Chereads / Xynar's reality / Chapter 52 - fusion of opposition

Chapter 52 - fusion of opposition

Fortunately, me and Mawt recognised what the gods didn't recognise too, and although we go about existence in totally opposite ways, and we disagree on so many things, I know that he is who he was always meant to be, it was his destiny to be the spirit of death, sure some actions are self produced, but some of his feelings and auras are embedded to his existence, they make him. He recognises that too for me, and although he exists in the Triqwen Island right now, which should be your next island, we still communicate from time to time, and I do miss him, and I know he misses me too. I leave you with my knowledge Alan, it is up to you to interpret it correctly"

Alan woke up, Pha regained control over himself, and the first thing he said was "I have never had Hayet do this to me, I didn't even know she was capable of doing such a thing, thwarting me from my free will.

-Hayet knows more than you think just like she can do more than you think, trust me I just experienced a snippet of her knowledge first hand, your spirit is very powerful, Pha".


"Opposites are complementary, not enemies, that's what Hayet wanted me to realise after she told me the full story of AZ, I also now have the full picture, previous I got scattered bits of information every now and then about the planet, but Hayet tied everything together" Alan spoke to himself out loud, hoping Velta would hear him.

A few seconds after everything got quiet, he started feeling pulses in his chest, but not from his heart, a beam of light came out in-between his eyebrows, his third eye Chakra has fully opened, even better than before it got closed.

"Who thinks, and trusts his thought

Will be surprised with what he's got

And levitate up, drop to the top

As if gravity stopped seeing his weight and forgot"

Alan casted a spell at a stack of chopped logs nearby, and they all floated up, then he shook the ground and it obeyed him, he realised that he got his Tribakwiyan magic back, and his terraformer magic too. He now needed to test TEIR and DCM, he was able to morph into all creatures he was able to become before the incident but he couldn't transform into a Meskosor yet, Velta still knows what she knew before but isn't able to learn anything new for Akkina, as to Kawazma, he couldn't fly, and for Lathinsé, he didn't feel it, he didn't feel that he had any amplified senses.


"If either of you wanted to know, the bodies and the heads got thrown into the water where they immediately dissolved.

-we didn't need to know that, Geija.

-you know I think it was a good idea for father to leave them out in the guillotine stool for three days before getting rid of them, so that any traitor that passes by could observe his future state and rethink his stance.

-Geija, we don't care.

-well that's you, don't speak for Alan

-I don't think I want to hear about it either, sorry.

-fine, but just know that whether you hear about the murders or don't, they're still happening" her last sentence ached Pha, she was right, and he knew she was.

"Father is having a prestidigitation crew in the castle's ball room this night for his entertainment, and he asked me to offer you both to join, I delivered the message I was supposed to deliver, and now, farewell"

After Geija left, Pha spoke "underpaid commoners made to make him laugh while watching him eat in an hour what a lifetime of work can't get them"


"Hey Pha, I want to show you something.


-remember when I told you about my other magic? Well, Hayet helped me find some of it back, look at this one" Alan then transformed into an Artely

"WOW, ALAN THIS IS AMAZING, what is this magic?

-Quantun Shifter Akkina, it allows me to reshape myself into any creature I want.

-what else do you know?

-I'll walk you through the ones you still haven't seen, DCM, Tribakwiyan spells, and TEIR


-Wow, they're so powerful, you're telling me you could put anyone to sleep for basically ever? Can you do that to father and the other corrupted people of the system.

-my powers are unique but not omnipotent, I can barely put a hundred people to sleep, plus the more people I affect with TEIR the less each individual would be sleeping, an exception happened back at Neris but it was the motherland of the magic, plus lots of pure emerald Guenara rocks combusted after it, I don't have it in me to do it again. I can only do Gwantavision twice a day, and spells four times a day, DCM however is unlimited.

-so...there's no hope.

-no, there is".


While the jester was entertaining the king, the ground viciously shook, making everyone lose their balance, except for Geija, Alan and Pha. Siren noises flooded the area along with a repeating message saying "Guen induced Tsunami".

"Oh no...oh no..

-what? What is it Pha?

-a Guen induced Tsunami, everyone is done.

-what do you mean?

-no time to explain, quick go with dad and Geija to the bunker.

-what about you?

-Alan, I am a son of water, there's no need to worry about me during a tsunami. If they ask about my shelter, tell them I am in my personal bunker because I went to grab something from my room and couldn't make it to the midland one in time".

Pha then rushed outside of the castle, he put his hands over his face generating a flame, creating a mask over his face that hid all of his features, he needed to remain anonymous for this mission.

As he made his way to the shores, he could see it: a water wall elevating taller than the highest point of Touh, it looked bloodcurdling. All of the sudden, the water covered the island in a dome shape. It then began a cycle of pouring down in streams not drops, so aggressively it broke down infrastructures, then it gets pulled back to the ocean so viciously it drags remanences, trees and people with it, just so it could be shifted right back up, and restart the cycle. The moment a Meskosor got pulled into the ocean, they perished.

Pha dispersed the water around as much as he could, creating a water free piremiter around himself, he ordered all Meskyors he could find in the proximity to remain within the perimeter, and if he saw one from a reachable distance he would grab them with watershifting and pull them into the safety dome. Every time he fetches a big number of people, he takes them to a giant cave near his meditation one that they can reside in as a temporary shelter, he closes its entrance with a thick ice block every time he leaves to go rescue more people and bring them there while assuring the ones inside stay safe.

Pha is strong, but Guens are too, especially when there's this many of them causing havoc, the water streams kept becoming stronger and faster, and Pha started losing energy and shifting less. One of the streams surprised Pha and pushed him from his feet, he lost his balance and started getting dragged down.