Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

(Ashborn POV)

Presently, I'm having dinner with my father and my mother. It's already quite some time since that occurrence took place. 2 months since then. My mother's belly has grown a considerable size in that time frame.

The meal that we were having right now was my... no, our most favorite one.

It was the first time my mother decided to cook for us since we came to Xyrus. I was enjoying beef stew until once again someone decided and 'tried' to invade my mind.

'Is it that mysterious voice that sprung up before? ' I wondered.

This time it also tried to invade my parents. Obviously, I wasn't letting it happen. So instead I counterattacked on my own.

I focussed on the foreign mana signature and I saw some woman's face, clearly an elf.

'Who are you, woman? ' I asked the woman. She flinched and with wide eyes stared at nothingness.

I ascertained this woman, till I saw someone next to her. That, someone, was Arthur.

'Oh is that Arthur? Let me talk to him. ' I was polite enough to ask an old lady for permission, speaking through someone's body is indeed crude.

(Arthur POV)

"Enough about that, though. Arthur, you're here to see your family so that's what I'll help you do. Close your eyes for a moment and picture your family members. Focus on their appearance and their mana signature. I'll take care of the rest. " The elf-woman Rinia told me and I did what she told me.

I closed my eyes and imagined the last scene I had of them both together: my father badly wounded and my mother healing him and Ash trying to cover us.

After some time I heard some movement from Rinia. I didn't open my eyes because she didn't tell me to.

"How in the world... " Muttered Rinia and something snapped in my mind. I heard a familiar voice.

'Arthur, how are you?' I recognized this voice, it was 100% Ash's.

"Ash is that you? " I asked, I knew that was him but I had to clarify.

'Yeah, that's me. Some elf-woman just tried to invade my mind. I kicked her out of the course and told her to not do such things next time. And then I saw you next to her. ' He told me, but for some reason, I think he was too calm in a situation like this.

"Ash I wanted to see you guys and that woman just helped me."

'Is that so? I hate when someone invades my mind so get out, even you. I'll let you talk to mother and father. ' He briefed me that he hates when someone invades his mind as if it happened before... maybe- Bad memories out!

"Elder Rinia, can you try it again? Ash said that he will let us see parents this time. "

Rhino for some reason, reluctantly nodded a few times as sweat poured down her face.

(Ashborn POV)

'I located where Arthur is now... Just wait Arthur, I am coming for you. '

I continued eating my precious stewed meat when I heard that something fell on the floor. That was my father's spoon.

I stared at them and soon they started tearing up.

'I knew that they were going to tear up but... why should you drop such a precious meal.'

"You just heard the voice now too, right Rey?" she blurted, her voice edged with desperation.

"Please, tell me it wasn't just me that heard his voice."

"Y-yeah. I just heard Art's voice." My father replied, unable to still make sense out of all of this.

"H-He's alive! Honey! Our baby is alive! Oh my goodness..." Alice had fallen on her knees as her voice trailed off into weeping. She was crying while she had a smile that told us her tears were of joy.

"Mom, please be careful. You still have to give birth to my and Arthur's sibling. " I told her, trying to calm her down.

"Our son is alive!!! " Father laughed out madly.

They were crying, but this time of joy. I won't have to worry about their conditions. Now they'll finally sleep peacefully.

'Tank, protect my parents. Hide in their shadows for now.' I commanded Tank, he swiftly went in my parents' shadows unnoticed.

'Tonight I'm departing. Hawky you better demonstrate yourself.' I could feel a certain winged creature chirping inside my shadow.


It was already dark outside. By now parents wished me good night and went to their bedroom. So it was the perfect time for me to leave unseen.

I took my clothes and wore them. Other than that I wasn't planning to take anything, I'm rather confident of not requiring any nutrients for days.

Time to depart. I opened a window in my room and jumped out of it.

Without my command, Hawky appeared and I landed on it.

Hawky didn't need to flap its wings. Since its feathers were all from mana and gave Hawky the ability to fly without flapping wings, this is convenient since no sounds were produced.

Moreover, Hawky can detach feathers and control them from a distance. Its mana-pool isn't big compared to my other soldiers, but with an ability like this… Hawky is a silent assassination machine. The winged creature shall be able to kill the horde of beasts without any problems.

