Months went on and Susan was still slim and looked more pale than before. The girls, suggested Susan should go for a check-up, but she refused and claimed it was malaria, and she bought drugs for it. The girls was still not satisfied with the self medication but Susan was stubborn and so everyone minded their business. Even with the drugs, Susan still looked ill!
While Chiamaka stood outside looking all sexy with the other girls at night, as usual, a car parked at the front of Chiamaka and the owner asked her to hop in. The car was a Ranger Rover and the face was new, but since her job was a risky one, she entered and prayed for safety.
"Looks like you are new around here?" Chiamaka asked, and the young man diverted his stare to her. It is possible he do pick other girls but still the face was new.
"Yes I am!" He replied with a smile. "I'm Davis, and you?"
Chiamaka who was quite excited to be carried by a young handsome man, and already loved his gentle attitude, his voice was soft and she sluggishly responded, "I'm Chiamaka! I don't get called by my English name, though!"
"Is your English name that bad, that you choose to be called by your native name alone?" Davis mocked and Chiamaka looked out the window and wished he did not ask.
"No, it is not! It only brings back memories I do not wish to remember, and I am popularly known by my native name." Chiamaka replied and looked back at Davis, "So which of the hotels are we up to?" Chiamaka did not want to get too personal, so she diverted to the main reason he had picked her up and rubbed his lap.
Davis grinned and slowed down a little. "And who said I picked you up to take you to any hotel or guest house? I am bored and need company; that's why I picked you." He replied.
Chiamaka's eyes widened, her heart raced faster and she removed her land from his lap. She began to wonder if she had fallen into the hands of kidnappers or ritualists. She, vigorously, brought out her phone and turned on her location. She needed to be alert!
"Why the sudden feeling of discomfort? Or are you scared of me?" Davis asked and turned to glace at Chiamaka, which caused her heart to race the more. In this century, who would one trust? A stranger?
"Finally, we are here!" Davis announced with excitement and hurried out of the car. Chiamaka was still shocked that he parked at the front of a restaurant for real.
"He was serious?" Chiamaka mumbled.
Davis walked over to Chiamaka and opened her door. She could not stop to wonder what her new client was up to but she was indeed very scared. "Oh Lord, save me!" She whispered a short prayer.
"You really stopped at a restaurant?" Chiamaka asked, still not contented with the sight at her front. The hotel looked nice with the beautiful night view but her heart was not at rest.
"You are my date for tonight!... Remember, I've got your money, and so I own you. So now my beautiful damsel, walk with me! I'm starving!" Davis stretched forth his right hand, but Chiamaka still hastened. "I'm waiting! Eyes are staring!"
Eyes stared their way for real! Chiamaka accepted and walked with him into the restaurant. They took a seat, and he asked Chiamaka to cheer up.
"Waiter, please, over here!" Davis called out and smiled at Chiamaka, who sat opposite him.
With the bright light inside the restaurant, Chiamaka got a perfect view of Davis. He was indeed handsome, his hairs and beard was well shaved, his choice of clothing were great and one could tell, they were expensive. His pair of sneakers were clean too! She still could not understand what the young man was up to, but if he was innocent, he would take her home or to a hotel after their dinner.
"I want a plate of jellof rice, fried eggs placed on the rice, then chicken, salad, and a non-alcoholic wine." Davis placed his orders, then he continued, "And do not forget to take the beautiful lady's orders, as well!"
After the waiter left, Davis brought out his phone from his right-sided pocket of his trousers. And called someone, "I dey come, I have the stuff, let me eat first!" and Chiamaka's eyes widened more. Was she the stuff he talked about?
Chiamaka became scared. She planned to act normal and if he tried anything funny, she would fight back!
At first Chiamaka refused to eat and Davis noticed.
"Are you not hungry? Please I'd like to take your alittle of your meal. I do not wish to buy more when you intent to waste yours." He said and before Chiamaka replied, he dung his fork and rolled some noodles.
The date was awkwardly quiet at first, but later, Davis got Chiamaka to talk. They talked about Nigeria and how the economy needed help. Since she was a harlot and knew many politicians, she knew what was killing the country.
"The country do not need money of which they borrow from other countries because Nigeria is rich enough. Nigeria only need right leaders! Individuals who can manage the resources of the nation. Most of my clients are illiterates who are only in their positions because of their connections." Chiamaka said.
"Don't you think they are trying, irrespective of the fact that they are illiterate?" Davis asked.
"For me, they are not! Because if they are, they won't owe so much and their would be enough more in circulation. Instead, they spend the money on irrelevant things and on us as well. I have some owe their stuffs but still spends millions on me. One got me a sport car last month... To be honest, I will not be surprise if China says they own us. See how people die, no money circulation. Injustice and Terrorists everywhere! And the stupid youths let themselves be used by old men who are taking their place." Chiamaka replied and sipped her wine.
Davis was totally amazed at Chiamaka's intelligence. "It is funny how this country borrow billions and yet the citizens suffer because of those opportuned to rule and attained to the affairs of the people.... They send their children outside the country to get the best education but can not help others educate their children. See ASUU always going on strike forgetting that those children are owned by parents who wants the best for their kids as well." Davis commented.
"Exactly! They care less about the citizens. After all, their kids are save. I just wonder how this country can still be part of the developing countries when we have enough." Chiamaka added.
After their meals and discussions, Davis forced Chiamaka to make orders of what she wished to take home. He cleared the bills and helped Chiamaka to carry some of the packages to the car.
To Chiamaka's surprise, Davis dropped her close to her house, "So i should not go any where closer? I just want to help you rwduce the stress of carring the bags."
"I will manage from here! And thanks so much for today!" Chiamaka thanked him and stepped out of the car.
"Any thing for you! And I hope the payment is not poor?" He asked and Chiamaka nodded. Davis smiled and drove off! He paid her two hundred thousand Naira, even when they did nothing. And her other babes at home was takenoff by Chiamaka's confession.
"But wait, oh, you knew him before, right?" Susan asked.
"No, nah, I do not and that was reason why I had to first turn on my location before texting you. So, that, in case, you could track me down." Chiamaka replied.
"He gave you two hundred thousand Naira without fuck? Like, who does that now? I no understand this guy o! This guy no touch you, only date, come imagine say something enter, omo, the guy fit gift you car o!" Nora said with a mouthful of pizza.
"He wants to behave like his different. Do not mind him, he will still want to ride you. He will come next time, forget that dating. Men, no be sex them want? If you come give them styles join, I swear, they go just become your slave." Benita added and the girls, laughed.
"This one Chidinma is not home yet, where did she go, abi she called?…. Well, I was indeed scared, I won't lie about it!" Chiamaka picked her melting ice cream and continued to lick. It was her favorite vanilla extract ice cream.
"God won't let us get into the hands of those kidnappers or ritualists!" Susan reassured and continued, "As for Chidinma, she called to inform me that she will not be returning tonight. She has been paid for all night,, and you know how those men are. But I asked her to be careful and not forget to use preservatives!"
"Okay." Chiamaka replied.