Chapter 9 - Chapter 9

(Ashborn POV)

Right now I'm in my room. Pondering about what I saw inside of Arthur when I checked what was the thing that they termed as Beast Will.

This feeling that I felt when I entered Arthur's Mindscape. It felt like...

*Spoiler Warning*

Cup Of Reincarnation.

Not exactly it, but it felt like there was it. Perhaps Rulers used Cup Of Reincarnation once again and it couldn't hold it anymore and reached the limit? Did the Cup finally break?

"Tch. " I clicked my tongue at this patheticness.

They couldn't even take care of such a mightily and hazardous tool. If my guess is right then, this means that when the Cup finally broke, somehow few fragments reached this world.

But that's not the only thing. That Beast Will inside of Arthur, could manipulate this power even if not perfectly.

Which means only one thing. If there is an individual who is able to handle it, there as well will be another one who can do the same.

This world has luck. If the cup was to get in this world, with full it's capabilities, the world would be without a doubt doomed.

And now that the Cup doesn't exist, it means there is nothing I should worry about apart from fragments being here. Even the Cup itself couldn't deceive Monarchs and Rulers when reversing time. Now I doubt it couldn't even stop time in our presence.

"I still have to prepare, I haven't recovered even an ounce of my former power. " I muttered.

If there is an individual capable of influencing fragments, undoubtedly it would be the strongest creature on this planet.

"Now that I think of it. It is truly foolish to believe that there is only one mainland on this planet. "

It was decided by me after my mother successfully gives birth to my precious young sibling, I shall visit a place where I can increase my army count. Perfect spot for this...

Beast Glades.

The territory is full of mana-beasts and my eventual Shadow Soldiers. The entirety of Beast Glades is still not explored, meaning people don't tend to go down further in dungeons.

Constantly new dungeons appear on the surface, many of them are cleared by adventurers for rewards. Lower level dungeons, with stronger mana-beasts, are mostly blocked and entry is restricted only for military operations.

That is only better for me. If humans can't go deep down there, that means that nobody will see me there.


"Mom, when exactly will you give me a little sibling? " I asked, while also trying to act childish.

"Soon, honey. It's already the 8th month." She responded to my question, with her always reassuring smile.

"That means, in about 1 month or so, right?" It was now my father who asked.

"Yes." Briefly answered my mother.

"If only Arthur was able to come here." Muttered father, he was visibly sad about him not being with us.

I didn't voice anything. If I mention something about bringing Arthur now, my mother would get too emotional which is bad for her condition.

"Father, I also wanted to ask something." Instead, I changed the topic.

"What is it?" He turned to me.

"You aren't against me having a mana-beast as a bond?" I questioned him.

"Not particularly." He answered.

"It's just because I got to bond."

"Oh really... Wait what?" He stared at me dumbfounded, he still couldn't process what I told him. My mother was also the same as him, confused about the whole situation.

"As I said I got a bond. " I repeated what I previously said, making both of them widen their eyes.

"A-And where is your bond?" Father asked me, I could already see a glimpse of excitement in his eyes.

"You see he is special. Come out Hawky. " I called out for my servant, who swiftly emerged from my shadow.

"Woah! But when or where did you find him? " My father demanded with excitement in his voice while staring at the black creature with the blue wings in front of him. The only woman in the room looked skeptical, in response to this, Hawky lowered its head showing loyalty.

"Wow. " My mother was surprised at Hawky's actions.

"Honey, what class do you think it is?" Without facing her father asked, as he was busy patting winged creature.

"I-I don't know... " My mother couldn't even find words to describe what was standing in front of her, and father was asking her how powerful it was.

"I never in my life saw such a beast. Also, its ability is something else ha-ha." Father laughed awkwardly, continuing patting Hawky.

"I think it looks like Sonic-Hawk. " Seems like mother found out small similarities, I hope father can't recall what mana-beast core he gave me that day...

"Maybe it's some mutated beast?"

"So can I have him?" I questioned. I'll still keep it in my shadow even if they disagree. I just want to display having a strong protector beside me, no matter how strong I am myself. Parents would never send their child in danger alone, this was the reason for me showing Hawky to them.

