Chereads / Xynar's reality / Chapter 12 - dilemma

Chapter 12 - dilemma

...allow whoever merges with one to go out in the sun for a full day. The problem is that they only pop up after the Geunara rock season is over so we can't use them to collect Guenara rocks, and by the time the next year rolls around we usually have none left. Not only that, their number is very limited, only eight ripen yearly.


-oh, yes, the nocta sphere plant is located deep into the lake, which is deeper than any lake on Gwaxyguen, each plant creates one sphere, whenever the sphere is ripe, it separates from the plant and floats up.

-so, to sum things up, the Guenara rocks come out twice a year, Titri and Kima go search for them, the very next night you guys use those rocks to hide the greed in your spirits, so that you can collect nocta spheres, to be able to go out into the sun when you need to?


-final question, why can't you use last year's Guenara rocks?

-each rock can only help us attract four spheres, afterwards the shield of greed wears off. I want you to keep something in the back of your head, nothing works infinitely, nothing is forever, everything comes to an end,

forever doesn't exist.

-true, so, how would I tell where a nocta sphere is, I don't want to just hang around, I'd like to do something and be productive.

-perfect, we're here. Touch the water"

Confused, Alan touched the water, it was a bit cold, but he enjoyed it

"What do I do now

-is it burning you?

-no, the opposite actually, it's quite cold


-if it was burning me you'd be hearing a four year old girl's scream right now

-it burns all nocturnal Queendom citizens, I brought you to mainly see if you'd be an exception, and by the looks of it, you are.

-wait, water burns you guys?

-only nocta lake water

-how come?

-if I knew, I would've fixed it. The fact that you can touch it means you can get off the boat and swim toward the spheres, because if more than one person gets close, the collection process would be possible, yet tedious, but with one person, the greed shield is stronger, making it more effective.

-I'm blind, I can't swim

-do you swim with eyesight or hands?

-hands but...I don't feel safe swimming in an area I can't process well.

-you can process it well, want proof?"

Suddenly Alan levitated off the boat and got thrown farther into the lake. He started to flop around freaking out, Ecaura made his body lay flat on the water, and restarted his breathing, it was as if a new person was summoned, he was just laying there, dead silent, no movement. After taking a few more breaths, he lowered one of his feet into the water, then lowered the other, making him stand vertically, he rocked his feet back and forth to keep himself floating, then he started hearing small, very subtle hums, instinctively he swam toward the first hum until he felt it very close. He extended his hands and felt a round the object, it was definitely a nocta sphere, Ecaura did not say a word, she wanted his instinct, intuition and spirit to guide his body and mind, and it seems like it was working, the second he touched the sphere it stopped humming, which he noticed, and glowing, which he also surprisingly felt, didn't see it, but definitely felt it.

After the collection of the second ball the process became automated, and while his body was swimming around seeking for the rest, his mind was thinking, blindness has always been thought of as disabling and limiting, which it is to a degree, but also nowhere near the truth. Is it limiting? Absolutely, but that does not mean there aren't ways to get around the disability, society always pitied the blind, and portrayed them as helpless or less capable, but they aren't, being in this universe, with a lot less automation and material greed, and a lot more focus on the depth of spirituality and wisdom in emotional well-being and maturity, it sort of opens one's eye, the eye that can see beyond the visible, to a new understanding and an upgrade to the person's discernment abilities. He now understood the depth of what Ecaura said,

"I may not have eyesight, but I have vision."

Snapping back into reality, with his consciousness now paying more attention to his surroundings, he noticed that the humming is over

"Is it done?

-you know the answer, child"

In one swift motion, the boat curved around and collected all spheres, apparently the nocturnal swipers had hands as fast as their legs, they snatched the spheres faster than anyone can process, and Ecaura moved the boat faster than anyone can process as well, then they collected Alan, and slowly made their way back home

-Question, I wasn't holding any Guenara rocks during the collection process, where were they?


-were they above me? Because I felt something above me but I'm not sure

-good job, they were above you, they floated, I made them float, so you can have both your hands free, after someone touches them I become able to manipulate them

-oh, thank you so much"

After a second Alan gasped again

-what is it now?

-the book....where is it? I lost it!

-no you didn't, it is safely preserved in the Queendom. Speaking of, I haven't spoken to you about your universe, if I remember correctly, earth, I'd like to know more about it when we're home"

While traveling back through the channel that connected the Gwaxyguen waters to the nocta lake, the channel drained in a blink of an eye and the boat fell down, then the ground above closed shut.

Ecaura took a split second to think then she muttered


"What? What just happened?" Alan asked

"Oh no, oh no, it's year fifty three thousand, oh no"

That's all Ecaura could get out, year fifteen thousand? What's wrong with that? Does anything bad happen? All these questions swam through Alan's mind as he tried to find out more

"Ecaura, don't leave me hanging, remember what you said about calming down and self composure? Where is it?"

Ecaura put one palm above the other, kneeled down, and switched her form into the nocturnal swiper form

"You're right, it's best to stay calm in any situation

-so, mind explaining what's happening?

-every one thousand years, great physical and spiritual disturbances hit Gwaxyguen, all of us citizens notice them, we do not however know the reason, new islands popped up periodically before, the ocean levels declined to unnatural levels, the two moons separated, the middle sun became bloody red, we even lost our magic before, the change that happens is so unpredictable that we try our best not to do much outside every one thousand years, but it never came to me this would ever even have a chance of happening, I should've known better"

Just as Ecaura finished her words, one of the loudest male screams ever that seemed to be coming from far away was so powerful it shook the ground, not only that, the ground lit up on fire at both extremes of the channel and started slowly but surely moving to the middle. Ecaura brought the walls together and closed on the fire's paths, then she attempted to open the closed ceiling with no success, the fire ate the walls and started getting closer, apparently this fire wasn't like the normal one

"We're going to burn alive

-no we won't" Alan replied, he snatched a Guenara rock out of Ecaura and held it with both his hands...