Chereads / Xynar's reality / Chapter 16 - attempts

Chapter 16 - attempts

..deliberately cause or amplify it sometimes.

Polakropal, the creature group responsible for safety and protection of the Queendom's citizens. They, along with the nocturnal swipers, which you already know, have done a flawless job at capturing all of the misbehaving Xymopals, nine of them to be exact, we need them to confess to what they've been hiding, and it's the perfect opportunity to test Quantum Opening for you"

Alan doubted himself, but then, out of the blue, he envisioned a beautiful flying creature, with the most perfect wings ever, the creature looked so free and liberated and just...mystical. This random vision was so euphoric for some reason, and it gave Alan the open mindset and confidence he temporarily lost.

They reached section Zelta, it had a big metal door, and from the second they passed it, Ecaura stopped walking and started hovering over the ground, her feet did not touch it

"Why aren't you walking

-they know the vibration pattern my walking makes, they're just as good as you and possibly better at detecting vibration, I do not want to make my presence known yet, and if you're asking about my voice, they can't hear it, section Zelta is built out of Quantum channeled blackstone, fully noise cancelling.

We reached the cell, go in, figure it out, this Polakropal is called Eiz"

Ecaura backed up, a Xymopal opened the cell door, Alan had his head down and was hesitating to enter but Ecaura generated energy and pushed him in. The cell locked.

His shock from the push was quickly overstepped by his shock from the cell. It was not what he envisioned a cell to look like. The walls were blue, turquoise and teal, starting in the middle and extending to every single inch of the cell in a twisted spiraling way, with cute little blue lights dangling from the top that weren't like regular blue lights, they seemed so concentrated in a way, they made the whole room blue. It was more like a relaxation spot than a prison cell.

Alan was immediately relaxed. He saw Eiz on the floor, he went and sat next to him.

"Tough times huh?"

Eiz kept quiet, did not mutter a single word

"Building up your thoughts like unstable bricks with silence being their cement, when silence finally withers away, they will collapse at your heart and make it combust, pop, and deteriorate. Alive but not living, is that what you want to be?"

Eiz still didn't say anything, Alan situated himself in front of him, and looked him dead in the eyes, then he tilted his head, ever so slowly, and after a hole said "why is it so hard to let the truth come out?" he was trying so hard to make something happen, and nothing was coming out of it. At this point he didn't know what to do exactly, it was getting awkward, the Polakropal was very resistant, and Ecaura didn't guide Alan, she just threw him in, nothing seemed to be going in his favor, so he took the old Alan way, and gave up. He got up and headed to the door, before he knocked, Eiz said "wait".

Alan's eyes widely opened, he composed himself and turned around, the creature said "could you tell them to close the light early today, I feel tired and I'd like to sleep"

Alan was so disappointed, he thought Eiz was going to open up. He got let out, as soon as the door closed, he told Ecaura that he didn't do anything, that he couldn't even feel a connection with his spirit. She thought that if he wasn't able to perform the portal of Truth, he wouldn't be able to perform its opposite, the portal of Mask, because opposite portals require the same spiritual path, its just that the source and use of their energies is differs. But just to be sure, they tried it, on a Xymopal this time, and long story short, Ecaura was right.

The next test was the hiss move, the one from the portal of Yin, this is where things will be getting tricky, because Alan needs to distinguish between whether he made someone resentful with his oral influence, or spiritual subliminal one, and for this they headed toward another Polakropal, Alan tried, he didn't know how to feel, or what to feel, he couldn't generate the energy he wanted, he wasn't even sure he knows what it is. Alan was in such dichotomy it fueled his frustration, and it turned from him trying to get someone angry to him getting mad himself.

"I've had enough, we'll finish tomorrow with the others, for now, I'm done" he said as he furiously stormed out of section Zelta.

"I understand, we don't always get what we want and we get mad about it, but remember, learning is a process, and you can't expect yourself to master something from the first try, even new-existing Shifters do not learn the portals easily, but once they do, once you do, it will become like child's play.

I will leave you for now to be with your spirit alone, so you both could figure something out, just be sure, I have a premonition that you will do one, and my premonitions are always right"

With that Ecaura left him in his room, where he stayed until nighttime rolled around and the three moons came.

He tried to sleep, swung back and forth between the left and the right but couldn't, so he got up and got out so that he may get the opportunity to empty his mind, he took Xynar and two Guenara rocks with him, he opened the book, for the first time in a long time, he laid under a tree and read from where he last stopped.

Everything was normal until he reached a certain part, it said "the more Ecaura explained the more Alan's self confidence swayed, and to preserve what was left of it, and possibly intensify it, Qyn showed him a snippet of what's awaiting for him at Neris, cosmic striders"

"What?" Alan asked himself, flabbergasted. "Who is Qyn? What is Neris? Who are cosmic striders? Are those the beautiful flying creatures I saw in my mind? What are they? Is me seeing them a hint of some kind? A hint for what though? As if I needed any more confusion in this night"

as Xynar said the very first time

"there's a purpose behind everything that occurs."

And nothing is just put in this universe for no reason, the reason is always there, but is his mind?

This small incident made Alan think a lot more about every small detail he skipped or erased from his mind, how many of those small incidents could've been hints for the future? Well, he doesn't know what he missed, but he now knows what he shouldn't miss.

He got up and walked over the shoreline with the rocks, he then sat on his knees and laid one rock to each of his sides. It was windy, something he never witnessed in Gwaxyguen before, he took this rare moment to enjoy himself, he closed his eyes and felt his subconsciousness connecting with his spirit, as they both merged and became so light they levitated, it felt as if he was not on land, freely roaming around nothingness, he smiled, the feeling was so enjoyable, so astonishing, so strong, it felt real, and as he opened his eyes, he realised, the reason it felt so real, was because it was, Alan just performed Kawazma, without even trying, or wanting to try.