"Of course. He is your bond, not ours. Also, he resides in your shadow so I don't think Vincent would have problems with that. "

"By the way, father. Does Uncle Vincent know about my awakening? " I wanted to make it clear that Vincent doesn't know about this. He is the kind of person who could spill information, without him even realizing it. I know he is a kind person and never means harm to anyone, but it's still bothersome.

"No. Father and I made sure that nobody other than us and Twin-horns know about this." Mother answered in father's stead, reassuring me.

'That's good. '


(Arthur POV)

After a long day of training, I took a bath and was ready to go to sleep.

Approaching my bed and getting ready to tackle it, I felt a hand on my shoulder. By instinct I threw a jab at my back, aiming for the face of whoever that person was. However, my sudden attack got blocked and I saw the blank face of my brother.

"Arthur, why would you do that? " He asked, still with the same blank face that I remember so well. His careless outlook irritates me.


"I'll note that." He stated and removed his hands from me.

"So why did you come?" I questioned him as we sat down on my bed.

"Mom's childbirth time is approaching, you shall come back. Don't you want to?" He asked me, obviously I wanted to come back.

"Of course I want to." I answered him shortly.

"Then go and pack your things and tell your gir-... Future Girlfriend that you are leaving. " He said with an expressionless face. For the stunt he just pulled out, I want to punch him so bad...

"When did you learn teasing?" I sought. I was genuinely curious about this, how could my deadpan brother behave like that?

"Also, don't forget to notify that Virion guy." He ignored me and continued, damn...

"*Sigh* Whatever. Wait here, you can lay on the bed if you are tired." I told him and exited the room.

(Ashborn POV)

Arthur soon came back with the Virion guy.

"So, brat you are going back? " Virion asked Arthur.

"I will meet my new sibling and I'll come back, Gramps." My brother replied.

"It's not like Arthur has any choice if he wants to assimilate with his beast-will." I also added my sentence.

"That's damn right, brat! " Yelled Virion, it seemed like he wanted Arthur to stay not only as his student. I see...

"I almost forgot Arthur. I managed to get a communication scroll for you and your future girlfriend. " I took out 2 scrolls from my pockets.

"She is not my girlfriend! " Arthur yelled at me in frustration with his red face.

"Yet~" Virions also joined my teasing assault.

"I'll remember that... I won't forgive you guys. " Arthur muttered, glancing at us with dead eyes.

"It's time to go Arthur. " I motioned him to go out.

"Wait, I have to see Tess first." He quickly ran out of the room. That's good… Have more than one thing you care about Arthur.

"Follow me brat, I'll take you to the backyard."

I ignored Virion calling me a brat and followed him nonetheless.


I and Virion were waiting for Arthur to come back. While waiting for him, Virion spoke up.

"Brat, What is that bond you have?" He suddenly questioned me.

"He is Sonic Hawk. My father said he is mutated." I technically told the truth, I wasn't familiar with the species born in this world.

"And why can't I feel mana from it? " He questioned again and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Why are you asking me? You are more knowledgeable than me. " I answered the question with a question to change the topic. Technically the old elf was in this world longer than me, he should know more than me.

"You two brats will be the reason why I'll die early! Both Magicians at 4. One has a beast-will and one has a bond. Just what family do you have? Huh?! "He yelled in frustration, stomping ground madly. I sort of understand him.

"Father Raynolds Leywin, former B-Rank Adventurer. Mother Alice Leywin, Healer, and former Adventurer. And also a new member of the family who is not born yet. " I answered.

"I don't believe it!" Shouted Virion, turning away from me. What's with sudden jealousy?

"They are coming. " I announced and noticed Arthur and his girlfriend coming out.

They slowly approached us. I could see the girl's red eyes and Arthur's chest that was wet, probably from tears... (Don't think something lewd)

"Tess, I'll come back in no time. So don't worry much okay. Besides, take this." Arthur tried to cheer up Tessia and also gave her a communication scroll, which I brought for them.

"What is this? " Tessia asked.

"That is a communication scroll. Just open it and state Arthur Leywin and it will automatically call for him. " I straightened out.

"So, I can still see Arthur?"

