped in my tracks. My brother?

'How the hell did he get here?!' I screamed in my mind. Now I was sure of the identity of the voice.

"Ash? "

"Yes. " He quickly responded and came out from the darkness. With moonlight, I was finally able to view his face after so long.

"How did you even get here? " I demanded, not comprehending how he got into the castle. But that's not all, how had he even arrived in Elenoir?

"You can say the mana-beast helped me. " He answered.

"Excuse me, who are you? You seem close to Art. " Tessia interrupted, asking for identity. Ash finally noticed her.

"Oh... Arthur... I know it's maybe too early to say this... but... You have my blessing. " He first turned to Tess then turned once again towards me and said this... now I'm embarrassed.

"Why are you saying this with such an emotionless face?!" I realized what he implied, Unfortunately, Tess as well understood the meaning behind Ash's words.

Her face was red as a tomato, she couldn't even utter a word to retord. This was the time when someone opened the door.

"HA! Found you, little one! " Gramps rushed into the room but froze after catching my brother in sight.

He first glanced at me and Tess, Our faces were all red and that was probably the most confusing part for him.

Then he turned to Ash. Noticing him, Gramps narrowed his eyes even more.

"Brat, did you invent new magic? " He asked and in response, I shook my head.

"Excuse me for invading your lovely castle like that. I'm Ashborn Leywin, brother of Arthur." However, Ash's forced introduction didn't reassure gramps anyhow.

"HM... " Virion stared at Ashborn for quite some time, then turned towards me again. After staring at me for some time, it felt like he was measuring us. Then he again turned to Ash.

"This!? Brat! YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK ONCE WITH THOSE TRICKS. " He cried out at me while pointing a finger at Ashborn.

"Gramps... He really is my twin brother."

"For real?"

"For real. " I and Ash answered at the same time.

"That explains why you are so similar. But the second question is how did you even get here? " Gramps demanded, I was pretty curious about this too.

"I got a unique mana-beast companion. " Ash responded to his question.

"Can you show me this friend of yours?"

"He is standing behind you." Ash pointed in Virion's direction, I looked towards him.

Virion turned around, to be met with nothing but black. I was confused too and looked around until I noticed something blue glowing in the darkness. So the bird-like creature parted its wings and opened its eyes.

'His body is black, but wings are glowing blue. How did I not notice it ?! ' I yelled in my mind. I wasn't able to sense the slightest sounds or mana. How could it enter here, even without gramps noticing?

"BRAT, THIS IS?!" Startled gramps yeller and backed away from the creature.

"I call him Hawky. " Ash answered nonchalantly. Ash from time to time is childish, but he doesn't realize that.

"It's so beautiful. " Tess finally spoke, while staring at the mana-beast in front of her.

"This mana-beast looks like Sonic-Hawk. But it doesn't have such... colors. And such colors are nearly impossible to have by normal mana-beasts. " Saying this Virion, walked around mana-beast now already known as Hawky and observed it.

"Ash, you should be tired of such a journey. Want to take a nap? " I questioned him.

"No, I was laying on Hawky while he was flying." He answered.

"Arthur, you may already realize what is the real reason for me coming here... " He continued and when he said that, the air in the room tensed up.

"Will you come back or stay here?" He finished with a question.

"Ash, I already told our parents why I'm staying here. I have to assimilate with my Beast Will." I answered but his next statement shocked me and Virion too.

"If I told you that I have a way to remove the beast will. What will you do? " He asked.

"No. " I answered without any hesitation. This was Sylvia's will, not in the million years I will agree to weed it out.

(Ashborn POV)

"No. " He answered my question without a second thought. Guess there's nothing I can do about it.

"I see. But soon our youngest sibling is going to be born, don't you at least want to come for this? " I questioned him. Seeing how he glanced at elf-girl, I added more to my statement

"Of course I assure you that I will bring you back here."

"No, Art, he is just kidnapping you! " Elf girl shouted and clenched to Arthur.

"But it's still early, isn't it? It should be months away from actual childbirth." Arthur returned the question.

"Minimum 2 months. " I answered. That wasn't an exact answer, I don't know when mom got pregnant, but right now by judging from the size of her belly, this is just the minimum.

"I'll come in 2 months then. " I told him and began walking towards the window, there wasn't my need anymore.

"Wait! Are you going to leave like this?" He called out for me.

"Yes, It's not like I have a choice. Mom will be worried if he sees that I'm not in bed. Besides I see you are okay, also I verified that I will soon have a sister in law.. " As I said that I jumped out of the window.

I heard Arthur shouting at me in the room, but I left by that time. Leaving Adler in Arthur's shadow. Now it's time to go home.


(Virion Eralith POV)

After the second monster brat left, I wondered where that mana-beast behind me went.

Mana-beast or not, it left without any sounds. As a wind mage, I should be able to sense movements in the air without any trouble but... this beast vanished. I couldn't sense anything at all.

The brat was the same. I couldn't see his mana-core stage, I couldn't sense his mana, I'm a Mid-Silver stage augmenter and I couldn't see his mana core of a 4-year-old brat, is that even possible?

I don't know... If there are such siblings as those two brats... Then I fear to see their family.


Phew. I know this must be dumb. Such a reunion and then immediately leaving... But I'm changing the plot a little bit.

*Spoiler Warning* Major events till Xyrus Academy Attack will be the same. Then I will start changing almost everything. Even adding a few things from Solo Leveling.

Don't worry it wouldn't be the thing that changes the whole logic of this world. Just something that was introduced in Solo Leveling and can greatly merge in this story.