When we flew up high in the air, A small breeze caressed my face.

"Hawky fly with all you've got. " I commanded, as Hawky accelerated towards the forest of Elshire.

While accelerating Hawky folded its wings and bent itself a little bit. It didn't take a second for him to accelerate to the top of his speed.

'At this pace, we will reach the forest in like 2-3 hours...' I said and looked down from Hawky.

What I saw down there were the lands of Sapin that were passing rapidly. Hawky sure is a suitable creature for transportation in this world.

(About an hour later)

We have reached the Forest Of Elshir. We should be currently on the border of Beast Glades, Kingdom of Sapin, and the Kingdom Of Elenoir.

On the map, the capital of Elenoir was in the center of this forest. Besides, I can feel the direction of Arthur's mana. I'm already close to him.

'Adler you also come out and search for Arthur. ' I commanded, and Adler quickly flew out from my shadow. Unlike Hawky, it had to flap his wings. But Adler is also quite quick, and it is able to keep up with Hawky.

The gigantic forest itself was foggy, even if I channel mana into my eyes they won't make the image clear either. Then there are these big trees which block my sight. I had to continue searching for Arthur, with mana detection.

Quickly making my way through the woods, I could feel Arthur's man better and better. I still need time till I reach his mana signature, but to quicken the process, I'll spread some work.

"Hawky leave me there, I'll go myself. " I told Hawky, as I jumped down from its fairly large body.

In the air, I neared down wood sticking out from a gigantic tree. I reinforced my hand and tried to dig it into it, but unfortunately, the damn stick broke in half.

I sighed at my failure and reinforced my legs instead. With a loud bang, I landed on a larger stick.

'Phew, how can I fail in such situations?' I wondered and looked around, not like there was anything.

Tree, tree, and another tree. Trees everywhere.

'Will I meet any elves here?'

Augmenting my whole body I started hopping from one branch to another, following the direction of Arthur's mana.

Hawky and Adler are way ahead of me and they are scouting from above, I'll have to catch up with them.


I decided to take a little rest after moving through the woods of Elshire forest. I called back Hawky, just in case something happened.

I sat on the branch of another big tree, till I sensed another mana-signature near me.

I'm not sure if these mana signatures are from elves or not, but if they are, then I'm going to attach Hawky to one of them. With this, I can rest, instead of wasting energy on searching.

I doubt if any of them are able to sense it in the shadows.

Just when Hawky blended with the shadows of Elves, I got an emergency message from Tank. It was regarding my father, who was entering my room where I was supposed to be asleep.

'I hope I didn't lose practice. ' I thought and sank in my shadow, popping out right behind my father.

"Wakey wakey, it's time for training. " I heard my father's voice, he was steadily approaching my bed.

"C'mon, it's time for training to wake up. " He lifted up the blanket, only to see 2 pillows.


I walked next to him and just put my hand on his shoulder.

"AHHHH! " He screamed, as he looked back with a terrified expression.

"What are you doing? " I asked and he seemed to calm down upon seeing me.

"I wanted to wake you up, but it seems that you are already awake. *Sigh* " He released a heavy sigh.

"You are in a good mood. I understand why... " I muttered and he smiled.

"Let's go outside and train. "

'Two of you continue searching for Arthur. ' I gave the command to my servants.


"Whew... You can go rest, Ash." Father sighed and told me.

It was very fortunate that I was only practicing swordsmanship with him. If there were other physical activities without the usage of mana, I would be dead. Father was increasing the intensity of training, seeing that I could keep up with them. Stupid father...

At that moment, I once again received another message from my shadow soldier.

'Seems like Adler found elves... ' I dived into my mindscape and changed perspective from mine to Adler's.

'Hide in one of his shadows. They'll probably enter one of the cities and we will continue searching from there. ' I told Adler and went to sleep.

When I was Monarch I didn't need sleep, alas, I'm human.

Adler by this time already merged with the shadow of one of the elves and continued spying on them, the same was with Hawky who kept observing elves from shadows.


Author here!

Guys I just wanted to thank you for all your support. I'm going to continue writing this fic because I really enjoyed writing it.

I'll also try to write bigger chapters. Currently, the average is only 1600 words. I'll raise it up to 2500 words or even more.