"Yes, but it has a limit so don't use it much. " I told them. This communication scroll had a limit of calling and it can't be used more than 5 times. (Idk if that is how they work. But communication scrolls indeed have a limit of usage, besides this doesn't change anything.)

Tessia couldn't hold more and once again started crying. She tightly hugged Arthur.

'What a crybaby... Gave me heartburn. Tank I will assign you to her later when I'll send you and Adler with Arthur later for protection. ' I telepathically told the bear, whose noise of agreement I could hear from here.

"Arthur, Time to go. " I aforesaid and jumped on Hawky. We were still by biological means 4-year-old brats, so we could easily fit on the winged creature.

"Bye, Tess. Bye Gramps. If something happens, call me with a scroll. I'm only leaving for a few weeks, so don't miss me much. " He told them and also hopped on Hawky.

"Bye, Brat."

"Come back as soon as possible Arthur!" Shouted Tess with tears in her eyes.

"Hawky go. " I commanded the hawk and he flapped his wings just for the show and took off.


"Just how fast is your bond?" Arthur queried me, I could hardly hear him now, because of the front breeze.

"He is fast enough to kill any magicians in Sapin. " I answered. But I went overboard because Arthur widened his eyes at this.

"He isn't even flapping his wings to fly..." Arthur noticed that Hawky's wings were static all the time.

"His wings are from mana. He doesn't need to flap them to fly. Besides, he can detach feathers and control them from a distance." I explained.

Arthur looked at Hawky with awe, while Hawky itself formed a proud grin on his face and looked back at him smugly...

"So what are you going to tell mom and dad? " Arthur asked me.

"Isn't it obvious? I came to you and took you with me."

"No, That's not it! I mean how you will explain that you flew to Elenoir and back to Xyrus in a single night! " Arthur yelled at me.

"They are already familiar with Hawky. " I answered, I couldn't understand what's with him?

Arthur just facepalmed at me and stared down on land which we were flying above.


"We are here. " I announced and pointed at the manor in front of us.

"You were living here all along?"

"Yes, now let's enter from the window of my bedroom. " I motioned Hawky to fly towards my bedroom's "Entrance".

Hawky swiftly flew towards my bedroom and neared it without any issue. I opened the window and hopped into my bedroom. Arthur did the same and followed me inside.

"You even prepared a second bed for me."

"When mother learned that you were alive she asked the father to add another bed in my room." I told him and Arthur's expression softened. I felt like he was on the verge of crying.

"By the way, go to sleep now. Let's not wake them up this early. " I told him and he nodded.


(Reynold's POV)

I woke up early in the morning. Alice has been sleeping peacefully since the day she learned about Arthur. Finally, she was able to remove the burden from her shoulders, now I don't have to worry about this matter at least.

It was morning and the sun was by now high up in the sky. That means we have the workout to do!

I have to wake up Ash.

Changing my clothes quickly, I walked out of the room without waking up Alice and ran towards Ash's bedroom.

I quickly made my way towards it and opened the room with a bang. Ash didn't wake up...

It's strange knowing he always wakes up prior to my entrance. I slowly approached the bed with quiet steps, indeed I saw Ash sleeping there.

'HM... Did Ash get a little bit smaller?' I noticed Ash being a lot thinner than he was before.

"Hey, Ash! Wakey Wakey! Time for training!" I yelled in his ear and he immediately jolted up.

"Ash, It's time for training."

"I'm Arthur, Dad." He mumbled, staring dead in my eyes. I froze for instance.

"Nice joke ha-ha!" I quickly shrugged it off, not believing his words.

"Ah, You already met them." I heard another identical voice behind me, looking back I could see another Ash?

Again I turned to Ash in bed, then again turned to Ash, who just entered the room. Realization hit me hard.

"Holy sheet! "


Author here!

What do you think about things that I added from Solo Leveling?

I said it would merge greatly in TBATE.

*Spoiler Warning*

Aether is the same element that was used in Cup Of Reincarnation but its effects are way smaller. I know the logical way exactly how and why it is in TBATE, as I said it merges greatly.

The main power of Asuras was neutralized. Heheeee

Just tell me your opinions about it and I might change things.
