Chereads / Xynar's reality / Chapter 29 - Nyangotrama

Chapter 29 - Nyangotrama

Xynar has decided to add to Alan's ability to speak and understand Gwaxy, and grant him the ability to read and write in Gwaxy as well. Xynar made its intervention clear by glowing and opening in front of Alan so he reads about the new addition.

After reading it, Alan knew that even Xynar was with him in this.

Throughout the next eight days, Alan and the cosmic striders collected the scattered barterschzepos and got them to CosmicNeris. Alan then put them, and the Cosmic striders inside one giant tree, with a lot of Geunara rocks.

Now it's been officially ten days since the men got put to sleep, Alan used all of the power he had to put cosmic striders to sleep for nine hundred and ninety days, which would make the timing perfect, so both creatures will wake up at the same time with most of their memory either lost or greatly disturbed, and they will be needing a reference to refresh past memories.

Tyl and Lyt were the only two that were not put to sleep, to protect the others from any natural disaster, and upkeep both islands in general. Also, Lyt and Tyl having the Cosmic strider and Barterschzepo configuration is great, because when the creatures will wake up and see Tyl and Lyt being friends, they sill not think that their kinds were in any great previous conflict, Tyl and Lyt were the portals to peace.

Upon pure cosmic striders and barterschzepos sleeping, with both hybrids and Alan still up, both halves of Neris started getting closer to each other, until they conjoined, and that thin link once keeping them together, has now gotten embedded in them, Neris has finally united once again, after one thousand three hundred and fifty-seven years of separation.

"Alan, you've done what no other Gwaxyguen creature could've ever done to us, you've literally reunited the island, I..I.." Tyl broke down in tears, tears of happiness, disbelief, sadness that Alan is leaving, and a billion other emotions all brewing together in her heart. Alan hugged her, getting a final feel of those sacred wings,

"It's okay Tyl, I've promised to help when I first came here, and I always keep my promises, the union of the islands will be an event that will be eternally remembered and cherished, and I hope to be cherished with it

-you will be, I promise, you will always be remembered.

-thank you, thank you both, thank you earthly and groundly striders, for this experience, I will never forget about any of you, or anything you've ever taught me about life, or the new ideologies you've introduced me to. Neris had me change my views on death, duality, secularism, and a lot of other things, and I will never forget that. And now, I guess this is the time to say goodbye"

Alan hugged Tyl for another time, and Lyt too, then he kneeled to the hibernated creatures as a sign of respect, and went on his way towards the fourth island, Nyangotrama

Part IV: a domino effect

By now, Alan got used to it, the same thing happened every time; he sails, once he loses sight of the previous island he gains sight of the new one, he used Kawazma to levitate, he started knowing how to manipulate it better, once he feels comfortable enough with floating and levitating, he will start seeking Akkina, the move that will allow him to transform into any creature he wants.

The second Alan looked at Nyangotrama, he realised that it is definitely not built for someone of his size;

Nyangotrama had a grey mist or fog all over it, it had a lot of purple mushrooms, their stems having a swirling pattern of purple and black, the place was also covered in grass and had the most diverse plants covering it, the strangest ones he's ever seen, Nyangotrama was full of flora, in both quantity and quality, however, the scale of everything is massive, gigantic, even. Alan was one hundred and seventy-five centimeters, an average mushroom stood at over one hundred meters long, over three hundred and twenty-eight feet.

The ground started suddenly shaking, a giant creature was approaching, hiding wasn't that hard for Alan, he just needed to make sure he will not get accidentally trampled.

Alan got a better look at the creature; it had female facial features, but it was all made out of wood, the whole figure was wooden, at the top of the head it had some branches with some leaves on them, the eyes were fully black, no white parts at all.

The creature noticed Alan, and even bent down actively looking for him, it felt Alan's presence almost immediately, which had Alan stunned because of this creature's awoken consciousness despite their size, and scared because it may harm him, so he used Kawazma to slightly levitate and be able to move while floating, which cancelled the walking noises his steps made, then he started terraforming far land so that the creature's attention will be redirected away from him, both of these things got it off Alan's back, and he got away safely, this time.

On the downside, he is now away from the shores with no idea on how to get back, so he did the most logical thing he could think of and flew up on top of a mushroom.

As soon as he stepped on its head, the mushroom made some quirky bouncy electrical noises that echoed through the forest, but weirdly, none of the big creatures nearby seemed to care or even turn around, as if they didn't hear it, however, another creature loomed: it reminded Alan of fairies, they were almost as tall as Alan, their skin was white with grey grains, and they had no hair, with male dominant facial features

Alan was fully ready for them to jump on him, yet they didn't, one of them asked him calmly "who are you?"

This was the first time a new creature did not immediately attempt to take him out.

At first Alan stuttered talking trying to process the fact that he didn't get attacked, he then went on to explain who he is, where he came from, and what his two purposes are, one for his benefit, one for theirs.

"could you guys tell me about the island, its backstory, its people, its magic, its curse, and everything you believe is important for me to know?

-the Nyangotrama island is made of two creatures; the Logachtiges, you probably encountered them already, and the Artelys, us, plus another creature, we call him Sworvik, you will see him in a few days.

The mushroom you're currently on is called the Nyangoshroom. As Artelys, we emit something called Telydust everyday to keep the shrooms alive, a shroom's head takes a week to grow to its full size, upon growing, we cut them from the top of the stem, the heads fall to the ground and Logachtiges come to pick them up and put them in a big basket. Sworvik visits once a week to take the basket, if he does not find it a hundred heads ready, he will kill two Logachtiges for every one missing head. If that happens, Logachtiges blame us, and eight Artelys get killed for every one of them, the rest get tortured and overworked more than usual, a shroom's head dies after ten days which is why we cannot pre-pick them a long time prior to the date because they will die out. I know you're probably confused about the dynamics, and to help you understand better, we have to go back thousands of years ago, back when Nyangotrama was first formed.