Chereads / Broken [A Dramione story] / Chapter 6 - Chapter 5

Chapter 6 - Chapter 5

Almost a week had passed since Hermione's birthday and the limit date Harry had until he was supposed to give Narcissa a reply was drawing near. After hearing all about Narcissa's offer, Hermione hadn't said anything on the subject and that didn't help Harry with his stress level. It meant he had to talk to her about it, something he really wasn't looking forward to.

He hoped he would have a chance to bring up the topic with her that night and get it over with as soon as possible. It was Ron's last day home before he went back to Romania and they all planned to meet up at the Weasley's for a last feast with the reunited family.

Mrs. Weasley outdid herself with the food and was trying to force feed Ron as if she was afraid he would starve to death when he left home. It was very motherly of her, Harry thought, smiling warmly at the sight of them. Hermione, understanding the meaning behind his look, nodded in agreement and gave him a knowing smile. 'You'll be next', her look seemed to say. Harry smiled crookedly at her and sighed in happy resignation. It wasn't like he disliked being 'mothered' from time to time.

After dinner the group split and Harry, Ron and Hermione retreated near the fireplace. An interesting fact was that every time they needed to talk privately, the three friends found their way to a fireplace. Harry suspected it was due to all their years at Hogwarts and all the moments when they had occupied those armchairs in front of the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room.

Shaking his head from all other thoughts, Harry took a deep breath and dived right into the dreaded subject.

"So, Hermione…" he started rather awkwardly, "have you given any more thought to Narcissa's… Malfoy…"

Harry suddenly lost his courage and his words trailed off. After a moment's silence, Hermione took pity on him and resumed his words for him.

"About Narcissa's offer you mean? Yes, as a matter of fact I have."

"A-and?" Harry asked.

"And I accept." Hermione stated simply.

"Y-you w-what?" Harry and Ron blurted out at the same time.

They both looked at her as if she suddenly grew a second head or something. Their eyes were wide with shock and they seemed unable to breathe properly.

"Oh would you both stop looking at me like that!" she snapped, lowering the cup she was holding onto the table a little too forceful. That made the coffee splash a bit and a small drop landed on the back of her hand. She ignored it.

"Ron, close your mouth! You look like a puffer fish. And Harry… just breathe! Honestly you two!" she let out an irritated huff.

Her image and tone immediately reminded Harry and Ron of Hermione while at school, scolding them for not doing their homework on time or forgetting something or other. Somehow, that seemed to snap them back to reality. Ron slowly closed his mouth, swallowing hard, while Harry opened his in a feeble attempt to reply.

"But Hermione…" he started just to stop again, unsure of what to say.

"Hermione, it's Draco Malfoy we're talking about here" Ron said instead, seeming to have regained his wits.

"I know perfectly well who we're talking about, Ronald." she replied, crossing her arms.

"Then how can you accept?!" Harry questioned, surprise and alarm in his voice.

"Because that happens to be my job." she replied, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

Harry knew what that look meant. It meant Hermione was now very serious about the conversation, therefore it was an 'enter at your own peril' kind of moment. He took a second to think about what the best way to continue was, but his thoughts were soon interrupted by a booming voice.


As usual, Ron, blind to the signs of danger when it came to Hermione, he opened his mouth without thinking.

"Your job…", he continued yelling, ignoring Hermione's flushed face and flaring nostrils, "your job is to help people… good, innocent people not psychopaths like Malfoy."

His loud voice could be heard in the entire room. That earned him a few frowns from the others, but, luckily, they were too engrossed in their own conversations and activities too pay too much attention to what Harry, Ron and Hermione were talking about.

"He is not good." Hermione started in cold calmness "he may not even be innocent. But he is still 'people'", she finished pointedly, her hair looking puffier around her head, as if to match her flaming mood.

"He's the worst kind, Hermione." Ron added scathingly, glaring at her.

Harry sighed. He pushed a hand through his black hair. He knew he had to stop the conversation soon, otherwise Ron and Hermione's argument would turn into a bloodbath.

He agreed with Ron for the most part, but also trusted Hermione to have thought about it thoroughly before making a decision.

"Hermione, listen.", he started tentatively. "I know you take pride in your work at St. Mungo's and I also know, very well in fact, how much you care about helping everyone, regardless of their status or situation".

He heard Ron huff in frustration and rather felt him roll his eyes. Again, he couldn't blame him. It was still fresh in their memory how vehemently Hermione had advocated for house elf rights while they were still in school. He was sure that, in time, her care extended to those less fortunate from their own species.

"Then you understand why…" Hermione said.

"No, actually I don't." Harry interrupted her calmly but with a tint of firmness in his voice. "It's not the same thing, Hermione. This is different. You won't deal with a poor victim of the war, seeking to fight the demons and the terror. He IS the demon and HE brought terror on people."